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Deceit (The Vindicated Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Addison Jane

  His thumb moves in line with my clit as he thrusts, rotates on my clit, then thrusts again, in a perfect rhythm. A blissful rhythm, and as he hits the exact right spot every time I clench my eyes tighter while his tongue dances with mine.

  My hand on the top of the door clenches so hard my knuckles feel like they’re turning white as he thrusts inside, rotates and thrusts. My back arches, pressing my body against his further, while my skin litters with tiny little goose bumps. Heat washes over me so intensely I feel like I’m going to ignite as a sheen of sweat slickens all over my skin.

  My body trembles and shudders as my muscles tense, my pussy clenches around his fingers and my breath catches as everything stops. The explosion hits so hard that he has to grab my hips to hold me in position.

  My body goes limp as I whimper trying to keep quiet. His lips leave mine as he trails feather light kisses along my neck while I pant and come down from the crest of coming so hard.

  My hand from the door drops down onto his shoulder, and he holds me to him completely as I gather my bearings. He chuckles slightly kissing just under my ear and pulls back looking in my lazy hooded eyes.

  “Those panties really are sexy as fuck,” he whispers.

  I stand up finally having feeling back in my feet, and wrap my arms around his waist embracing him and smiling.

  “That was amazing,” I whisper.

  Suddenly, banging erupts on my door so loud it scares me.

  “You okay for sizes in there?” the assistant calls out.

  My eyes widen, and I look to Kace with a smirk feeling the giant bulge that’s formed in his pants.

  “Yep, all perfect in here,” I call out.

  “Okay,” she says, then I hear her footsteps sound like they’re fading off into the distance.

  Slumping my body with relief, I shake my head and sigh. “I guess I have to buy these now,” I giggle, and Kace smiles wide and nods enthusiastically.

  “You were getting them anyway. They look far too good on you, not to get them.”

  Smiling, with a hint of embarrassment, I agree and giggle. “Okay, well, you should leave first and I’ll get dressed, then follow you out.”

  He shakes his head. “Too scared to do the walk of shame?” he asks with a giant cocky grin.

  “Yes!” I whisper back to him sternly.

  He moves some hair back behind my ear and leans in kissing my forehead. “But you feel better now, right?”

  “Much! You fixed the ache perfectly. Thank you.”

  He nods and winks, turning me away from the door and unlocking it. He looks back at me and then down to the lace panties, he groans slightly rearranging his cock in his pants and then steps out of the change room. I quickly close the door behind him, locking it, and take a deep breath leaning against the wall with a giant smile on my face that I’m sure no one can remove.

  We purchased the clothes and underwear, and some stuff for him too. Plus more supplies that we desperately need, along with a backpack to carry everything in. Now we're headed to the food court. My stomach lets out a loud grumble as Kace chuckles.

  “What do you feel like?” he asks.

  “Beefshack Burgers?” I ask.

  He looks at me sideways and grins. “Really?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I’m hungry.”

  He chuckles. “Okay, Beefshack it is.”

  As we walk to the Shack, Kace grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. I smile and look up at him. “You know, I’d love for you to meet Liam one day. I think he’d love you.”

  He raises his eyebrow in confusion. “Liam?”

  I nod. “He’s my brother. Well, half-brother. He has Down syndrome and used to get picked on at school because of his disabilities. Once I got suspended from school for punching a bully in the face.” I giggle at the memory. “My dad high-fived me. My mom, on the other hand, not so impressed with my right hook.”

  I risk a glance up at Kace, and he’s smiling at me with that hooded look in his eyes again. I chew on my bottom lip and sigh. “Anyway, I think it would be nice if you could meet my family… one day.”

  “I’d like that, Lily, I really would. And I think I’d get along great with Liam, too. Does he live on the farm with your mom and dad?”

  I nod and smile. “Yeah, he needs constant care, but we love him just the same. I can’t imagine my life without him. I wish I could see him more. It’s not until you’re forced to be away from people, that you realize you stay away from them too much.”

