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Radiant Violets Book Four of the NOLA Shifters Series

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by Angel Nyx

  Her parents were silent for several minutes. “Are you sure this is what you really want, Casey? Here, you have the support of your mother and I. If you go to New Orleans, we won’t be able to help you as much.”

  “I’m sure, Dad. I’ve given it a lot of thought since Lily made the suggestion a few weeks ago.”

  “What are you going to do about school?” her mother asked.

  “I’m probably going to homeschool him for the rest of the year and then enroll him in public school in the fall.”

  When Casey assured them this was what she wanted, her father continued, “As much as it will hurt to see you two go, maybe you’re right. Maybe this is the best thing for both of you. I don’t want that filth anywhere near my grandson, and the more interest he shows, the greater the chance he’ll ask for a paternity test and try to be in Jacob’s life.” There was an angry growl in her father’s voice. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he’s Jacob’s biological father. At least, if you move away, there’s a chance he’ll forget about the resemblances between him and Jacob.”

  Casey felt tears in her eyes at his words. “Thanks, Dad. It really means a lot to know you support my decision.”

  “Sweetheart, we both support it. You’re our daughter; moving to a different state doesn’t change that. This isn’t the Wild West; there is such a thing as a telephone.” Her mom winked at her. “You need to take care of you, and if moving away from here will do that, then we support you all the way. We’d like to help you with the move, in whatever way we can.”

  “You can help me pack. I know you probably meant something more along the lines of driving down with me, but it’s going to be hard enough to say goodbye to you guys. Besides, with dad having trouble with the hardware store, I’d rather not take you two away from it. Let me get us settled in and then come for a visit, okay?”

  “All right, sweetheart. But I’m holding you to that visit,” her mother said and they all laughed.

  With that done, all Casey had to do was inform her Alpha and get her house packed up. Oh, and let Lily know they were coming. Casey couldn’t hide the excitement she felt. A whole new chapter in her life was beginning. All she could do was hope that this one was better than the last.

  Chapter Two


  It wasn’t easy being one of only a few Siberian tigers in the US. It was even harder when the rest were your kin, your blood. That meant not being able to find your mate among your own kind. Nikolai was first-generation American. His parents defected to the US at the start of the Cold War, in 1947, because they disagreed with the conflict and wanted a better life for their children. As a result, none of the shifters from their line were welcome in Siberia.

  Nikolai decided at a young age that, since he couldn’t have the intensity of the mate bond, he would not commit to anyone. Humans were far more fragile than shifters. A shifter could heal from almost anything, things that would kill a human, which aided in living longer than humans, and he didn’t want to get attached to a woman only to suffer when she died.

  That wasn’t to say he didn’t enjoy the company of a woman if one sparked his interest. He wasn’t a monk. However, unlike his Pack mate, Steele, who bedded a different woman almost nightly, Nikolai didn’t sleep around. He was a bit more discerning—a bit more particular in what he liked—than that.

  Thinking about his Pack mate gave him a pang of…longing. He was out of the country at the moment, on a job, and he hadn’t spoken to any of them in days. He kept in contact with his Alpha via encrypted email but that was only to give updates. It was with a jolt he realized he missed them. They’d become his second family and he couldn’t pinpoint exactly when that had happened.

  The sound of a vehicle starting up pulled him from his thoughts and he focused on the job. His target was on the move.

  A week ago, Declan was contacted about a cold case with new information that was being swept under the proverbial rug. A young girl from a prominent family in Brazil went missing several years ago, but the case was abandoned when the investigators hit a dead end. A few weeks ago, new evidence was revealed and the girl’s family pressed officials to reopen the case. Their requests fell on deaf ears because the evidence was directly linked to a wealthy, powerful, dangerous man, and the authorities weren’t willing to get on his bad side. The girl’s parents reached out to Declan for help. If there was one thing that fired Declan Monroe up, it was children being put in harm’s way. He took the case without hesitation. Nikolai was part of a four-man team sent in to retrieve her.

