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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 4

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 4: A Star Is Born

  The next night when Ana arrived home for dinner she was so excited. “Thisbe? Where are you? I have a surprise for you!”

  I was napping in the bedroom. I woke up when I heard Ana’s voice. I stretched and quickly jumped off the bed. Trotting into the kitchen, I thought, Surprise? I wonder what Ana brought home. She sounds very happy.

  “There you are! How would you like to be in a play? The director at the theatre needs a cat for the new show.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Me? In a show? I knew all about shows and the theatre from Ana and Belinda. That would be so much fun! I jumped around Ana’s ankles.

  Ana could see that I was excited. She continued, “We have to go to auditions tonight. Think you’re up for it?”

  I could hardly contain myself. I jumped up on the kitchen counter, then jumped down, then turned around and around meowing loudly “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  “I guess that’s a BIG “yes”, huh? Okay, then we both need to have something to eat because we have to be there for seven.”

  Ana began preparing my food but I was too excited to eat. After she finished her dinner, Ana retrieved my carrier from the hall closet and found my fancy blue collar that Belinda gave me for my ninth birthday. She placed it around my neck. “There you go, Thisbe. You look elegant. Let’s hope you’re the one they pick!”

  I thought I don’t mind wearing a collar now. I want to look extra special. Of course, I am going to be the one they pick. I’ll be the best!

  Ana drove to the college theatre. “Hmmm. Thisbe, there are a lot of cars here. Perhaps you’ll have some competition.”

  We entered in the door to the theatre and I saw a lot of carriers with cats of every size, shape and color lined up at the edge of the stage. Some of the cats were quiet and sleeping while others were vocalizing. Ana placed me next to a large, purple carrier that was inhabited by an enormous white long-haired cat. I was amused at the color of the carrier and was thoroughly entertained by its inhabitant.

  Cheerfully I said, “Hi, my name is Thisbe, what’s yours?”

  The large white cat peered out of the front of the carrier. He looked at me and said “What kind of cat are YOU? My name is Theodore Alexander Hopkinton. I am a pure-bred Angora.”

  Okay! I thought, he seems a bit full of himself but I’ll be nice to him. I answered, “I’m just a cat and my name is Thisbe. Have you ever performed before?”

  Theodore seemed a bit put off by the question. “What do you mean? Of course! I am a professional. I have placed first in many international cat shows. What have YOU done?”

  Thisbe thought Well, I’ll be polite but I can see I will be unable to have a conversation with this one. I’ll just wait my turn.

  “Oh lots of things. I think I’ll just curl up here and wait my turn. Good luck!” I replied. I curled up. I’ll watch the other auditions then see what I’ll have to do.

  I watched each cat closely as it was put through the audition. Hmm…seems simple enough. All I have to do is walk from one side of the stage to the other, jump on the couch and sit with that nice lady then she carries me off. I watched as most of the cats did some sort of the routine but none of them correctly performed the moves. One took off and ran out into the audience. The cat in the purple carrier, Mr. Theodore, was unable to jump on the couch. Now it was my turn. The director walked over to my carrier and opened it up. I stretched and pranced out. I waited by the director’s feet for my cue.

  He said, “Okay, you’re the last one. Let’s see if you can do it.” He began to walk away and called over his shoulder “Come” I followed him across the stage. He gave me the commands and I promptly performed all of the stunts perfectly then returned to the director and waited by his feet.

  The director smiled and looked down at me, patted my head and said, “I think we have found our cat for the show.” He looked out into the audience. “Who is the owner?”

  I saw Ana raise her hand. The director laughed and said, “But of course, she’s your cat. Who else! Ana, you’ll have to bring her to rehearsals. I’ll give you the schedule. Can you work it out with your other show?”

  Ana walked up to the stage, picked me up and said “Sure, I’ll manage.”

  She hugged me and whispered in my ear, “I’m so proud of you. You were perfect.”

  I saw Ana take a piece of paper from another girl and then returned me to my carrier. I was so excited. I’m going to be on stage in a show! I heard the director tell Ana they would start rehearsals in a few days and the show would go up in a month. I want to visit my new friends downstairs and tell them all about my audition.

  Back at the apartment, Ana said “You know, Thisbe, I think I’ll rent the movie and we can watch it together. You like to watch TV. Would you like that?”

  I purred, “Thanks Ana. You know I like to watch TV with you. That would be fun.”

  “Okay, Miss Thisbe, how about we get ready for bed? I have a long day tomorrow.”

  I followed Ana into the bedroom. I jumped up on the bed and curled up tight. I suddenly was exhausted and fell asleep with visions of the stage swirling in my head.

  Ana brought the movie home the next evening and we watched it. I only saw the cat a couple of times. I hope I’ll have more to do than the cat in the movie.

