The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 7

by Juliet Anderson

  “To make up for all the crap I’ve had to put up with from you over the years.”

  “I think you have your facts reversed. I’m the one who should get the gift.”

  “You were horrible to me growing up, in fact you still are.”

  “Hold on there, girlie. How many times have you hit me in the head with a lump of mud?”

  Arianna bit her lip to stop herself laughing. She’d forgotten about that particular incident. Actually three incidents where he’s pissed her off so much she hurled a very large piece of mud at his head. Her aim was terrific each time. “How many times have you used blue energy on me?” she retaliated.

  “Only to stop you being a brat,” he responded a little heatedly.

  “Sadly there’s nothing I can do to stop you being a dickhead,” she retorted.

  Damon let out a frustrated sigh. “If you weren’t the King’s daughter, and my mother’s best friend was not my godmother, I would probably have strangled you by now. And got severe enjoyment out of doing it.”

  “I always maintained you were psychotic.” She gave him a false sympathetic smile. “But then if you take after Valkarin, it can only be expected.”

  Damon took a deep breath and refused to rise to the bait. Arianna knew he hated any reference to Valkarin as he killed his father. “At least I inherited some of his power.” He felt bad the moment the words left his mouth as Arianna turned away from him, clearly hurt. Why did they always have to try and get one over on each other? “I’m sorry,” Damon said softly. “That was cruel.”

  “But true,” she murmured.

  As they rode into the stables, Kat was just mounting up, dressed surprisingly in Viking costume.

  “Are you going to see Mum and Dad?” Arianna asked. It was rare for Kat to go to Lokranor, she hated it.

  “Yeah,” Kat muttered, riding out the stables at speed.

  Arianna stared after her a little bemused.

  “What’s wrong?” Damon asked, unsure why Arianna hadn’t dismounted.

  “Kat’s going the wrong way if she’s heading to Lokranor.”

  “Perhaps she lied?”

  “But where else would be going dressed in Viking costume?”

  Damon shrugged. “Beats me.”

  “Maybe we should find out,” Arianna tapped the flanks of her horse.

  “Are you seriously going to spy on your sister?”

  “Yes. And I’m not spying, just looking out for her. She’s been such a recluse recently, and so bad tempered, I’m concerned.”

  Arianna kept her distance as she and Damon tried to keep track of Kat. She was a little way ahead in the woods. Suddenly Damon’s hand came over and pulled on her reigns.

  “Hold up.” He pointed towards a clearing.

  Arianna watched in surprise as Kat met up with another rider. From what she could see, he looked Viking as well, at least he was dressed as one.

  “That should answer your question as to what Kat is up to,” Damon grinned. “She’s got a date.”

  “But who with?” Arianna scowled.

  “Judging from his outfit, it’s someone from Lokranor.”

  “Only members of the High Council are allowed through the Realms Gate.”

  Damon laughed. “If you’re dating the King’s daughter, you want to be discreet. My guess is he didn’t use the main gateway.”

  Arianna was intrigued. Who was this mysterious stranger Kat was with?

  “Before you think about saying it, we’re not following Kat. Growing up in your family, she deserves some privacy.”

  “You’re such a killjoy,” Arianna grunted. She was keen to find out more.

  “Yes. Now aren’t you supposed to be focusing on some research?”

  “If we must.”

  Kat could not believe her bad luck, running into Arianna and Damon. She just hoped they bought her story about going to Lokranor. She raced through the woods, her stomach did a little dance as she caught sight of Ulrik waiting for her on her side of the gateway.

  “You’re dressed as a Viking lady,” he smiled.

  “I thought I might stand out somewhat wearing jeans in your Realm.”

  “I imagine you have a hard time blending in anywhere.” He ran his eyes over her appreciatively.

  Kat felt her cheeks turn pink. “The hair does stand out a little.”

  “And you’re armed too. I take it the sword is not just for decoration.”

  “I do have a vague idea how it works. Now are we going to stay here chatting all afternoon or are you going to show me Mallenvaar?”

  “Bossy too,” Ulrik rolled his eyes. “If you will follow me, my lady.”

  Kat rode her horse behind him as they crossed into Mallenvaar. Her first thought was that she was back in Lokranor. The ground was covered with snow and the forest around them looked just like Mallin woods.

  “How far is the actual city?”

  “A short ride. How does it look to you so far?”

  “It is very similar to the Second Realm.”

  “I shall be interested to see how the city stacks up against yours.”

  Ulrik rode at a sedate pace, he was seemingly in no great rush to get to Mallenvaar. Then again, neither was Kat. The scenery was nothing different to the countryside around Lokranor.

  “You do not seem as impressed as I hoped you would be?” Ulrik sounded a little deflated.

