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The Other Half (Door Peninsula Passions Book 1)

Page 16

by Katherine Hastings

  “You’re okay,” he whispered and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “I’ve got you.”

  With tears streaming onto his t-shirt, I watched the colors exploding around us. So many emotions surged through me, igniting like the fireworks crackling across the sky. Guilt. Sorrow. Loss. Safety. Security. And that emotion only Jake could elicit inside me.

  When the fireworks stopped, the crowd applauded, but Jake and I stood in silence, my face still pressed to his chest.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I looked up to see concerned eyes searching my face.

  “I’m okay. Thank you. That was harder than I thought.”

  “I’m really sorry for your loss, Cassie. I’m just glad I could be here for you.”

  “Thank you, Jake. It means a lot to me.” Not wanting to slide out of his embrace, I held myself against him for a moment longer. Sniffling, I wiped my eyes. “Sorry I cried on your shirt. I feel so pathetic.”

  He snorted and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “You have every right to be struggling right now. I, on the other hand, am a grown man watching fireworks alone. I’m the pathetic one.”

  “You weren’t alone,” I said, then looked up at him.

  A long swallow slid down his throat and a soft smile lifted his lips. “Thanks, Cassie.”

  God, I wanted to kiss him. It took every ounce of my willpower not to lean up and press my lips against his. That same look returned to his eyes, but last time I tried it ended with me sitting alone on a dock. Aching. Forcing my lips to keep to themselves, I sighed and smiled.

  “Well, I guess good night?” As I spoke, hope sprang into my chest.

  “Do you...” He paused and sighed. “Do you want to come over and have a bonfire with me? I’m not really in the mood to be jammed in a bar with a hundred hammered people.”

  I nodded with more enthusiasm than I wanted. “Yes.”

  “Okay.” He smiled. “Good. Why don’t you go get Poppy and I’ll get the fire started? The dogs can play, and we can have a few beers... now that you drink beer.”

  “Deal.” I grinned back.


  “Okay. I’ll see you at your house.”

  Forcing myself to pull from his embrace, I started down the beach. Even though deep down I knew it was wrong to pursue something romantic with a man who didn’t even know my real name, I couldn’t stop myself. Denying what was going on between us was no more possible than denying gravity. We’d already crossed the line and there was no going back. Now I just needed to figure out how to tell him who I was without putting my dream of taking over the company at risk.



  My Bluetooth speaker played the soft sounds of country while I tossed another log on the fire.

  “What am I doing, Hank?” I asked him while he panted at my side. But this time I knew what I was doing. I was no longer denying myself the happiness that hovered within my reach. The same happiness I’d been too scared to grab onto, instead pushing it away. But seeing her so vulnerable in my arms tonight made me realize I wasn’t the only one who’d been in pain. And if she could fight her demons and try to heal, so could I.

  Headlights coming down my driveway sent my heart racing again. It wasn’t just the headlights illuminating my life. It was Cassie. She was like a beacon guiding me through the storm, and this time I wouldn’t sail away from her light. I would let it show me the way.

  “Hey, Jake,” she said when she came around the side of my house. “I saw the fire and figured you’d be out here.”

  “I’m glad you could make it.” I looked to the little dog clutched in her arms. “And Muskybait, too.”

  “Jake,” she warned with a smirk. Hank appeared at her side now, leaping in the air around her. Poppy squirmed, desperate to get down.

  “Let her down. He won’t hurt her.”

  “Let me just hook up her leash.” She fumbled with the pink strap in her hand.

  “Just let her down, Cassie. She’ll be fine.”

  “What if she runs off?”

  “She won’t run off.”

  “But the coyotes.”

  “Hank will protect her. Just relax. Let her be a dog.”

  Worried eyes met mine, then she bent and set Poppy down. Instantly, the two dogs started their game of tag. With lolling tongues and enthusiastic bounces, they raced around the yard taking turns chasing each other. Cassie bit her nails while she watched. Chuckling at her, I cracked a Spotted Cow and extended my arm. “Drink this. It will help.”

