The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7)

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The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7) Page 28

by Christina Benjamin

  He placed a kiss against her temple and she closed her eyes. “Let it all go, Lucy. Then we walk away together, remember?”

  She looked up at him, loving him so much in that moment that she could barely breathe. Lucy nodded once and then faced the room. “The threats from Alex started a long time ago.”

  “How far back?” Matt asked.

  “Right after my father left me in his parents’ custody when he was arrested by the FBI on charges I just found out may have been fraudulent.”

  Matt blinked like he wasn’t hearing her right. “I think you’re going to have to start from the beginning.”

  So she did. Lucy told them about how her father and Alex’s father had been best friends. How they started a finance business together. How they became successful and wealthy beyond their dreams. They married and had children, who grew up next door to each other. But that’s when the fairytale ended.

  Her mother died the day she was born and her father might as well have died that day, too. He couldn’t seem to be around Lucy. Instead, he let the Alvez’s raise her while he threw himself into the business. Then one day the FBI started sniffing around. The word fraud and embezzlement was thrown around.

  Lucy clutched Jaxon’s hand as she told their attorney about the many tearful nights of her childhood; her father fighting with Alex’s father, threats being made. How Mrs. Alvez suggested they become Lucy’s guardians until things got sorted out. And how one morning Lucy awoke to federal agents swarming her home and her worst nightmare coming true. Her last remaining parent was taken from her.

  She was seven years old when it happened and she hadn’t seen or spoken to her father since he was arrested. She didn’t even know what prison he was being held in. The Alvez’s said it was better she not know, that they were protecting her. But the older she got, the more she felt they were keeping her from him for a reason.

  Lucy explained how Alex was happy to hold her situation over her head to get her to do whatever he wanted, including date him for much longer than she would have if she hadn’t felt trapped. She explained how he made her feel like she owed him because of the way his family cared for her. And how he threatened her when they broke up, saying he’d make sure she never saw her father again, alluding to the fact that his father had framed hers.

  She also shared that she had suspected something along those lines for a while, but never had any proof. But Alex’s family had gained sole ownership of a very successful business with Lucy’s father out of the way. And all they had to do to get it was essentially buy their son a playmate.

  When Lucy finally finished speaking she felt hollow inside. It was almost like she was telling someone else’s story rather than her own. She’d built up a wall to protect her from the harsh reality of what might have caused her father to abandon her. Even now it was hard to accept it was true.

  Matt finally stopped scribbling on his notepad and rubbed his forehead. “Is there anyone who can collaborate this?”

  “I can,” Brooke said. “I’ve been her roommate for four years. I’ve heard Alex say things to Lucy about her family that never made any sense until now. And then after Lucy broke up with him, he got possessive. He called all the time, wouldn’t leave her alone. He showed up at our apartment one night threatening her about framing her father. I was afraid for our safety. I had to chase him out with a baseball bat.”

  Lucy felt Jaxon growl next to her. She put a soothing hand on his arm. She knew he was probably imagining pummeling Alex some more, but she considered it progress that he gently pulled her closer instead, pressing another kiss to her temple.

  Jaxon’s voice was low in her ear. “Why didn’t you tell me about any of this?”

  Lucy gave him a weak smile. “I was trying to avoid you beating Alex to death.”

  Jaxon exhaled into her hair. “Lucy, I never want you to be afraid to come to me with anything.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, it was just . . .”

  “Shhh.” Jaxon pulled her closer, gently stroking her hair, careful to avoid her stitches. “Lucy, I love you. I’m not going anywhere. No matter what. So tell me your worst. You can’t scare me away. Not when we both have the same scars.”

  Lucy buried her face into Jaxon’s chest and let the tears come. She’d been holding them back for so long. She was trying to be strong—for him, for herself, for her family and Brooke. But hearing Jaxon say that he wasn’t going anywhere, that he loved her no matter how damaged she was . . . it was what she’d always wanted and what she never dared to hope for.


  Matt asked a few more follow up questions after Lucy had cried herself out. Jaxon was glad to see the attorney was wrapping things up. All he wanted to do was kiss his girl until he could see the brightness in her eyes again.

