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Jaded (The Butterfly Memoirs)

Page 20

by Kane, M. J.

I forced myself to laugh because hearing me be excited was what he expected.

  “Yasmine, what’s wrong?” His laughter was gone, concern now in his voice.

  I closed my eyes and found my happy place. I was dangerously close to saying too much. “I’m fine. I spent hours trying to find a dress and I’m exhausted. I think you’re going to love it though.”

  “I love anything on you, especially your birthday suit.”

  This time my laugh was real. “Yeah, well, I can’t walk down the aisle naked. Speaking of which, I’ve already picked out a tux for you. It’s at the men’s store. All you have to do is go in and let them get your measurements.”

  “Whatever you chose is going to be great.”

  “Ah, you’re learning,” I teased. “Be sure to take Nick with you…did you decide on another groomsman?”

  “I’m going to ask your brother, we got along fine at the dinner. If he says yes, then we’re good.”

  “Good, that would give both Ebony and Kaitlyn someone to walk with. Simple and perfect.”

  “That works for me. All right, I’ve been paged for customer assistance. I’ll text you when I’m on my way. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  When we disconnected, I rested my head on the steering wheel and put a handle on my emotions before walking inside.

  “Mom…I’m home.” I put my purse in the room where I slept and walked over to her bedroom door. It was cracked. I rapped softly and peeked in. “How are you feeling?”

  Ms. Belinda sat on the edge of the bed. Her right leg was still in a cast after having surgery. “Hey, come on in.”

  I walked over and studied the antique jewelry box sitting beside her. Various pieces, some costume, some real, lay out for display.

  “Taking inventory?” I asked.

  “No. I was looking for my mother’s pearl earrings. Ah, here they are. What do you think?”

  I accepted the small box. Two pearl shaped drops hung from diamond studs. “They’re beautiful.” I held them out to give them back, but she ignored me.

  “There is a necklace that matches.” She set a larger box on the bed, obviously wanting me to open it, and winced.

  “Are you okay?” As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt like an idiot.

  “Same as always, nothing is going to get better. What do you think of these?” She directed my attention to the box.

  After studying her for a moment, I flipped the lid of the rectangular box. A long, simple strand of pearls lay on a bed of satin. In its center rested a large tear shaped diamond, reminiscent of the earrings. “It’s beautiful.” I ran my fingers over the stones.

  “It was my great-grandmother’s; genuine pearls. She wore it the day she got married. My mother wore it on her wedding day, and I wore it the day I married Charles. I want you to have it. I don’t know if it will match your gown, but…” She stopped when she regarded me. “Oh, sweetie, stop, you’re going to mess up your make-up.” She reached for my hand.

  Overcome with emotion, I let my tears fall. “They’re perfect,” I managed to say through sobs.

  “One day, when you have a daughter, I hope you will pass them on.”

  I wiped the tears. “If we have a daughter, we’ll name her after you.”

  She waved her hand and wiped tears of her own. “Belinda is such an old name, but I’d like that.” She regained her composure and sniffed. “We’ve gotten old out of the way, you need something borrowed, something blue, and something new…let’s see what else I’ve got here…”

  Chapter 32

  “Zack, you do realize she could be the last woman you have sex with. Ever. Are you sure she’s the one?”

  “Hey, that’s my sister you’re talking about,” Brandon, my soon-to-be-brother-in-law said from across the room, a false glare on his face. “And she’d better be,” he added, shooting hardened eyes at me.

  I chuckled while looking in the mirror to straighten my tie. “‘Could’ is not in my vocabulary. She is going to be the only woman I sleep with. That’s exactly how I want it.”

  Nick chuckled at Brandon’s expression as he walked over and studied me in the mirror’s reflection. “You know I’m kidding, right?”

  “You better be.” Brandon sat down to put on his shoes.

  “No regrets? No last minute thoughts?” Nick continued.

  “None. You know how I feel about her. She’s the one. For once in my life I’ve actually found happiness. I’m never going to let her go.”

  He patted me on the shoulder. “Good. Just making sure you’re still committed. I like her. Too bad she doesn’t have a sister.” He glanced at Brandon who held up his middle finger. He grinned and stretched out his arms to adjust his cuff links. “Your sister has good taste. I wish I could keep this tuxedo. This monkey suit is a chick magnet.”

  I laughed while listing to the good-natured conversation going on between the two of them. I was glad they got along, it made a day like this easier to handle knowing my best friend and soon-to-be-family was here for me.

  My wedding day.

  Everything happened so fast. But regardless, I was ready to put the final portion of the ring on her finger. Ready to start the next chapter of my life.

  I hadn’t seen Yasmine in twenty-four hours. Being one to break the rules, she didn’t want to do the traditional rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. Instead, we held the rehearsal and dinner two days before. Neither of us planned a bachelor or bachelorette party. I guess we were the only two people in history who had no need to mourn losing the single status.

  She suggested we each spend the time with our families instead. She spent the night at her parents’ home, wanting to talk with her mother and ask for advice on how to be the best wife in the world.

  It had been a while since my mother and I spent an evening alone. It was what we needed.

