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Deceit (The Vindicated Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Addison Jane

  Daisy’s head pops up, the remote clenched between her teeth. My eyes widen in surprise as I hold out my hand and she drops it, sitting back on her haunches proudly almost like she’s smiling at me.

  “I wish I had my slippers,” I say slowly, watching as Daisy darts out of the room, heading down the short hall to my bedroom. “No. She wouldn’t…”

  When she appears in front of me again with one of my soft fluffy pink slippers in her mouth, I can’t help but stare at her in awe. “Holy shit.”

  Even with spending my whole life around animals, I’ve never come into contact with one that’s trained so well. I’m beginning to realize that Daisy isn’t just a normal family pet. She’s smart, so smart it blows my mind.

  It’s late by the time I go to bed with Daisy making herself at home by my feet. I’ve waited up for as long as possible for Kace, expecting him to return, but at midnight I realize even if he does, I’m far too tired to have a normal conversation with him anyway.

  He will have to wait until the morning.

  It’s Daisy’s low growl that startles me from my sleep. I sit up, my eyes blurry as I try to make sense of what’s going on. Daisy stands by the door, the hair that runs down her spine standing up on end. She bares her teeth, glaring at it as if she can see through the wooden entryway.

  “Daisy,” I whisper, hoping to gain her attention, but she ignores me. I shiver and switch on the lamp as I climb out from under the sheets, tip-toeing over to her, hoping I won’t give her a fright and have her turn on me. “Daisy… it’s okay,” I whisper softly, crouching down beside her and placing a gentle hand on her back. She ignores me, her body crouching lower as she snaps her teeth.

  It’s at this point that I become scared. Daisy’s protective, she’s smart, and she has great instincts. She clearly knows something that I don’t.

  I spot the pendant hanging from her collar. I reach for it, turning it over in my hand. There’s a phone number on the back. Pushing to my feet, I rush as quietly as possible back to the bedside table, snatching my cell. Settling in beside her again, I dial the number, pleading for it to be Kace since I have no idea how else to reach him.

  “Yeah,” his harsh voice answers and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Kace?” I whisper.

  “Lily?” he asks, seeming more alert now.

  “Daisy’s growling at my bedroom door. She won’t calm down, and I’m really scared,” I tell him, keeping my voice to a low whisper.

  “Is she standing or sitting?” he asks. I can hear voices in the background, he growls at them to shut up.

  I press myself against the wall next to the door. “She’s standing.”

  “Fuck,” he growls, just as I hear something in my apartment smash.

  My heart begins to race, it pounds so loudly that I’m scared whoever is out there will hear it. “There’s someone in my apartment…” I whisper. “I can hear them.” My voice is filled with emotion, my throat tightening.

  “Listen to me, Lily,” Kace says, strangely calm. I take a deep breath, inhaling the soft tone of his voice. “I’m coming. But for now, you’re going to have to let Daisy out.”

  I gasp, looking at the beautiful dog, standing like a soldier at the door. Her muscles are clenched tightly, and she hasn’t looked away from the door despite me sitting on the floor beside her shaking frantically. “No. What if they hurt her?”

  “She’ll be okay. Just let her out, and lock the door.”

  As if she hears Kace’s words she moves closer to the door, her nose nuzzling at the opening, waiting for me to turn the handle. I swallow past the knot in my throat and force my shaky legs underneath me as I reach for the handle. I wince as it squeaks softly while I pull it open. Daisy doesn’t miss a beat, pushing her way through the small space that I’ve created and bolting from the room.

  I slam the door shut behind her, flicking the lock, pressing my back against it and sliding to the floor.

  “Don’t listen. Get into the bed and climb under the covers.”

  I follow Kace’s orders like a robot, crawling across the floor and into the bed. Barking and the muffled sounds of a male’s scream makes me cry out in fright, and I bury myself under the blankets just like Kace told me to do.

  “Shh,” he soothes. “It’s okay. Talk to me.”

  “About what?” My body is shaking so much I can barely hold the phone to my ear.

  Something smashes and Daisy barks again. Hot tears burn my cheeks. My breath heats up the small space between my face and the sheet.