  Matt stacked his notepad and folder neatly in his briefcase before turning to Brooke. “Are you willing to go on record with this, Miss Becker?”

  Brooke nodded. “Absolutely.”

  “What about you, Miss Adams?”

  Lucy looked up with determination in her eyes. She slipped her hand into Jaxon’s and squeezed, then she nodded her head once. “Yes. I’ll go on record.”

  “Good,” Matt said. “Then I think we may have a case. Let me put some things together and I’ll get back to you. If what you said is true, I think the Alvez family will be too busy cleaning up this mess to worry about trumped up charges on Jaxon.”

  Uncle Steven walked out with their attorney. When they were gone, Conner slung his arm over Brooke’s shoulders. “So a baseball bat, huh?”

  Brooke laughed. “If you ask me what I was wearing I’m gonna slug you.”

  “Awe come on. I bet you looked hot as hell with a bat on your shoulder, cupcake,” Conner teased.

  Jaxon shook his head at them as he suppressed a grin. He’d never seen such a perfectly odd couple. Brooke looked like Luna Lovegood raided Rainbow Brite’s closet, while Conner looked like the cop from Terminator, but with better hair. Seeing them side-by-side was almost comical. But somehow, they worked.

  Brooke brought out the gentler side of Conner, while he eased her wariness.

  Jaxon knew Brooke’s steely exterior was just a front. Since getting to know her, he realized she was as soft as a marshmallow on the inside. She needed protecting just as much as Lucy did. Jaxon knew Conner would guard Brooke’s gooey gumdrop heart better than anyone else. He also knew Conner was way past ‘having fun’.

  Jaxon noticed the way his brother looked at Brooke. He’d never seen Conner look at a girl that way—with awe, admiration and infatuation.

  It was the way Jaxon looked at Lucy—like there were no other girl in the world.

  That’s how Jaxon knew Conner was in it for real this time.

  Brooke pinched Conner’s arm affectionately and ducked out from beneath it to check on Lucy, and Jaxon took the opportunity to talk to his brother.

  “How’s she’s holding up?” Conner asked when Jaxon sidled up to him.

  Jaxon knew he meant Lucy. “She’s stronger than she looks.”

  Conner smiled. “Told ya. Smalls is a fighter.”

  “And what about Brooke?” Jaxon asked arching an eyebrow.

  “That one?” Conner groaned. “I don’t have a word for her yet.”

  “Wild?” Jaxon offered.

  “I am pretty wild about her,” Conner admitted.

  “I like you two together.” Jaxon added. “It’s good seeing you happy.”

  “You too, baby bro,” Conner said draping his arm over Jaxon’s shoulders. They each took a quiet moment to study their girls—grateful they’d made it through the harrowing day. Conner pulled away first. “Now go take care of your girl and stay outta trouble.”

  “Glad to,” Jaxon said, fist bumping his brother before returning to Lucy’s side.

  Brooke stopped Jaxon on his way to Lucy and gave him an awkward hug. “Thanks for having my girl’s back,” she whispered.

  Jaxon grinned. “Al

  “See you at home?” Brooke asked.

  Jaxon smiled. Home. He liked the sound of that. “Yeah.”

  As he sat down on the bed pulling Lucy to his side, Jaxon realized Brooke was right; home had shifted for him. It wasn’t so much a place with a roof and walls, but a feeling—one he only had when Lucy was in his arms.

  Jaxon kicked his shoes off and slid into the wide hospital bed with Lucy. She curled up against him and was snoring in her adorable kitten-like way in no time. Jaxon shut his eyes too.

  All and all, today could’ve gone much worse. He had his girl in his arms and a world of possibility at his feet. Their future was still uncertain at the moment, but one thing was for sure, Jaxon could face anything as long as he had Lucy by his side.



  “Bro, you’re gonna be late!” Conner called from his bedroom across the hall.

  “Not possible,” Jaxon replied. There was no way he’d mess a single thing up tonight. He’d even set every clock in the house ahead to make sure nothing could keep him from making tonight perfect.

