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Carolina Werewolves 3-Pack

Page 4

by Layla Cole


  It seems like only a few minutes later when I come back to consciousness, but the sunlight beating at my eyelids tells me it's morning, and late morning at that. The bed shifts and I smell the warm scent of fresh coffee, with an earthy layer underneath that is all Chris.

  "Morning, sunshine." He presses a gentle kiss to my temple, then pulls away when my eyes flutter open. As the last traces of sleep fade away, I meet Chris's eyes and lose myself in them in for a moment. Grey. So beautiful, so…not mine, I remind myself. "Brought you a cup of coffee," he says. His voice is so…normal. I'm not sure I want normal after everything we shared last night.

  "Thanks." I sit up and lean against the headboard, wincing a little. My back and shoulders are still tender; I'd almost forgotten. Still, it's not a bad kind of pain. More like the delicious soreness you get after you've been fucked nine ways to Sunday. Which isn't far off. Closing my eyes as I drink the coffee, I try to imagine what it would feel like to wake up like this every day.

  Chris brings me out of my daydream when he stands up, leaving me alone in the bed. He puts his hands in his pockets and stares at the hardwood floor. "Drew called. He's on his way," he says gruffly, then turns to leave. A few seconds later, he pops back in and my heart leaps up to my throat. Did he forget something, or is he going to tell me…what? I don't know what I want him to say. "The clothes from last night--they're in your room," he says. "I, um--I took the liberty of calling a tow for your car, too. I've got a good mechanic working on it. Should be fixed up in no time." I'm touched, but I don't know what to say, so I mumble something that vaguely resembles 'thank you' and he leaves.

  In less than half an hour, I'm dressed and in Drew's car. I've said my thanks--again--but still…there's something missing. Twisting my head around to catch a last glimpse of the house before we pull out, I notice Chris watching us. He's leaning against the door in much the same way as he was when I first saw him, his expression unreadable. All too soon, I can't see him anymore.

  "So…what happened with Chris? I can smell him all over you." Drew breaks into my reverie and all I can do is sigh. I'm not sure what happened myself.

  "That bad, huh?" He's smiling ever so slightly.

  "No, it was good. Too good, maybe." Damn it, I feel so hollow right now.

  "Look," Drew says after a minute, "I've never thanked you for pushing me to talk to Ian, but--thanks. It's…" He frowns as if searching for the right words. "I guess I'd say that it changed my life." I flush, since I'm hardly the go-to-guy for romantic advice.

  "You'd have come around eventually," I mutter. Drew laughs.

  "Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway--" his phone rings and I take a peek at the caller ID, then show it to him. Chris. "Answer it for me, will you?"

  So I do. I say hello and then wait through the most awkward silence of my life, until finally Chris sighs. "Nathaniel." The way he says my name is like a verbal caress, like he's right there in the car with me…God, I miss him already.

  "Chris." My throat is tight. Why is he calling?

  "So. I--last night…" he falls silent again, and I picture him frowning, struggling to say whatever it is he's thinking. "I'm not sure I want that to be a one-time thing." I swear my mouth is gaping open and my heart is beating so fast it's like it'll burst out of my chest.

  "I'm not here for much longer," I say a little weakly. Somehow it comes out sounding like a 'no' but I don't mean it that way, not quite.

  "I know. That's why…that's why I want you here. Please?" I say something about Drew and Ian and how I can't leave them in the lurch, when I notice Drew trying to get my attention. Go for it, he mouths. Damn wolf hearing. That's what--twice in less than 24 hours that wolf senses have gotten me in trouble?

  I take a deep breath. "Okay." He hangs up, just like that.

  "So we're turning around?" Drew looks at me and winks.

  "Yeah. We're going back--I'm going back." To the man I could fall in love with, I could say, but don't. My wolf howls with joy inside me and somehow, I get the feeling that Chris will be part of my life for a long time.


  Swimming With the Alpha

  It's the middle of July and I'm stuck at the annual Pack get-together. It's the only time of year that the Asheville and High Country packs get together to 'seal their alliance' or whatever, so it's a Big Deal. And since I'm the Beta for the Asheville pack, I don't have a choice--I have to be here.

