The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 8

by Juliet Anderson

  She reached over and brushed her lips across his a few times. Quite delicious. “Until we meet again.”

  She rode off quickly, turning as was becoming a habit by the clearing. He was still watching.

  Kat didn’t make it past her sister when she got back.

  “Am I getting senile in my old age or have they moved the gateway to Lokranor?”

  “You’re going senile,” Kat retorted.

  “Who is he?” Arianna asked bluntly.

  “Who’s who?”

  “The Viking you were with earlier.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “True. But I bet Dad would be pissed to find out your seeing someone he hasn’t approved of.”

  “Dad doesn’t give a damn about me. Besides, since when did you turn snitch?”

  “Since you won’t give me any details. What’s his name?”

  “Ulrik,” Kat couldn’t help but smile.

  “Where did you meet him?”

  “That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Kat, Mum and Dad have to know if you’re seeing someone. You are of royal blood and might need protecting from this guy.”

  “So you think the only reason he’s seeing me is to possibly take me hostage?”

  “It could be possible.”

  “Great. And there was I thinking someone might genuinely find me attractive. Thanks for having faith in me.” Kat stalked upstairs to her rooms. Luckily she knew Ulrik has no designs on taking her hostage. He was actually one of the few people she could trust.

  She tossed her sword onto the dresser, as she did another flame shot from her hand. Instead of panicking this time, she rubbed her palms gently together and marvelled at the ball of fire sitting in her hands. There was no burning to her skin, it was incredible. Heading into her bathroom, she ran her palms under some cold water. Perhaps she should learn how to turn this off as well as on. But what could have caused it? Arianna was the one supposedly getting powers, not her.

  The answer came when she was clearing the clothes from her bedroom floor. The amber stone fell out of a jacket pocket. Kat picked it up and examined it; could this weird power source have come from the stone? It had given her quite a jolt when she had retrieved it.

  Perhaps she should talk to Jasper, he was very knowledgeable about certain powers. He had tutored her mum in blue energy, so maybe he was an expect in whatever she had.

  “Mallenvaar and Bassengaard again?” Jasper looked at Arianna and Damon a little bemused. “What’s with the sudden interest?”

  “Again?” Damon queried. “Who else has been asking?”

  “Kat was asking the other day about the two Realms.”

  “What does she know we don’t?” Damon glared at Arianna.

  “Hey, I’ve said nothing. We rarely speak as it is.”

  “So how would she know about Mallenvaar?”

  “I asked her the same question and she lied through her teeth.”

  “Unless….” Arianna thought for a moment. “The young Viking she was with is from Mallenvaar.”

  Jasper laughed. “Unlikely. There is no gateway. But your sister does have a beau, we saw them running from the house the other day.”

  “Did he have shaggy blond hair?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “That’s the one we saw her with earlier today. And would explain how he got here without coming through any of the known gates.”

  “There are no gateways to Mallenvaar, Arianna,” Jasper repeated. “At least none that are working.”

  “A theory we wish to disprove,” Damon announced. “We actually came to pick your brains on sun and moon stones. We believe the gateways are protected by them.”

  “An interesting concept,” Jasper mused.

  “Is there any way to track a sun or moon stone?”

  “I think they are supposed to give off a faint energy field, I will need to look into it.” He glanced over at Damon. “With your unique abilities you might be able to trace them. But that could be a fruitless task if you do not possess the power to control them.”

  Damon flapped his hand dismissively. “I’m sure that won’t be a problem. I’ve not yet found anything I cannot control.”

  Arianna snorted loudly and elbowed him in the ribs before stalking out the room. He was just too big for his own head.


  Kat found Jasper in his usual spot in the library and was relieved he was alone. He would be easier to keep quiet than Birdie.

  “Jasper,” she twisted her legs around each other nervously. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

  “Sure.” He looked up from his books. “Is this about Mallenvaar again?”

  “No. At least I don’t think so. I need you to swear you won’t tell anyone.”

  Jasper tensed, obviously conflicted. “That is a hard promise to make considering I don’t what the problem is. For now I will agree, however if I feel conflicted, I will tell you.”

  Kat plonked the amber stone on the table in front of him. “What is this exactly?”

  “Jesus,” Jasper leapt up, staring at the stone incredulously. “Where did you find this?”

  “In the woods. It’s no ordinary amber stone, is it?”

  “No. It’s a sun stone. It is supposed to contain great power.”

  “Like this?” Kat rubbed her hands together and a ball of orange flames appeared.

  “Holy shit,” Jasper swore again.