  “Target is on the move,” he said into his earpiece as he followed the car through the streets of Porto Velho. He kept a safe distance from the car ahead of him. Not that he would lose it even if he hung back more than he already was. He’d attached a tracking device to the vehicle he was following, and he knew the rest of the team was monitoring the beacon, as well.

  Twenty minutes later, Nikolai pulled his SUV off to the side of the road and into the nearby foliage before he continued on foot. The car he’d been following had turned into a gated drive that had some heavy-duty security. As the rest of the team moved in from different entry points, he used his tiger’s claws to scale the wall. He hovered at the top until it was clear, then landed silently on his feet. One by one, he took out every guard he came across, and while the rest of the team took out the remaining guards outside, he entered the mansion in front of him.

  It took time to go through every room and by the time he reached the top floor, the others had joined him. His ears picked up sounds that made him want to growl but he remained silent: soft begging, before it tapered off to whimpers, and the unmistakable sound of flesh on flesh that came with sex. When he reached the door the sounds came from, he found it locked. He motioned one of his teammates forward and within seconds the lock clicked open. He pushed the door open to find the girl caught between their target and another male. Rage filled him but he kept it in check. There was no need to terrify the girl when she was already traumatized.

  Minutes later, both men lay in a pool of blood and Nikolai wrapped the girl in a blanket and held her close. She’d gone missing at the age of nine and at thirteen, she was a frail thing. She was shaking and reeked of fear. “Shh. It’s all right.” It broke his heart to see the emptiness in her eyes. “You’re safe now, rebyonok,” he murmured. “Your mama and papa never gave up hope of finding you.” He felt her relax a little at those words. With a nod to the rest of the team, he carried her out. They would handle the cleanup while he took the child home to her parents. He would be glad to return home once the girl was back in her parents’ arms.


  Casey watched the scenery as they headed toward New Orleans. She’d thought it was silly for her to have an escort from Montana but Magnus, her Alpha, had insisted. He didn’t like the idea of a young, lone female driving across country with just her son for company. If something happened he wanted to know she was safe. That was the Alpha in him and even though she was leaving his Pack, she decided it was better to not argue. Since he couldn’t leave the pack to drive her himself, he chose a trusted Pack member to drive the U-haul so that Casey didn’t have to. Having someone else doing all the driving did give her the chance to actually enjoy the trip because she didn’t have to concentrate on the road at all times. It was late afternoon, the sun was sitting low in the sky, and when she glanced over at Lake Ponchartrain, the beauty of the sun on the water took her breath away. It gleamed like a jewel, with varying shades of blue, pink, and red, from the sunset reflecting off its surface.

  As they entered the city proper, she focused on her surroundings. There were so many vibrant colors, and the architecture—she could get lost for hours just wandering around, taking it all in. It took her several seconds to realize they’d stopped and the U-haul truck was turned off. They’d reached their final destination. She felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she opened the door and got out. Jacob scrambled out behind her.

�It’s so hot.” Jacob bounced on the balls of his feet. “Did you see that big church we passed, Mama? It looked really cool.”

  “I did and you’re right. What do you say, once we’re settled, we go sightseeing?”


  “Someone’s excited to be here.”

  Casey’s head whipped around and her face lit up when she saw Lily approaching from the house they were parked in front of. “Oh my God, Lily. It’s so good to see you.”

  Lily reached her side and hugged her. “It’s good to see you, too. My gods, you’ve gotten so big, Jacob. I know you don’t remember me, but I have known you since before you were even born. You were practically a baby still the last time I saw you.”

  Jacob tilted his head to look up at her. “You’re the one who helped Mama when she had me. Mama told me about that.”

  “Yes, I am. Come on inside. I’m sure you’re hungry, thirsty, and tired from the long drive.” She turned her attention to the wolf who’d driven them. “Hello, Austin. Thank you for making sure they got here safe and sound.”

