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Training Adam [Hard Hits 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Tatum Throne

  Oh, fuck. Adam knew what was about to happen when Seth pushed his foot between his legs, spreading his legs wider. Hot hands rubbed down over Adam’s ass. His eyes closed as he waited for Seth to spank him. He couldn’t wait to be spanked, hard. Seth’s hand struck his cheek, sending his balls bouncing and his cock hitting up against his abdomen. Seth spanked him again. Adam counted the hits as his ass heated. One. Two. Three. Four. Pause. Rub. Five. Six. Seven.

  He bit his lip, trying to keep his mouth in check. He didn’t want Seth to know how much he liked it, but deep down Adam knew that Seth probably knew how much he loved it. Adam opened his eyes when the spanks stopped.

  “Follow me.”

  Seth sounded like he was coming undone. Adam turned to see the passion in his face and the heavy bulge in his pants. Adam followed him to the bedroom, standing in the middle of the bedroom. Adam’s breath caught when he saw Seth bring his cock chain over, but this time it was different. A butt plug was connected to the long ends.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Adam did as ordered, loving the feel of Seth’s hands as he slipped the chain around his hard shaft. Adam watched as Seth’s big hands manipulated the chain. He groaned as Seth tightened the ring around his base. Seth walked around, slipping the thin chains up between his ass cheeks. Adam felt the tip of the lubed butt plug press against his anus. He felt the cock chain tug on his cock as the chain went tight. Seth pushed the butt plug inside. Adam started to shiver from the sexual heat.

  Seth came to stand in front of him. Adam let his gaze travel over Seth’s body, wanting to devour what lay beneath his expensive clothes. Seth touched his jaw, caressing him with soft strokes as his lips came down. They kissed passionately. Seth flipped his tongue inside, licking and probing Adam’s mouth. Adam’s breath came fast and hard through his nose. He wanted more of Seth. He wanted to kiss, nip, and suck his way over Seth’s body, starting with those pierced nipples and down to the soles of his feet. He wanted Seth naked with him, but the fact that he was still dressed in his work attire completely turned him the fuck on. Adam bumped his hips against Seth’s, rubbing their dicks together.

  Adam nearly fell forward when Seth pulled away. Seth spread his long arms wide.

  “Undress me, sub.”

  Adam wanted to attack Seth, throwing him to the bed and topping him. He knew this moment called for a control he wasn’t sure he had. Slowly, he lifted his steady hands to unbutton Seth’s shirt, starting at the top and working his way down. Adam pulled his shirttails from his pants, rolling the shirt down his arms. Seth’s tattooed, muscled, and pierced body made him weak. Adam couldn’t resist the urge to lean forward to lick and nip his nipples, but he knew he wouldn’t get far without permission.

  “May I kiss your nipples?” Adam asked.


  A shudder quaked through Adam’s dick as he leaned forward, licking the bar and nipple into his mouth. He sucked eagerly. Adam reluctantly pulled away, kissing his way over to the second nipple. Adam pressed his hand against Seth’s chest, feeling his heartbeat race out of control. It was then Adam knew that Seth’s control was quickly slipping away. Adam kneeled in front of Seth, unbuckling his pants and working the flaps of his pants open. His dress slacks fell to the floor. Seth stepped out of them. Adam hooked his fingers into his boxers, slipping them from his body. Seth’s cock jumped free, slapping against Adam’s cheek.

  Adam kissed his way over Seth’s prick, licking him into his mouth. Seth laced his fingers through Adam’s dark hair, stilling him.

  “You didn’t ask for permission to suck me, sub.”

  Adam licked his way off his lover. “I guess you’ll have to punish me.”

  Seth’s fingers twirled through his hair as though he were considering his options. “I think I’ve punished you enough.”

  Seth led him by the hand to the bed. “Lie down.”

