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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 30

by Wendie Nordgren

  A woman and four younger men greeted us. They bowed low to Papa. “Emperor Probus, the Cassians are deeply honored by your visit and further honored by the presence of Princess Teagan,” the woman said with a deep curtsey.

  “Mrs. Cassian, we are grateful for your hospitality, and I grow fonder of your eldest son each day.”

  “Thank you, Emperor Probus. Princess Teagan, we wish for your stay to be as pleasant as possible and for you to feel at home. My heart is full of happiness to have dear Neema’s beautiful daughter here with us. I am also happy to serve as hostess to the men who rescued you and aided in your return to your family.” Mrs. Cassian curtsied to Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip.

  “Princess Teagan, this is my mother, and these are my four little brothers, Nat, Nilo, Niles, and Nicasio.”

  I curtsied and said, “Pleased to meet you. You have a lovely home. Thank you for inviting us.”

  “Please let me show you to your room,” Mrs. Cassian said. I followed her. Papa had begun shaking hands with the brothers. I thought the youngest brother, Nicasio, might only be a year older than me. Nico had begun introducing Yukihyo and the others to his brothers. I noticed that Mrs. Cassian was as tall as Hiroshi, and that her sons all had her blonde hair and dark eyes. She took me down the hall to the left and then up to the second floor. She showed me to a large room with an adjoining suite. Kaoti followed. The room had a large bed to the left against the wall with square bedside tables and animal hide rugs to either side. Half of the back wall to the side of the bed was filled with a large fireplace. The other side of the wall directly across from the entrance had a door leading to the bathroom. I could see a mirror above a sink from where I stood. To the right across from the bed, a vid-screen was on the wall. Square tables with leather chairs were in the corners near it. A door to my right led to the other suite. A large closet was in the bathroom. A spectacular rectangular tub was across from the fireplace it shared with the bedroom. Someone had already started a small fire within it.

  “I look forward to soaking my back in there.”

  “Pregnancy can be very tiring. I will do my best to make sure you are comfortable while you are here. You will not be joining the men on the hunt?”

  “No, ma’am. Phillip said that he would keep me company while they are gone.”

  “Very good. I have given him a room down the hall. Is this room okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You are kind. Nico’s home does not compare to the Imperial Palace. I have seen your mother’s wing that your father has given to you.”

  “Those were my mother’s rooms? She was there?” My eyes began spilling over.

  “Hush, don’t cry. Neema would not want to see tears on your beautiful face. Oh, how she would have loved you.”

  “He told me she left, and didn’t take me with her because she didn’t love me or want me.”

  “You speak of the man who stole and tortured you? Think of him no more. You are safe. Nico has at least twenty-thousand soldiers on Apellan to protect you.”

  “It’s hard to forget someone I was trapped with for eighteen years.” She held me to her shoulder and patted my back. Then, she went to the sink and handed me a damp cloth. I wiped at my face. Thunderdrop chirped at me from the bed. “Mrs. Cassian, is Thunderdrop safe here? He would like to explore, but I don’t want the soldiers to mistakenly shoot him or have some bird or animal hurt him.”

  “Nico commanded your pet to be protected. He will be safe in the house and yard. There are bears and other dangerous wildlife in the woods, though.”

  “Did you hear that, baby?”


  “Promise me you will be careful.”


  “May I have a hug?” Thunderdrop hugged my neck, and I stroked my hand down his back. “I love you. Please, check in with me.” He hugged my belly and then scampered away.

  “He is intelligent. He understood you.”

  “Yes, occasionally he can communicate with me telepathically. He is still just a baby, and I need to protect him. Do you have any small pets around?”

  “No, Princess.”

  Relieved that I didn’t have to worry about him hunting any pets, I said, “Please, call me Teagan.” The vid-screen in the room beeped, scaring me. Mrs. Cassian tapped it. It was Grandmother and Aunt Seyla.

  “Hello, Mrs. Valen. I’m getting to know your beautiful granddaughter.”

  “Good. I won’t keep you. I just wanted to make sure that she arrived there safely.”