  It's not that I hate it or anything; I'm just tired. I've been pulling some long hours at the office lately and what I really want to do is sleep. Failing that, I'd like to get away from the guy who's currently yakking my ear off about his butterfly collection. I'm just not interested. He's a nice enough guy, he just…doesn't know how to take a hint. So here I am, swirling my Coke around idly while I search for a good excuse to leave. Ah--there.

  "Excuse me, Ben," I say, trying to sound less happy than I feel, "I need to talk to your Alpha. He's new, isn't he?" I know perfectly well that he's new, of course. The old Alpha decided to retire just a few months ago. Chris, my Alpha, is hoping that by lending him our support we can prevent a serious meltdown. I'm not so sure, personally. Things get a little chaotic whenever a new leader takes over, so a few--incidents, for lack of a better word--are inevitable. Anyway, I need to pay my respects and let the new guy know we're on the same team, so I make my way through the crowd.

  I know what the new Alpha looks like because Chris pointed him out to me, but I have a feeling he'd stand out in a crowd anyway. I stop a few feet away, waiting for a good opportunity to break in. He's talking to his Beta, a woman named Laura. I've known her for a while now; she's solid, dependable. Sexy, too, but I prefer men. The one she's talking to right now is right up my alley.

  In the next few seconds, it becomes abundantly clear that he was born to be Alpha. The way he carries himself--like a king--would have caught my eye even if he weren't also devastatingly handsome. The difference between him and Chris, though, is that this man knows that smiling every now and then won't hurt his dominance a bit. I stare at him over the edge of my cup as I take a long, cool swallow of soda. I can't help it--I'm enjoying the view.

  He's not much younger than me, I don't think. Mid-twenties, possibly. Chestnut brown hair, left a bit on the long side, warm brown eyes with just a hint of gold in them, and a great smile. Damn. Looks like he's got a great body under his jeans and t-shirt, too. Yum. Just the type of man I'd love in my bed. Suddenly, I feel wide awake. My cock is ready to go, that's for sure. I only wish I could remember if I've met him before. He seems a bit familiar, but I'd definitely remember a guy like him. Wouldn't I? Laura walks away just then, so I take a deep breath and move in.

  "Joseph Greene?" I offer my hand. His handshake is solid--firm, but not too firm--and he doesn't linger. Still, there's something. A connection, maybe. From the gleam of interest in his eyes, I know he feels it, too. "I'm Brian," I manage to say, "Brian Sheppard. Asheville's Beta?"

  He smiles then and cocks his head as if trying to remember something. "Ah," he says. "I thought you looked familiar. We met a while back--seven, eight years ago, maybe? I was still a teenager back then, so you probably don't remember…" His voice is warm, rich, just the way he looks. Then I realize what he's said.

  Aw shit. I scratch the back of my neck, embarrassed. "Damn," I murmur, "and here I thought I wouldn't be able to forget a man like you. You're so--" Stunning? Gorgeous? Someone who could screw my brains out anytime? "--well, you make quite an impression," I finish.

  "So do you," he says, grinning again. "I had quite the crush, but I'm sure I blended in with the crowd back then." That smile…I am so glad he smiles often. It's like his face lights up and you would do anything to keep him that happy.

  "Yeah, well." I clear my throat as part of what he said registers. I am so slow tonight. A crush? Maybe I can salvage this. Eventually. "Anyway, I just wanted to offer our help, if you need it. To keep things in line and all. If you ever have any problems, Mr. Greene…"
/>   "I'll call you," he finishes for me. "I won't need your help, but thank you for the offer. Oh, and call me Joe." Joe. I can handle that.

  "Sure thing." He's turning away, though, as something else catches his attention. Dismissed already, am I? Well, there goes my night. At least I get to watch him walk away. Mmm-mm. That ass. So fine. I know who I'll be dreaming of tonight.