  “You have a beautiful Realm but it is very similar to my home. Viking home that is.”

  “I suppose you have me at a disadvantage.”

  “Do you have much trouble here?”

  “Not really. Saying that, we have had a sudden spate of sorcery-related issues. Nothing my cousin cannot handle.”

  Kat picked up from his tone that there was no love lost between the cousins. “Does he control the army?”

  “Not yet. But he would like to.”

  “And why would this cause a problem for a simple historian?” she teased, knowing full well he was not that.

  “Oskar has designs on ruling the Kingdom one day.”

  “And he is not suitable?”

  “Oh, he’s quick enough with a sword but does not have the intelligence to rule. Our city has developed greatly since the days when all a Viking ruler did was lead his men into battle. Oskar would return us to that era.”

  “That comes from immaturity and not understanding what it truly takes to rule a kingdom.” Kat thought of her father with a wry grin on her face. Apparently he had been the epitome of a young hot-shot Viking, desperate to achieve glory on the battlefield. Instead he fell for her mother.

  “You sound like you talk from experience,” Ulrik eyes rested on her enquiringly. He wondered if she was going to admit she was part of Lokranor’s ruling family.

  “No,” Kat chuckled. “I am not vying for any throne, legitimately or otherwise.”

  She pulled her horse up as she got her first glimpse of Mallenvaar. It took her breath away momentarily. She was expecting something similar to Lokranor, instead it looked like it had been pulled from the Austrian countryside. The houses resembled modern-day chalets, all standing in the shadow of the most magnificent castle. It was built from white stone and its spires rose high into the sky. It was the ultimate fairy-tale castle.

  “Okay, now I’m impressed. This place is amazing.”

  Ulrik could not contain his smile; Kat’s face was a picture as she stared down at the city. “Did you want a closer look?”

  “No. I thought we’d just stay here and admire it from a distance.”

  “I guess that was a dumb question,” Ulrik laughed. “As you showed me your library, I think I should return that favour. Especially as there is something there I would like you to see.”

  “I’m intrigued now. Lead on,” she commanded.

  Kat was a little surprised when they stopped at the stables next to the castle. On listening to Ulrik give instructions to the stable boy, she was starting to wonder who he actually was. He carried way more authority than she
would have expected.

  “We are heading into the castle?” she asked as he led her through a rear door.

  “Yes. The library I want to show you is in a vault below the castle.”

  “And you have full access?”

  “Yes. I’m one of the few people that do,” he smiled and propelled her forward.

  Kat loved the stone walls and tapestries of the narrow, dark corridors. Ulrik grabbed her hand and pulled her down a winding staircase that led to a locked wooden door. He pulled the key from a cord around his neck. The vaulted room was awe-inspiring. Her first thought was that Jasper would be in seventh heaven here. There were volumes that looked older than anything she had come across, possibly from before the rift.

  “I can see why you like to hide down here.” She ran her hand over an ancient, leather-bound volume. “Now what was it you specifically wanted to show me?”

  Ulrik pulled a very dusty volume from the shelf. “This might interest you.” He passed it over to her.

  Kat felt the colour rise in her cheeks as Ulrik showed the Lokranor coat of arms. “How long have you known?”

  “I saw the medallion your father wore in your pictures and asked my tutor to trace it for me. You are a princess of Lokranor, are you not?”

  “My father is King but I do not hold the title of princess. That falls to my sister. I prefer to remain in Muirhead.”

  Ulrik flipped to another page. “You prefer to be part of the long-standing noble McLomard family.”

  Kat looked away from him a little embarrassed. “Trust me, there is nothing noble about our family. I plan to live a normal and care-free life away from Muirhead and Lokranor, where people just see me as me.”

  “Your parents will allow that?”

  “My parents have all but forgotten I exist. Their attention is firmly focussed on my elder sister.”

  Ulrik took hold of her hand and kissed it. “I can sympathise with you on that front. My father is always telling me I am a disappointment.”

  A noise outside the door made Ulrik jump. He pulled her suddenly into a small seating area behind a drape.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed.

  “Someone’s coming into the vault.”


  “You’re not supposed to be in here.”

  “Ah,” she responded knowingly.

  Ulrik prayed it was Lukas but he was not that lucky. His uncle, Lief, entered instead. “What is he doing?” he muttered under his breath. He watched as Lief headed to a locked chest that contained some restricted volumes. What was his uncle up to? The volumes he was pulling out were related to the dark arts. And how the hell had he got a key to the chest?

  Kat stood next to Ulrik as they peeked through the curtain. It must have been the dust in the small room that caused her to let out a loud and uncontrollable sneeze.

  Lief turned and started towards the curtain. She thought quickly and pulled Ulrik onto the chaise. “Ulrik, behave,” she squealed loudly. “Anyone would think you brought me here for an ulterior purpose.”