  “Tell me about work,” he offers, his voice perfectly smooth, no sense of urgency in it as I freak out inside my bedroom.

  I try to gather my wits, focusing on my job. “My boss, he’s a douche bag,” I tell him, trying to concentrate my emotions on the hate I have for Steven. “He thinks I’m incompetent, but I think I’m better at the job than he is. He’s so mean to me, I hate it.”

  “So why do you put up with it?” he asks.

  “Because I love my job, it’s just him I hate. I love it too much to give it up, and there just aren’t that many jobs around. I need to hold out until I can start my own clinic,” I ramble on, explaining to him about my dream to create a clinic that’s out in the country and caters to all kinds of animals.

  “Dreams come true, Lily. Just gotta believe in them,” he states with confidence.

  Goose bumps prickle at my skin despite how my body is overheating underneath the thick blankets. A loud bang has me shaking again.

  “Kace, I’m scared,” I whisper, sniffling loudly.

  “It’s okay, keep talking. Tell me about your family.”

  Once again I can hear voices behind him, and he tells someone to hurry up and move faster.

  “Um… my mom and dad are great. They’ve always been really supportive…” I hurry to explain, wanting to fill the space around me with my own voice so it blocks out what’s happening. “We had horses and cattle growing up. They live on a small ranch. I’ve got a little brother, too. I miss them so much and don’t visit as often as I should. I’m a horrible daughter.”

  “No, you’re not. You have your own life now,” he reassures me.

  “I don’t really have anyone else. I have Molly, but that’s it really.”

  “And me,” he states, and I laugh softly.

  “Yeah… and you.”

  I hear some shuffling in the hall outside my door.

  “Open your bedroom door, Lily,” he tells me.

  My hands tighten in the sheets, holding them around me as if they are made of steel and will protect me against a nuclear explosion. “Are you crazy?” I snap.

  “It’s okay…” he soothes, “…I’m here now. Open the door for me.”

  I pull the covers back, staring at the door suspiciously. “You’re here?”


  I can practically see the eye roll he gives me as I toss back the blankets, nerves rattling through my body as I slip off the edge of the bed and pad over to the door. I flick the lock slowly before reaching for the handle, my heart pounding once again like it’s going to shoot out of my chest. Peeking through the small space I’ve created, my eyes find him. He’s wearing dark clothing—all black.

  I throw the door open, tossing my phone across the room and not even caring as I hear it thump against the opposing wall. He catches me as I fling my body into his arms. One of his hands goes to my ass, boosting me up so I can wrap my legs around him. I cling to him like a monkey, tucking my face into his neck and releasing a loud sob as the realization of what was going on finally hits me.

  Kace turns us, pressing my back against the hallway wall. One of his hands goes to my neck, his fingers threading through my hair and holding me in place.

  I clutch him in my arms, not willing to let go, trying to climb further up his body as though he’s a tall tower of safety and I need to escape. “I was so scared.” I cry softly into his neck, drenching the collar of his shirt with my tears.

  “I know. It
’s okay. You’re safe now,” he whispers, his breath hot against my ear, tickling my skin.

  I hear heavy panting and a wet nose press against my thigh. Pulling back just enough to look down, I find Daisy at my side, nuzzling my leg.

  “Thank goodne—” I gasp before I’m able to finish my words. “Is that… blood?”

  Kace wraps his fingers around my chin, pulling my face back to him. I meet his eyes and it’s as if I can see inside him. For the first time since we met, I can see fear sparking back at me.

  “You scared the shit out of me,” he whispers, his thumb grazing across my cheek, swiping at the tears that are streaming down them.

  “Is it safe now?” I whisper, leaning my head forward and pressing my forehead against his. The need to touch as much of his body as possible surges through me. He’s my safety net at this point. I know in my soul that as long as he’s here, everything will be okay.

  “Yeah,” he confirms. “Nothing will touch you now.”

  They’re more than just words. They are a vow, a promise.

  He allows me to slip down his body until my feet are firmly on the floor. One of his arms comes around my waist, allowing me the support I need as he guides me back down the hall.

