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Radiant Violets Book Four of the NOLA Shifters Series

Page 9

by Angel Nyx


  Nikolai walked into Pack Central and approached the sofas where Echo, Sasha, and Steele were talking. “I need a house.”

  “Well, hello to you, too. Damn, you’re not even pretending to have manners. Did something go wrong during your little holiday away?”

  He growled at Steele before he shook his head. “Nyet. Things went very well. That is why I need a house.”

  “Aren’t you moving a little fast, Nikolai?”

  This time it was Sasha who spoke.

  “It is not for me. It is for my mate and her son. She wishes to move from Declan and Lily’s home, but I know she does not fully have the means to do so. I wish to help with that.”

  “Did she ask you to help her or are you just assuming she’ll fall all over you in gratitude? I’m not trying to be snarky, Nikolai. I just don’t want you to set yourself up for disappointment if she balks at the idea of you buying her a house,” Sasha pointed out.

  “She did not ask me to help, Sasha, and I do not expect her to fall at my feet in gratitude. It is still something I wish to do for her.”

  “Okay. How soon do you want it? I can look and see what’s on the market for you,” Sasha offered.

  “As soon as possible. Spasibo, sestra.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Nikolai. Casey is Pack. She should have her own home. I’ll let you know what I find.” With that settled, Nikolai went to his room and started planning the date for the following night.”


  After getting unpacked, Casey found herself sitting on the sofa with Lily.

  “So, how was your little holiday to Beaumont?”

  “It was good. Really good. You were right, it was just what I needed.”

  “That’s great, Casey. Did you get some great photos while you were there?”

  “Of course. I’ll be spending hours going through them to get the best ones for the gallery showing.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, crap. That’s less than a week away now. I don’t know if I’ll be ready.”

  “Of course you will be. Deep breaths, Case.”

  Casey closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm her racing heart. It took several minutes but soon the minor panic attack faded. “Thanks, Lily.”

  “That’s what friends are for. So…how are things with Nikolai? Please tell me he didn’t make things worse.”

  Casey felt her cheeks warm at Lily’s question. “No, he didn’t make them worse. He made them better. So much better. I mean, I still have that worry that…what if there’s been a mistake and we’re not really mates? What if a female tiger comes to town and all of a sudden he’s drawn to her like he was me? I know in my head it doesn’t work that way, but I can’t get my heart to listen.” She watched as Lily scooted closer to her to hug her.

  “Casey, you have to stop letting fear control you. I know it’s not easy. Believe me, I know. But…you’ll be so much happier if you let it go.”

  “I know.” Casey sighed and leaned into her friend’s hug. “Jacob is already attached to him.”


  “After Nikolai showed up in Beaumont, he insisted on doing things with both of us. He wanted to get to know Jacob, too. He was so attentive, Lily. Jacob’s never had that connection with an adult male other than my dad. I think that’s really why I’m so worried. It would devastate Jacob if Nikolai suddenly had a change of heart.”

  “Oh, sweetie. We both know that’s not going to happen. That tiger is hooked and hooked deep. I really think if I hadn’t finally told him where you were, he might have done something that would have pitted him and Declan against each other. He was going crazy waiting.”

  Casey stared at Lily. “Really? You think it would have come to blows between them?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Casey thought about what Lily said. “Wow. That’s crazy. Sweet, but crazy. Um, not to change the subject, but are you busy tomorrow night?”

  “It’s my night off at the club. Why?”

  “Nikolai wants to take me to dinner, just the two of us.”

  “Say no more. I’ll keep the squirt entertained while you two have yourselves a romantic dinner for two.”

  “Thanks, Lily. I’m really excited…and nervous. I’ve never actually, um, been on a date before.”

  “Relax, you’ll do fine. Just be yourself. At least you already know he likes you, so you don’t have to worry about impressing him or anything.”

  They both laughed at that. “Good point. I’m going to go work on the photos. Thanks again for suggesting we get away for a few days.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  By the time Casey was finished going through all of the photos she’d taken, and picked out the ones she wanted to use for the gallery showing, it was late. Putting everything aside, she changed into pajamas, crawled into bed, and quickly fell asleep. She couldn’t wait for her date with Nikolai.

  Chapter Twelve


  Casey stared at herself in the mirror. It had taken her forever to decide on what she wanted to wear to dinner with Nikolai. He’d called her earlier in the day to simply tell her to pick out something ‘dressy’ for their dinner date. She didn’t own a lot of dressy things but with a little help from Lily and Emelise, who looked like she was ready to pop any day now with her twins, she was satisfied with her outfit. She wore an ankle-length skirt in dark purple, paired with a silk shirt in lavender. Silver sandals adorned her feet and she’d even painted her nails purple to match her outfit. Her hair was pulled up into an intricate twist and clips with purple, and silver jewels were added to help keep it in place. The only makeup she wore was some eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss. Nodding at her reflection, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” she whispered just as there was a knock at the front door.

