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Page 14

by A. F. Crowell

  “What about me and the baby?” Alarmed, I hoped he didn’t antagonize Jaxon too much, who was itching for a reason to shoot him. Both men had guns pointed at each other, just waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger.

  “Hang on, they are talking about the money,” Kai updated. “The money is gone.”

  “What? How is it gone?” How did two hundred grand just disappear?

  Kai fell silent for a minute then explained that Drill moved the money to several different offshore accounts all over the globe.

  Just as I thought it was all over, Jaxon’s gun went off and the muzzle flash lit up the whole screen. Drill grabbed his chest then looked down. Shock registered across his face as the gravity of the situation hit home.

  “Oh. My. God.” Flinching, I looked away as I saw Drill fall and start bleeding out all over the foyer’s hardwood floor. My training kicked in and I no longer looked at him as a crazy man who tried to kill me, but instead as a patient. I was torn over whether to go out and try to help or to stay put. “What did they say?”

  “I’m not sure, Jaxon looked down slightly when he spoke and the other guy was laughing too much to really understand.”

  “We need to get out there. Now.” Standing, I rushed to the door and started to unlock it.

  “Miss Leila.” Kai’s massive hand covered the number pad. I whipped my head around and glared at him. “Sorry. You need to stay in here until Jaxon comes up. I’m under strict instructions not to open the door until I get my safe word.”

  Turning back to the monitor, I saw the rest of the team converge in the foyer. Drew approached Drill, gun trained as Drew checked Drill’s pulse.

  Drew shook his head. Commander Gorden approached Jaxon, placed his hand on Jax’s shoulder, and took the gun from his right hand.

  Oh thank God, it was over.

  I knew that was so horrible to think. A man had lost his life, but I was grateful I no longer had to fear for mine or my child’s.

  I must have zoned out because the next thing I knew Kai’s massive hand shook my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. “Leila, I need your help. We need to turn on the intercom on so we can hear Jaxon.”

  I was sure he could have figured it out on his own but I guessed he was trying to get my mind off the dead man lying in my foyer.

  “Oh, okay.” Walking over to the door, I opened the alarm panel and pressed the code for the intercom right outside the door. Jaxon had just come into the closet and was banging on the door.

  “Lei, open the door. Quantico,” Jaxon rasped.

  My body blocked the keypad as I entered the series of numbers that made up our alarm code, disarming the system. Kai pulled the door open and Jaxon rushed in and grabbed me.

  “You’re okay, right?” he asked, clearly rattled.

  “I’m fine. Are you all right? We saw what happened,” I mumbled into his neck as he held me against his chest.

  “I’m fine.” Jax pulled back, kissed me on the forehead and turned us to Kai. “Thank you, man.”

  With a nod, Kai replied, “Anytime.”

  We descended the stairs, passing by Drill’s lifeless body by the front door. Jaxon rushed me through the kitchen and out the back door. Since our house was now the primary scene for a homicide investigation it would be a little while before we could get back in, so Drew drove us to his home, my old place.

  Drew, Joe, and Tommy assured us that it would be a quick investigation as Jaxon fired in self-defense. He shouldn’t be facing any charges but there would be an internal investigation. Gorden promised to make it short and sweet and they would do nothing to blow Jaxon’s cover.

  My concern: I didn’t think it was self-defense.

  Chapter Twenty-three


  Ikaika called to check in sometime around midnight. He reassured me Leila was fine. When I tried to call her myself it went straight to voicemail. I hoped that meant she was sleeping. She’d had a bad week. I was grateful that the stress of all of the events hadn’t had any adverse effects on the baby or her pregnancy. Then again, knowing Leila, she had probably been having contractions and just hadn’t told anyone.

  Picking up the glass of single malt Glenfiddich, I knocked it back and poured yet another before stumbling to the couch in my office. I came here instead of going home after leaving Leila. This way I was close if something happened.

  Jesus, man, listen to yourself. She’s not yours to worry about anymore.

