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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

Page 16

by Elle Boon

He’d known it was going to come up. Even though they’d spoken earlier, he wasn’t going to tell the other man. It didn’t matter that he was the president of this chapter, he wasn’t telling anyone his ole lady’s shit over the phone. Once there with a good glass of whiskey in his hand, his friend T-Rex next to him, two of his other brothers playing pool, Cosmo filled Nycto in on Tai’s past.

  “Damn, she’s a tiny little thing. She speaks English like she’s been here for years.”

  Cosmo took a sip of the drink before answering. “Her family owns a business in a busy market that catered to a lot of nationalities. She was a face they put out front since they thought she would be appealing or some shit. They didn’t give her any kind of accolades. From what she’s told me, once she hit her teens, they stopped letting her go to the market because they didn’t want her getting any ideas about finding friends or boyfriends. I think they were creating this secrecy to her so they could do as they ultimately ended up doing. Her grandmother, she probably was the only reason they didn’t do it sooner.”

  Void’s boots clattered down as he leaned forward.

  Cosmo looked up, glad the other man created the diversion as Tai and Eva were heading their way, bringing drinks.

  “Hey, we don’t bite. Well I don’t but Ivy there, she does. Here.” Eva handed Tai one of the glasses.

  Tai gripped the drink in both hands, looking completely out of her element. Yet she followed the other woman over, handing Cosmo his drink. How could she still be reeling over his declaration? To him it hadn’t been a declaration, rather a statement. He clearly needed to settle some things with Tai. Taking the glass, he sat in front of him.

  “Thank you, Baby Girl. When we’re finished here, Nycto will have someone show us to a room we can sleep for the night. Gallow’s getting our stuff right now. He’s gonna drop it off for us. That way, you and I can have a little nap before tonight.” He tugged her forward when she stood rooted in place, knowing she was already off balance. She landed in an ungainly heap on his lap, exactly where he wanted her.

  “What?” she gasped.

  “Give me a kiss,” he demanded.

  He took total control of her and their kiss, letting her up when he was good and ready. “Go have a drink with the girls,” he told her, helping her back to her feet.

  He watched Tai make her way over to the bar, him sipping the fine liquor, admiring her firm ass swaying back and forth.

  “The very fact she’s here and whole, brother, you’ve got a good woman.”

  Cosmo held his glass up in a silent toast. “I’m going to kill him, though. Whoever him is, I’m killing him.”

  Nycto took a sip, nodding. “I don’t blame you. What do you need from me?”

  “Maybe nothing. Maybe a place for her to hide if shit goes south until one of my brothers can get to her. No matter what happens, her safety is my number one priority.” His eyes went back to where she sat talking to the others.

  “My ole lady will be testing her. Both she and Ivy, they don’t like little whiny ass bitches, but they ain’t cruel.”

  He sat his drink down, immediately on guard. Hollywood shook his head.

  “Settle, brother. I’m pretty sure your girl can hold her own against mine. Tell me, what’s your plan for tomorrow?” He finished his drink, setting the glass down beside him.

  “We’ll leave in the morning and make the four hour drive down to Miami. I plan to leave Tai with the Miami brothers, but I have a feeling she’s gonna be stubborn. Fuck, when did it get so hard being with a woman?” Cosmo drank the last of his drink, looking into the empty glass.

  “I’d say when Eve tempted Adam to eat that damn apple.” Nycto grinned.

  “Ah, but what a succulent piece of fruit I bet it was,” T-Rex said coming up next to them. “Gallow put your shit in your rooms. Where do you want us to park our rigs? Gallow and I are gonna hang out in here if that works for you, and then we’ll be sleeping in the trucks.”

  Cosmo liked the way T-Rex worded it as a question. But left it as a no response needed statement.

  “That’s cool with me. It gets cooler at night, but ain’t nearly as nice out there as it is inside here.” Nycto got to his feet, clearly disliking T-Rex standing above them. Even though standing, he was still shorter than T-Rex. “You’re a big bastard.” Nycto stared at T-Rex.