  “Hello yourself. You’re a sight for sore eyes, Lily. When you disappeared, girl, it tore the Pack up, your father especially.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry for that, but he didn’t give me much choice. Besides, it turns out Declan was my mate. Can you imagine what would have happened when he came back only to find his mate was married to another Pack member? There would have been an ugly fight and someone would have died.”

  “You’re right about that. It’s still good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you, too. Come on inside and have a bite to eat.”

  “You sure? I can just head on over to the hotel your father reserved.”

  “Get your butt inside and have something to eat, Austin. Declan knows you’re coming so he’s not going to be blindsided when he walks in to find you here.”

  The older wolf chuckled. “Still a spitfire, I see. I’ll bet you keep that mate of yours on his toes.”

  “I try.” Lily flashed a grin and led them inside.

  As soon as she sat on the sofa, Casey groaned. “Oh, God, it feels good to sit on something softer than that truck seat. Don’t get me wrong, the U-haul’s seat wasn’t horribly uncomfortable, but after several days of riding, yeah, I don’t want to do that again.”

  “I know what you mean. I rode in one from Phoenix when I went to help my friend, Emelise, move her stuff here from storage. That was only two days; I can imagine how rough four was.” Lily put out a platter of sandwiches and bottles of water. “I’ve got soda in the fridge, as well, if anyone would rather have that.”

  “Water is good,” Casey said while she helped her son get a plate of sandwiches.

  “So, after you two get some rest, I’ll take you to meet the Pack. We’ve had a number of additions since I invited you to move down here. A couple of them are out of the country for work, but they should be back in a few days.”

  Casey gave Lily a puzzled look. “What kind of work do they do?”

  “Declan runs a personal security company. They were hired to help a family in Brazil whose daughter was kidnapped.”

  “Oh, that poor family. I hope they’re able to rescue her.”

  “They will. Nikolai doesn’t put up with failure. I should warn you, he can be a little brusque, but it’s not because he doesn’t like people. He’s just very reserved.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Casey noticed her son rubbing his eyes. “I think someone needs a nap.”

  “Both of you could probably use a nap. I’ll show you to your rooms, then give Austin a ride over to the hotel.” Lily escorted them to the guest rooms they’d prepared for Casey and Jacob. “Casey, make yourself at home. I don’t want you to think you have to ask for something before helping yourself. If you’re hungry, you saw where the kitchen is located. I’m serious. While you’re here, this is your home, so help yourself.”

  “Thanks, Lily.” By the time she got Jacob tucked in and was able to lay down on her own bed, Casey crashed and crashed hard. All the traveling and the time-zone changes finally caught up with her.

  It was late morning of the following day before Casey and Jacob were taken to meet the rest of the Pack. They would be going out to meet the Pard, and its Alpha, later that evening. “It still seems really strange to me that two such vastly different groups get along so well that the Pack and Pard share the city.” Casey glanced over at Lily while she spoke.

  “Honestly, I think I might be part of the deciding factor in why it’s working so well. When I first moved here and found out New Orleans was Pard territory, I was certain they’d make me leave but Caine didn’t. He listened to my plight and took pity on me. In no time at all I was accepted as one of them as much as I could be without actually being a leopard.”

  Casey gave Lily her full attention. “That makes a bit more sense. I have to admit I’m a bit nervous about meeting the Pard. I’ve never really been around feline shifters before.”

  “Don’t be. They’re just like us, only cats. Caine is a good Alpha and I think you and Emelise will hit it off really well.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Yeah, I do. You know, I’m surprised you’re not more worried about meeting the rest of the Pack. After all, you’ll see them way more often than the Pard.”

  “Gee, thanks. I wasn’t stressing before but now I am,” Casey joked.

  When they pulled up outside the warehouse she realized she was a little nervous. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed her nerves, got out of the car, and helped her son out. Once inside, Casey had a hard time remembering everyone’s names.

