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The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7)

Page 21

by Christina Benjamin



  The next few weeks flew by in a domesticated blur of bliss. Jaxon spent nearly every night at Lucy and Brooke’s. He spent countless hours showing them how to cook. They were hopeless in the kitchen, but it only made him enjoy being there more. It felt good to be needed. Plus, he certainly didn’t mind the nights when Brooke scurried off somewhere mysterious and left Jaxon and Lucy alone in the kitchen to make dinner.

  Lucy had taken to sitting on the counter while Jaxon prepared their meal. Seeing her sitting there, smiling and happy made his heart feel too big for his chest. And it didn’t hurt that she looked sexy as hell with flour on her slim thighs and in her hair. She really was helpless when it came to cooking.

  Jaxon swore Lucy ended up wearing more ingredients than they ate, but watching her help was half the fun. That and feeding her samples of whatever he was making. Goddamn, watching that girl part her lips and wrap them around a spoon did wildly inappropriate things to Jaxon’s insides.

  Yep, life was pretty amazing. During the day, Jaxon was Lucy’s campus chauffeur. He took her to classes and physical therapy appointments. At night, he was her rock. Her nightmares were fewer as long as he was by her side. She’d even agreed to start seeing a therapist once a week. And at her latest follow up appointment for her leg, Lucy was able to trade her heavy cast for a more comfortable walking boot. It seemed to help boost her spirits. She could take it off for showers and it didn’t get as tangled in her sheets when she slept.

  Jaxon loved watching Lucy’s progress. She smiled more and she’d actually been eating healthy meals and sleeping through the night, which was a major improvement to her over all appearance and mood. Her skin glowed and her clothes didn’t hang off of her quite as much as they had a few weeks ago.

  But by far, Jaxon’s favorite improvement was the way Lucy lit up whenever she saw him. They weren’t officially dating and they hadn’t done more than hold hands while watching movies together on her couch, but their connection was undeniable. Lucy made Jaxon feel things he didn’t know he could. She made him happy and for the first time since his accident, he found he was okay with letting himself feel loved.

  He was falling for her. Lucy made Jaxon want to abandon his fears. But she also gave him a whole slew of new ones. He wanted to protect her from everything—her nightmares, her bad days, her frustratingly slow recovery. But most of all he wanted to protect himself from losing her.

  Even though Lucy wasn’t with Alex anymore, he still wasn’t completely out of her life. Jaxon knew things were complicated since Alex’s parents were her legal guardians. He’d had a hard time swallowing the surge of anger that came with learning that tidbit of information. It certainly explained why Lucy had put up with so much of Alex’s bullshit over the years. Jaxon knew there was more to the story of Lucy’s guardianship than she was ready to explain to him and he was willing to wait for her to open up when she was ready. But it didn’t stop him from hating how hard Lucy was trying to stay on good terms with Alex for the sake of his family’s legal obligations. Especially, since Alex was using every opening he could to claw his way back into Lucy’s life.

  He’d come crawling back when he returned from San Diego, and despite Lucy firmly telling him they were through, the guy wasn’t giving up. Alex had been pulling out all the stops to win her back. He called repeatedly, sent roses to her dorm, which Lucy always refused. Then just last week he’d had a brand new red Jeep Wrangler delivered to campus for her. It was the spitting image of the car she’d totaled. It certainly wouldn’t have been Jaxon’s choice. He could see how just looking at the car conjured up ghosts Lucy hadn’t dealt with yet. She’d hung the shiny new set of keys by her front door and hadn’t touched them since.

  Jaxon couldn’t deny that it was hard to sit back at watch another guy go after the girl of his dreams while he just stood by her side, desperately hoping she’d choose him. But he didn’t know what else to do. Alex’s family was paying Lucy’s medical bills, not to mention her room and board at Saint Andrews. Jaxon didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize her care. But Alex’s interference was constantly on Jaxon’s mind.