  T shrugged. “My mama said they didn’t stop giving me grow pills when I was a kid.”

  He turned and walked away, leaving Cosmo and the Prez staring after them.

  “He’s a scary one. He’s silent but huge. Two things that shouldn’t ever be said in the same sentence.” Nycto took a deep breath, looked over at his ole lady. “If I hadn’t fallen for my Chiquita, I might’ve seen a girl like yours and—”

  Cosmo slapped him on the back. “Man, we can’t go on what ifs. Life is full of all kinds of shit we can say that to, but in the end, it’s about today and tomorrow, not yesterday. That woman over there, she’s my today, my tomorrow, and all my days after that. I’m gonna do everything in my power to make damn sure she never has to look over her shoulder and wonder or worry someone is going to hurt her. I’ve got a lot of fucking blood on my hands. A little more ain’t gonna hurt, but if I don’t do this, I won’t be able to sleep and wake up to look at her without seeing a sliver of fear in those gorgeous green eyes. I want to be able to look at her and tell her I’ve slayed her demons.”

  “I get that, brother. I really do. Let me ask you a question. What if slaying her demon, or demons, cost you your life? What then? You gonna leave her out here for the wolves? Because you can damn sure bet, they’ll come circling.”

  He pulled his focus from Tai, meeting Nycto’s dark, knowing eyes. “If I die killing the motherfucker who sent her over here and sold her into a life of prostitution, so be it. I’ll take out as many of his people as I can. T-Rex is here to make sure she gets home, back to California and my Club. There she has a life waiting. She’ll get there, safe.” It was a warning and declaration, plain and simple.

  There was no other option.

  “Women have minds of their own, remember that, brother. Besides, you must know nothing is as easy as walking in and killing a man, like you see in Scarface.”

  “That’s what my father Cosimo Luciano said before I killed him.” He dropped his father’s name like a bomb.

  “Are you shitting me?” Nycto looked around, picked up the empty glass and cursed.

  “You might need an entire bottle of that, my friend. I learned a lot from that sadistic bastard. Trust me when I say I know what I’m doing. See you in a few hours.”

  His father had been one of the biggest crime lords in the country, with fingers stretching across the ocean as well. The very fact he’d run a successful child sex ring with a tight group of his friends was a secret that many outside his circle were unaware of.

  The first man he killed had been a little hard, thinking back. Even with so much hate filling his veins. Sometimes nightmares woke him with visions of Vincent Ardito gasping for breath as he lay in a puddle of his own blood. His father had flown them to Vegas, laughing about his plans to play for the weekend, sickening him so much he’d known it was time. When Cosmo killed the bastard, they’d had no clue how much knowledge he’d already gleaned throughout the ten years he’d been used and abused, or how much training he’d been doing when his father wasn’t watching. Ardito, the fat fuck, had no clue Cosmo was going to strike until he did.

  Carmine Alo had been next, then Willie Lanza, followed by Tony Giancana, and the list went on and on, until he’d killed every last one of the bastards who’d been in The Circle. Every sick pedophile who shared their children and stole others, selling them for profit he’d found had died. It had taken him years and a fuckton of resources, which wasn’t a problem since he was like a modern-day Robin Hood, taking the cash from the men he slaughtered. The type of men in their world always kept huge amounts of money on hand. Given the right incentive, he’d been given access to their safes. Stup
id bastards, like he really would’ve let them live to hurt another child?

  He was able to rest easy after all was said and done, since he gave back to the families that he could find and had even saved a few of the captives during his journey. Cosmo figured that had been his form of therapy. Although nightmares still plagued him from time-to-time, he didn’t feel the need to see someone to talk it out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She wondered if a person actually turned as red as they felt or if that was just a myth as she thought back to how she looked. She’d had her legs hanging over the arm of the chair, her back cradled against his arm, and everyone was staring at them. Tai had given herself up to Cosmo. She was sure she always would when it came to him. When he’d finally let her up, his strength had eased her to a standing position without him having to move anything except for his arms. She wondered, not for the first time, just what the heck she was getting herself into. Heaven, that’s what she was getting herself into. Each moment of every day with Cosmo was like Heaven on Earth.