  By the time Casey reached the living room, Declan had already answered the door and let Nikolai in. She paused at the end of the hallway to stare at him. He wore a dark gray pinstriped suit, with a pale blue shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes. When his gaze moved to where she stood, her breath caught at the heated look in his eyes.

  “You are breathtaking, Solnyshko.”

  His compliment warmed her and she smiled. “Thank you. You look really good, too. I love that color on you. The gray and blue really bring out your eyes.”

  “Spasibo. Thank you.”

  When he moved toward her she left the hallway and met him in the middle of the living room. His head dipped and she expected a peck on the cheek. What she got was a gentle brush of his lips against hers that heated her skin and made her want more.

  “Shall we?”

  Casey slipped her hand into the crook of his arm when he held it out to her. She could feel her heart racing and she tried to calm her nerves without success.


  Nikolai could feel the slight tremor that kept coursing through Casey’s body. He waited until they were both in the car before he spoke. “What is wrong, Solnyshko?”

  “Wrong? Nothing. Why do you… Oh, I’m just…nervous.”

  He watched as she chewed on her bottom lip a moment before he reached out to caress her cheek. “Why are you nervous?”

  A sigh escaped her. “Because…I haven’t done this before. I haven’t dated. Ever. After I had Jacob, I focused on him and ignored, well, everything. My son became my whole world. Not that it mattered. There wasn’t anyone in Slatefall I wanted to date, anyway. Not with the way everyone acted when I accused Garret of raping me.”

  The mention of her rape made his tiger want to roar and he pushed the urge down. “There is nothing to be nervous about. We will take things at whatever pace you feel comfortable with.” He waited until she stopped shaking before he removed his hand from her cheek and turned his attention to the drive to the restaurant. He was honored to be the first person she’d gone on a date with, and he was determined to make it a night she would never forget.

  There was something to b
e said about Cajun food. It was spicy and there was a lot of it. While they ate, they talked about whatever came to mind. Halfway through the meal, Nikolai realized he didn’t know what Casey did, what her profession of choice was. They’d talked about everything but that. “Tell me, Solnyshko, what do you do?”

  “Do you mean for work?”

  “Da. That is what I mean.”

  “I’m a medical transcriptionist but that’s not my passion.”

  Nikolai watched as she chewed on her bottom lip. She seemed to do that a lot when she was nervous about something. “What is your passion?”

  “Photography. I…have a gallery showing next weekend.”

  “That is wonderful, Solnyshko. And am I invited?”

  “If…you want to go, of course you are, Nikolai.”

  “I would be honored if you would allow me to escort you.” The way her cheeks pinked as she blushed made him smirk. He had to remind himself that his mate had very little experience with dating. He needed to go slow with her even if every instinct he had said otherwise.

  After dinner they didn’t head back to the house right away. Instead, they chose to walk around the French Quarter for a while. It seemed, no matter what time of year it was, the area was always bustling with people.

  “Dance with me.”

  Nikolai looked at his mate and cocked a brow. “What was that?”

  “Dance with me.”

  Music from outdoor musicians filled the air. He watched her a moment before he held his hand out to her. If his mate wanted to dance, then they would dance.


  When she’d asked him to dance with her, right there on the sidewalk, she wasn’t sure if he’d do it. He was always so aloof and serious. He needed to let go and have some fun. The moment he pulled her into his arms and they began to move, she wondered if she’d made a mistake. His arms wrapped around her felt like heaven, and the hard planes of his body pressed against hers had her senses soaring. She could smell his unique scent and her wolf wanted to come out and roll around in it. “I wasn’t sure if you’d agree when I asked.”

  “Why is that, Solnyshko?”

  “Truthfully? Because you’re always so aloof and serious. I didn’t know if you’d be willing to cut loose and have a little fun.”

  “Da, I suppose I am but that is the way it is in my family. It is how we were raised.”

  “Why is that?” She was genuinely curious.

  “Many years ago, during the Cold War, my family defected to the US. My parents and grandparents did not agree with the war and how things were going in Russia. Most of my family came with them – aunts, uncles, cousins – but not all. Some remained in Russia and Serbia. Because of the defection, we are not welcome in Serbia among our own kind. Being shunned affected the way my grandparents and parents interacted with others. When my siblings and I were children, we were not allowed to play with other children. We became very secluded. It caused what some might call a harsh upbringing. My ded, my grandfather, was very strict and as such my otets, my father, was as well. I do not regret it because it made me who I am today.”

  “The man you are today is someone to be very proud of, Nikolai.”

  “Spasibo, Solnyshko.”

  When he dipped his head and kissed her tenderly she melted a little. At first she was a little frustrated with his occasional use of Russian instead of the English translation for some words but after spending so much time with him, she’d come to enjoy them.

  “I should get you home. It is getting late.”

  Casey sighed softly. Reality just had to rear its ugly head, didn’t it? “I suppose so. Thank you for tonight, Nikolai. Dinner was great but the dancing was even better.”

  “You are most welcome.”