  My hand goes to my mouth as I see the destruction in my living room. The sofa is on its back, the side table and contents spread across the floor. Magazines, picture frames, a coffee mug I’d left lying around, and a pile of clothing I had folded the night before all decorating the small area—it looks like it’s been hit by a tornado.

  I spot Luca picking up my television off the floor and placing it back on the small unit where it usually resides. As far as I can tell, it isn’t broken.

  He turns to me, his face serious. “You all right?”

  I swallow tightly and nod.

  My front door is open and just inside stand two other men. One has darker skin and is huge, much bigger than Kace. His muscles bulge, stretching the black shirt he’s wearing as though it’s three sizes too small. He stands straight, his arms cross against his chest and his eyes focus on me, dark and serious, disguising any sign of emotion.

  The other man I recognize as Axel, the guy I met with Kace in the hall when I left for Molly’s the night Jared had his car accident. He leans against the door frame, his posture more casual. He’s dressed the same as all the boys. They all wear black, dark and menacing.

  “I need to call the cops,” I say as I look around the disaster zone.

  Axel steps forward, pushing the door closed behind him and standing in front of it, the dark man’s lip curling up into a sneer.

  I look to Kace nervously.

  “Calm down, guys,” Kace says, looking at them pointedly before turning back to me. “Lily, you don’t need to call the cops.”

  I stare at him with wide eyes until Luca draws my attention.

  “Yeah,” he agrees, stepping over a broken picture frame. “The big guy over there…” he points to the large man, “…he gets a little Hulk smash when cops are around.”

  I continue to dance across the floor, dodging the mess of my precious items.

  “And they ask so many questions,” he says in exasperation. “Who are you? What’s your name? Where do you live? And I’m like whoa lady, I’m not looking for a date,” Luca quips.

  I clench my fists, my emotions threatening to burst through the dam once again. “Is this a joke to you?” I snap.

  “Everything’s a joke to him.” The giant man in front of the door scoffs.

  Luca holds up his hands. “Whoa now, that blood stain there, that’s not a joke. That’s gonna take a lot of work to get out.” My eyes follow his finger as he points to a bright red patch on the carpet. I stumble backward, Kace catching me with an arm around my shoulders.

  “Holy shit,” I mutter breathlessly.

  “Lily, don’t look. I’ll get someone to clean it all up, okay?” Kace says, trying to calm me as his hand rubs at my arm.

  I push myself away from him, shoving against his chest and taking a step back. “Who are you?” I cry, my eyes flicking between all the men crowding me and my small apartment, dressed as though they’re ready to rob a bank or something.

  They all look to Kace, but his eyes stay on me, the bright blue orbs studying me, his face completely impassive and not offering me any kind of emotion or clue.

  “Well?” I ask loudly. “Speak, dammit!”

  Daisy barks, bouncing up and panting.

  “Good dog,” Luca coos. “Anyone got a treat?”

  “Get out,” Kace orders, his voice tight.

  “Kace…” Luca warns, the humor disappearing from his face instantly.

  Kace ignores him. “Axel, Eli, Luca… all of you, out.”

  “Don’t do it, man.”

  “Now!” Kace roars, causing me to jump.

  The men all groan and head out the door.

  Luca stops in the doorway. “You know how this ends for her,” he says, his eyes narrowed.

  “Fuck off, Luca.”

  With that Luca sighs, allowing Daisy out the door before he pulls it shut behind him.

  “How what ends?” I ask nervously, scrunching the bottom of my sleep shirt in my hands. “And who was in my apartment?”

  Kace moves to the sofa, lifting it and placing it back up in its right position. “Not sure,” he answers. “I’m working on it.”

  I sigh, my body suddenly feeling so exhausted. “Stop talking in riddles, Kace,” I tell him, trying to make my voice sound determined. “This has gone too far. I meet you, and suddenly my life is being flipped upside down. Did this have something to do with you? Was I in danger? Am I in danger?”

  His hands clutch the back of my sofa, his fingers digging into the cushion so hard that his knuckles turn white and veins protrude from his arms.