  Letting out a sigh, she grabbed the bottle and took a long swig.

  “I just worry so much that she’s going to get hurt.”

  “You can’t protect her from the whole world and deny her the happiness of being a dog. Sometimes you gotta just let go and hope for the best.”

  The minute I said it I shook my head, realizing I could have been talking about myself. Just like Cassie guarded that dog, robbing her of a full life in the process, I was so worried about getting hurt I was robbing myself of a chance at happiness. Cassie was my version of a coyote.

  While she watched them tear around, she took another sip of her beer.

  “I still can’t believe the martini drinking carb-hater is guzzling beer.”

  “I’ve changed a lot since I’ve been here. It turns out life really is better with carbs.” She shrugged before we broke into laughter.

  “That’s what I’ve been saying. Come on, sit.”

  Pulling out a folding chair, I stood behind it while she settled in. This time it was a date. It was firelight instead of candlelight, but just like my mother taught me, you hold the chair for the girl. After she leaned back and kicked off her shoes, I pulled my chair up beside her and sat. Kicking off my own shoes, I rested my feet on the log in front of us.

  “So,” I said, taking a swig of my beer. “We meet again.”

  “So, we meet again.”

  We each took another sip of our beer, our tentative gazes darting between each other and the fire.

  “Look. I panicked last time you were here. I just really want you to know again how sorry I am. That’s not me.”

  “I know, Jake. It’s okay.”

  “Have you heard what happened?” I knew she had. Small towns and all.

  “Yeah. I heard. I’m really sorry that happened to you. Getting cheated on sucks.”

  “Yeah. It does. But it’s no excuse for how shitty I was just leaving you on the dock. Trusting someone again after what I went through is hard. In fact, I’d planned on never doing it again.”

  That softness in her eyes dissipated for a moment and she took another swig of her beer. “I’ve been through a lot myself. If anyone gets it, it’s me. No one can blame you for being gun-shy.”

  “Yeah. And it wasn’t just that I got cheated on. It was my best friend. It was like a double whammy. I guess it just took me longer to recover this time.”

  “It’s been two years since my parents died and I’m still not okay. Loss sucks, no matter what kind it is.”

  Her parents. She’d brought it up, but I didn’t know if I should ask.

  “It was a plane crash.”

  “What?” I asked, turning toward her after she said the answer to the question lingering in my mind.

  “They died in a plane crash. It’s really hard for me to talk about.”

  “I can’t even imagine, Cassie. My loss is nothing compared to what you’ve been through. I just lost a girl and friend. You lost your parents.”

  “I did a lot of stupid shit after it happened. A lot.” She blew out a puff of air. “Shit I’m still paying for now. But I’m trying, Jake. I’m trying to be a better person and to move on with my life. But it’s hard.”

  I nodded along. “Don’t I know it. Moving on is really hard.”

  We sat together in silence for a moment and I watched the flames licking the logs while they crumbled. A glance over to Cassie found those eyes that had haunted me these p
ast two weeks searching mine. The way the light illuminated her face had my hammering heart pounding even faster. God she was beautiful.

  A new song started on the radio, and when I heard the lyrics start up, I closed my eyes and chuckled. Let Me Down Easy. Of course, it was. The song that had me thinking of her every time I had heard it since I met her was now the soundtrack to our quiet moment. The powerful lyrics fueled me with the confidence I’d struggled to find. This time I wasn’t going to screw it up.

  Standing up, I reached out a hand and stared down at her. “Dance with me.”

  With a slack jaw, she looked back up at me. Holding my breath, I awaited her answer. It came when she reached out and took my hand. When her fingers closed around mine, I finally let out a long exhale. A gentle tug pulled her to her feet and into my arms. Feeling her arms encircle my neck, and the weight of her body press up against mine chased away the last of my fears. I had nothing to lose. Not even my heart. She already had it.