  Rehearsals began the following night. The role of Pyewacket the cat was a simple one. I had no problems performing the sequences on the stage. In fact, I was so good the director added a couple of extra walk-ons that were not scripted. I waited with Ana backstage until it was time for me to go on stage.

  Later that evening, back at home, Ana brought out a surprise for me.

  “Here you go, sweetie. You did such a good job at rehearsal tonight. I bought some ice cream for a treat. We both deserve it.” She placed a small dish of vanilla ice cream on the floor.

  “Meow…thank-you, Ana. I haven’t had ice cream in a long time! Meow.”

  Ana smiled and said, “After this, let’s get some sleep. We have some busy days ahead of us.

  The next morning I woke up full of energy. I really want to go downstairs and tell my new friends about my show. I walked into the kitchen to eat my breakfast but Ana was several steps ahead of me that morning. She was ready to go and bolted out the door.

  Ana was halfway out the door when she said, “I’ve got to run, Thisbe, I’m late. Have a good day. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I looked up from my food bowl. Wait! I want to go downstairs and see my friends! I dashed to the back door but arrived too late. I heard the click of the lock. Oh! Ana left! I wanted to go down and see Bronson and Polly.

  Disappointed, I wandered back to the kitchen. I spied the door I used the first time. There’s always the hole in the floor. I could go down that way. I don’t think Ana has closed it up yet.

  I opened the small door under the sink again and carefully padded around the pots until I came to the hole in the floor. I don’t really want to jump but it’s the only way to get downstairs and see my friends. I can see light at the bottom…it’s a long way down and my feet did hurt a bit the last time…how can I make it softer? Oh…I know…Ana has some small pillows on the sofa. They are soft to sleep on. If I get one and drop it down the hole I’ll land on the soft pillow.

  So I walked out to the living room and jumped up on the sofa. Which of these pillows will fit in the hole? This one looks small enough. I picked up a small green pillow and dragged it back to the cabinet. I had a bit of a time trying to get the pillow around the pans but when I arrived at the hole I dropped the pillow down the shaft. It landed with a soft thud. I held my breath and jumped into the hole. I landed on the pillow. Ah…that was much better. Oh good, the cover hasn’t been put back on the opening. I was able to walk out into the sunny room. I noticed Polly was still sleeping. Bronson was grooming himself when he heard the thud. He whipped his head around to watch me emerge from the wall opening.

  “Thisbe, old girl, you dropped in again! How are y
ou? Hey, Polly, you sleepy head, wake up! AAACK!” Bronson hollered at Polly.

  Polly woke with a start “WHAT? HUH? What happened?”

  Bronson laughed “Thisbe dropped in through the wall again! I take it this was not an accident this time, Thisbe.”

  I laughed, “I wanted to come down but missed Ana and couldn’t get down here any other way. I’m happy Jade didn’t fix the hole yet. I’d be stuck inside!”

  Thurston looked out his cage and said “Good to see you, Thisbe, how have you been? You didn’t stay long the last time. Lovey, Thisbe is back for a visit.” Lovey looked out next to Thurston and said “Hello Thisbe! Good to see you again!”

  I couldn’t contain my news any longer.

  “Guess what everyone? I auditioned for a show at Ana’s college and got the part. I play a cat named Pyewacket in the play called ‘Bell, Book and Candle’. It’s going to be so much fun. I have to go to rehearsals at night with Ana.”

  All the birds were very impressed.

  Bronson congratulated me “I’m so happy for you! Congratulations! I wish we could go to the show. People don’t realize that we birds understand more than they think we do. I used to watch television when I was younger. I understood everything I was watching. My brother performed in shows and Polly’s father and mother were performers but she was given away and joined us here. Right, Polly?”

  “That’s right.” agreed Polly “Both my parents worked in Florida but Jade came to visit one year and fell in love with me. Her friends took care of my parents and me. When she saw me she just had to take me home with her. So here I am.”

  It was my turn to be impressed. “So you guys could have been in show business too? I guess I’m pretty lucky, huh?”

  Thurston added “You certainly are, Thisbe, not too many cats get to perform on stage! Congrats!”

  Suddenly Spot ran into the sun room. “I thought I heard some noise in here. Hi! You’re the cat from upstairs. I saw you in the car that day. How did you get here?”

  Bronson introduced me and informed Spot about my escape hatch and then about my role in the show. Spot was happy for me. “That is so cool, Thisbe. Can we go and watch you? Do they let dogs in there?”

  Jade walked into the sun room to investigate the commotion. “I wondered why all of you were making a racket in here. I see Thisbe dropped in again. I guess you are just fine. I’ll keep a lookout for Ana and let her know you’re here.” She turned to leave, shaking her head mumbling “Crazy kids!”

  “Hey everybody,” Squawked Bronson, “Thisbe, here, is a star. How ‘bout that, eh? A star is born!” Bronson flapped his wings.