  Jaxon finished buttoning his midnight blue suit jacket. His eyes paused on his hands. They were nearly healed—the bruises gone, the pink scars across his knuckles fading. It made him smile. He knew his deepest wounds had always been in his heart, but even they seemed to be healing. And he knew it was due to the unbelievable way that Lucy loved him. She accepted him, flaws and all. It was more than he’d ever allowed himself to wish for. It was closure, it was peace, it was love; pure and unconditional.

  It didn’t hurt that it finally felt like the worst was behind them. All the charges were dropped against Jaxon. His attorney, who Jaxon hadn’t been sure he liked at first, was actually the shit. Matt and his law firm made sure everything Lucy had been through because of Alex and his family got plenty of media coverage, resulting in a full-scale investigation into the Alvez financial business. It turned out everything Alex had been bragging about was true. His father built his fortune with extortion and embezzlement. And Lucy’s father hadn’t been the only one targeted.

  The Alvez’s were going away for a long time and Jaxon was relieved to know Lucy was finally free of them. The authorities were working on a plea deal with her father, who would hopefully be released from prison after some red tape was cleared up. Jaxon knew Lucy was anxious to see him and he planned to be by her side when it happened.

  But today, they had better things to look forward to. Like prom, which Jaxon would actually be late to if he didn’t get his ass moving. He took one last look in the mirror admiring the way he looked in the impeccably fitted suit his uncle had bought him. It was a deep blue with a crisp black lapel, and wearing it, Jaxon felt like he actually looked like someone who could have a girl as stunning as Lucy on his arm.

  Conner’s head popped into Jaxon’s room. “Bro, stop checking yourself out in the mirror or you’re gonna be late for your big day.”

  “Relax, I’ve got this.”

  Conner glanced at his watch anxiously and Jaxon hid his smirk, wondering if he should let his brother in on the fact that he’d changed the time on his watch too. Nah, this was too fun.

  “You’re gonna be late, too,” Jaxon teased. “And Brooke’s not as forgiving as Lucy.”

  “Believe me, I know. And I also know better than to cross a woman with a baseball bat. So let’s go.”

  Jaxon laughed and followed his brother downstairs, where Uncle Steven was waiting to send them off.

  “Looking good, boys,” Uncle Steven said giving them each a firm handshake and a pat on the shoulder.

  Jaxon thanked his uncle again for the suit, but he brushed it off, changing the subject. “Look who came to see you.”

  Jaxon was about to ask who, but the words died on his lips when he saw his father emerge into the living room. He was wearing a dress shirt tucked into a pair of jeans that looked new. He was clean-shaven and clear-eyed, and Jaxon found it hard to swallow past the lump in his throat. “Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see my two sons go off to prom.”

  “They let you out?” Jaxon asked.

  His father chuckled softly. “It’s a volunteer rehab center, son. I’m not locked up in there.”

  “Oh, right.” Jaxon was still having a hard time trusting that his father really had changed. But he hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol since the day he found out Jaxon was possibly facing charges for assaulting Alex. I guess seeing his youngest son in handcuffs on the news was the wake up call he’d needed.

  Jaxon knew they still had a long road ahead of them. Recovery wouldn’t be easy for his father and it would take time to rebuild trust and mend their relationship, but this—his father showing up to see him off to prom—it was a step in the right direction.

  “You look good, son,” his father said. “Both of you.”

  “Thanks, Pop,” Conner said, slapping their father on the back and pulling him in for a gruff hug.

  Jaxon hesitantly did the same.

  “I’m proud of you, son,” his father said quietly, crushing Jaxon against him. “I know I don’t say it enough.”

  “It’s okay, Dad.”

  “It’s not, but I think it will be,” his father replied, emotion shining his eyes. He smiled, pulling himself together to pat Jaxon on the back. “Now get out of here and enjoy your prom night, son.”


  “Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes!” Brooke shrieked.

  As she scurried around the dorm room, the pale pink and blue chiffon of her baby doll style dress floated around her, giving the illusion she was a cotton candy cyclone.

  Lucy stifled a giggle, shaking her head at her roommate’s nervousness. She’d never seen Brooke in such a tizzy. “Brooke, you’re wearing your shoes.”

