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Recipe for Love

Page 15

by Aurora Rey

  “I’m plenty ambitious on my own, but I think a lot about making them proud, of finding a way to pay them back.” Drew closed the refrigerator door. “So, we can do pasta, which will be quick, or I can do a risotto, which will be less quick. I also have the stuff for BLTs since you’ve got me completely hooked on them.”

  Hannah chuckled. “I can’t bring myself to feel bad about that. How about pasta, though, if it’s not too much trouble?”

  “Not at all. Pesto good for you?”

  “Perfect. Can I help?”

  Drew handed her a pair of kitchen shears. “You can go out and get me about a cup of basil. It’s right in front of the porch.”

  “Happily.” Hannah gathered the basil. Drew had her open wine. In less than half an hour, they sat at Drew’s small table with plates of linguine.

  “Cheers.” Drew lifted her glass.

  “Cheers.” Hannah sipped her wine, sampled the food. “Oh, this is so good.”

  “Thank you.”

  They ate, talking about the restaurant and the farm and what things would be ready to harvest next. When they were done, Hannah offered to wash dishes while Drew put away the leftovers. The mundane tasks didn’t make her forget why she invited herself over in the first place. She wiped her hands on a towel and turned to Drew. “That really was delicious. Who knew you could do Italian as well as everything else?”

  Drew shrugged. “I like to think I’m versatile.”

  What a perfect opening to switch gears. Hannah asked, “Are you as versatile out of the kitchen as you are in it?”

  Drew quirked a brow. “I like to think so.”

  “Do you strap?”

  Drew’s expression changed from playful to serious like the flip of a switch, but she took her time answering. “I’ve been known to, when the moment is right.”

  Hannah nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact. She could already imagine herself beneath Drew, legs wrapped around her waist. “And how do you know when the moment is right?”

  Again, Drew didn’t answer immediately, leaving her on the precipice of anticipation, arousal already thrumming through her veins like a drug. Eventually, she smiled. It was slow, knowing. “When a beautiful woman asks me to.”

  “I see.” Hannah resisted the urge to lunge at Drew right there in the kitchen. She didn’t want a frantic tumble that was over almost as quickly as it began.

  “Are you asking me to?”

  Hannah licked her lip. There were a thousand ways she could answer the question, from coy to playful to aggressive. But all that felt like a performance and she didn’t want to do that with Drew. She decided on the simple answer, the truth. “Yes.”

  Drew’s eyes focused on her like a laser and her body went still. “Now? Tonight?”

  She waited a beat. Some people found the negotiation cumbersome or awkward. To her, it was foreplay. “Yes.”

  Drew extended her hand. “Let’s go to bed.”

  The command turned Hannah’s churned-up insides into a bundle of raw need. She could already imagine what it would be like to have Drew inside her. Wetness pooled between her thighs, and her breath caught in her throat. And they weren’t even touching yet. “Yes, let’s.”

  She took Drew’s hand and Drew led her to the bedroom.

  “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back.” Drew went to the closet, pulled out a black case the size of a shoe box, then left the room.

  Hannah sat on the edge of the bed. She let out a shaky breath and looked around. The simple furnishings and generic décor didn’t make being there any less intimate. She wasn’t shy about asking for what she wanted, but being alone in the room, waiting, made her restless. The pulse between her thighs didn’t help. Knowing exactly what that box contained, what Drew planned to do with it, had her on edge.

  Suddenly, her clothes felt hot and restrictive. Hannah slipped her dress over her head and draped it over the chair in the corner. She considered stripping all the way. No, too eager. Just like crawling into bed solo. Not the vibe she was going for.

  She tried to arrange herself on the bed again in a way that looked sexy but not like she was trying to be sexy. Was it her imagination or was Drew taking forever? Was she having second thoughts? What if she came back in to say she’d changed her mind and found Hannah sprawled on her bed, practically begging to be taken?

  Unable to sit still, she went to the window that overlooked the small yard and adjacent woods. Sparrows pecked at the ground and a chipmunk scurried along the edge of the grass. Hannah had never made love when it was still light out. She should have felt insecure standing in her underwear by the window, but the soft light and promise of Drew’s body over hers made her brazen instead.