  She’d walked back to the bar, unsure how long she’d been lost in the cocoon Cosmo built whenever he touched her.

  “Ah, I know that look. So dreamy, so much need.” Ivy leaned over the bar, her eyes fluttering.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be gone so long.”

  Eva slapped the counter. “Girl, you need to grow some damn balls. Stop apologizing, especially when your ole man just had his tongue down your throat. Some bitch has an attitude about it, you tell her to go fuck herself. She still wants to step up, you get in her face and show her you ain’t gonna take her shit. If you don’t start as you mean to go on, you’re gonna be the low bitch in your club.”

  “She’s right. Respect is earned not given, girl.” Eva nodded in agreement.

  Tai looked at the younger girl who looked a lot like her sister Eva, both women so gorgeous she thought they could be models. “I don’t want to get kicked out of here. I mean, not just here, but America.”

  The two women looked at her, then each other.

  “Ah, shit. Were brought here illegally? Please tell me you weren’t sold into—” Eva stopped speaking, her gaze jumping to the guys.

  Tai didn’t think it mattered if they knew. She wasn’t ashamed of what had happened to her or what she’d been through. Like Cosmo had said, she was a fighter.

  Sitting up straighter, she looked Eva in the eye. “I was sold to a man in America as his personal whore for several months. I had to tryout first, you see. I had never...never done anything like that before. There was a young girl next to me. She refused, so he shot her. She was American, but he didn’t care. He pointed his gun and there was a loud bang. He shot her in the head. I had to learn really quickly. So, with her blood and stuff on me, I took a man’s,” she swallowed, shaking her head as Eva pushed a bottle of water toward her. “I did what I had to do to survive, and I’d do it again if I had to. After he tired of me, he gave me to his friends. I lived in a one room apartment that had a tiny bathroom and a kitchenette with four other women. You want to know what the worst part of that was? Living there was a step up from where I was allowed to sleep before I came to America. You see my family sold me to the Chinese government. So, I’m actually lucky. I may have lost my virginity to a man who I didn’t love and didn’t love me, and it was awful. I’ve had sex with a lot of men, who were repulsive, for money. I never saw a penny of it either because I had a Handler who took it all. But I survived. If I’d have stayed in my country, they were going to take my heart. Someone who was rich enough to buy it was going to get it, because my family sold me, and I had no say. I was nothing to them. Here, I’m someone.” She let her breath out, grabbed the drink sitting next to the water, choking at the fiery liquid going down.

  “I thought you might need something other than water. Damn, girl, you’re definitely a badass bitch. I hope the fuckers are dead,” Ivy said.

  “I don’t know where they are. My Handler was killed.” She lifted the glass back to her lips, intending to try the alcoholic drink again.

  “How about keep from getting drunk, Baby Girl. Come on, tell Eva and Ivy you’ll see them this evening.” Cosmo sat the glass back on the bar.

  “I hope you take care of her,” Eva said.

  “She’s mine. I take care of what’s mine, always.” Cosmo gave the ladies a nod, tugging on Tai’s hand.

  “Are you mad at me?” Tai asked, her heart hammering against her chest while she tried to keep up with his long stride.

  “Hell no. I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed at me.”

  What the heck was she supposed to say to that? They entered the hall, seeming to follow some direction that Cosmo had been given.

  “Cosmo, slow down, please.” She didn’t want to trip over her feet and land face first on the concrete floor, especially since she wasn’t sure what all had been down there.

  A hysterical laugh bubbled out of her before she could stop it.

  Cosmo stopped outside of a door, turning to stare down at her. “Why are you laughing?”

  She slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to stem the sound, but once she started, she couldn’t stop.

  “Inside, giggle girl.” He held the door open, pocketing the key as she entered. “Hold up.”

  Tai came to a hard stop, her body freezing as if on command.

  “I just want to make sure it’s safe. I know Gallow brought our gear in and checked it out but—” He let the rest of the sentence die off.