  The past few weeks working every available overtime hour kicked my butt, and it was nice to relax and talk to her without being tired. It pained me to realize I missed the fact she had lost a lot of weight. She also spent more time resting than being awake. It was as if she wanted to make sure she had enough energy for today. Especially since the amount of pills she took had increased.

  “You ready? It’s time.” Nick asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  We left Yasmine’s old office, the room where we got dressed, and walked down the hall leading to the large living room. Beyond the huge French double doors was the garden where we would exchange our vows. Our wedding wasn’t huge, but my chest expanded when I scanned all the seats filled with people who loved and supported us.

  “Zack, oh my, you are so handsome.” My mother’s gasp caught my attention. Nick pushed her wheelchair next to me. I accepted the hand she stretched out to me and smiled.

  “Thanks, man,” I said to Nick.

  Six weeks after surgery and she still hadn’t completely healed. Pain shot to my heart seeing her unable to walk like she wanted. My mother was a strong and independent person. She forced herself to hobble around the house with the aid of the cane I bought her, but decided today she would accept assistance.

  I’d seen her briefly before leaving the house to meet Nick and Brandon. My mother’s good friend made sure she got here on time.

  Yasmine purchased a simple black dress with a jacket to keep her warm as a gift for today. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and pulled a tissue from her purse. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you take this step, Zachariah. It means so much to me. I wish your father could have been here to see it, too.” She dabbed her eyes. “But that’s okay because in a way he is, right here.” She indicated her heart. “He’s always been here.”

  Processional music played, indicating it was time to escort immediate family members to their seats.

  Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, my soon to be in-laws, walked over. Mrs. Phillips gave me a hug and adjusted my tie.
r />   Mr. Phillips smiled and shook my hand. “You make my daughter happy. I trust you’ll continue to do so.”

  “Yes, sir. That’s my plan.”

  He nodded and went to his wife. They linked arms and walked to their seats on the music’s cue.

  Next it was my turn to escort my mother to her place in the front row.

  I returned to the staging area outside the doorway, balling and un-balling my hands before wiping them on my pants. When did I start sweating? When the music played, or when Yasmine’s father shook my hand with unbelievable strength?

  Mr. Phillips walked back up the aisle and disappeared around a corner, no doubt to join his daughter. My future wife.

  Nick stepped beside me and tapped me with his elbow. “Hey,” he whispered, digging into his tuxedo pocket. “Drink this.”

  I accept the tiny bottle of vodka. This had to be the best idea ever known to man. I took off the cap and chugged. I coughed and ignored the burn in my throat.

  “Need another?”

  I nodded and like magic another bottle appeared. After a moment I felt my nerves settle. “That’s why you’re my best man.”

  “Exactly.” He retrieved the empty bottles and disposed of the evidence.

  Then it was time.

  I stepped through the doorway and into the rose garden.

  It was beautiful. Yasmine had truly outdone herself. White chairs sat on both sides of the pathway decorated by simple hanging baskets of flowers. A white aisle runner lined with rose petals covered the path. The garden itself was alive, every bush and flower in full bloom. The edge of the garden was surrounded by a stone hedge, which was lined with bushes, trees, and more flowers. At the end of the path stood a large gazebo, it too bore roses and tulle. The minister stood waiting in the middle.

  I forced myself not to focus on the people who’d come to witness our union. Instead I remembered the first time I was here. The night I realized I wanted more than Yasmine’s friendship. The night we danced.

  The night we kissed.

  That evening was the catalyst that pushed us to now. It made perfect sense that this is where we’d take our vows.

  I took my place at the base of the gazebo steps and faced everyone. My heart was beating triple time. I took a wide-legged stance, crossed my hands in front of me, and tried to relax. I spied Brian, the husband of Yasmine’s best friend, in my peripheral. He held a smirk on his face. He was no doubt remembering his wedding day.

  The music changed and all eyes left me and stared at the doorway as Kaitlyn, one of the bridesmaids, entered, escorted by Brandon. Ebony, the Maid-of-Honor, came alone. Then came the moment I was waiting for.

  Gasps could be heard when Yasmine and her father stepped through the doorway. My wife-to-be was a sight to behold.

  She was beyond beautiful. Her shoulders were bare, her dress a fitted piece of art. Her hair was pinned into curls and a crown sat upon her head. She wore no veil to hide her face.

  I memorized this moment. When we were old and gray and our grandkids were crawling around in our laps, the way she looked right now would be the memory I always cherished.

  Time slowed the moment our eyes met. Everyone disappeared. There was so much happiness in her eyes that I vowed to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

  Nick slapped me on the back. “Damn, man, I think I’m jealous,” he whispered.

  I smiled.

  After what felt like forever, Yasmine reached the step where I stood. Her father stared at me.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two people,” The preacher began. “Who gives away the bride?”

  “My wife and I,” her father stated, never once taking his eyes from me.

  Yasmine kissed her father’s cheek, and wiped the mark left behind. “Thank you daddy,” she said softly.

  Her father smiled before taking her hand and placing it in mine. “I am entrusting my most precious possession to your care, young man.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  His attention returned to his daughter. “No bride has been as beautiful as you are. Well, except your mother.” He winked, which made her smile. He kissed her forehead then joined his wife on the front row.