  He was trying not to push Lucy. He wanted her to know she could take her time. That he was there for her no matter if she wanted nothing more than friendship from him—even when he wanted so much more. He wanted to be the one for her. But he was resolved not to rush her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

  Jaxon knew Lucy still felt tied to Alex and his family until she turned eighteen. And if she needed time to wait that out then he’d give it to her.

  But Brooke was a completely different story. She took her jabs at Alex any chance she got, and today was no different.


  Brooke came barreling into the apartment, towing a giant teddy bear by the arm. “Okay, Lucy, I know you’ve been dealing with this at your own pace but I can’t take it anymore. Can you please end this thing with Alex? It’s getting a little too stalk-arazzi for me.”

  Lucy looked up from her spot on the couch where she was cuddled next to Jaxon reading a thick textbook. “What is that?”

  “The newest addition to Alex’s apology tour,” Brooke grumbled. “You need to end this.

  “I have. I told him it’s over.”

  Brooke dropped the teddy bear next to the breakfast bar and crossed her arms. “Well apparently he’s not getting the message.” Then she pulled a kitchen knife from the butcher block and held it to the bear’s throat. “Why don’t you let me talk to him? I’ll make sure he gets the message loud and clear.”

  “Brooke!” Lucy yelled, jumping to her feet. She moved so quickly she nearly tripped over Jaxon’s long legs, but as usual he was on guard and saved Lucy from disaster by scooping her into his arms.

  Jaxon shot Brooke a warning look and she put the knife down. “I wasn’t actually going to cut the bear,” she grumbled. “You know I’m a vegetarian.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously,” Brooke continued. “Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?” She looked pointedly at Jaxon, who kept his mouth shut on the subject, as always.

  Brooke blew out a frustrated breath. “The stupid thing is, if he’d shown half this much interest when you two were dating he wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  Jaxon deposited Lucy back on her feet and kissed the top of her head. “I think I’m gonna let you girls have some roommate time.”

  “No you don’t have to go,” Lucy objected.

  “It’s fine. I’ve actually gotta get home to take care of some things. I’ll be back to take you to PT.”

  Brooke watched Lucy try to hide her disappointment as Jaxon left. When the door shut behind him she glared at Brooke. “Do you really have to say things like that?”

  “Someone does!” Brooke barked.

  Lucy huffed and sat back down on the couch.

  Brooke joined her. “I’m not trying to be a bitch, but this has gone on long enough. You can’t keep juggling two boys.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Sure seems like it to me.”

  “You know I have to maintain a relationship with Alex. His parents control my life until I’m eighteen, and if I piss Alex off—”

  “If you piss Alex off he’ll deal with it,” Brooke interrupted.

  “Brooke, he can make my life difficult for me if I get on his bad side.”

  “How? He cares too much about his reputation. Do you really think he’s gonna run to his mommy and daddy and tell them to cut you off? Legally they can’t do that.”

  “There are other things they can keep from me.”

  “Like what?”

  Lucy clammed up, just like she always did whenever Brooke got too close to the truth.

  Brook threw her hands up. “Fine, don’t tell me. But I think you’re being stupid!”

  Lucy looked taken aback, but Brooke was over walking on eggshells. She didn’t want to hurt Lucy but maybe a little tough love was what she
needed. “I’m sorry, Lucy, but it’s true. You’re obviously in love with Jaxon and he’s crazy about you. You need to stop being so freaking scared and tell him how you feel.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “It’s exactly that simple. Lucy, he’s the guy for you. Jaxon is your unicorn and it’s open season, girl. If you don’t go after him someone else will. A guy like that isn’t gonna wait around forever.” Brooke grabbed Lucy’s hand. “You know I’m right. So suck it up and tell him how you feel already, before it’s too late.”



  When Jaxon showed up to take Lucy to her physical therapy appointment she was still stewing over what Brooke said to her earlier. Lucy may not have liked how Brooke went about it, but she wasn’t wrong. Maybe it was time to let go of her fears and go after what she wanted.

