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by Richard Holmes

  Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters) 300

  5th Battalion 369

  8th Battalion 37

  12th Battalion 606

  Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 57, 366

  Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment 371

  Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regiment 4, 8, 112–14, 132, 133, 199, 456, 501

  1st Battalion 113, 114, 132

  2nd Battalion 132

  3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion 132

  4th Battalion 132

  5th Battalion 132

  1/4th Battalion 80

  1/6th Battalion 390

  2/4th Battalion 80

  3/3rd Battalion 199

  3/4th Battalion 80–82, 85, 87

  4th (Territorial) Battalion 75, 79–80

  6th Battalion 361, 392

  1st Volunteer Battalion 79

  Rifle Brigade 112, 139, 268, 592, 593

  Royal Berkshire Regiment 76, 121

  1st Battalion 115, 579

  2nd Battalion 292, 358

  4th Battalion 606

  8th Battalion 572

  Royal Dublin Fusiliers 361

  7th Battalion 153

  8th Battalion 155

  Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) 45, 133, 172, 587, 607, 614

  1st Battalion 89, 559

  2nd Battalion 458

  13th Battalion 53, 333, 351

  17th Battalion (Empire) 146

  18th Battalion (1st Public Schools) 146

  19th Battalion (2nd Public Schools) 146

  20th Battalion (3rd Public Schools) 146, 204

  21st Battalion (4th Public Schools) 146

  22nd Battalion (Kensington) 146

  23rd Battalion (1st Sportsman’s) 146, 149

  25th Battalion 602

  26th Battalion 492

  Royal Highland Regiment (Black Watch) 120, 330, 344, 539, 566

  1st Battalion gi

  2nd Battalion 105

  Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 551

  7th Battalion 402

  Royal Irish Regiment 206

  2nd Battalion 206

  6th Battalion 153, 155

  Royal Irish Rifles 31, 116, 154, 155, 170, 285, 344, 388

  9th Battalion 154, 269, 333

  Royal Munster Fusiliers 585

  2nd Battalion 519

  Royal Northumberland Fusiliers 84

  7th Battalion 92

  11th Battalion 92, 579

  24th Battalion 348

  Royal Scots (1st of Foot) 112

  2nd Battalion 565

  11th Battalion 380

  Royal Scots Fusiliers 76

  Royal Sussex Regiment 105

  Royal Warwickshire Regiment 16, 46, 122, 604

  1st Battalion 544

  1st/5th Battalion 276

  7th Battalion 62

  8th Battalion 61, 62–3, 237, 311, 477

  9th Battalion 61

  16th Battalion 276

  Royal Welch Fusiliers 91, 108, 151, 79 250–51, 308, 534, 549, 601

  1st Battalion 202

  2nd Battalion 22, 23, 87–9, 91, 114, 177–8, 203, 204, 265, 270, 280, 285, 289, 301, 329, 355, 356, 35, 370–71, 380, 382, 387, 388, 463, 464, 516, 517, 537–8, 540, 556, 574–5, 598–601, 614, 625

  3rd Battalion 202

  10th Battalion 88

  14th Battalion 382–3

  17th Battalion 204

  Scots Guards 71, 79, 110, 133, 217, 507’ 552, 618

  Seaforth Highlanders 629

  Somerset Light Infantry

  2nd/4th Battalion 143

  6th Battalion 302

  South Lancashire Regiment 46, 195

  5th Battalion 356

  11th Battalion 92

  South Staffordshire Regiment 357–8

  7th Battalion 622

  South Wales Borderers 91, 383

  6th Battalion 582

  12th Battalion 347

  Suffolk Regiment 133, 297

  Welch Regiment 46, 116–17, 293, 308

  12th (Reserve) Battalion 90

  16th Battalion (Cardiff City) 150

  Welsh Guards 59, 133, 393, 394, 502, 503, 550, 618

  West Yorkshire Regiment 45, 358, 566

  1st/7th Battalion 372

  2nd Battalion 262, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285

  15th Battalion (1st Leeds) 49, 172, 400, 506

  16th Battalion (1st Bradford) 149

  18th Battalion (2nd Bradford) 149

  Wiltshire Regiment 46, 141, 321, 401, 546

  1st Battalion 141, 590

  2nd Battalion 90, 91

  3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion 131

  Worcestershire Regiment 133, 208, 570

  1st Battalion 290 8th Battalion 61

  York and Lancaster Regiment 45, 72, 116

  9th Battalion 582

  12th Battalion 562

  12th Battalion (Sheffield City) 149

  13th Battalion 280

  13th Battalion (1st Barnsley) 149

  14th Battalion (2nd Barnsley) 149

  Corps and other formations;