  He tightens his grip on my hand as we approach the Shack. “You’ll see them again, Lily, I promise. It might not be soon, but one day, and I’ll share that experience with you.”

  My shoulders tense slightly, and I take in a sudden gust of air. “Do you think they could be in danger?”

  Kace shakes his head and smiles at me. “No. It’s you they’re after for some reason, which I’m going to find out. They won’t go after your family, not when I’m with you. They would try to use people I love to drag me out of hiding, as they know I won’t let you out of my sight. So going after your family wouldn’t work. They’d know that, so they’ll be safe. I promise. Don’t even worry about it.”

  I slump my shoulders hoping like hell he’s right. I have no alternative than to believe what he says and trust in his decisions. We head to the Shack and Kace leads me to a table. “Take a seat and I’ll order for us. Know what you want?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have an original with cheese fries please.”

  He raises an eyebrow and smirks. “Lily, you know the original has three burger patties, right?”

  I smirk and nod. “Yeah, I keep telling you, I’m hungry. We haven’t eaten in ages, Kace.”

  His smile fades, and he nods. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  I reach out grabbing his hand and shake my head. “No, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

  He takes a deep breath, and nods once then turns to walk to the counter. Sighing, I slump into the chair feeling like an idiot for making him feel bad. I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just the smell in here is driving my stomach into overdrive, and I feel like I might pass out if I don’t eat soon.

  My hand moves to my jean’s pocket to pull out my cell by force of habit. When I realize it isn’t there, a sense of loss and annoyance floods over me. The life I knew—the life I had—is gone, and I wonder how Molly is? What is happening back in Washington? Is the world still revolving without me? Are my mom and dad okay? Are they looking after Liam still or is he struggling? I hate not being in contact. Even though it’s only been a couple of days, not being able to pick up the phone and just call someone is harder than I ever would have thought. My phone is back in the hotel room and the burner phone Kace stole from the drunk guy was ditched after we left Yana’s.

  I’m lost in my own thoughts when a plate is placed in front of me, and the smell of grease and deliciousness wafts up through my nose. Looking up, I see Kace, and I smile. “Thank you!” I say as he sits down opposite me with his grilled chicken burger and side salad. Smirking, I think how funny it is that it’s like a complete role reversal. Generally, the women order the salads and watch their weight, while the men gormandize on the fatty foods. But I guess with a body like his you don’t get that from eating three all-beef patties.

  I pick up a cheese slathered fry and place it into my mouth. A flavor explosion hits me, I’m not sure if the fry really is that amazing or if I’m just that hungry it’s making everything amazing, but I’m loving it. A small moan escapes from my mouth, and I can’t stop myself, I start to shovel the fries in one after the other. A drip of the cheese sauce slides down my chin, but I don’t care as I gobble down the greasy food. I’m lost in a food frenzy when Kace starts to chuckle breaking me away. I stop mid-shovel and look at Kace as he watches me with his eyes wide and grinning like he’s in awe. I grab a napkin and wipe the cheese from my chin and clear my throat.

  “You really are a dream girl,” he says.

  “What?” I say with my m
outh still half full, and a munched up fry drops out of my mouth and onto the table. This instantly causes him to laugh. I open my eyes wide at my lack of decorum and swallow my food sensibly this time.

  “I like how you don’t care what people think. You just do your thing and fuck the world,” he says.

  I clear my throat and smile. “Well, I’m not always like that. It’s just food and me, we’re good friends.”

  “I can see that.”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I look down to my practically empty cheese fries container and over to his untouched meal and sigh. I’ve been a pig.

  He reaches out grabbing my greasy hands making me look up at him. “Hey, I like watching you eat, it’s kinda sexy.” The gleam in his eye tells me he’s telling the truth, and I smirk shifting in my seat at his gaze.

  “Kace, we’re not going to the bathroom, if that’s what you’re thinking!”

  He chuckles, letting my hands go and picks up a fork stabbing a piece of lettuce. “Didn’t cross my mind… Well, only once.”

