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The Taming of Violet_BBW Romance

Page 6

by J. M. Dabney

  “If you’re sore we—”

  “Hey, just because my toys aren’t made with Giant cock molds doesn’t mean I can’t handle it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Gio’s ma’am broke off in a deep groaned as he pushed his head back into the pillows.

  Oh, she liked that. She closed her eyes at the stretch and the small twinge of pain. She was a lot smaller than Gio, and for the first time in her life, she was happy for her lack of height. She loved how delicate Gio made her feel—it was a new and novel experience. His thick bush teased her clit as she settled her weight fully on him.

  She started to move her hips, and he grabbed them in a bruising grip.

  “Don’t move, just be still.”

  How the fuck was she supposed to stay still?

  “What’s your favorite color?” His tone was strained and almost sounded like he was in pain.

  “Don’t make fun of me. I like pink.”

  “Why would I make fun?” He groaned, and his entire body shuddered, seeming to work upward from his toes. “Fuck, I wouldn’t make fun of you.”

  She felt a slow smile spread across her mouth as she noticed him breaking out in a sweat. She tightened around him a few times, sucking in her stomach, not to hide it, but to grip his dick as hard as she could. She shivered at the pleasure, but he was worse off. He threw his arms over his head and wrapped his big hands under the headboard.

  “I said no moving.”

  “I didn’t move.”

  “What do you fucking call that pussy clench you just did? That’s called cheating.”

  “No that’s called an involuntary reflex to having a huge object inside me.”

  “Now I’m huge?”

  She ignored his question. “What’s your favorite color?”

  He removed one of his hands from the headboard and cupped one of her breasts, and he stroked her nipple. “Dusky mauve, the color of your nipples, and both sets of those beautiful lips.”

  She took a shuddering breath. “Isn’t touching me cheating?” A sheen of sweat broke out over her body.

  “You clenched that pussy, so you changed the rules.”

  “Is that right?” She laid her hands flat on his ridged stomach and canted her hips back and forth. His thickness dragged along the inside of her pleasure clenched pussy. “Interesting, if I can change the rules, why not? I’ve never been much of a rule follower.”

  His hand curved over the front of her thigh and his fingertips sunk into the softness.

  “I can see you’re a com—” Gio growled. “Complete rebel. You should have an anarchy tattoo.”

  “I’ll put it on my list.”

  She squeaked as he sat up and pressed his lips to hers. “You want to play, little girl, let’s play.”

  She didn’t have time to respond or think before he flipped them and started to pound her into the mattress.

  She whispered against his lips, “I won.”

  “Baby, don’t get used to it. Now, scream my fucking name.”

  He slammed into her again, forcing a choked scream to tear from her throat and all arrogance over her win fled.

  She Was Going to Get Tired of His Excuses

  It was a month of excuses. They called him in, or there was a last-minute schedule change. Gio knew she was going to get tired of him sooner or later changing their dates. She hadn’t been in his bed since their first night together. How could one night make him miss her sleeping presence beside him?

  He was exhausted, and he scrubbed his hands over his face.

  They’d gone on a few dates, mostly during the day on her lunch breaks and he loved the times they talked. She’d started a habit of calling him when she got ready for bed.

  He was just waiting for her to say she wanted someone who could be there with a normal schedule. His brother’s wife, Esther, was used to sometimes being second to a demanding job. She’d grown up with emergency service demands. She was related to cops, paramedics, and firefighters.

  It was keeping in shape, working shifts all over the place and not to mention, being on duty for sometimes days like he was tonight. When Tony wasn’t on shift, the man showered his wife and son with every ounce of love the man possessed.

  Never had he ever regretted his job until he had to tell his woman that he was called in or leave suddenly during dinner when all hands were required. She smiled and just told him to be careful, but every time he couldn’t stop himself from searching for disappointment. He never saw it. That didn’t mean she wasn’t one hell of an actress. Violet did make it through her days without killing anyone, and he knew she’d plotted hundreds, maybe thousands of deaths over the years all the while sweetly smiling in her mental victim's faces.

  He stared down into his coffee as he pushed his plate of half-eaten food aside. He was in his favorite twenty-hour diner, frequented a lot by emergency service personnel. When he’d walked inside, instead of joining a table of his friends, he’d found a booth in the back. He needed quiet and time to think, but maybe time to think was a bad idea. All he’d learned from thinking too much was the certainty that Violet would get bored and leave him.

  “Oh shit, Gio Masiello is frowning.”

  He looked up at the sound of a familiar teasing voice and found a friend of the family’s—Alvin—better known by their drag name Hella Ticked. She was in full drag and looked tired. He stood and motioned to the other side of the booth.

  “Hella, didn’t take some hot Bear home with you tonight?”

  “If I did, would I be here for food at 3 a.m.?” She slid onto the bench seat across from him.


  “Is it okay if I sit with you?” Hella asked as she looked around.

  He waved over the waitress and waited while Hella ordered a milkshake and the biggest burger they offered along with a double order of fries. He swore he didn’t know how Hella didn’t gain a pound. Hella was the same height and size from when they were in high school together. Maybe even a bit skinnier. He waited for the woman to walk away before he reached across the table to take Hella’s hand.