  He looked at her blankly for a split second before catching on. If Lief thought he had brought a woman here for an assignation, he would not hang around and watch. “Perish the thought, my dear. But as we are here, this is a very soft chaise.” He positioned her on his lap.

  “Oh Ulrik,” she purred as seductively as she could. “You are one bad man.”

  “Very,” he murmured heavily, running his lips down her neck.

  All of a sudden he had difficulty concentrating. Kat’s hands were in his hair, her skin smelt divine and the way she was wriggling on his lap was driving him insane. His gaze focused on her mouth, all he could think about was kissing her. And he did. Glancing up a moment later, he caught sight of Lief who gave him an impressed nod and left him to it.

  He returned to Kat’s mouth and lost himself for a good few minutes. His hands were starting to stroke the soft skin of her legs. He wanted this woman more than any other female he had met. She was seductive yet innocent at the same time and he was filled with Viking lust like he had never experienced before.

  “Ulrik, stop,” Kat squeaked as his hand started to slide higher.

  “Why,” groaned, his mouth trailing down her shoulder.

  “Because if you don’t, I’ll damage you,” she retorted.

  Good sense finally surfaced as he fought against his raging desire. “I’m sorry.” He let go of her so she could stand back up.

  “For what?”

  “Coming on rather heavy.”

  Kat’s smile melted him completely. “Hey, it wasn’t too hideous. Besides I was kind of curious to see how you kissed.”

  “And your verdict?” His eyes twinkled.

  “You’ll have to wait and see.” She headed to the curtain. “Do you think it might be wise to leave?” She needed to get out that small room, she was starting to experience emotions she’d not yet come across and for her own protection, it was better to be back amongst people. Ulrik’s kiss had sent sparks through her, setting off weird feelings throughout her whole body. Sure she’d kissed a few boys at school but that had been tentative and gentle; Ulrik’s kiss was full of fire and passion and it had shaken her up.

  “Yes, I should get you back to Muirhead.” Ulrik took a deep breath.

  They passed unnoticed to the stables and left the walls of the city. Cantering across the snow, Kat felt good; it helped take her mind of the young man next to her. Up ahead she spotted a small group of riders and for the second time that day, Ulrik tensed.

  “Problem?” she asked, her hand instinctively going to her sword.

  “My cousin,” he grunted.

  They slowed as Oskar approached.

  “Cousin, I did not realise you ventured so far from the city without guards,” Oskar taunted, his eyes firmly fixed on Kat.

  She could understand why Ulrik disliked him, she did on sight. He had cold, dark eyes and lacked Ulrik’s charm and warmth.

  “I am more than capable of handling myself,” Ulrik grunted.

  “So I can see. Do I not warrant an introduction?”

  “This is Katya.”

  Oskar’s beady eyes continued to appraise her. “Where have you been hiding? I was not aware we had anyone as lovely in this Realm.”

  “I wasn’t aware any man had such bad pick-up lines,” Kat retorted.

  “Women usually show the King’s nephew more respect,” Oskar scowled.

  “I am not usual,” Kat responded pushing her horse forward. She wanted to get away from this creep. Her mind was also racing. If Oskar was Ulrik’s cousin and the King’s nephew, that meant only one thing.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were the King’s son?” she said coldly to Ulrik, her eyes firmly fixed on the horizon.

  “For the same reason you wanted to hide your background. I wanted you to see the man not the blood line.”

  “You should have told me when you found out about my heritage. Besides, I am not heir to the Lokranor throne.”

  “No. But you are a royal daughter of two Realms.” Once under cover of the woods, Ulrik checked Oskar was not following. “Does it matter who we are? All I am interested in is finding more out about this funny yet irritable woman who has me captivated.”

  Kat puffed out her cheeks. With those soft brown eyes looking at her, it was difficult to stay pissed at him. Besides, she had buried her background too. And her father most certainly could not complain if she was seeing a Prince; not that he would ever find out. She liked Ulrik too much to inflict her father upon him. Actually any member of her family.

  “How well do you fight?” Kat asked.

  “I’m not as useless as my cousin thinks,” Ulrik shrugged. “Why?”

  “I thought perhaps we could see how we fare against each other the next time we meet.”

  Ulrik smiled. “Just be gentle with me, I am but a simple historian.” He followed Kat through the gateway. “I have a commitment tomorrow, but am free for you to hand me my butt th
e day after.”

  That was Arianna’s birthday, Kat thought. But she didn’t want to go three days without seeing Ulrik. “I should be able to get away in the afternoon.”

  “I will wait for you here.” He turned his horse around so it was facing the other way to hers. “Will you allow me to kiss you goodbye?” He leant in very close, making Kat’s pulse race.


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