  “I love you, Grandmother. I’m fine.” She blew me kisses.

  “Are you and Nico getting along, darling?”

  I blushed. “Yes. Ma’am.”

  “That’s good. By the way, I’ve shown my great-granddaughter’s picture to all of my friends. She is beautiful!”

  “I agree. I can’t wait to hold her.”

  “Well, you get some rest and eat what you want. If Phillip gives you any trouble, I’ll handle him.” She ended the transmission.

  We returned to the first floor. The men were all inside of the room that had required the palm scan to enter. It was full of every imaginable weapon. In my current mood, it looked like a great deal of potential stress relief if I could gain access. I took a closer look. “You have your own blaster cannon?”

  Papa shot me a look. “How do you know about those?”

  “Eric let me fire one. I was having a rough day. It was fun. Don’t worry. He held it for me.”

  Hiroshi said, “Eric lets you behave like a boy.”

  “No, Eric lets me be myself. Anyway, you’re just jealous because Eric lets me on his bridge and let me sit in his captain’s chair.” Kane appeared chagrined. “Eric let me sit in his fighter ship and took Thunderdrop and me up in it. Then, he gave me an ice bear in a captain’s uniform.”

  “Don’t give Kane a hard time. You weren’t pregnant with my niece then. Eric would never allow you to do those things in your current condition. He received quite the scolding from both Ethan and Sherman for that little adventure,” Hiroshi admonished me.

  “Whatever. I bet no one ever tells Captain Espanoza what to do.”

  “Is she an only child?” Papa asked. I shrugged.

  “I never get to do anything fun.”

  “Do you want to go hunting, lady wife?”

  “No, gross. I don’t want to see any poor little dead animals.” Kane snickered.

  “I don’t want you in this room,” Papa said. I frowned at him and went to sit on a couch near the fire. Apellan was rather cold. My feet looked swollen.

  “You should put your feet up for a while, Cupcake.” He lifted my feet and put a pillow under my knees. Mrs. Cassian covered me with a blanket. Phillip rubbed my feet and ankles. That evening a large table was set and all thirteen of us shared a dinner of grilled and roasted game meats and vegetables.

  Later that evening Yukihyo let me lean my back against his chest in the tub. The fire cast a warm soothing glow on the room. My belly poked up like an island out of the warm water. Yukihyo swirled his finger around it. “How are you feeling?”

  “I am very well.”

  “I remember once on Malta, a man touched me, and you threw him into a wall. You told him if he touched me again that you would kill him.”

  “I am much more secure in our love. I know your emotions, your mind, and that we are truly life mates. I know what you have said to both Kane and Nico about me and that you meant every word. My mother and sisters have explained to me the magnitude of your duty to the empire, and we discussed it at length on Arachne. My mother reestablished our bond. Her mind along with those of my sisters calms me. However, those bonds do not compare to that which I share with our daughter.”

  “Nico asked me if I would agree to marry him before we go home to Arachne, if the contract meets our approval.”

  “He has submitted a marriage contract to your father. After he approves it, I will examine it along with Hiroshi and Ph

  Once we were out of the tub and dry, while looking for a gown, I found all new clothes in the closet, gifts from Mrs. Cassian. I gave Yukihyo a wicked grin and practiced on him what had driven him wild the other night. He became frantic and completely under my control. I felt powerful. I removed my mouth and climbed on top of him. Carefully lowering myself, I moved slowly and deeply. Yukihyo’s hands clutched the sheets. I could see the veins in his neck as he struggled to remain still. Through his half closed lids, I could see streaks of pink and gold. I looked at his beautiful mouth and licked my lips. Yukihyo exploded and yelled out. He panted and came a second time. I felt him soften inside of me. His breathing was harsh, and I felt his heart pounding underneath my palm. “Your womanly attentions are magnificent. That was incredible. Your thoughts and feelings were as erotic as what your lovely body did to mine.”

  “My body will miss yours while you are off hunting. Promise me you will be careful. Wear the protective shirt I made you and try to convince the others to wear them as well. This hunting business frightens me.”