  Drew didn’t speak, but Hannah knew the second she reentered the room. The air crackled with energy. Hannah chuckled. She’d always thought it was so stupid when people said that sort of thing. Until now, until Drew.

  “I’m afraid to ask what’s funny.”

  Hannah turned to face Drew. She’d ditched her clothes and was wearing a pair of tight black boxer briefs. Hannah could make out the straps of the harness underneath, the bulge in front. She bit her lip, wanting to touch it, test its weight in her hand. “That’s a good look for you.”

  “So, you weren’t laughing at me? That’s a relief.”

  “Not at all. Myself, I think. But good-naturedly.”

  Drew slid a hand along the curve of Hannah’s side. “As long as it’s good-natured.”

  Hannah thought of a clever comeback, but swallowed it. With Drew’s hand on her bare skin she was feeling a lot of things—raw, hungry, horny as hell—but funny wasn’t one of them. She stroked along Drew’s rib cage, right under her breast, then grazed over Drew’s stomach.

  She paused for just a second at the waistband of Drew’s shorts. Once she slipped her hand inside, Drew would be ready against her palm and there would be no going back for either of them, not that she wanted to. But something about the way Drew’s abs contracted under her touch had her savoring the moment. Anticipation skittered down her spine. Was she crazy for drawing this out when all she had to say was “now” and Drew would be inside her? Maybe. She’d had fast and reckless before; there was a lot to recommend it. But not this time. Not now. Not with Drew.

  When Hannah cupped the cock through the thin, stretchy material, Drew groaned. The sound went straight to Hannah’s clit. It was almost as if Drew was touching her and not the other way around.

  Drew’s eyes were dark with arousal and her gaze intense. She smirked. “I have one that’s a bit smaller, but I had a feeling you’d prefer this.”

  Hannah eased her hand in. The silicone was hard and already warm from Drew’s body. Every muscle below her belly button tightened. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so turned on. “This will do just fine. I’m really looking forward to taking a turn.”

  Drew’s hands came to cup her face, pulling her into a searing kiss. The kind of kiss that made Hannah’s toes curl. The kind of kiss that said Drew was about to fuck her senseless.

  They kissed until she was on the verge of asking Drew to take her right there against the windowsill. The hunger Drew stirred in her bordered on desperation, clouding her mind. Hannah pulled her mouth away. “Bed. Now. Please.”

  Drew’s answer was to tighten her arms around Hannah’s waist and lift her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around Drew for the short journey. The cock pressed against her, making her crave a hard and fast release. But Drew set her on the bed with something close to reverence. Hannah swallowed, at a loss for words.

  Drew reached around and flicked open Hannah’s bra, slipping it from her shoulders and down her arms slowly. She did the same with Hannah’s panties, taking an eternity to slide them down her legs. Drew seemed to have all the time in the world, while Hannah felt like she might spontaneously combust at any second.

  Drew moved to rejoin her, but Hannah grasped at her hips. “These, too, if you don’t mind. I want to feel a
ll of you.”

  Drew stood, worked the underwear off. The dildo stood at attention, held in place by a black leather harness. It was the color of caramel, not quite the same as Drew’s sepia-toned skin, but close. “Better?”

  Hannah let her gaze travel the length of Drew’s body. “Much.”

  Drew crawled onto the bed, settling herself into Hannah’s open thighs. She propped herself on one elbow. God, she’d spent so many nights fantasizing about this exact moment, it was hard to believe it was finally real. “Do you want to tell me how you like it?”

  Hannah smiled. “Hard and fast.”

  “I see.” With her free hand, Drew traced a finger along Hannah’s jaw. Tempting, but not what she had in mind. “And what if I said I wanted to take my time?”

  She could see Hannah swallow. “I’d probably try to convince you otherwise.”

  Drew nipped her jaw. “Let’s just see, shall we?”