  No, I was still allowed to worry about her, she was the mother of my child.

  You mean the child you didn’t want? The same child that caused you to walk away and stay gone for months? That child? You think that’s a good reason to try to hang on to someone who’s already gone and engaged to another man?

  “God damn it,” I roared and threw the glass across the room. Hitting the wooden double entry doors, it splintered across the marble floors.

  Oh that was such an ingenious idea, you self-loathing asshole. Let’s act like a child and throw things. Smart.

  Grateful I’d lost my temper in the office and not at home, I acknowledged that Jane cleaned up after me entirely too much when Leila moved out. Nothing felt worse than knowing I caused myself the pain of having to watch the woman I loved with the guy into whose arms I threw her. Far worse, surely, because it was entirely my own doing.

  Now I was sitting here pining over someone whose love I’d had and pushed away.

  My cell buzzing on my desk broke my mental self-hatred rant. “Davis,” I barked without looking at the caller ID.

  “Brody, it’s Robert. I’m sorry to call so late, but we have a situation here in New York.” Robert Vanderbilt, my parents’ longtime friend sounded distraught.

  “Robert, it’s,” I looked down at my watch, “almost one in the morning.”

  “I’m sorry. You know I wouldn’t call if it weren’t important. It’s Jenifer. She started dating this guy and he got her involved with drugs. She was supposed to meet us for a late dinner. When she never arrived, Whitney and I came over here to her place. That’s when we found her. Brody…she’s dead.”

  My knees buckled and I dropped to the couch with a thud. The moment I heard dead I sobered immediately. Unsure what to say, I said the first thing that came to mind. “How?”

  “It looks like she overdosed on something. We found her in the bedroom. The police suspect she was not alone when it happened.” He paused to compose himself. “They say she was redressed after…after she was…gone.”

  “Robert, I am so sorry. I know that over the years Jenifer and I didn’t see eye to eye, but I would never have wished this on her. Please tell me what I can do.”

  “Honestly, son, I’m not sure what I can do. I need to make arrangements for…” Robert momentarily got choked up. “I’m sorry.”

  “Robert, you don’t need to apologize. You just lost your only child,” I tried to sympathize.

  “God knows she’s had her share of issues, but I loved her despite the hell she put her mother and me through.”

  “I know you did. How is Whitney?” Worried about my mother’s best friend, I asked a question I already knew the answer to. Whitney was devastated, as any mother would be.

  “I had our driver take her home and the family physician met them there. He gave her a sedative. She was an absolute wreck. I hated to send her home alone but I had to stay with Jenifer, but I called Joyce, Whitney’s best friend. She’s heading to the house now.”

  “Robert, I hope this doesn’t sound too appalling but how soon were you thinking about having the service? I only ask because I want to be there, but Leila is due to have the baby in less than two weeks and with all that’s happening here I don’t know if I can get away before the baby is born.”

  “I’d never ask or expect you to miss the birth of your daughter.” Robert sniffled quietly. “It looks like there will be an investigation and autopsy, so it may be a few weeks. They can’t rule out homicide yet. Since she was redressed and the drugs aren’t here.

  “Jesus, Robert, I can’t tell you just how sorry I am. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling.” Hanging my head, I silently prayed I would never know what he was going through.

  “Son, I hope you never know. A parent should never have to bury their child. Brody, you will have to excuse me, there is a detective here who needs my attention. I will call you later today with more details.”

  “Of course. Please give my deepest condolences to Whitney and let her know I will be there just as soon as I can,” I said with a heavy heart.

  “I will. Goodbye, Brody.”

  “Bye.” I set the phone down next to me on the leather couch.

  I must have sat there for several hours before I finally fell asleep.

  My sleep was plagued with Jenifer’s face, asking why I didn’t help her. Telling me that if I had only spent more time with her and forgave her for her many misdeeds, she wouldn’t be dead right now. She haunted my dreams.

  A small hand shook my shoulder, waking me. “Brody, get up. It’s seven a.m.”