  “Lady wife, I will do my best to bring you and our child lots of meat.”

  Moving off of him, I curled against his side. “You know we will gobble it all up. Your child has me constantly hungry.” Yukihyo chuckled.

  They left early the next morning. Phillip, Kaoti, Thunderdrop, and several soldiers remained to guard us. Grandmother and Gram called together before I had gotten out of bed wanting to know if I had accepted Nico. “No, he and Papa haven’t given me anything to sign.”

  “Oh, so they have begun negotiations on your behalf?” Grandmother asked.

  “That’s what Yukihyo tells me.”

  Once they ended the call, I pulled on a soft dress Nico’s mom had bought for me, grabbed my vid-screen, and went downstairs. I thought I would play with my recipes for a while. “Mrs. Cassian, may I please do a little baking in your kitchen?”

  “You may do whatever makes you happy. It isn’t my kitchen, though. This is Nico’s home. I am here to make sure that you feel comfortable and welcome.”

  “I thought you lived here.”

  “We visit from time to time, but I prefer my house in the city. I get terribly bored all the way out here.”

  “Oh, I love the peace, quiet, and the trees. I had enough of cities on Earth.”

  “It was difficult for you there.”

  “I don’t ever want to go back to Earth. I wish Hiroshi could convince Uncle Lee to move to Arachne. Then, nothing could ever convince me to return.” She sat in a chair as I rummaged for a mixer, bowls, and pans. I found every ingredient I needed. I baked five cakes in Nico’s fabulous kitchen. I loved the views through the windows. Four of the cakes went into the cold storage for when our brave hunters returned. I cleaned the kitchen and placed the cake on the table with plates, forks, napkins, and cups of coffee. I laughed when I looked up to see Phillip and Kaoti observing my actions with anticipation. “Please come and help us eat this cake.” Phillip cut us each a slice.

  Thunderdrop was enjoying Nico’s house. He made a web eight feet across in the corner of my room near the bathroom door. That night I looked for a game to play on my vid-screen. A slow grin spread across my face when I found a Parvac Pilot Program from Kane. I breezed through the first five chapters with perfect scores.

  The next morning Thunderdrop presented me with a large dead cocooned something. “Thunderdrop, good boy! You went hunting for me, little spider baby? What a brave boy you are.” He preened, and after I managed to bend down to retrieve his gift, he scampered up the outer wall to the parapet. “Kaoti, what is this?”

  “It looks like a rabbit, Princess.”

  “Oh, no. Poor thing.” I cried for the poor rabbit. Phillip held me against his chest and rubbed my back. Kaoti took the rabbit away. “Don’t tell Thunderdrop. It would hurt his feelings.” I spent the day on a couch in the living room by the fire with my feet up studying. I had to read the chapter about the control panels twice since some of the systems functioned differently. Parvacs didn’t use magnetized suits or seats, and their weapons were activated with a separate control panel. The hand controls seemed easier to maneuver. It was more similar to the steering in transports. After dinner I had completed the course and had been promoted to flight simulation.

  The hunting party returned the next day with crates of processed meat and several hides. “You look well daughter.”

  “It is very peaceful here. I’m having a lovely time. I was able to relax. Did you brave hunters have a nice time?”

  “Yes, your husband taught us quite a few things. He is an experienced hunter. We would like your approval to hunt on Naxa.”

  “Didn’t you get enough?”

  “A few more kills will supply your crew, the palace, the Cassians, and the Valens with meat for several months.”

  “Whatever you all decide to do is fine with me, Papa.”

  “You are a good girl.”

  Kane waited until Papa had gone upstairs and asked, “Did you have help with the program I loaded onto your vid-screen?”

  “No, why?”

  “I got a report that you completed it already.”

  “Yes, I completed it last night and now get to play with the simulator.”

  “How did you finish it so quickly?”

  “I already completed the Galaxic Militia program. I only had to study two of the Parvac chapters.”

  “You earned perfect scores.”

  I shrugged. “Well, it was like taking the same class over again.”