  “Oh. Right!”

  “Brooke, calm down. It’s just prom.”

  “It’s prom with Conner Bradburn!” she squealed, grabbing Lucy’s hands and screaming like she was at a boy band concert. Brooke’s white-blonde hair was piled atop her head and it bobbed like a cotton ball as she jumped up and down.

  Lucy couldn’t help getting caught up in her best friend’s excitement. Truthfully, she was a little nervous too. But it was a good nervous—the kind that feels like a fizzy can of soda trapped in your chest.

  “Lucy, we did it. We both found our unicorns!” Brooke gushed.

  Lucy giggled. “Yeah, we sorta did, didn’t we?”

  “Tonight is going to be epic! I still can’t believe Conner actually agreed to come to my high school prom. He’s going to be the hottest guy there. I’m dating the hottest guy at prom!” Brooke shrieked. “No offense, Jaxon’s cute and all, but Conner . . .” Brooke swooned and flopped down onto the couch. “That boy,” she said, fanning herself with her hands.

  “Okay, don’t overheat just yet,” Lucy teased. “Save some of that for when you see them in their tuxedos.”

  Brooke sat up like she’d just remembered something and darted into her bedroom.

  Lucy shook her head, laughing at her crazy best friend. She loved that girl like a sister. A pang of sadness snuck up on Lucy, realizing they didn’t have many moments like this left. High school would be over soon. And while Lucy was ready to leave the drama of her childhood behind, she was going to miss some of the good things that had been a part of it. Brooke was one of those things.

  “I got you something,” Brooke said, returning with a gift bag in her hand.

  “Brooke,” Lucy gasped. “I didn’t know we were doing presents.”

  “We’re not. It’s more of an early graduation present anyway.”

  “Should I open it now?”

  “Yes! You might be able to use it tonight,” Brooke said, seductively waggling her pale eyebrows.

  Lucy flushed scarlet knowing what Brooke was insinuating. Tonight was the night. “Brooke, if this is another box of condoms I’m going to kill you.”

  Brooke smirked. “It’s not! Just
open it.”

  Lucy approached the gift bag with caution. She’d made the mistake of telling Brooke that she and Jaxon hadn’t had sex yet, and were waiting to do it on prom night. Brooke thought that was adorable and couldn’t seem to resist embarrassing Lucy by purposely leaving things like, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Sex, around their dorm room for Jaxon to see. She’d even gone as far as sneaking a box of Magnum condoms into Lucy’s bag of take out food. When the box of condoms fell out in front of Jaxon, Lucy wanted to crawl into a hole. But Brooke had just cackled like a lunatic and snapped a photo of Lucy and Jaxon looking mortified.

  Brooke huffed impatiently as Lucy peered at the gift. “Do you want me to open it for you?”

  “No!” Lucy said, pulling the bag closer when Brooke tried to reach for it.

  Lucy stopped stalling and removed the glittery white tissue paper from the iridescent gift bag. Inside was a black box. Lucy knew what it was even before she pulled it out. She held the box to her chest and laughed. “A Magic 8 Ball?”

  Brooke grinned. “Your very own.”

  “Brooke, thank you. I love it.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes! Of course.”

  “And you’ll use it?”

  “You know I will.”

  “Good. I thought it would be something to remind you of me when all of this is over,” Brooke said, sweeping her arm in a circle.

  “Brooke, don’t make me cry,” Lucy said, feeling tears pricking the back of her eyes. “I’ll ruin all the hard work you did on my makeup.”

  “Nah, I made sure that shit is sex-proof.” Brooke laughed and pulled Lucy into a bone-crushing hug. “I’m gonna miss you, Lucy Lu.”

  “I’m gonna miss you too, Brooke. So much.”

  “Our colleges aren’t that far apart. We’ll still see each other,” Brooke said holding Lucy tight. “We can visit all the time and trade off weekends at the beach and in the city.”

  Lucy sniffled. They were both staying in California for college but it suddenly felt like they were moving to different planets. “Promise?” Lucy whispered.


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