  I chuckle and look down to my three patty burger, and my stomach growls again.

  “You know it’s only going to turn me on more watching you eat that.”

  My cheeks flush red. “Oh my God, Kace!” I berate rolling my eyes.

  He chuckles as I pick up my burger and take a bite wondering if he really is going to be turned on or not. A part of me hopes so because, for some reason, I can’t seem to get enough of him now I’ve had a taste.

  We hit the road again after I’d devoured the entire burger, and Kace said he was impressed I could eat that much for such a little thing. I have to admit now my stomach is so full I feel a little nauseous, but I don’t know when I’ll be eating again, so I figured I’d eat as much as I could to keep me fuller for longer.

  “Okay. So now we have clothes and supplies and some new information from Yana, what’s next?”

  Kace tilts his head. “I’m thinking we go to another asset. I need more information than Yana provided and I think I know the guy to give it.”

  I slump my body in relief. “At least it’s a guy this time,” I murmur.

  Kace glances at me and smirks. “Jealousy looks good on you. I’d like to see it with those black lace panties.”

  “Eyes on the road, Agent Colt,” I demand.

  He chuckles looking back to the road as I shuffle into the seat getting comfortable. I have no idea where we’re going, but I know it will be somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

  To my surprise, Kace pulls the van down a suburban street. I’m wondering why the hell we’re in the suburbs when he pulls up in the driveway of a one-story modern, sleek home, in what looks like a really upmarket area.

  “Kace, where are we?”

  “Blue Bell,” is all he says.

  Sighing, I nod, and he turns to face me drawing his lips into his mouth. “Okay, so don’t stare,” he says out of nowhere.

  Furrowing my brows, I shake my head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  He opens the van door and sighs. “You’ll see. Just… don’t stare. In fact, don’t say anything either. Ethan can be… volatile.”

  My stomach flips in on itself, and the nausea I already felt has now worsened.

  Great, another crazy person!

  Are all the people Kace is associated with freaks?

  He hops out of the van, and I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves as I open my door stepping out with him. Walking around the van, he takes my hand as we approach the front door. Kace’s eyes take in everything around us as he spots a surveillance system above us. He takes a deep breath and presses the buzzer on the door. It sounds, and my nerves are shot to hell.

  “State your identity, classification, code, rank, social security number and government issued ID,” a voice says through a speaker.

  Kace rolls his eyes and huffs. “Ethan, it’s Kace Colt, SO7, highest level, Agency. I’m not giving you my social security number or my government ID so you can steal my money.”

  A gentle laugh echoes through the speaker, and I furrow my brows. “Okay, you got me. It was worth a try. I knew who you were anyway, I can see you through the camera on surveillance. I just wanted to see how much info you’d give me. Who’s the broad?”

  I tense slightly as Kace looks at me and half smiles. “She’s an asset under my care. She’s fine, Ethan, I can vouch for her.”

  A buzzer sounds and then a bunch of clicking locks echo through the mid-afternoon air as the door creaks open ever so slightly and I look forward expecting a muscular, tall man like Kace, but then the door opens fully, and I can’t see anyone.

  “Down here, sweetheart,” a voice from below shocks me. As I look down to see a man in a wheelchair, his legs amputated at both knees, I swallow hard as I take in the sight before me. Noticing that that’s not the most abnormal thing about him. I look at his face, and there’s a giant scar running from the top of his hairline right down through his eye socket, where there’s a gaping hole and no eye, then it continues down his face, through the edge of his lip, over his chin and disappears under his shirt. A slight gasp erupts from my mouth, and my eyes dart away quickly heeding Kace’s words of ‘do not stare.’

  No wonder Ethan’s volatile as Kace puts it, he must have been through something horrific to end up a double amputee and to have an eye missing as well. Empathy washes over me as an eerie silence encapsulates the three of us.

  “Well, are you gonna let us in, or are we gonna stand at your door all day?” Kace asks and Ethan chuckles.