  “I’ll just hold the wall up,” she agreed. After talking to the other ladies, she had come to a decision. She wasn’t a mousey woman. Sure, she’d become that, and maybe for the first part of her life that’s what she’d been, but that’s not who she wanted to be. Her grandmother wouldn’t have wanted her to become a doormat, even for a man like Cosmo.

  He checked out the rooms, making sure they were clear before returning to where she stood. “I don’t think that wall needs holding up, but I know something else that might,” he suggested, grabbing her by the waist.

  “Oh, is that so? And does this thing that needs holding have a name, or is it tucked away somewhere safe?” She grinned up at him, her heart pounding out an excited rhythm that had nothing to do with fear, and everything to do with arousal. Before meeting Cosmo, she’d never experienced that sensation.

  “Baby, you can call it anything you want, except Tiny. I don’t think any self-respecting man would be cool with that. As for it being tucked away somewhere safe—” he moved back a bit and looked down.

  She followed his gaze, staring at the sizeable bulge in his jeans. “Why, Mr. Cosmo, is that a bottle in your jeans, or are you glad to see me?”

  He let out a sigh, then without missing a beat, bent and tossed her over his shoulder. “It’s most definitely something other than a bottle, but this fine ass is gonna feel my hand for your sassiness, Baby Girl.”

  She let out a yelp at the first slap on her butt, the sting a little shocking. When he slapped the other cheek, she cried out again, but something perverse had her wiggling in hopes he’d do it again.

  “Ah, my girl likes that, don’t she?” Cosmo ran his hand over her butt before swatting her again as he carried her to the bed.

  “Am I supposed to?” she asked, the last smack was a little harder than the others, but it still sent a little tingle to her core.

  Cosmo shifted Tai onto the bed, stunned at how much she was enjoying his spanking. He didn’t need to dominate the way King and Duke did, but he liked to play sometimes. Now that he knew his woman enjoyed it, an entire world could open up to them. He’d done just about everything imaginable, long before he’d consented. Those dark days were memories he couldn’t erase, but he’d gone out and reclaimed his sexuality, making sure he wasn’t a psycho before he was willing to be with a woman alone. Clubs were the best place since they were monitored. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out he wasn’t sick and twisted, like the bastard who shared his DNA.

, you can like it, love it, or hate it, Tai. All those things are alright to feel. I want you to know you can always be honest with me, no matter what. If I say or do anything you don’t like, you’re to tell me. That’s our number one rule. Is that clear?” He wouldn’t bend on that one.

  She nodded but didn’t say the words.

  He stood at the side of the bed, bracketing her in with his arms on either side of her hips. “I want to hear the words, Baby Girl.”

  Tai licked her lips. “Yes. I’ll tell you how I’m feeling. What if...if I’m unsure in the moment?”

  He squatted down, taking off her shoes one at a time, massaging her feet as he did. Once he finished with that, he got back up so he could look at her. “Then we keep going until it’s a yes or no. A maybe is a yellow for us. Understand what I mean?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, leaning back on her elbows while he reached for the button on her jeans.

  “Look how good you are. Lift your hips.” He worked the stretchy denim down, taking the tiny scrap of silk with them. “Fuck, you’re so damn sexy.”

  When she tried to close her legs, he tapped the inside of each thigh, little slaps that made her gasp. “Leave these open so I can see my pussy.”

  “But you’re dressed.”

  He raised a brow at her little whine, folding his arms over his chest while he stared at her.

  “I’m sorry.” She moved her legs back like they were, moving her hands onto the top of her thighs. “Is this better?”

  Cosmo looked down, laughter bubbling up from his throat. The little thing had her middle finger tracing circles over her legs, a cute little knowing smirk on her lips. “I think my Baby Girl is itching for my hand on her again, hmm?”

  Instead of giving her a chance to answer or a warning of what he planned, he placed his right hand on her chest, giving a little push so she fell backward. In the next second, he slapped the top of her mound, making her jerk upward. He kept his hand on her chest so she couldn’t get up or move as he tapped her pussy again. With him standing between her spread thighs, he could see how wet she was getting with the little taps he gave her.


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