  The butt plug in Adam’s ass pushed higher when he sat, moving onto his back. He watched as Seth kneeled onto the bed, straddling him. Adam’s heart hammered. His cock flexed painfully sweet as Seth rubbed lube down his shaft. Seth centered the tip of Adam’s cockhead onto his anus. Adam slid his hands up Seth’s legs, grabbing hold of Seth’s hips. He arched up off the bed, thrusting his cock deep into Seth.

  Adam cried out as the cock chain pulled tight, causing the butt plug to go deep. Seth was so tight. It felt so right when Seth took him roughly. Seth worked his cock as the butt plug worked his ass. Adam flexed his hips up off the bed. Slowly, Adam lifted his gaze from Seth’s rigid cock to his face. Adam’s eyes locked with Seth’s. Love flowed through Adam’s body. He imagined it cascading through Seth’s heart.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, sub.”

  Adam hesitated as he thought about how much he loved Seth. About how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. About how he wanted to grow old with him. Seth grabbed his wrists, muscling them to the bed by Adam’s head. Adam took the opportunity to thrust his cock up hard, bouncing Seth’s ass up off the bed.

  “Tell me.”

  Adam couldn’t deny Seth the truth of how he felt. “I love you, Seth. I’m fucking in love with you. I can’t get enough of you.”

  Adam’s words made cum shoot from Seth’s stiff cock. Hot cum speared over Adam’s chest. Seth’s mouth dropped to his, kissing him passionately. Adam couldn’t control it any longer. The need to come had built to a fever pitch. Just when Adam was about to come, Seth lifted his hips, dropping down on Adam’s cock hard.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Adam came so hard that his entire body was shaking from the experience. After a long while, Seth rolled to his side on the bed. He caressed Adam, taking care of him by releasing him from the chain around his cock and the plug from his ass. Seth drew him close, pulling the covers up over both of them. Adam curled up against his lover, twining their legs.

  Seth kissed his temple, holding him tight. “Go to sleep.”

  A grin tugged at the corner of Adam’s lips. “You want me to stay the night?”

  Seth caressed his cheek, lifting his chin to plant a sweet kiss on his lips. “Yes, babe. I do.”

  Adam rested his head on Seth’s shoulder. His fingers caressed the bar on his nipple. He couldn’t believe that Seth wanted him to stay. Adam didn’t want to examine it too closely. Things were changing, and that was a good thing. Adam knew everything was absolutely perfect, but that didn’t mean everything would be fine. How in the hell were they going to control themselves at work? Adam didn’t want to think about it right now, but he knew he’d have to soon.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Adam turned off the shower. Raised voices came from the living room, followed by a crashing sound. Adam grabbed a towel and raced through the hallway and into the living room. TJ was shoved up against the piano.

  “What the fuck?” Adam got between the two men. “What’s going on?”

  Blood dripped down Seth’s temple as surprise registered late on TJ’s face. It dawned late on Seth’s face, too. It was clear that Adam was there for more than just using the shower. Seth let go of TJ, and Adam stepped back.

  “Don’t say anything,” Seth said to TJ.

  “Fuck, man. I’m not going to say anything about what you do in your private time. That’s none of my business.”

  “I mean it,” Seth warned.

  “Dude, I’m gay. I’ve been engaged to SWAT Doc Woods for the last few months!”

  Silence bounced through the room. “You have? Does anyone at work know?” Seth asked.

  “A few people we trust. Anderson knows.”

  “He does?”

  “Yeah. We saw him out at dinner with his wife. He’s cool about it.”

  He was probably cool about it since they didn’t work together on a regular basis, but would Anderson be cool if he knew about Adam and Seth? Probably not.

  “Are you out?” TJ asked.


  TJ raised his brows to Adam in question. “I am,” Adam said.

  “Look, I don’t care what you guys do. I didn’t come here looking for a fight.”

  “I was the one that lost my cool,” Seth said. “I shouldn’t have.”

  “I came here as a friend, Seth,” TJ said.

  “I get that.”

  “I’m not so sure you do. I’ll do what I can to run interference, but you’re going to have to deal with this,” TJ said.

  “Okay, while you two hug it out, I’m going to get dressed,” Adam said.