  Hannah arched her back, causing her nipples to graze Drew’s. “That sounds like a challenge.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Drew loved a challenge. She eased just far enough away to be out of Hannah’s reach. She angled her head to plant a row of kisses along Hannah’s neck, from her shoulder up to her head and back down, ending at her collarbone. The pale skin of her torso stood in stark contrast to her tanned arms. She worked her way down to Hannah’s breasts, kissing and sucking but stopping short of her nipples. They stood erect, practically begging for attention. But as Hannah had said, now it was a challenge.

  Hannah moved beneath her, not quite writhing, but close. Under normal circumstances, it would be all the invitation she needed to take the nipple into her mouth or to let her fingers roam to where she knew Hannah would be hot and wet and ready. Instead, she skimmed her tongue across Hannah’s sternum and repeated the teasing kisses on the other breast.

  Ribs came next, then Hannah’s belly button. It gave her immense satisfaction to see Hannah’s abs contract, her breath hitch. She continued to inch down, working her way closer and closer to Hannah’s core. Along the crease of her thighs, through the triangle of hair. Drew barely skimmed her mouth over Hannah’s clit and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath.

  “Please,” Hannah said.

  “Please what?” Drew kept her voice light.

  “Please fuck me.”

  The request did as much to turn Drew on as being nestled between Hannah’s thighs. “Oh, I will. I promise. I just want to make you really want it first.”

  “I do. I do want it.” The slight edge in Hannah’s voice was sexy as hell. It almost made her relent. Almost.

  “I know you do, baby. I want you to want it more.”

  Without waiting for a response, she slid her tongue into Hannah. Her salty sweet taste tested Drew’s resolve. It would be so easy to make her come like this, so satisfying. Hannah squirmed and made incredibly sexy little sounds. Drew kept her movements varied, trying to ensure Hannah couldn’t settle into a rhythm that would allow her to come.

  She teased until she thought neither of them could take much more. She got herself into a kneeling position, moved the head of the cock up and down, lubing it with Hannah’s wetness. It was intoxicating to watch. She tore her gaze away so she could look at Hannah’s face.

  Hannah stared at her with hunger in her eyes. “You win. Please, I need you inside me.”

  Drew pushed the tip in, felt Hannah clamp around her, pull her in. She slid in and out a few times, then locked eyes with Hannah again. “Oh, I think we both win.”

  Drew thrust into her completely. Hannah’s eyes closed. “Oh, yes.”

  The last of Drew’s restraint evaporated. She gave Hannah what Hannah had insisted she wanted all along—hard and fast. It made Drew feel dominant, invincible. She curved her fingers around Hannah’s ankles. She lifted Hannah’s legs, resting her feet on her shoulders. “I’ve got you.”

  Hannah relaxed into the new position, and the change in angle allowed Drew to go even deeper. The pressure on her clit started to build. The look of complete abandon on Hannah’s face, the noises she made, just about did Drew in. She held herself back until Hannah’s body convulsed around her. She finally let go, coming with the sound of Hannah’s orgasm echoing in her ears.

  They collapsed on the bed, sweaty and spent. Hannah couldn’t remember the last time she’d been fucked so well. Maybe she never had been. Not that she made a habit of comparing sexual experiences, or partners, but this definitely stood out. Should she say that to Drew or would it be weird?

  She was so busy contemplating, she missed something Drew said. “Huh?”

  “Do you remember when you made that comment earlier about taking your turn?”

  Hannah smiled and planted a small kiss on the side of Drew’s breast. “Yeah.”

  “I thought you meant with the cock.”

  Hannah lifted her head, looked right into Drew’s eyes. She swallowed the strange mix of arousal and unease. “You did? Is that something you want?”

  Drew quirked a brow, more playful than judgmental. “Not always, but it can be fun to mix things up every now and then.”

  Hannah nodded slowly, turning the idea over in her mind. The unease, she realized, came from lack of experience, not desire. “I haven’t, but I would.”

  Drew offered a casual shrug. “You don’t have to. I just thought I’d float the idea, since you inadvertently put it in my head in the first place.”

  “No, no.” The more she sat with it, the more intrigued she became. “I’d like to. As long as you’re okay with the fact I may have no idea what I’m doing.”