  Cavalry Corps 163, 184, 263, 279, 438–9, 442, 443, 446, 448, 484

  Royal Flying Corps 63, 362, 371–2, 374–375

  Machine Gun Corps 361, 375, 390, 391, 392, 507, 6l9

  86th Company 572

  100th Machine Gun Company 391

  37th Company 390

  (Heavy) Machine Gun Corps 431, 434

  Tank Corps 56, 64, 233, 390, 427, 434

  G Battalion 428

  H Battalion 429

  Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC)162, 239, 273, 376, 424, 466–9, 473–4, 475, 478, 479, 566

  assistant director of medical services (ADMS) 175

  field ambulances 175

  3rd Cavalry Field Ambulance 467

  NO.1 Field Ambulance 512

  South Midland Field Ambulance, l/1st Battalion 601

  Army Service Corps 163, 187, 273–4, 288, 431, 586

  Corps of Military Police 102, 505, 520, 567, 570–72, 595

  ‘battle police’ 570, 571

  Labour Corps 238

  Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) 597, 615

  Women’s Forage Corps 163

  Voluntary Aid Detachment 481

  Officer Training Corps (OTC) 123, 134, 140, 141, 142, 357

  British Columbia 198

  British Empire 13, 529, 608

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 28, 77, 93, 104, 182, 341, 393, 514

  casualties 33

  and Cavalry Corps 438

  cavalry officers 209–11

  components of 174

  and death sentences 567

  Empire and Dominion contingents 13

  first battle of Ypres 33

  horses 163

  Kitchener’s instructions to the C-in-C 29

  battle of Loos 36

  battle of the Marne 32

  machine guns 389

  and mining 457

  medical services 468, 478, 485

  Mons 30–31, 139

  size of 33

  ‘teeth to tail ratio’ 191

  the Somme 47

  survey officers 453

  and Territorial Force 130

  under severe pressure at Ypres 279

  British Legion 631

  British War Medal 630

  Britton, Sgt Don 424

  Broadwood, Lt. Gen. R. G. 195–6, 213

  Brock, Maj. Gen. Sir Isaac 105

  Brock Barracks, Reading 105

  Brodrick, William St John 106

  Brooks, 2nd Lt Gerry 428

  Brophy, John 495

  Brotherton Library, University of Leeds xxiii

  Brown, Billy 296

  Brown, Lt E. D. 58

  Bruce, Brig. Gen. 212

  Brunton, Sgt D. 446, 448

  Brusilov, General Aleksey 44

  Brusilov Offensive (1916) 44

  Bryant, Capt. 438

  Buck, Sgt 127

  Buck, Trooper 127

m Palace, London 133

  Budworth, Maj. Gen. 189

  Bulford Camp 141

  Bullock, Pte Albert 62–3, 237, 311–12, 327. 378 38o 426, 472, 477, 480–81, 482

  bully beef 318, 320–21, 322, 469, 544, 546, 560

  Bully Grenay 512

  Burgoyne, Capt. Gerald 170–71, 248, 257, 297–8, 314, 316–17, 321, 324, 331, 332, 354, 386, 401 546, 555–6 564

  Burnley Lads’ Club 82

  Butler, Lt Gen. Sir Richard 221–2

  Butterworth, Lt George 45

  Byng, Gen. Sirjulian 64, 198, 209, 210

  Cabinet 28, 29, 106, 107

  Calais 191, 337

  Anglo-French meeting (1915) 36

  Allied conference (1917) 50

  strike at army base 347

  Caley, Hugh 80

  Caleys (court dressmakers), Windsor 80

  Calloway, Lt R. F. 345

  Calvey, Driver 433, 434

  Cambrai 21, 64, 65, 207, 553, 629

  battle of (1917) 65, 157, 208, 210, 217, 233, 237–8, 256, 274, 399, 428, 429, 430, 442–3, 630

  Cambridge University 357

  library 607

  Cambrin 296, 527 camouflets 462, 464

  Camp 34: 281, 289

  Campbell, Capt. 443

  Campbell, Gen. Sir David ‘Soarer’ 197–8, 201–2, 207, 2iis 437

  Campbell, Jack xxiv

  Campbell, 2nd Lt P. J. 86, 272, 307–8, 355, 373, 411–14, 4l6 448, 468–527, 574–7, 597–605, 611

  Campbell, Lt Col Ronald 345

  Canadian Army 174, 180

  Canadian Corps 183, 184, 198, 216 1st Division 35, 182, 198, 216, 516 2nd Brigade 198