  “My thoughts exactly. But I don’t know how to control it or what to do with it. Will you help?” she pleaded.

  “This is one hell of a power source, Katya. Your parents need to know.”

  “Why? My parents’ sole focus at the moment is Arianna. Besides, she’d hate me even more if I overshadowed her on her big day by announcing I had powers and she didn’t.”

  “They will need to know but perhaps we should delay that announcement until after the banquet.” Jasper was hooked. Kat possessed an immense power source, to train her how to use it would be a true test of his ability and patience.

  “Will you teach me?” Kat pushed him for an answer.

  “I will try. Obviously I need to do some major research. I’m sure the basics can’t be too far removed from using blue energy.”

  “The house is empty at the moment so did you want to make a start?”

  “Might I suggest one of the stone vaults in the basement? I’d hate to think what Birdie will do to us if we burn down the house.”

  Kat giggled. Her great-aunt could be super-scary when she wanted to.

  Once in the basement, Jasper started to work on the basics with Kat. “With your mother, she would let the energy flow through her before calling it to the surface. So relax, feel the energy flow through your veins, don’t fight against it. You need to make it part of you. Once you feel you have it within you, call it to your palms.”


  “Visualise it there.”

  Kat shut her eyes and did exactly as Jasper said but nothing happened.

  “Don’t despair,” he smiled kindly. “It can take a while to learn how to call it on demand. How do you usually activate it?”

  “When I’m pissed off,” Kat responded.

  “In that case you should be able to access it anytime,” Jasper chuckled.

  Kat responded by raising her hand and shooting out a spark.

  “God, you are so like your mother,” Jasper shook his head. “She only really started using her powers when she was angry. But if you want me to instruct you, there is absolutely no aiming at me, young lady.”

  “I can’t help it if my aim’s crap,” Kat shrugged.

  “Another trait your mother had.”

  Kat and Jasper stayed in the basement for a good few hours as he proceeded to teach her how to try and harness the energy. Using it safely was a lot more difficult than she would have thought and it was a good job they were surrounded by thick stone otherwise she would have burnt the house down to the ground.

“I want you to promise me that you will only practice down here where it is safe,” Jasper fixed her with a firm look.

  “I promise I’ll try and not set fire to the house,” Kat sighed.

  “Or the grounds. A lot of animals live in the woods.”

  “I’ll do my best but I’m kind of a novice at this. If I end up losing my temper, I could fry something.”

  “Just don’t wave your hands around when you’re angry. You have to remember they can be lethal weapons.”

  Oskar peered through the slit in the tent as his servant laced him into his armour. The annual Mallenvaar warrior contest was well under way and he was due up shortly.

  “I take it you won’t disgrace the family name by losing,” his father grunted.

  “There is no-one in this Realm who can match me in a sword fight,” Oskar sighed wearily.

  “Good. Just don’t get over confident. Once the King sees how strong you are, it will put Ulrik in a bad light.”

  “Did you find out who he was with in the vault?” Oskar asked. He was keen to discover that so he could pay the mouthy young woman a visit.

  “No,” Lief chuckled. “I have to say, my nephew did surprise me. I didn’t think he had it in him to seduce a woman, let alone such an attractive one.”

  “He was far too secretive about who she was.”

  Lief patted him on the back. “You can have your fill of troublesome women when you become Sigfried’s heir. Until that time, you need to concentrate on the task in front of you.”

  Oskar dismissed his servant so he could talk more freely with his father. “What is next on your agenda?”

  “There will be some more attacks on outlying territories. I want the citizens running scared, turning to the King for help. Which you of course will provide.”

  “Is there not a danger Ulrik might want to step in?”

  “Perhaps but as the strongest warrior in the Realm, Sigfried will naturally have to pick you.”

  “Are you planning on using the same enchanted creatures?”

  “I thought perhaps something a little larger. The aim here is to terrify.”

  “Just don’t forget to tell me how to kill them,” Oskar grunted.

  As Oskar entered the arena to take on his first opponent, he cast his eyes around the mass of spectators to see if he could spot the copper-haired girl his cousin had been with. If he had such a beautiful woman, he would make sure she was in full view at all times. Then again perhaps she was not that enamoured with Ulrik, a thought which spurred him on. He would make sure that mouth of hers said something a little more favourable the next time they met. And there most definitely would be a next time.


  Arianna woke with a feeling of excitement and dread. It was her eighteenth birthday. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she searched for any changes. It was the same face as yesterday looking back at her. Not even a spot or two, which often popped up when she was stressed. And no overnight change to her lack of powers. Nothing.