  She was quiet on the drive back to Lily and Declan’s home. When he walked her to the door, she couldn’t help but smile. He was such a gentleman when he wanted to be. Once they reached the door, she turned to him with an affectionate smile. “Thank you, again, for tonight. I had a really great time.”

  “As did I, Solnyshko.”

  Casey watched as he leaned down, and when she realized he was going to kiss her again, she stood up on her tiptoes to meet him. What she’d expected to be a gentle kiss goodnight became so much more the moment their lips touched. A growl escaped Nikolai when her arms wrapped around his neck and she shuddered when he pulled her against him.

  By the time the kiss finally broke they were both breathless. She stared up into his eyes and shivered at the intensity in them.

  “You make me forget myself, Solnyshko.”

  “Is that such a bad thing?” she whispered.

  “Da, it is, if only because I would never disrespect you by taking you on the front porch. When we make love, I want to be able to take my time and show you what it’s supposed to be like between a man and a woman.”

  His words warmed her heart. “I’d like that, Nikolai.”

  “Soon.” The word was more a growl than anything.

  Casey lifted her hand to his cheek and smiled. “Goodnight, Nikolai.”

  “Goodnight, Casey.”

  Casey stepped inside and watched him leave through the living room window before she finally went to her room, changed, and crawled into bed. She fell asleep with her lips still tingling from his kiss and a smile on her face.

  Chapter Thirteen


  This was the night she’d been waiting for from the moment she’d picked up her first camera. Her own gallery showing. Staring at herself in the mirror, she’d expected to feel nervous about letting others see her work. Instead, she was elated. Even if no one else liked her photography, she’d achieved something she’d wanted for as far back as she could remember. There was no way she could ever be upset about that.

  With a deep breath, she exited the bathroom and made her way to the area of the Contemporary Arts Center where her showing was to take place. Several Pack members were already there, and when the doors officially opened, others arrived. Casey’s eyes scanned for one face in particular and for a moment she thought he’d changed his mind. When he stepped into view she couldn’t help but smile.

  “You’re lit up like a Christmas tree.” Lily’s comment made her laugh.

  “I am not.”

  “Sure you are. It’s so nice to see you happy, Casey. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you, Lily.” When Nikolai reached them she turned her smile to him. “Hi.”

  “Hello, Solnyshko. You look beautiful tonight.”

  Casey smoothed her hands down the front of her dress. She’d chosen to be a bit daring and went with something in a vibrant red in hopes he would like it. “Thank you.”

  “You should wear red more often. It is the color of passion.”

  Nikolai’s growled words made her shiver. “I’ll have to keep that in mind. Would you like a tour?”

  “I would love one.”

  She slipped her hand in the crook of his arm as they moved from photograph to photograph. There was a wide range of images – people, buildings, animals, even open fields.

  “You took all of these, Solnyshko?”

  Casey nodded at his question.

  “You are very talented. These are amazing.”


  Walking through the gallery, Nikolai was blown away by just how talented his mate was with a camera. Some people thought there was nothing to taking photos, but to get really phenomenal shots you had to know what you were doing. Casey, obviously, did. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought he was looking at photographs taken by the likes of Annie Leibovitz or Dorothea Lange. “You are very talented, Solnyshko.”

  “You took these photos?”

  They were stopped by a well-dressed couple who’d been admiring some nearby photographs.

  “Yes, I did.” He heard the humble pride in his mate’s voice.

  “Are any of them for sale?”

  “I…um, yes. Yes, they are.”

  “Wonderful! I a
m absolutely in love with this one. The way you captured the wonder and joy in the little girl’s face. It’s breathtaking.”

  “Thank you. It’s one of my favorites.”

  That wasn’t the only sale Casey had that night, and each time someone complimented her or purchased one of her photographs, Nikolai’s heart swelled with pride for her. Her talent deserved such recognition.

  “I am so very proud of you, Solnyshko. I know you began this long before we met, but you deserved the recognition you received tonight. You have a gift, one I fully intend to encourage you to share with others.”

  “Thank you, Nikolai. I can’t believe I sold several of my photographs. Me. I never could have imagined doing this if I’d stayed in Slatefall.”

  “I am glad you chose to come here.”

  “So am I.”

  The smile Casey gave him made him growl softly. “Come with me, now that the showing is over. There is something I want to show you.”

  “Let me make sure Lily is okay with keeping an eye on Jacob first.”

  Nikolai watched Casey go and waited patiently for her return. He was starting to feel nervous, which was such an odd feeling for him. Until Casey came into his life, he’d rarely ever felt nervous but when he was with her he couldn’t help it. He had this insane fear that he was going to say or do something to make her turn away from him. He was quickly losing his heart to her, and the thought of her shunning him filled him with dread.

  “Lily and Declan are okay with taking Jacob back to the house and keeping an eye on him so I’m all yours.”

  The way she said it made him groan. “Careful, Solnyshko, or I might take that differently than you may mean it.”

  “You’re incorrigible!”


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