  “Still as pushy as ever. Yeah, yeah. Come on in. Tell your girl to get over it. I’m deformed not diseased.”

  My eyes open wide and I shake my head looking back at Ethan. “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s okay, I’m teasing. When people see me for the first time this is the usual reaction. Some people even cry, some scream, so your little gasp was quite conservative I have to say.”

  I chew on my bottom lip and sigh. “I’m sorry. Kace should have told me,” I say glaring at him through my lashes. He winces and Ethan shakes his head.

  “It still wouldn’t have prepared you, sweetheart. Don’t go denying your lover his sweet treats because of it,” Ethan says.

  Kace furrows his brows. “How did you…” Kace asks, his question fading off as Ethan wheels himself into his living room. The room is amazingly beautiful with vaulted ceilings and pristine white walls.

  “It’s oozing from the both of you. I’m drowning in your lust for each other, it’s sickening. Really, you guys need to rein in the googly eyes if you want to keep your relationship under wraps. If you don’t, then please continue your infectious magnetism toward each other.”

  Kace looks at me and half smiles as we sit down on the brown loveseat. “So Ethan, I’m obviously here for a reason.”

  “I have no doubt. I had a feeling this day would come, Kace,” he replies.

  I furrow my brows along with Kace.

  “You did? Why?” Kace asks.

  “Because things at The Agency are changing, and I know you’re one of the good guys. I knew you’d come in search of the truth.”

  Kace exhales running his hands through his hair. “I went to Yana, she said that The Agency were targeting other countries and coming off as the aggressors. What does that mean?”

  He exhales and nods. “There’s so much you don’t know, Kace. So much that’s been hidden from you. But it’s all there for you to find out if you dig hard enough.”

  He shakes his head. “But what is it that I don’t know? What’s the secret that everyone seems to know, but me?”

  Ethan winces and pauses like he’s wondering whether to tell Kace or not. So I decide to say something. “Please Ethan, you have to tell us. They’re trying to kill me for something I didn’t do, and we don’t know why.”

  He glares at me with his one good eye and Kace tenses as Ethan sits up taller in his wheelchair. “I’m sorry… were we talking to you? This is a conver
sation between Kace and me. If you’re going to butt in then I suggest you get the fuck out or cut your goddamned tongue out before I slice your throat!”

  Kace stands up as I gasp. He stands between Ethan and me, who’s panting hard. “Ethan, it’s okay. She’s harmless. Take a breath. She’s not the enemy, but you need to tell us who is.”

  Ethan leans back in his chair, his breath slowing down as he sags into his chair. “I’m sorry. I have lapses, where I’m back… there, and I snap. Sorry Kace. Camilla, or better known to you as Mom… I don’t know how to tell you this, but she’s seeing someone.”

  Kace’s eyes widen, and he shakes his head. “What, like as in dating someone? Why wouldn’t she tell me that?”

  Ethan sighs. “Because it’s Luthendale.”

  Kace stiffens beside me, his chest starts to heave like he’s panicking. “As in Mark Luthendale? The Director of The Agency? As in not only my boss but her boss?”

  Ethan nods and exhales. “She’s sleeping with the man she takes orders from, and something’s not right, Kace. The world’s not entirely overjoyed with The Agency at the moment, and you need to do what you can to find out why.”

  Kace scrubs at his face with his hands and I reach out rubbing his back. I don’t really understand what this all means, but it must be something big for Kace to look so disturbed by it.

  “Shit! That means the order for Lily came from Mark. This is big, Lily. We’re in deeper than I thought.”

  Ethan sits up taller and smirks. “Lily, you’re a waste order aren’t you?”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I nod, remembering what Yana told me a waste order was.

  A kill order.

  Mark Luthendale wants me dead.

  I just don’t know why.

  Ethan didn’t have much more information for Kace, so we left, and now we’re in search of an internet café. I’m not really sure why, but Kace is on edge. He seems distracted, and I want to see if I can help in any way.


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