  Cavalry Brigade 445

  72nd Battalion 393

  1st Canadian Tunnelling Company 465

  Allied counteroffensive (8 August 1918) 70

  casualties in France 13

  Fort Garry House 440, 443

  loss of a major general 213

  mining 458, 459

  Vimy Ridge front line 269

  Vimy Ridge taken 52

  third Ypres 60, 164–5

  Canche River 194, 341

  Cannadine, David 626

  Cannon, Capt. H. C. 199

  Capper, Maj. Gen. Tommy 212, 378

  Cardwell, Edward 104, 105, 107, 111, 118

  Carleton, Brig. Gen. Frederick 218, 219–20

  Carlisle, 9th Earl of 76

  Carlton, CQMS 290

  Caernafon 84

  Carnoy (Somme) 248–9

  Carr, 2nd Lt William 405, 484, 539–40, 574, 615, 620, 630

  Carrington, Lt Charles xviii, xix, xxiv, 16, 20–21, 47, 234, 272, 276–7, 280, 285, 330, 335, 347, 348–9, 382, 383, 392, 531‘ 53D, 542, 547’ 562, 597, 598, 617, 624

  Carson, Sir Edward 154

  Carter, Harry 622

  Cartwright, Brigadier General 67

  Case, Pte Robert 18, 180


  Allies 47

  British xvii, 13, 33 (BEF), 35, 40, 43, 45, 47, 53, 55, 60, 67, 72, 75, 77, 85, 88, 89, 90, 105, 151, 154, 174, 275

  Empire and Dominion 13–14

  German 47, 55, 60

  casualty clearing stations 477–8, 482, 513

  Caterham 110

  Catterick camp 31, 112, 148

  Cavalry Training 436

  Cavan, Lt. Gen. Lord 234, 564, 602

  Cawley, Lord 626

  Cecil, George 78

  cemeteries 14, 46, 72, 114, 152, 299, 300, 371, 456, 477, 494, 627, 628

  Cenotaph, Whitehall 629–30

  Central London Recruiting Office (Scotland Yard) 138–9

  Central Medical War Committee 467

  Centre for First World War Studies, Birmingham University xxii

  Ceylon Tea Planters’ Rifles 206

  Chamberlain, Sgt 283

  Chambers, Maj. G. O. 263, 484

  Chambers, Corporal Robert 59

  Champagne 18, 28, 36, 39, 237

  Channel ports 33

  Chant, Pte Richard 111, 112, 493

  Chantilly 36, 38–9, 48

  Chanzy, Gen. Antoine Eugene 135

  Chapman, Capt. Guy 15, 176–7, 351–2, 389–90, 468, 514–15, 544, 548–9 551, 563, 575, 587, 614, 618, 620, 621, 625

  Chappell, John 131

  Charles II, King 77, 112

  Charlesworth Pit 149

  Charteris, Brig. Gen. John 40, 44, 49, 53, 56–7, 59, 198–9, 214, 232, 239, 240

  Chasseaud, Peter 455

  Chateau de Beaurepaire 39, 194

  Chateau de la Bove 17

  Chateau de Querrieu 194

  Chattenden (Chatham) 80

  Chavasse, Capt. Noel 470

  Chemin des Dames 17, 49, 68, 198, 2og, 274, 278, 398, 474

  Chester Farm Cemetery 300

  Chorley, Lancashire 82

  Christian Fellowship Neivs 520

  Christian Social Union 506

  Christmas truce (1914) 544

  Chrystal, Sgtjock 87, 439

  Church in France, The (1917 report) 522

  Church of England 503–9, 514–15, 516, 518, 520

  Church of Scotland 509

  church parades 508

  Churchill, Sir Winston 89, 128, 137, 193 The World Crisis xx

  Citadel Camp (Fricourt) 281, 294

  Citadel New Military Cemetery 46

  Clapham Junction 271, 551

  Clark, Alan: The Donkeys xxi, xxii

  Clark, Revd Andrew 593, 594

  class issues 96, 102–3, 307~8, 356–62, 575–6

  clay-kicking 457, 459

  Clayton, Revd Philip ‘Tubby’ 524–5

  Cleaver, Lt Hoppy 373

  Clingo, CSM 366

  Clive, Capt. Percy, MP 78

  Clouting, Pte Ben 449, 450

  coalition government 35

  Cockburn, Lt Col J. B. 204

  Cockerill, Pte Cecil 360

  Collings, Brig. Gen. W. A. 195

  Collins, Capt. Gussy 492

  Collins, Lottie 497

  Collins, Lt Col Jack 232

  Coltman, L/Cpl Bill 471

  Committee of Imperial Defence 26, 106, 225

  Commonwealth War Graves Commission

  cemeteries 114, 456, 477, 494, 627

  Communal Cemetery, Ors 72

  Compiegne 17

  Congreve, Capt. Billy 214, 299–300, 384, 53e. 542

  Congreve, Lt. Gen. Sir Walter 214, 233, 384

  Connell, Pte 602

  conscription 25, 103, 106, 130, 138, 156, l63, 334, 467–8, 536

  Conservative government 106

  Contagious Diseases Act (1864) 117

  Conwy River 91

  Cook, Sgt 343

  Coppard, Cpl George, 247–8, 316, 320, 361–2, 390, 392, 501, 546, 548, 580, 581, 585, 593, 620