  “Hella, no one will ever tell me who I should be friends with. I love you just like my brothers.”


  He smiled at her wistful sigh and shook his head. He relaxed against the back cushion.

  “You’ll find the hairy Sasquatch of your dreams one of these days.”

  “I can dream, and I do a lot of it. So, what’s got you so down?”

  He didn’t even question telling his friend what bothered him. “I’m waiting for my girlfriend to get tired of my bullshit.”

  “Does this have to do with your job?”

  “Yeah, I never really had an issue with my job, but every woman I’ve dated said I never had enough time for them. I love what I do. I fucking take pride in it. I just don’t want Violet to—”

  “If she cares and knows how much your job means to you then it shouldn’t be a problem. Have you asked how she feels about it?”

  “It’s still new, we’ve only been dating a little over a month, but we started hanging out a few months ago. I don’t want to point out the problems already.”

  “Well, from my great experience at failed romance, sometimes you shouldn’t let all the bullshit fester until it reaches the point where nothing can be done about it.”

  “How did you get so wise?”

  “Honey, if you’ve gone through as many breakups as me, you’d be a professional by now.”

  He didn’t see any sadness in his friend. Hella was one of those upbeat, perky people that you loved even though they were so positive it was sickening.

  “Like I said, you’ll find him.”

  “I don’t think so, but it’s all good though. I got freedom, jobs I love, and when I’m at the club all the eye candy I want. So, how did you meet the girlfriend? No one has shared this information with me? Even your brother Renz hasn’t been gossiping.”

  “She hasn’t met the parents yet. I think my brothers
are giving me a little space before they start hinting. Ma and Pop know, I just haven’t gotten around to getting her to their house yet.”

  “Why not? Ma loves when her boys bring home lovely people for them to meet.”

  “I keep planning to take her to meet them, but it’s just one fuck up after another.”

  “Just take her, it doesn’t have to be for Sunday Family dinner. Pick her up and take her over on a lunch break or one night during the week. You skipped how you met, tell me,” Hella demanded as she excepted her food and thanked the waitress.

  “I told her to turn down her fucking music, and she tackled me, then almost got arrested by the cops.”

  “She tackled you? Are you dating a Giantess?”

  “No, she’s five-foot even.”

  Hella choked as she laughed and cursed. “Oh shit, a fry went up my nose. Don’t do that to a girl when she’s eating. Love at first sight?”


  Hella’s face went blank, and her dark, exaggerated brows moved closer to the hairline of her blonde, purple-streaked wig.

  “You’re joking right, you know—”

  “I didn’t realize when I met her, but she’s different and fun, a bit psychotic.”

  “I like her already.”

  “I don’t have to pretend. We can laugh and have fun. I don’t have to be all smooth and debonair. Want to see her?”

  “Of course, show me this paragon of psychoses.”

  He leaned to the side and pulled his phone out, and he searched until he found the last picture he’d taken of her. Violet had been laughing and relaxed, he loved her sass and the way she didn’t take his shit, but his picture proved he could make her happy. That she didn’t always need to be angry and irritated, and that she could just be. He turned the screen for Hella to see.

  “Fuck, Gio, she’s adorable.”

  “Oh god, please don’t say that in her presence.”

  “I’ll refrain, but understand I’ll be thinking it. You did good there, sweetie.”

  “I did, didn’t I? She has this love of death metal to help her think. She was playing it and screaming along. I got so pissed that I ran out of the house when she was taking her trash to the curb. I called her woman and told her to turn down her fucking music. She took me out before I knew what was happening.” He smiled to himself as he put his phone back to sleep and returned it to his pocket.

  “Have you told her yet?”

  “You did call her a paragon of psychoses. I know she likes me and that I like her, but it’s sorta a weird situation. I don’t want to say it because I’m sure she’ll run hard and fast in the opposite direction.”

  “You don’t know if you don’t try.”

  He rolled his lips between his teeth, took a deep breath and sighed heavily through his mouth.

  “I don’t know, my job and the limited time I’m able to spend with her.”

  “Doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the same as you. A lot of cops, firefighters, and EMTs have great and happy relationships. Y’all give up a lot to serve your communities. Put your lives on the line. That’s something to be respected. And for some reason, I know in my gut that she gets it. So, next time you’re able to spend time with her, tell her and take her to your parents. Show her you want to keep her around and that when you’re not with her, you’re still thinking and worrying about her.”

  He nodded and drifted into silence as he let Hella eat. Maybe Hella was right, and he just needed to lay it all out. He was already worried that she was going to break up with him. If he did all the shit Hella suggested, then possibly it could end before he got too invested and dreamed of a future with Violet. This wasn’t some bullshit romance novel. It wasn’t all perfect and laid out. He wasn’t going to get love handed to him with some big red bow.

  He didn’t want that. He wanted real. He wanted all those times they were silly like the morning after they’d had sex when they had laughed and joked. It felt right because it wasn’t mired down in the expectations of what a relationship should be between them.