  The last few weeks with Jaxon had been her happiest in a long time. He’d done just what he said he would. He stuck by her. He helped her when she struggled and celebrated her when she triumphed. Jaxon had held her hand every step of the way since he pulled her out of her burning car nearly eight weeks ago.

  The lines between friendship and more had been blurring increasingly with the more time they spent together. But through it all, Jaxon had been incredibly patient with her. She knew it wasn’t fair to keep her feelings from Jaxon for the sake of stroking Alex’s fragile ego. She also knew that Jaxon was too much a gentleman to act on anything he might be feeling toward her.

  He’d made it clear that he was interested in her weeks ago when they’d talked about her drunken kiss attempt. She knew the ball was now in her court.

  “You ready?” Jaxon asked slinging Lucy’s duffle bag over his broad shoulders.

  She grinned when he wrapped her in a hug, letting his steadfast warmth seep into her and erase some of her nerves. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be ready for all this boy had to offer, but she was tired of being afraid to try.

  She looked up at him confidently. “Ready.”


  “Where are we going?” Lucy asked when Jaxon drove their golf cart past the campus gym where she normally met with her physical therapist.

  “We’re switching it up tonight,” Jaxon said trying to keep his face neutral. He’d spent all week working on this surprise for Lucy and he was desperately hoping it went well.

  She looked at him from under her thick, dark lashes. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I know that you’re not a fan of your normal PT routine, so I did some research to see what else you could try.”

  “Jaxon, that’s so sweet!”

  “Don’t get too excited yet.”

  “About what?”

  “This,” he said pulling up in front of the campus pool house.

  Lucy’s eyes flooded with emotion. “You got my PT moved to the pool?”

  “Sort of.”

  Jaxon quickly explained how he talked to her doctor about letting Lucy try a plastic ankle splint that would allow her to get back in the pool. He’d even looked up exercises she could do in the water that would actually promote faster healing compared to the stress some of her physical therapy training put on her body.

  “You’ll still have to do a lot of PT stuff in the pool to keep your strength up. And your doctor says he doesn’t want you trying to swim yet, but I figured we could take baby steps to get you back into it. What do ya think?”

  Lucy threw her arms around his neck and squealed with delight.

  “I take it that’s a solid yes to PT in the pool?”

  “Yes! Jaxon, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is so incredible. Seriously, this is the best day ever.”

  He was glowing with pride that she was so thrilled with his idea, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease her a little. Her enthusiasm was just too damn cute. “Damn Smalls, you gotta get out more.”

  “I get out!”

  “I don’t know . . . If your idea of the best day ever is a trip to the school pool, you’ve got some pretty low expectations.”

  She stuck her tongue out. “What can I say, I’m easy to please.”

  “I’ll say. You’re really selling yourself short letting me get used to your low expectations.”

  She grinned infectiously. He could also get used to making her smile like that.

  “Oh wait! I don’t have a swimsuit. We have to go back to my dorm.”

  Jaxon huffed a laugh and padded her duffle bag. “I’ve got ya covered.”

  “You packed my swimsuit?”

  “No, but Brooke did.”

  He’d asked Brooke to pack a swimsuit, towel and any other girlie stuff Lucy might need for a surprise swimming date. He didn’t look in the bag, but he trusted Brooke. The more time he spent with the quirky blonde, the more he realized her prickly exterior was just a front to keep people at bay. But Brooke was a good egg. She was always there for Lucy, and that was all Jaxon could ask for.

  A few minutes later Jaxon was waiting anxiously by the side of the pool. He’d changed into his board shorts and was waiting for Lucy to come out of the girls’ locker room. He looked around the empty pool house taking in the pungent smell of chlorine. He didn’t like how wet the floors were. Lucy was liable to slip on her crutches.

  When he heard the door to the girls’ locker room open he was on his feet, moving to join Lucy. He planned to scoop her into his arms to eliminate the threat of her crutches on the slippery floor, but when he saw her standing there in her red string bikini something inside him caved in.