  Corbie (Somme) 22, 23, 525–6, 631

  Coucy le Chateau 22

  Couin casualty clearing station 477

  Coulson, Sgt. Leslie 145

  County Territorial Associations 130, 136, 137

  courts martial 302, 334, 368, 484, 558, 561–4, 569, 571, 598

  Craiglockhart Military Hospital, Edinburgh 485

  Crawshay, Lt. Col. ‘Tibs’ 204

  Crecy, battle of (1346) 150, 380

  creeping barrages 5, 40, 58, 406–9

  Creveld, Martin van 227

  Crichton, Maj. the Hon. Hubert 77–8

  crime 102, 570

  Crimean War (1853–6) 182, 457

  Croft, Lt Col 380

  Croft, Sgt 111

  Croisilles, battle of (1917) 3, 207

  Croney, Pte Percy 116, 156, 348

  Cropper, 2nd Lt 288

  Cross, Sgt Jo 424

  Crow, Pte Arthur Arnold 76

  Crowther, Pte John Vivian 118

  Croydon 79, 82, 132

  Crozier, Brig. Gen. Frank 154, 171, 204–7, 235, 237–8, 268–9, 329–30, 333–4’ 3H 516, 545, 551–4, 562, 567–70, 576, 577, 595, 597–8, 611–12, 614

  Crozier, Rifleman James 568

Crucifix Alley 17

  Crucifix Corner 204

  Cuckle, Pte Louis 629

  Cuinchy 240–41, 543

  cuirassiers 436, 437

  Culme-Seymour, Capt. 573

  Cumeries 24

  Cumming, Brig. Gen. Hanway 6, 205, 207, 229, 236–7, 278

  Cuninghame, Capt. A. K. S. 46–7

  Cunningham, Revd B. K. 511

  Cupola huts 349

  Curragh Mutiny (1914) 102, 152

  Curragh of Kildare 112, 117, 118, 153

  Currie, Lt. Gen. Sir Arthur 198

  Cusack, Pte John 97~8, 108, in, 584, 585

  Custer, General George 83

  Cyril’s restaurant, Poperinghe 592

  Dagger, or London in the Line, The 607, 608

  Daglish, Pte 439 Daily Mail 414

  Dalmeny, Capt. 231–2

  Daours 229

  Davidson, Archbishop Randall 506

  Davidson, Lt. Gen. Tavish 189

  Davies, Revd Harold 242, 300–301, 503,

  Davies, Maj. Gen. Joseph 216

  Davies, Maj. Gen. R. H. 197

  Dawes, CSM 332–3

  Dawson, Lt Col 392

  de Boltz, Corporal Clifford 157, 338–9, 345, 357

  de Lisle, Brig. Gen. 585

  de Miremont, Maj. Count 203–4

  de Wiart, Lt. Gen. Sir Adrian Carton 76, 211, 285–6, 360, 374, 623–4

  Dead Horse Corner Gazette 608

  Dead Mule Corner 24

  Dean, Corporal 262

  Dean, Lt Col 582

  Dearden, Harold 473


  accidental 296–7

  avoidance humour 300

  burials 297–301

  death penalty 302, 558–9, 562–70

  death rate 625–6

  funerals in peacetime 101–2

  decorations 582–8, 630

  Delville Wood (Somme) 17, 42, 145, 256, 472

  demobilisation 617–22

  Denmark, Sgt 411, 416

  Deolali (Bombay) 495

  Derby, Lord 196

  Dernancourt (Somme) 254

  Desborough, Billy 626

  Desborough, Ivo 626

  Desborough, Julian 626

  desertion 271, 504–5, 545–6, 562, 564, 565. 566

  Dewing, Col. R. E. 572

  Dickebush 491

  Dickebush Huts 254

  Dickens, Maj. 573

  Direct Hit, The 607

  Division in Attack, The 408

  Dixon Pte (Bernard Adams’ servant) 360

  Docherty, Pte John 566

  Dolby, Pte Harold 479

  Dolby, Capt. Robert 455, 467, 499, 540–41

  Dolden, Pte Stuart 146–7, 286–7, 298, 313. 315. 325, 340, 38–7, 508, 589, 604, 614


  casualties 13

  friction with British contingent 14

  divisions 180–81

  and Lloyd George 198

  Doolan, CSM 93

  Douaumont 24

  Doudney, Revd Charles 164, 512, 520

  Douie, Capt. Charles 252, 341, 357, 521, 526, 527, 605, 613, 614, 620–21, 630

  Doullens 21

  Doullens agreement (1918) 67

  Doullens church 19


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