  Squinting to shield my eyes from the treacherously bright rays that filled my office, I saw Sara. “What are you doing here? It’s Sunday morning.”

  “Good morning to you too, sunshine. I told you yesterday I was going to stop in this morning to do a couple of things, remember?”

  “You need a vacation,” I muttered. “I can’t believe you came in on a Saturday to help me out and then again today. God, what would I do without you?”

  “You’d walk through broken glass on sticky floors and probably not settle as many deals as you do now, but you’d be okay.” Sara grabbed the Concord files from my desk as it dawned on me that I forgot to clean up the mess from the tantrum, as Leila would’ve called it.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I had…some issues come up last night,” I was embarrassed to admit the truth. My head pounded as a reminder of my scotch-filled bender.

  “Boss, you don’t have to apologize to me. It’s your crystal, not mine. How about I grab you a cup of coffee while you go splash some water on your face?” Not bothering to wait for an answer, Sara strolled out of the office.

  Sitting up from my awkward position on the couch, I stretched my arms above my head and turned my neck until it cracked. I stood, crossed the office, and pulled the frosted glass door open. The full bathroom was extremely useful on days like today. After brushing my teeth, I threw some cold water on my face and grabbed a fresh shirt from the closet. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to tame it some.

  When I opened the door Sara was just walking back out to her desk. “Coffee’s on the desk and Kai just called. He’s coming in.”

  “Thanks, Sara.” I walked toward the desk, my eyes locked on the fresh cup of coffee.

  A short time later my head of security arrived. Ikaika gave me a rundown on all of the night’s events and assured me yet again that Lei was perfectly fine. I decided to keep two guys on Leila at all times. Just until all of the dust settled. There were too many unknown elements right now.

  Drew called later and gave me a brief rundown on what was happening with Jaxon, insisting that his cover was not blown. I hoped like hell that he was right. The urge to kick down the front door and kidnap Leila myself was getting to be overwhelming.

  If she were with me, then I would know she’d be safe. As much as I hated to admit it, I’d come to understand that she and I wouldn’t be a couple again, but I couldn’t help but want to keep her safe.

  Chapter Twenty-four


  Tuesday morning I went to the OB’s office with Jaxon and Brody in tow. Oh and Kai, how could I forget my very own personal bodyguard. I had fought Brody tooth and nail over his extremism regarding my safety. He kept insisting that being with Jaxon made me a target. While I conceded that the whole situation with Drill was due to Jaxon’s involvement with the MC, that didn’t mean I needed a bodyguard.

  Somehow the moon, stars, sun, and planets aligned just right and Jaxon agreed with Brody. There were still the buyers that Drill was working with, and they would eventually come looking for the money we learned he owed them. Also, the final tally of stolen MC money was over $245,000, plus he owed the buyers around $200,000.

  Jaxon, Drew, and DHS seemed to think that the buyers would go after the club, not one particular person. This, of course, caused me to renew my desire for Jaxon to get out for good. That’s when the fighting started.

  I accepted that this was who he was. It was his job and he loved it. I loved him and I wanted him to be happy, but I also wanted to watch my daughter grow up and not have to worry about being kidnapped, shot at, or for me to ever see Jaxon in the ER again. I just wanted a normal, happy life for all of us.

  “Leila Matthews?” the round nurse called from the door, reminding me I’d been zoning while waiting for my OB appointment.

  “Yes.” Using one of the chair’s arms, I attempted to stand up. Brody and Jaxon both popped right up out of their seats. It made me hate them. Fucking agile bastards.

  “Let us help you.” Brody held his hand out, while Jaxon just started walking toward the door back to the exam rooms.

  “Why? Am I too fat to get out of the chair on my own now, Brody?” Glaring at him, I waited for his answer.

  “No. That’s not… I mean… I just was trying to help you up,” he stuttered and stumbled over his words and looked to Jaxon with wide eyes, like he was begging for help.

  “Oh…okay.” Grabbing his hand, I let him help me up. “And you, why are you smiling?”