  By the time Adam got dressed, TJ was gone. “What was that fight about?”

  Seth shook his head as thought it was a really long story, and Adam was sure that it was. It was obvious when Adam came on to the Cincinnati Police Department that Seth had a reputation for pissing people off. It didn’t take long for Adam to figure out that Seth didn’t give a shit what people thought of him. He was there to do the job he was hired to do. Adam admired him for that.

  “We’ve never gotten along well. It just came to blows.”

  “Over what?” Adam asked.

  Seth went to the kitchen, wetting some paper towels to deal with the blood on his temple. After the blood was wiped away, he grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer.

  “TJ found out about my dive into the river.”

  Oh, shit. “How?”

  “My bike was pulled from the river last night.”

  “Did you tell him?”

  Seth laughed. “I was getting to that when you broke up the fight.”

  “Is he reporting it?”

  “He has to.”

  Adam walked over to Seth, coming in close to hug him. “Don’t worry about it, babe.”

  Their gazes locked. Seth ran his hand around the back of Adam’s neck, rubbing his thumb over Adam’s cheek. “I don’t understand why you love me,” Seth said.

  “I always have.”

  Surprise and fear fluttered through Seth’s eyes. He sighed. “Adam.”

  “Why won’t you give us a chance?”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “It’s not that difficult,” Adam countered, shaking his head. “I can’t keep doing this, Seth. I need more than just a fuck buddy. I need forever.”

  “I can’t give you that.”

  Disappointment crushed Adam’s heart. “I guess there’s nothing left to say. I should go. Thanks for...things.”

  Adam felt like a fool for telling Seth how he felt. Once those three little words came out, there was no taking them back. Ever.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “We can’t do it this way,” Adam said. “It’s going to piss everyone off.”

  Seth glowered. “I don’t care.”

  Adam knew that he did care. He just didn’t like showing that side of himself to anyone. Adam stared across the conference room table at Seth. They were going over RAT policies. At four o’clock in the morning, Adam woke up feeling like something bad was going to happen. That feeling stuck with him for most of the day. He thought seeing Seth would help him to feel better. He was wrong. Things were definitely off right now.

  “You’re pissing everyone off, including me,” Adam said.

  “This isn’t working,” Seth said.

  “What isn’t?”

  “Us. We’re not working well together today.”

  “No, we’re not,” Adam agreed.

  “What are we going to do about it?”

  “There’s nothing we can do.”

  Things were not going well between them. Adam wondered if they would ever be able to work together again. Seth was distant and edgy. Adam was hurt. His heart was broken. Yes, he went into this relationship knowing that Seth didn’t want a long-term thing, but Adam had suspected that he secretly did. Something told him that Seth was just terrified of loving and losing him again. For some, it was easier to push away first.

  Adam wondered if things would ever be better between them. Seth looked as though he wanted to get out of there fast. TJ came in, jacking the tension up by several notches. He dropped a file in his hand onto the conference table.

  “We have a problem,” TJ said.

  “What kind of problem?” Seth asked.

  “Your bike is in impound. They want to know how it ended up in the drink. There’s a lady from IA downstairs, waiting to talk with you.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Seth said.

  Worry had Adam’s gaze darting to Seth. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No. I can take care of it. I don’t need you for this.”

  Seth left the room with the verbal punch still stinging Adam’s heart. TJ sat back, watching Seth walk down the hallway.

  “Do you know how his bike ended up in the river? It will remain between us,” TJ said.

  Adam let out a long sigh. “I was following him home before I was hired on. His bike spun out and flipped off the RSB. He went with it.”


  “There wasn’t time to call it in. I was off duty. I jumped in and did a rescue. The bike was the only casualty.”

  “You both broke protocol by not reporting it.”

  “Well, it was a fairly intense situation for both of us. I don’t think either one of us was thinking clearly after.”

  “Probably not,” TJ said. “Look, about last night...”

  “It’s all good.”