  “Tell me the steps for disembarking.”

  “The pilot must steer the ship clear of other crafts, obstructions, and lifeforms. Constant visual confirmation through both sensors, and looking from right, front, and left must be maintained. The pilot must possess full control of the ship, all of its systems, and have the ability to maneuver around any and all obstacles. Right?”


  “Good, Yukihyo kept making fun of me for tearing the wing off during simulations, so I studied that chapter even harder.” Kane stared at me. “What? I baked cookies from one of grandmother’s recipes this morning. Want some?”


  I placed the triple batch of cookies on the table and watched as eleven men turned into little boys over them. Mrs. Cassian shared my amusement. Papa dipped his cookies in milk.

  Dinner showcased platters containing each of their kills. “This is great. What is this?”

  Smugly, Hiroshi said, “That is pheasant.”

  After everyone had eaten dinner, Mrs. Cassian helped me bring out the four cakes I had made. Yukihyo was first to cut himself a large piece. Phillip and Hiroshi tussled over the second slice. “From where did these come?” Nico asked.

  “I made them. I hope you don’t mind. I love your kitchen.” The cakes disappeared. Papa eyed the last piece.

  “Daughter, aren’t you having any?”

  “No, you can have it. I’m full.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Yes, we ate the fifth one while you were gone.” Mrs. Cassian nodded.

  “You’re like grandmother. She bakes a lot,” Kane said.

  I beamed at him. “Are we leaving for Naxa in the morning?”

  “We would like to view the merchant district in the city tomorrow,” Yukihyo said.

  “We will journey to Naxa on the next day after tomorrow,” Papa said.

  “Okay.” I got up and began collecting dishes and putting them in the cleaning unit.

  “Daughter, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  Yukihyo said, “It makes her happy.”

  That night after I had given Yukihyo his favorite new welcome home, he held me against his chest. After listening to the wood crackle and snap for a few minutes, he said, “Your father has approved of Nico’s marriage contract. Hiroshi and I have both studied it. Nico is generous to you and grants you freedom to come and go with your children during times of
peace and with proper security. Tomorrow, Nico will formally offer himself to you. Phillip, Kaoti, and Mrs. Cassian will remain here. The rest of us will be elsewhere until we meet again on Kane’s ship to depart for Naxa.” I started to shake. “All will be well, lady wife.”

  “You won’t leave me?” I sobbed.

  “No, never.”

  When I woke up, the house sounded empty. I bathed and dressed. I was afraid to leave my room. Someone knocked. I forced myself to answer it. “You okay, Cupcake?” I shook my head no. Phillip came in, closed the door, and lifted my chin. “Your father would never approve of a man to marry you or even be in the same room with you, if he weren’t certain of your safety. Will you come have some breakfast?” I nodded a yes. Phillip gave me pancakes and coffee. I tried to eat. I ended up sipping fizzy water. Thunderdrop chirped excitedly at me. I followed him to the back kitchen door. He blinked up at me from a large bundle.

  “Thunderdrop! You went hunting again? You take such good care of me. Thank you.” I managed to balance enough to bend down and pick it up. I smiled at him.

  “Chirp!” He went off in the direction of a tree and climbed it. I closed the door and tried not to be sick.

  “Kaoti,” I managed weakly. Silently, he took it. Someone turned the water on in the sink. I washed my hands with my eyes closed. I filled my hand with more soap and sniffed it several times. I washed my hands again. Someone put a towel in my hands. I buried my face in it. “Thank you. I really need to sit down.” Keeping the towel to my face, I was led to a couch near the fire. “I don’t want to know what it was.” I realized it was Nico who sat by me and rubbed my back.

  “Does Thunderdrop do that often?”

  “No, he wants to make sure the baby and I have enough to eat. My stomach is sensitive today. It usually doesn’t bother me as much.” Nico got up and returned with a glass of cold fizzy water. I sipped it. “I think I’m okay now.” I looked over at Nico. He stared at his hands. They were clasped out in front of him. His elbows were on his knees, and his forearms were parallel to the floor.


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