  Jaxon’s grin got bigger. “Just lookin’ at you, baby girl.”

  Brody believed that about as much as I did because he cough-muttered, “Bullshit.”

  The nurse led us back to the exam room and handed me a sheet. “Undress from the waist down. The doctor will probably want to check your cervix to see if you’re dilated or effaced, since you’re thirty-eight weeks now.”

  “Thanks.” I took the sheet and waited until she was out of the room to step behind the curtain where I wrapped the sheet around my waist and worked my way out of my capris.

  I sat on the exam table, while Jaxon leaned against the prep counter and Brody sat in one of the most uncomfortable-looking chairs invented. The nurse returned, used the Doppler to check the baby’s heart rate, then took my vitals. “The doctor is running behind about twenty minutes, but she’ll be in as soon as she can. If you need anything just pop your head out.”

  Great, I hated waiting with these two. It was like standing next to an active volcano: You never knew when it was going to erupt, but you knew eventually it would.

  “So I may have to travel to New York soon,” Brody said after the nurse left.

  Groaning, I rolled my eyes. I knew that bitch Jenifer was trying to get her acrylic claws back into him. I couldn’t stand her. The thought of him anywhere near her made the lioness inside me stand up and take notice. Sure, he wasn’t mine anymore, but I would do anything in my power to make sure she never got close enough to mess with him again. “What’s wrong this time?”

  “Jenifer’s dead,” he said flatly.

  My jaw dropped. “What? How? When?”

  Brody was in the middle of the whole tragic story when the doctor finally came in. God, I felt so horrible. Here I was mentally bashing a dead woman.

  “Hi, Leila.” Dr. Rogers nodded to the guys in acknowledgment.

  “Hey, Dr. Rogers, how are you?”

  “I’m good. How have you been feeling? Any contractions?” Setting my chart down and opening it, she sat on the black rolling stool.

  “So far, so good.”

  “That was the best job so far today at not directly answering my question,” she chuckled. “Any contractions?”

  “Mostly just Braxton-Hicks.” I played it off and waited for the tirade from the dads.

  “Well, let’s check you to see if you are dilated.” Turning around, Dr. Rogers grabbed a sterile pair of gloves and put one on. “You know the drill.” I winced at the name but
she thought otherwise. “Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt you.” She looked me over. “By the way, I could take those stitches out if you’d like. It’s time. Are you sore or experiencing any headaches? ”

  “I’m okay, you just caught me off guard a little.”

  “All right, well…” She poked around in my vagina, bumping my cervix, which was sore. “You’re definitely thinning and about two centimeters dilated. Baby’s head is down and in good position.” She gently withdrew and continued. “Even though you’re thirty-eight weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was any day now. Everything looks good. If I were you I’d get as much sleep as you can between now and then.”

  “I’ll be sure to remember that.” I smiled, beaming ear to ear at the thought of seeing my baby any day now. She grabbed a pair of scissors, pointed to my head, and I nodded. In less than a minute, she snipped the sutures out. “Thank you.” I touched my forehead.

  “Go ahead and get dressed. Stop in at the front desk and make sure you have another appointment scheduled for next Tuesday, but honestly, I doubt you will make it ’til then.” She entered a few notes into her tablet then headed out the room. “See y’all soon,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Thanks,” both men chimed in.

  I got dressed and made the appointment for next week, praying I didn’t need to keep it. I would have been fine delivering tomorrow.

  Jaxon had to make a few stops and agreed to let Brody and Kai take me home. Of course, we stopped and had lunch along the way.

  “Kai, why don’t you sit and eat with us?” I asked as he stood behind me in his soldier pose.

  “Thank you, Miss Leila, but if I’m eating I can’t very well be watching your back.”

  Brody had picked East Bay Deli, which was still one of my favorites. I got a grilled chicken Caesar salad, while Brody got his usual Reuben.

  “I will probably have to make a lot of trips back and forth to New York after the baby is born. Robert and Whitney are, as you would expect, devastated.”


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