  Together we swayed to the sounds. The full moon hung over our heads while the flickering embers floated up before drifting back down around us. Just feeling her in my arms erased all the pain, all the lies, and all the agony that had been my life lately. Everything about this moment told me this is where I belonged. With her. As the song came to an end, she looked up at me. My heart stalled out underneath the desire in her stare. Casting aside all my doubts, I reached down and slid my hand under her chin. While I tipped it up, she rose on her toes, our mouths drawing together like magnets.

  Just before our lips finally touched, a loud splash drew our attention to the lake. The full moon showed Hank bouncing up and down in the water sending droplets spraying into the sky, then a small yip traveled up from the water.

  “Poppy!” Cassie screamed. “She can’t swim!”

  We broke our embrace and raced toward the water. Hank barked, and I could hear the panic in his tone. When we reached the dock, I saw the faint outline of Poppy in the water below me. Ripping off my shirt, I dove into the water after her. Emerging with a gasp, I searched the water for her little dog.

  “Poppy!” I heard Cassie screaming from the dock just before she plunged in after me.

  “Poppy!” I called, my eyes scanning the surface of the water. Hank swam past and Cassie popped up beside him.

  “Where is she? Poppy! Poppy! Jake! Find her! Please!”

  I dove under, searching the blackness and finding nothing. Desperate to find her, I stayed under until I choked for the relief of a breath of air. When I popped up, I saw Cassie treading water beside me, the little dog safe in her arms.

  “I found her! She swam to me!”

  “She can swim?” I asked, gasping for breath.

  “Apparently she can.” Cassie kissed her head. “My little Princess Poppy can swim! She’s okay!”

  “Good God. I thought she’d drowned, and I killed your dog.” The panic pushing my heart to near bursting finally let loose.

  “I thought a Musky got her!” She panted while she broke into laughter.

  “Poor little Muskybait.”

  “She’s not Musky bait!” A splash of water slammed into my face.

  “I know! I’m teasing! Well go on. Let’s see her swim.”

  “Are you sure a Musky won’t eat her?”

  “I’m sure, Cassie. There aren’t any in Kangaroo Lake. And I promise, she’s too big for any fish to eat.”

  Poppy struggled in her arms. With a sigh, Cassie released her grip and the little creature cut through the water like a seasoned swimmer. Hank paddled up beside her and the two swam in circles before paddling back to shore and tumbling in a heap as they rolled through the yard.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, swimming up beside her where she made it to water shallow enough to stand.

  “Yes. I think I had a heart attack, but I’m okay.”

  Finding my footing in the sand, I walked the last few steps to where she stood wringing the water from her hair. Droplets slid down her shoulders and rejoined the lake. The way the full moon illuminated her wet skin sent a surge of passion coursing through my veins. It pulsed with my desire for her, like she’d somehow gotten inside me, and every fiber of my being belonged to her, and only her.

  When I stopped in front of her, our eyes connected. I gave her no time to speak, or even breathe. Sliding my hands along her face, I pulled her into my kiss and caught her gasp in my mouth. This time I wasn’t sliding down the cliff, desperate to stop the descent. I launched off it and enjoyed every second of my free fall while her tongue met mine.

  Our bodies pressed together while her arms encircled my neck. Every agonizing second I’d been away from her dissolved with the power of our kiss. The heat from her body pressed up against my bare chest sent a throbbing sensation into my soaking jeans. With every swirl of her tongue and grasp of her hands on my shoulders, I felt her ripping away the last of the walls I’d built around myself. Like a tornado tearing through me, she sent all my reservations flying away. And I was happy to see them go. If being with her meant feeling like this, then there wasn’t anything in the world that could keep her out of my arms.

  She was the hand that pulled me from the ashes. The voice that guided me out of the dark. The touch that soothed the last of my ache away. To me, she was everything. And now she was mine.

  “Jake,” she breathed as our kiss softened. Warm breath ghosted my lips, and I claimed hers once again. Lifting her body up against mine, I slid my hand down her back, pulling her tighter while she slid a leg around mine. The heat burning between us could have boiled the water swirling around our legs. It burned away all my fears, all my reservations, and I deepened our kiss.