  At least she had presents to look forward to. Hopefully. Rushing downstairs she found Birdie and Jasper in the kitchen.

  “Happy birthday, Arianna.” Birdie hugged her great-niece. “Your mother and father will be here shortly so before then, let Mrs McDowell fix you a proper Scottish breakfast.”

  “Cool. Is Kat up yet?”


  “Yes,” Kat’s voice echoed down the stairs. “I heard some mention of breakfast.”

  “Trust you to hear that,” Birdie rolled her eyes.

  “Happy birthday, Sis,” Kat yawned. “You’re now officially responsible for your actions. I at least can only be tried as a minor.”

  “Unless you’re in Lokranor, there you’re already an adult.”

  “Luckily I have no desire to visit that frozen wasteland.”

  “Katya,” her father’s voice barked loud and clear. “You will not speak so disrespectfully of my kingdom.”

  “Is Norse backwater any better?” she murmured under her breath.

  Arianna chucked at her sister’s defiance towards her father. For some reason Kat really did not like the Second Realm and that was perhaps what had driven a chasm between her and her father.

  After breakfast, the family gathered in the living room to give Arianna her presents. Her parents gave her the most exquisite sword; one fit for an heir. The engraving on the hilt contained the Lokranor serpents and it was light as a feather. Not forgetting what it was like to be female, her mother had also bought her a stunning gold necklace.

  Birdie had followed with tradition and had arranged for her portrait to be painted from a photo she had taken in Lokranor of her in full Viking dress, with her new sword added in as a last minute addition. She could now hang alongside her mother and grandfather in the entrance hall. The twins gave her a bottle of her favourite perfume and Kat handed over an envelope. Arianna’s first thought was that her sister hadn’t bother with a gift; when she opened the envelope she regretted having that thought.

  “Two VIP tickets to the Blue Horizon concert in Edinburgh,” Arianna squealed. They were her favourite band. “With backstage access.”

  “Go on,” Kat said smugly. “You can say it. I’m the best sister in the world.”

  Arianna flung her arms around her sister. “How the hell did you get hold of these? They’re like gold dust.”

  “The lead singer’s younger brother is in my year at school. I had to snog him to get those so I hope you appreciate it.”

  “You what?” her father growled.

  “Relax,” Kat flapped her hand.

  Arianna laughed, not sure whether Kat was winding up her father or not. Either way, she was one terrific sister today.

  “Dinner is at eight o’clock this evening. Sasha, Lars and Damon will be here around seven, so make sure you’re ready by then.” Erin kissed her daughter’s head. “And your grandmothers will also be here.”

  “Is anyone left in Lokranor?” Arianna teased.

  “Just Magnus. He fancied a bit of peace and quiet.”

  Kat was thrilled to have escaped the mayhem and get to the stables unseen. Especially armed with her sword. She took a slightly different route to the ruins as she was fast becoming a creature of habit. Ulrik wasn’t waiting for her. A huge wave of disappointment washed over her, then worry. Was he alright? Had something happened in Mallenvaar. Her fears were quashed when he rode through the gateway a few minutes late.

  “I am so sorry,” he leapt down from his horse. “I had trouble getting away.”

  “You and me both,” Kat beamed. “My whole family is in residence at the moment and it is quite impossible to move without being seen.”

  “So how did you slip away?”

  “I’m virtually invisible,” she gave half a smile.

  “Not to me,” Ulrik pulled her to him and kissed her forehead.

  “So what have you been up to in the last couple of days?”

  “Yesterday I had to endure our annual Warrior tournament, which consisted of our Realm’s finest going head to head with each other.”


  “Pretty much. The outcome is usually the same. My cousin, Oskar has won the tournament for the last four years. This year was no exception.”

  “Is he a great warrior?”

  “There are a couple who are better but for their own safety, I think they let Oskar win.”


  “Because he’s the King’s nephew and also his father can be particularly vindictive.”

  “Do you not enter?”

  “No. I see little point as most of my soldiers would automatically let me win.”

  “Good point,” Kat smiled. “Sadly for you, I won’t.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he grinned pulling out his sword. “Time to show me if your bragging is warranted.”

  Kat unsheathed her sword and launched her attack on Ulrik; he was right in that he wasn’t completely useless. In fact, he was very skilled in
deed. They went to and fro with each other for an age, both enjoying the chance to practice against an equally matched opponent.

  Eventually they took a break when Kat begrudgingly admitted Ulrik might just have beaten her.


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