  It's at least an hour before I'm done making the rounds. Every now and then I catch a glimpse of Joseph--Joe--and once, our eyes meet. For a moment, I let myself wonder what kind of lover he might be. Would he be the intense, domineering type, or would he stay playful the whole time? The latter, I hope. Or maybe some mixture of the two. I frown, remembering the night I got drunk and ended up in Chris's bed. Now that man is domineering. Too bad whips and chains aren't for me, or I might have been tempted to repeat the experience. Then again, maybe that's for the best…

  Fantasizing about Joe and how much I want him to fuck me probably isn't the best idea. Thinking about him and how I probably won't see him for another year is making me cranky, so I slip away. The river isn't that far and the cold water is probably a good substitute for the cold shower I so desperately need.

  There's a few people swimming already, so I head downstream hoping to find some place less crowded. I came here to get away from other people, after all. Even werewolves want to be alone now and then. A few minutes later, I find a secluded area. Lots of shade, no one around, and water deep enough to swim in, but no strong currents as far as I can tell. Good enough. There's even a small patch of sand.

  The evening is pleasantly warm, with a cool breeze that skates across my heated skin. It's a good night to hunt if I could stay awake long enough, I muse as I take off my shoes and socks. Then, because I have the sudden urge to feel the wind on my bare skin, I strip off my shirt and jeans, until I'm standing in my boxers. And then I think, 'what the hell,' and take those off, too. I'm not too worried about anyone finding me. This is private property and werewolves are pretty comfortable with nudity. Have to be when shifting means you're running around naked every full moon. All the same…I raise my face and taste the scents on the wind. No one's heading my way, not as far as I can tell.

  Feeling confident, I wade into the water, wincing at the cold. The shock to the system is what I wanted, but still…I shiver and stare at the water, wondering if it would be a good idea to go slow or whether I should dive in. I've just about made up my mind to dive, when a sound catches my attention. A branch cracking, which means someone's here. Who? I turn around to see…

  And fall into the water with a loud splash as someone tackles me. Jesus. I have time to grab a quick breath before I go under, then all I can think about is how fucking cold the water is and how much I want to strangle whoever pushed me under. I open my eyes and get a brief impression of brown hair, fair skin…that and the hard body--hard male body-- pressed against me before I emerge with a sputter.

  My attacker surfaces behind me a second later. "What the fuck?" I curse as I turn around. I'm too slow. The man moves with me and covers my eyes.

  "Guess who?" he says in a husky whisper. Damn. I know exactly who it is.

  "Joe," I say, and curse again. This isn't the place or the time…I wanted him in my bed, but instead I'm here, naked, in water so cold my balls and cock want to shrivel up and die. Way to make an impression. He lets go of my eyes, then pulls me against him. He's hard, his cock pressed to the crease of my ass.

  "Mm-hmm." His breath tickles my ear and I shiver again. I can't control the way I react to him, especially not right now. "You looked like you needed some help getting in, so I thought I'd have a little fun." His throaty chuckle gets me going again and despite myself, despite the cold, blood rushes to my cock. There's no way to hide like this, but I try anyway. Instinct, I guess.

  "So were you thinking about going swimming, or looking for me?" I'm ignoring the fact that he was able to sneak up on me that easily. It's easier to think that he's just that smart but I have to be honest--I was careless.

  As I turn to face him, he shrugs. "I saw you leave and thought maybe I could talk to you some more. I had to cut it short earlier, remember?" I do. But anything I might have said is stuck in my throat. The way his wet clothes cling to him like a second skin steals my breath away. If that wouldn't have done it, his cocky grin would have. "You look a little flustered."


  "Don't you like to play?" He arches an eyebrow at me and lunges, but this time I manage to dodge so he loses his balance and falls into the river. With a laugh, he emerges and lets me help him up. "Good job."

  "I'm not going to let you catch me off guard twice in a row," I mutter.

  "Oh?" Fuck. I can tell he took that as a challenge by the sudden fire in his eyes. Still, he surprises me when he pulls me in for a kiss. His mouth is demanding as he moves his lips over mine and I can't help melting against him. He demands entry and I give it to him, wanting to taste him for the first time. And then, just when I'm really getting into the kiss, he pulls away. I don't care if it's cold, I'm rock hard and my body wants more.

  "Thank God," he says as he leans against me. "I thought you were interested but then I thought maybe I was reading too much into it and--" He takes a deep breath and looks at me before continuing. "You are interested, right? 'Cause that was some kiss…"

  "I'm naked, I kissed the hell out of you, and I've got the hard on from hell. What do you think?"