  “When you said the Pack had grown, you weren’t joking. I hope I’m not expected to remember everyone’s name because that isn’t happening,” Casey said with a laugh.

  “As long as you remember ours, it’s all good.”

  Casey turned to find two women standing close to her. They were polar opposites of each other. Where one was tall, fair-skinned, and blonde, the other was petite, dark, and brunette.

  “Casey, meet Sasha Frost and Echo Ramirez.”

  She was grateful for Lily’s introduction. “It’s nice to meet both of you. You’re…wait, don’t tell me,” she said and took a moment to breathe in their scent. It was a musky scent, not as clean as that of a wolf. “Jaguars. Right?”

  “You got it. How’d you know? I doubt you had many big cat shifters in Montana,” the one who’d been introduced as Sasha asked.

  “I took Jacob to the zoo a few months ago and they had some spotted jaguars. Your scent is similar.”

  “That’s one thing I have always admired about wolf shifters. You have an excellent sense of smell. Better than a jaguar any day.”

  “Maybe, Echo, but we’ve got nothing on the cats when it comes to agility and stealth,” Lily countered.

  “True, true. We do have that edge. It’s nice to meet you, Casey. Welcome to the Pack,” Echo said.

  Casey watched the two wander off. “Are they together?” she asked Lily.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t meant to be. The attraction between them is almost painful to see but some people are stubborn,” Lily replied.

  Casey laughed at that. She had a feeling Lily was pointing out Casey’s own stubbornness. “Comes with the territory. I think we’re all stubborn in our own way.”

  “Too true, Casey, too true.”

  By the time evening had arrived, bringing with it the trip into the bayou to the Pard compound, Casey was hot sweaty, and tired. Being on the water, the air thick with humidity, made it worse. “Dear God, how do humans handle this humidity? It’s so thick I’m having a hard time breathing; I can only imagine how much worse it is for humans.”

  “You get used to it, eventually.”

  Casey stared at Lily like she’d gone completely bonkers.

  “Okay, not really, but people just suck it up and deal with it. It’s the price you pay for living in Louisiana. Oh, we’re almost there
. So, a little insight into the Pard. Some of them are very friendly and will hug you before shaking your hand; others would rather just nod hello. And Emelise is likely to talk your ear off because I’ve told her all about you and Jacob. She and Caine have an adorable little girl who is going to be a big sister very soon.”

  “I’m confused. She moved here after you did, right? So how do they have a daughter already?”

  “It’s a long story but the short answer is Hailey is Caine’s daughter from a previous relationship. He only recently found out about her.”

  “Ah. That makes sense.” She fell silent, as the boat bumped up against the pier, and waited until it was tied off to stand. Once it was secure, she helped her son out of the boat before she joined him, Lily, and Declan on the pier. From there she followed Lily and Declan into the Pard compound.

  Casey kept Jacob’s hand in hers as they made their way to the large house in the center of the compound. She instinctively knew it was the Alpha’s home. “Remember to mind your manners,” she murmured to her son.

  “I will, Mama.”

  “Lily, y’all made it.”

  The woman approaching them had to be Emelise. She was obviously pregnant and looked like she was ready to pop any day. Which meant the man at her side was Caine—the Pard’s Alpha.

  “Of course we made it. Caine, Emelise, this is Casey Owens and her son, Jacob. They’re new members of the Pack. Casey, this is Caine Bordeaux, Alpha of the Black Water Pard, and his mate, Emelise.”

  Casey stood there, feeling nervous, while she waited for the introductions to be finished. She inclined her head in respect. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  “Oh, hell, forget all this formal bullshit.”

  She was only a little surprised when Emelise hugged her, thanks to Lily’s warning. “Y’all come on inside and have a bite to eat. We were just getting ready to enjoy the steaks Caine grilled. And yes, Lily, we made plenty because we knew y’all were coming.”


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