  Her hands slid to my chest, splayed palms caressing the muscles and exploring their way down my abs. Groaning, I pulled her tighter, desperate now to finish what those looks had promised. Running my hands down her arms, I felt the small bumps prickled on her skin.

  “You’re cold,” I whispered between kisses.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” she answered, sliding her tongue back inside my mouth.

  I softened my embrace and pulled back those lust-filled eyes boring through me. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Okay,” she answered, and her smile told me everything I needed to know.

  Sweeping her into my arms, I devoured her lips again, then carried her back to land.

  My fingers clung to the sinewy muscles of his shoulders while he carried me across the yard. Even in the dim light, I could still see every impressive bulge and defined cut of his body. It only increased the rate of my heart fluttering against my ribs.

  “Hank! Poppy!” he called while we passed the fire. I saw Hank come tearing across the yard with Poppy in tow.

  When we reached the door, Jake set me down while he fumbled to open it.

  “It sticks,” he said, the waver in his voice giving away his nerves. The same ones banging around inside my stomach. After bumping it open, he held the door. Stepping inside, I watched Poppy and Hank tear in past me. Jake followed and closed the door behind us. We stood together on the wood floor with water dripping off us, forming pools at our feet.

  Biting my lip, I reached for him. It was all the encouragement he needed. I gasped when he caught me around my shoulders and pulled me into his kiss. Our limbs tangled together while his kiss invaded me again. A welcome conqueror I had no desire to resist. The siege on my mouth continued until we broke apart as he pulled my shirt over my head.

  Bumping into walls and furniture, we devoured each other as he moved me through the house, our clothes dropping piece by piece while he guided me up the stairs. For every second our mouths had to come apart, they returned with more power than the last. I hadn’t even noticed I was now in the bedroom until I felt the bed press behind my knees. Opening my eyes, I saw Jake standing above me. The moonlight slipped between the slats of the blinds and the soft glow of the clock illuminated his body. For the first time I saw him clearly. It was better than I’d imagined. And I had imagined perfection

  His chest grew with every deep breath while he stood in his boxers and examined the matching bra and panty set I still wore. I reached out and touched the rippled muscles covering his stomach. Dragging my finger along the lines, I watched his eyes close tight while he exhaled a deep breath. Letting my fingers wander free, they explored every inch of his tanned, taut torso. Before I could explore any lower, his kiss upended me again.

  With a gentle shove, my back hit the bed. He towered over me, the desire and passion in his eyes heating my body everywhere his eyes roved. Pressing a hand on either side of my head, his biceps bulged beneath his weight while he lowered himself over me. A gentle kiss brushed my lips and drew another one of my soft moans.

  “Jake,” I whispered before his tongue pressed inside my mouth. The gentle touch after such a carnal explosion was a shock to my senses. My hands found their way to his back and spread out over the bulging muscles I couldn’t see but imagined rivaled the ones in the front.

  While he continued exploring my mouth with his kiss, his fingers drifted down my shoulder and continued to my breasts. Cupping one in his hand, I exhaled my relief to finally have his touch where I needed it. With a gentle squeeze, he deepened his kiss, and I melted into the mattress. The material of my thin bra gave him no trouble while he slid his hand beneath it. Rough fingers brushed my nipple, and I whimpered at his touch. Continuing his soft exploration of my body, he moved to the other one, repeating the soft circles that had heat coursing between my legs.

  As if he could read my mind, his fingers drifted down my stomach and grazed the top of my underwear. Ready to beg for his touch, I sighed when his fingers disappeared under the silk without my need to plead. When they touched me where I needed him most, I grabbed his face while I moaned into his mouth. They moved against my heated skin in rhythm with the tongue continuing its invasion of my mouth.

  “Cassie,” he breathed before sliding a finger inside me.

  “Oh, my God.” The fire he’d lit in my body surged to heights I worried would incinerate me. A soft buzz started in my ears while his fingers played a song that had me ready to scream the finale. When I was sure I couldn’t take another second of his talents, I felt the pressure in my body release with one final swirl of his fingers. Clinging to him while I rode the wave, I held his mouth with mine, whimpering into it the sounds of my ecstasy.


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