  He laughs. "You were naked before I got here, and I kissed you, not the other way around, so…" I groan against his shoulder as his hand finds my erection. He's bold. "The only part of what you said that I know for sure is that you're rock hard. Is that all for me?"

  "No, it's for the other man in the water with me," I tease. He makes a face at me, then grins. "Does it seem strange that I've been thinking about you for hours now? I thought I'd be going home alone tonight and it would just be a fantasy…" It becomes increasingly difficult to talk when Joe's hand closes around me. I find myself bucking against his hand, willing him to just move already. His eyes are hooded as he looks at me. When he lifts his eyes to mine, there's a question in that beautiful gaze that I can't find the words to answer. Instead, I thrust into his hand and lean into him. His lips curve into a smile before he starts moving again.

  Part of me wants to be rational, but an even larger part just wants to revel in the moment. I moan into Joe's neck, trying to remember that sounds carry better over water, but I can't keep quiet. When he tugs forcefully on my shaft, running his hands up and down in a steady rhythm, I don't have a chance. I kiss his neck, his shoulder, his face as he works his hand over me.

  It feels like my blood is boiling as he moves faster, then starts rubbing the sensitive skin under the head. I groan and beg for more.

  Then he claims my mouth again, his tongue dancing with mine in a primal rhythm that mirrors what he's doing with his hands. It's savage, this kiss, bruising almost. I nip his lower lip, then trace it with my tongue before diving back in.

  The muscles on his back ripples under my hands as he strokes me. I'm so close…

  "You like that?" Joe whispers. "Just wait until later, when I can get inside you. Fuck you till you can't walk straight." Oh God. This feels--it feels--

  "I'm going to come," I groan. So close, just a little more, harder--he pumps once, twice more, and I'm gone. I cling to him like he's my lifeline while I explode, shooting come over his hand and into the water. For a moment, I just sag against him, let him hold me close.

  After a moment, I try to stand on my own again. "Jesus," I whisper, "you aren't the patient type, are you?" My heart is racing, yet my desire for him hasn't abated. Something about this--about doing this where we can get caught--appeals to me and to my surprise I start to stiffen again.

  "Nope." He leans forward and nips at my ear. "Not at all. As a matter of fact, I'm going to take you right here."

  "Really?" I'm already wading toward shore, thinking that I'll get dressed and maybe we can do this
somewhere else. Somewhere more comfortable, if not more private. Joe's right behind me, though, and before I can grab my clothes he pins my hands to my sides.

  "Here," he says. "I want you here." I turn and he's stripping, shedding his dripping clothes with this casual ease that drives me wild. At my first glance of his naked body, my mouth waters. Dear Lord--he's every bit as gorgeous as I imagined he'd be--all sleek, wet muscle and that cock…I groan, imagining him stretching my ass. It'll feel so good. I can't wait either.

  "Fine," I say, licking my lips, "here sounds good." Great, fantastic, amazing, I should have said. "But what about--" Other people, I start to say before Joe cuts me off.

  "Worried we'll get caught? Guess we'll have to be quick." He strides toward me with a wolf's easy grace as he speaks. "You don't mind it getting a little rough, do you?"

  "No," I groan.

  "Good, because we don't have any lube," he says, grinning, "and I'm not waiting. Get on your knees for me."

  I steal another glimpse at Joe before turning over onto my hands and knees. Glorious. He's looking at me with heavy-lidded eyes, his cock already leaking pre-come. I almost expect him to just go for it, but instead he crouches down beside me and offers me his fingers. "Get these good and wet." I take his fingers into my mouth and suck on them, pretending I'm sucking his cock instead. All the same, knowing that I'm helping him prepare me like this is sexy on its own. He meets my eyes and strokes my hair with what I'd like to think is affection--but maybe I'm reading too much into it. "Good enough," he says after a minute.

  Before I know it, he's kneeling behind me and I brace myself for his fingers, knowing it'll feel different without lube. "Oh, God," I moan as he stretches me open. It burns more than usual, but like always it feels like nerves all over my body are firing all at once. So damn good. I buck against Joe after a moment, wanting more. "Please," I groan.


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