  “I’m an Operative.”

  I frown at his back. The tone of his voice made it sound as though it almost pained him to force the words out. I give him a moment, a chance to explain before I realize he isn’t going to offer the information willingly.

  “An Operative? What exactly does that mean?”

  “I work for a secret division of the government that was developed to fight against the darkness in the world,” he offers this as an explanation, turning his head to watch me over his shoulder.

  Laughter bubbles up, and I can’t stop it. The sound cutting through the tense atmosphere of the room. Kace doesn’t smile, though. His expression stays the same.

  I start to pace. “Okay. I’ll play. So what… you’re like James Bond? Jason Bourne? All Covert Affairs and secret agent man working for the CIA and MI6 and stuff like that,” I manage to stifle a giggle.

  I’m getting hysterical.

  I can feel it.

  When Kace doesn’t crack, his face seeming to cringe as he speaks, “Yes.” He turns, leaning back against the sofa, folding his arms as though he’s expecting some sort of backlash which of course he’s going to get.

  I freeze. “You’re serious.”

  “I work at a place called The Agency, in a Division called Special Operations Seven or SO7,” he answers, rolling his shoulders.

  I unconsciously take a step back. “This is some sick joke. Did Luca put you up to this?” Thinking it’s within his sense of humor to freak me the hell out. “This isn’t funny.”

  He steps forward. Instinctually, I move away as he stalks toward me, fire burning in his eyes. “Does it look like I’m fucking laughing?”

  I snap back at his sharp tone, my back hitting the wall as he crowds me. “No. This kind of thing… it only exists in movies,” I tell him, pressing myself against the wall, suddenly very aware that if he’s telling me the truth, that he probably knows a hundred and fifty-seven ways to kill me. Maybe more.

  He laughs, the dark sound sending a chill through me. “Luca, Eli, Axel… we all exist. And we are fucking good at what we do.” One of his hands moves slowly, the roughness of his palm dancing across my flushed cheek. “We live in the d
arkness so others can bask in the light,” he whispers. “I kill the people who are a threat to their lives.”

  “Kill…” The word leaves a bad taste in my mouth. “Y-You kill?”

  He nods, his eyes still glued to where his hand touches my skin as though he’s mesmerized. “Some people don’t deserve to live, Lily. They hurt innocent people, get joy out of causing others pain. So you want to know who I am?” His cerulean eyes burn against my skin. “I’m their karma. I’m the one who brings back the balance.”

  I hold my breath, my head swirling.

  I can’t have him here.

  I can’t be around him right now.

  It’s too much, I feel as though I’m drowning.

  Bracing my hands against the wall behind me I straighten my shoulders, holding them square and strong. “Get out,” I growl quietly, through clenched teeth.

  His body stills, his hand still cupping my cheek gently but frozen against my face. “What?” he asks.

  “I can’t take this bullshit right now. I want you to get… o-out.” I hold strong even though my voice is unmistakably shaking.

  His hand slams against the wall next to my head, and it takes every ounce of strength I have inside me not to scream and run. “This is not a game!” he forces out, leaning in closer to me. “You wanted to know, and I’ve given you the truth. The truth that could risk the lives of my whole team.”

  My heart thuds in my chest and I struggle to keep my breathing even.

  But it’s not because I’m scared. In my head, I know that Kace won’t hurt me.

  I can tell he’s angry, furious that I haven’t just accepted his explanation.

  “This is ridiculous, why should I believe you?” I argue, standing my ground.

  “Think about it. The strange clothes. The odd hours. The people I know. The fact I can get into your apartment through a locked door?”

  “That doesn’t prove you’re a spy!”

  “The day you saw me in scrubs? I went to the hospital and took out the terrorist who attacked downtown DC two months ago. They said he died from his attack related injuries… that was a cover up. I went in and killed him, Lily… for the sake of our country. My team went in and attempted to stop the attack, but as hard as we tried, we couldn’t prevent it. So we aimed to take out the terrorists at the scene. We got them all, except him. So I finished the job. That is what we do, Lily. This is what, I do.”


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