  Suddenly, Jaxon was the one at risk of falling. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. What the hell had he been thinking planning this? There was no way he could concentrate on anything but the way Lucy’s perfect little body looked in her skintight swimsuit. Jaxon stared at the bright red fabric in awe. There was so little of it, yet somehow it managed to hug every perfect dip and curve of Lucy’s swimmer’s body. He didn’t know whether to thank Brooke, or kill her for choosing that particularly sexy swimsuit.

  Lucy seemed to catch his quiet panic. “Are you okay?”

  Jaxon forced his mouth closed and tried to gather his wits. “Yep.”

  “Is that the new brace?” Lucy asked nodding to the white plastic contraption Jaxon held in his hand. He’d almost forgotten about it in his momentary daze.

  “Yeah. Here, sit down and I’ll help you put it on.”

  Lucy followed Jaxon over to a bench near the shallow end of the practice pool. They both sat down and Lucy offered Jaxon her booted leg. He gently undid the Velcro straps and slid the boot off, placing Lucy’s fragile leg on his lap. He put the walking boot on the floor and picked up the new white splint. His fingers shook as he fitted it as gently as he could against Lucy’s smooth, soft skin.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked again.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Your hands are shaking.”

  Jaxon blew out a nervous breath. “Damn, Smalls. Are you trying to tell me my future as a surgeon is out?”

  Lucy laughed. “I think you’re doing just fine.”

  Jaxon felt a little better. He just needed to keep talking and look anywhere but at Lucy’s body. He finished securing her splint. “Is that too tight?”

  “No, it feels okay.”

  “Okay. So you can’t put any weight on it. It’s just meant to immobilize your injury while you’re in the water.”

  “Oh. Okay. How am I getting in the pool then?”

  Shit! He really hadn’t thought this through. Jaxon swallowed. “I’ll carry you.”

  No big deal. He’d carried Lucy probably a hundred times in the last eight weeks.

  Yeah, but she’d been wearing clothes every one of those times, his subconscious screamed. Not a skimpy wet dream bikini!

  The moment Jaxon had Lucy in his arms he knew he was done for. He’d given up trying not to fall for her. Now he was just trying to remember how to breathe. When she looped her hands around his neck and looked at him with compl
ete and utter trust in her gorgeous hazel eyes he felt like he could drown in them. He’d do anything for this girl, including let her tear his heart out. Which was exactly what was happening right now as he tried to keep his desire for her under control.


  Lucy couldn’t stop smiling. She was back in the pool. And it felt incredible! The warm water wrapped around her with the comfort and familiarity of a security blanket. Swimming had always been her happy place. It was the one thing that brought peace and balance to her life. And just because she couldn’t use her injured leg didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy it.

  Her arms were skilled enough to propel her through the water with ease. She dove down to the bottom, letting herself float weightlessly back to the top. She did this until she was nearly breathless. When she finally resurfaced, she swam over to Jaxon, a grin splitting her face so wide it hurt.

  Swimming with a shirtless Jaxon was an added bonus. The boy was fine! Lucy had a hard time keeping her eyes off of him. His sun-kissed skin clung to his taut muscles like even it couldn’t get enough of him.

  When Lucy reached him, she slid her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer. His hands settled on her waist and her legs naturally floated around his hips. It was an intimate gesture, and suddenly Lucy was very aware of just how close they were. And just how boldly Jaxon was looking at her.

  She saw everything she’d ever wanted in the smoldering blue flame flickering in his gaze. She wound her hands tighter around him and he smiled. Good Lord, that smile! It was like a punch to the heart. How had she ever survived without his smile in her life before now?

  The thought elicited a strange sense of panic and bravery in Lucy all at once. She realized not seeing Jaxon smile at her like that was not an option she was willing to settle for. She needed to let go of all her fears—of Alex, his family, her father, the accident. It was time to let it all go.


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