  He wrapped his hand around his mug of now cold coffee and brought it to his mouth.

  “Gio, you’ll do the right thing, because that’s the kinda man you and your brothers are. But don’t forget that as much as you love your job, it’s not always going to be there and where will that leave you?”

  “Thanks, Hella. I’ll bring Violet to the club to meet you one night. She’s going to love you.”

  He liked the smile Hella gifted him with. He knew his friend’s life wasn’t easy, never had been, but Hella always lived in the positive. He wouldn’t deny he needed to have that attitude more than he did.

  Violet Had a Fucking Boyfriend

  Violet still couldn’t get it through her head even after a month that she was dating a hot and sweet firefighter. She kept waiting for him to grow tired of her surly attitude, her penchant for violence, but she didn’t feel any of that when she was with him. They talked, went on dates when his schedule allowed, but she kept putting off meeting his parents. Luckily, a sickness kept working its way through her co-workers, and his schedule kept him working on Sundays. She’d never feared anything in her life. All that bullshit had been beaten out of her in the lessons that were meant to toughen her up, but only made her angrier, to the point she couldn’t function.

  At least until she met Gio and he grounded her, made her calm, but he couldn’t be around all the time. She still struggled to hold it together from day to day. That’s why she didn’t want to meet the parents. What if they didn’t like her? Gio was close to his family, and they were important to him. If they didn’t like her would he break up with her?

  She also didn’t want to admit that she liked her space. He wasn’t around all the time so she could do what she wanted. Blast her death metal. Beat the hell out of her heavy bag. She loved her quiet time. She wasn’t the clingy sort, and Gio loved his job. She knew he did from the way he talked about his days and the people he worked with. They weren’t just co-workers but family.

  She wasn’t one of these women that needed her boyfriend around all the time, but that also didn’t mean she didn’t like the time she did spend with him. Fuck, they needed to have more sex. Her toys were getting more action than they ever did when she was single. But they weren’t Gio. She loved that they weren’t all serious and she could be herself. Gio didn’t get offended by her sarcasm and her twisted humor.

  Sometimes when she did find herself missing him, she’d let herself into his place and slept in his bed. When he came home, he’d wake her up for work with a kiss and coffee, before passing out.

  She was about to kick off her shoes and curl up in bed to watch some horror movie Gio had dropped off for her while she was at work, but the knock on her door made her growl.

  Fucking people, showing up without calling.

  She threw open the front door. “What the fuck you want?”

  “Nice to see you too, baby girl.” Gio stood on her stoop smiling down at her. He swooped in and kissed her, and she felt his smile against her mouth.

  “Shit, I thought you were working.” Didn’t that sound bitchy?

  “No, wanted to surprise you by taking you out. I wrote off for a personal day. We haven’t spent enough time together. What do you say? The two of us, dinner, and maybe more later.”

  “I could do with the more later part.”

  “I could too, but we’re going out. No need to change, you’re perfect.”

  “Sure, I hadn’t even thought about food yet.”

  “Then grab that bag of yours and let’s move.”

  She left him behind and grabbed her battered backpack from the kitchen counter, checked to make sure everything was off and went back to the door.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she locked and closed her door.

  He took her hand as he led her to his truck.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I hate surprises.”

  He laughed as he helped her into
the passenger seat. “It’s not an ambush. You’ll like it so relax.”

  She did as he said and they talked about their days. He caught her up with the latest firehouse gossip as he drove. They pulled off into a residential area and stopped in front of a large Victorian style house. Flowers hung from baskets along the porch eaves, and two rocking chairs sat in front of a huge picture window.

  “Where are we?”

  “Don’t get mad.”

  “You don’t want me mad…that’s not the way to start a conversation.”

  “You’re feeling pissy today. I wanted you to meet my parents, and because I can’t guarantee I’ll ever get another Sunday off, I thought we’d just show up. It’s just the two of them. No crowds.”

  “What have you done? What if they fucking hate me? What if they think I’m weird? What if—”

  Rough hands grabbed her cheeks, and she held her breath as he moved in close until their noses almost touched.

  “Breathe, baby. You listen to me. They will love you because you’re mine. Okay? As long as their sons are happy with the people they bring home…my parents don’t judge. They’re not like your mom or dad, you’ve met my brothers, they aren’t like yours. I think you’re perfect.”

  “No one is perfect.”

  “I am, but we’re not going to argue. I think you’re perfect for me. I want my parents to meet my girlfriend. Besides they’ve heard so much about you, they’re getting pretty testy that I haven’t brought you around yet. Just be you. Don’t pretend.”

  “Being me is a bad idea.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Gio tilted his head and pressed his mouth to hers. She closed her eyes as she responded to his firm lips. His growl joined her moan. She found herself pulled across the console and planted on his lap as his hand worked its way up under her skirt. His rough fingers and palm teased the outer curve of her thigh and higher until he pushed beneath her bra. She gasped and arched into his touch, as he pinched her nipple between his fingers.

  “Fuck, if we weren’t on the street in broad daylight, I’d have you on my cock so fast.”


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