  TJ glared as though he didn’t believe him. “Whatever is going on between you two, work it out. Okay?”

  “It won’t be a problem.”

  “Things that happen outside of work can affect our judgment in the field.”

  “I’m finding that out.”

  Both of their cell phones went off at the same time. Adam grabbed his. “We’re up?”

  “Looks like. You ready to get your cherry popped with SWAT?” TJ asked.

  Adam hurried with TJ through the hallway to the SWAT locker room. “About time I did.”

  “Just like you trained for. You’ll do fine.”

  A flutter of fear raced through Adam’s heart. He wished he had one more moment with Seth before he went out on the call. He didn’t like leaving things feeling so wrong between them. TJ caught the look in his eye. He stopped him, shoving him up against the wall with his forearm.

  “Head in the fucking game or you don’t go out for this play,” TJ said.

  “I’m solid.”

  “You better fucking be.”

  * * * *

  SWAT was rolling out. Seth watched through his office window as the truck, officers, and cars rolled down the street with lights and sirens going. Adam was down there among them. Seth went downstairs to the control room to listen to the radio as SWAT worked. The sound quality in the CR was spotty. There was a lot of back and forth between the officers on the scene. Seth’s heart raced as he thought about Adam there. He listened for any sound of his voice, but didn’t hear anything. That meant he was probably inside.

  Seth couldn’t stay in there. He had to get to the meeting with Chief Anderson and the internal affairs representative. He went to Anderson’s office. Anderson’s secretary instructed him to go on inside.

  “Chief,” Seth said.

  “Detective London, this is Anya Delman from IA. She wants to ask you a few questions,” Anderson said.

  Seth sat down at the small conference table in the back of the room. “Nice to meet you,” Seth said.

  “Likewise. It’s standard procedure that I ask you a few questions regarding the recovery of your motorcycle. I must ask if you would like representation at this time?”

  “No. It’s okay.”

  “Very well. Tell me how your bike ended up in the river,” Anya said.

  “I lost control of my bike and went off the RSB a few weeks ago when it was raining.”

  “Why didn’t you report the accident?” she asked.

  “I must have been in shock.”

  “Were you drinking or under the influence of any drugs?” she asked.

  Seth thought about the few sips of his beer he had at the bar that night. “No.”
  “I need you to fill out this report. It’s procedure,” Anderson said.

  “Not a problem.”

  “One more thing, Detective. How did you get home that night?” Anya asked.

  Seth was determined to keep Adam out of it. “A Good Samaritan gave me a ride.”

  “Does that person have a name?”

  “I’m sure they do.”

  She handed over her business card. “If you think of their name, give me a call. I can add it to my report.”

  “Will do.”

  Anderson walked Anya toward the door, but he indicated for Seth to stay where he was. Anderson shut the door behind him. He sat down behind his desk.

  “That was a nice story. Now, tell me what the fuck really happened,” Anderson said.

  “I lost control of my bike. Everything I said was true.”

  “I want to know more about the part where your memory gets all fuzzy.”

  “Does it stay between us?” Seth asked.

  “I don’t want IA poking around here if it’s not necessary.”

  Seth sighed. “Adam saw the accident that night. He was following me home. It was before he was hired on. He saved my life.”

  Anderson let out a deep sigh. “You went into the river with the bike?”

  “Yeah, my pants were caught on engine. I would’ve died had Adam waited for water rescue to come in.”


  Anderson shook his head, staring out the window. “You guys are like sons to me.” Their eyes met. “That means I stay up worrying about all of you.”

  “So, are we good?” Seth asked.

  “Turn your report in to me. I’ll make sure it gets to IA.”

  “Thanks, Chief.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Seth checked his watch as he left Anderson’s office. SWAT was probably still on the scene of their call. He went back to his office to fill out his report. Seth was planning on staying to make sure Adam made it back safely. On the way back to his office, his cell phone rang. It was his brother Conner.

  “Hey, Conner. What’s up?”

  “I need you to get downtown to Dad’s office. He and Dylan are being held hostage.”


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