  Drew raised a hand, ran it through Hannah’s hair. “Something tells me you’ll be a complete natural.”

  “Well, despite my reputation for being stubborn, I like to learn new things. And I don’t mind taking direction from experts.” She trailed a finger between Drew’s breasts. “You, for example, seem to know exactly what you’re doing.”

  “I’d be happy to be your guide.”

  “Excellent. So, when might I be able to schedule this lesson?”

  Drew slid her hand down Hannah’s back, gave her ass a playful squeeze. “How’s every night next week?”

  Hannah let the images of what might unfold dance through her mind. “Sounds perfect.”

  Something in Drew’s face shifted. “Only we can’t.”

  She didn’t immediately elaborate, so Hannah ventured a “Why?”

  “My friend, Baker, she’s coming from the city for a visit.”

  Ah. Despite her disappointment, Hannah couldn’t begrudge her that. “That’s fun.”

  “It is. Or, at least, I thought it was. Now all I want to do is tell her not to come and have sex with you instead.”

  Even though Drew was teasing, Hannah appreciated the sentiment. “We can wait. We’re not animals.”

  Drew rolled over so that she was half on top of Hannah. The feeling of Drew’s body on her was enough to stir her desire yet again. “Speak for yourself. I have serious animal tendencies. And you definitely bring them out.”

  Hannah squirmed against Drew, had the pleasure of watching her eyes lose focus for a second before looking intensely at her. “Yeah? What do those animal tendencies look like?”

  “Oh, I’ll show you.” Drew nipped her jaw and then proceeded to do exactly that.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Baker stood in the middle of the room, hands on hips. She looked around, nodding slowly. “Interesting.”

  “Dude, I didn’t decorate it myself. Don’t hate.”

  “I’m not hating. It’s charming.” She pressed her lips together and continued to nod.

  “I think the style is called Adirondack. It’s better than country.”

  Baker snickered. “You realize the hilarity of you even knowing the difference.”

  Drew scowled, but without malice. Giving each other a hard time was part of their dynamic. It had been ever since high school. “You get your own bedroom. It’s got a real bed, too, not a futon.”<
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  “Movin’ on up.” Baker turned and looked at Drew. “It’s totally nice, dude. And you get it all to yourself. That’s a ten in my book.”

  Drew narrowed her eyes. The positivity made her suspicious. “You’re developing a thing for Long Island, aren’t you?”

  “What? No. Of course not.” She answered a little too quickly.

  “You are. You’re going to go all suburban on me. I can feel it.” Suburban was way worse than country, especially without any mitigating factors.

  “It’s not that.”

  The tone made Drew worry that something might be wrong. “What is it? Tell me. I won’t give you a hard time, I swear.”

  Baker offered a half shrug. “I’ve just been seeing this girl is all.”

  Oh. “And she lives out on Long Island.”


  The location registered. She let out a low whistle. “Dude, that’s swanky.”

  “She’s a teacher there, not some princess. It’s just,” Baker shrugged again, “I’m driving all over for work anyway. She’s always going to the same place.”

  Drew tried to keep the surprise from her voice. “You’re already talking about moving in together?”

  “Just hypothetical. What might make sense, what we could afford.”

  Drew had no idea Baker was even dating someone. She had a pang of regret over being so far away. It was homesickness, not envy. “That’s awesome. I’m happy for you.”

  “Well, I mean, it’s not like we’re talking exposed wood and plaid sofas.” Baker gestured around her. Clearly, they’d maxed out her tolerance for the sentimental.

  Drew chuckled. “Well, as long as it’s not that.”

  “So, when do I get to meet your farmer?”

  She didn’t call Baker out on the abrupt change of subject. “I thought we’d take a ride out to the farm together in the morning. I need to pick up my ingredients for the weekend anyway. I took the liberty of inviting her to dinner on Monday.”

  Baker’s eyes brightened. “Do I get to pick stuff?”

  Baker fixated on that instead of the dinner invite? Interesting. “We’ll leave early so there’s time for that.”


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