  I took a moment to appreciate the way her gown hugged every beautiful curve of her body that was about to belong to me. “You are so beautiful.” I forced myself to remember we were not alone. “Are you ready?”

  Yasmine smiled and squeezed my hand. “Yes.”

  Together we stepped into the gazebo and faced the minister.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

  The entire time he spoke, I thought of was how fortunate I was to take this step with Yasmine. We’d known each other for less than six months, but I felt as if I knew more about her than I had Melissa.

  I glimpsed over. She was focused on what was being said, her commitment to our love and relationship showing on her face.

  “And now it’s time for the vows. The couple decided to write their own. Yasmine, you may go first.”

  We faced one another. Yasmine handed her bouquet to Ebony and reached for my hands. I gazed into her eyes.

  “Zachariah Givens, you are my world, the one constant that grounded me at a time I had no idea where my life was headed. You’ve shown me love I’ve never known and brought happiness no man ever could. You get me. You support me, and above all else you love me. I promise to do whatever is in my power to make you happy and be the wife you need. I promise in all things to be faithful. I give you my mind, my heart, and my body as yours forever. I love you.”

  I reached over to wipe a tear as it fell from her eyes and tried my best to contain my own. Her words made my heart swell and my chest poke out in pride.

  “Zachariah, you may share your vows,” the minister said.

  I took a deep breath. “For days I struggled with what to write, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t put what I feel on paper. In the end I decided to say what I felt at this moment.

  I drew her hands to my mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I gave up on love. My job and my mother were the only things important to me. The first time I saw you, you were a dream, a woman out of my league. But you surprised me. Your heart, your ability to care for those around you more than yourself is what made me fall in love with you. I want to make you happy. I want to be the man to take care of you. I want to be your rock, your support, the one to give you everything you need and more. I love you, Yasmine Phillips. Thank you for allowing me into your life, and into your heart for the rest of our lives.”

  The minister spoke again, but his words were lost on me. I focused on her eyes. They continued to water out of happiness.

  “Now, the rings.”

  I fought an internal war to skip past sliding the rings on our fingers. I wanted to get to the part where I could pull her into my arms and feel her lips against mine.

  Nick reached around and handed me the solid gold portion of my mother’s ring. I slipped it onto her finger. The set was now complete.

  I waited impatiently for Yasmine to slide on the ring that once belonged to my father. When it was in place, she lifted my hand to her mouth and kissed it.

  Our fingers entwined, we faced the minister who smiled and paused. The gleam in his eye made it obvious he was dragging his feet on this portion of the ceremony on purpose. The guests laughed.

  “Now…with the power vested in me by God and the State of California, I now pronounce you…Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah James Givens. You may now kiss your bride.”

  I wiped the tears sliding down Yasmine’s beautiful face and kissed my wife. One simple kiss was not enough. I held her close, slipped a hand around her waist, and took my fill.

  A slap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. Clapping, cheering, and laughing caught my attention. I glanced around and saw our family’s reaction. Yasmine blushed.

  “Take it to the bedroom, man,” Nick ribbed.

  I didn’t car
e. My attention went to my bride. My wife.

  The woman of my dreams was officially mine. Forever.

  Chapter 33

  “Smile for the camera.”

  I held onto Zack, my arms wrapped around his neck, my bouquet dangling from my hand behind his head. His arms were around my waist, holding firm. I felt like a prize won at the carnival.

  “Okay…gaze into each other’s eyes…feel the love…and in one, two…”

  Zack leaned in and kissed me.

  “No, no, no! That’s not the shot I’m going for!” Frustration was evident in the photographer’s voice. “Can someone please refresh the bride’s lipstick…again?”

  “Zack,” I swatted his shoulder playfully, “stop, okay? We’ve got a few minutes to get these pictures done.”

  “So?” Mischief danced in his eyes.

  I knew that facial expression well. It spoke volumes of what he wanted to do once we were behind closed doors.

  “Zachariah,” his mother said, laughter in her eyes and voice. “Some of us are not getting any younger here.”

  “Yeah, I for one could use a drink,” Nick added.

  “I second that,” Brandon chimed in.

  Ebony and Kaitlyn laughed.

  I shot the guys a glance and rolled my eyes. A drink was not what they wanted. Nick had eyes on one of my co-workers since the wedding ended. Brandon was anxious to get to the woman he’d brought as a date.

  I leaned into Zack and whispered: “The sooner we’re done here, the sooner we can put the reception behind us and start our honeymoon.” I wiggled my eyebrows for emphasis.

  He must have gotten the point because he stayed on his best behavior until all pictures were taken.

  We held hands and headed towards the room where the reception was being held. Nick was wheeling Ms. Belinda ahead of us.

  “Nick, you can stop here, I’d like to speak to my daughter. Go ahead; I’ll let you know when I’m ready to be wheeled in.”

  Zack’s eyes lit up. “The two most important women in my life,” he stated as he surveyed us both. “Don’t take too long.” He leaned down to kiss his mother on the cheek, kissed my palm, then headed inside.


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