  Spot wagged his tail. “I’m so happy for you Thisbe. You seem to be a nice cat…not like the two that live here.”

  I stayed the rest of the day and talked with my new friends about the show and what I knew of show business. The birds shared their stories about their families in show business. Spot stayed and listened with fascination. It was getting dark in the bird’s room when I heard Ana’s voice in the kitchen.

  “She came down the hole again? I forgot to cover it up. I can’t believe she actually opens the kitchen cabinet and purposely comes down here. She’s one smart cat.”

  She followed Jade into the bird room “There you are! Visiting with your friends, huh? Well, you have a rehearsal tonight, little actress, so we had better be going. Jade, I’ll get you comp tickets to the show. You’re such great neighbors.”

  Ana picked me up and placed me over her shoulder. As Ana left, I waved good-bye to my friends. “I’ll see you later!”

  All the birds squawked back “Bye Thisbe! See you soon!”

  Walking up the stairs to our apartment, Ana said, “Let’s have supper and get to rehearsal.”

  Ana went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. She saw the cabinet open.

  “You know, Thisbe, if Jade doesn’t mind you visiting with her pets, I’ll gladly drop you off in the morning and pick you up at night. I’ll leave some of your food there, too. On our way out tonight, I’ll drop by and ask her. If it’s okay, I’ll drop you off at her apartment tomorrow morning. You love to mingle with other animals. It must be very lonely for you here. I called my old friend, Gail, the other day. Do you remember her cat Thomas? It’s been a long, long time.”

  I looked up. “Meow? Thomas?” Of course I remember him! He was the sweetest. That was a long time ago. I was just a kitten. “How is he? Meow?”

  “Well, Gail said Thomas is still alive and well. He’s twelve years old now. She said she might drive out here with Thomas for a vacation next summer. Would you like that?”

  I purred and rubbed up against Ana’s ankle. “Purrrrr…I would LOVE to have Thomas come and visit.” I wonder if he remembers me. It’s been a long time.

  Ana smiled as she brought her dinner to the table, “Okay, Thisbe, I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll give her a call in a day or so and see what her schedule is. Here finish your dinner and we’ll be off to the theatre.”

  While I ate I thought…It would be wonderful to see Thomas again.

  The next few weeks were busy ones for Ana and me. I spent a few days with my friends downstairs. Ana brought me down in the morning and picked me up at night in time for dinner and rehearsal.

  On a sunny morning, Ana was getting ready for work and I was patiently waiting by the door. I want to go downstairs today and visit with my friends. I wish they could come and see me in the show.

  Noticing me by the door, Ana said “I guess you want to go visit with your friends today. Okay but remember tonight is dress rehearsal. I’ll be home early for you. Come here, munchkin.” Ana picked me up and placed me up on her shoulder. “You ride up there for a minute. I have too many bags to carry today.” Ana picked up her dance bags and headed down the stairs. She knocked on Jade’s door.

  The dogs began to bark. We heard Jade telling them to be quiet. The door opened. Jade was standing in an old tee shirt and sweat pants.

  Yawning, she said “Hi, Ana, are you bringing Thisbe to visit? Spot… BE QUIET. SIT.” Obediently, Spot sat and stopped barking.

  “Is everything okay? If it’s not a good time for Thisbe to visit, tell me, I’ll bring her back upstairs.”

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’m sorry. I just didn’t get much sleep last night. The dogs, you know. Jon just left for work. It’s not too cold out today is it?”

  “Well, they said it was going to be a high of thirty. It’s pretty cold out there right now. You’re apartment feels like a sauna. You always keep the heat up so high? I practically never have to turn on MY heat.”

  Jade shrugged. “We have exotic birds. They can’t be cold. I’m always freezing but the dogs love to go out and run in the cold so I think I’ll let them out for a while to burn off some steam. They were so hyper last night. It must be a full moon. Hi Thisbe, I know you want to go visit with the birds. Come here kiddo and I’ll take you to the solarium. See ya later Ana. Thisbe won’t be a problem.”

  “Thanks, Jade, here’s a can of her food. I don’t want you using your food. I’ll be by early tonight…dress rehearsal and all. Thanks again, Jade. Thisbe loves coming down here. Bye, Tiz, be a good girl. See ya!”

  “Have a good day Ana! Come on Tiz, I’ll bring you to the bird’s room since you seem to enjoy them so much.” Jade closed the door and walked to the back room. The birds were fully awake, squawking and talking to each other.

  Jade placed me on the floor and said, “Okay Thisbe, you’re on your own. I’ll bring your food and water bowls in here so the other cats don’t get to them. Hey guys, your friend Thisbe is here to visit. Have fun!” Jade returned to the kitchen.

  Bronson spoke up. “Brrawk! Hi Thisbe! Come on in. We were just talking about you. Polly just said you were the nicest cat she has ever met. Right, Polly?

  “You got that right, Bronson. Thisbe you’re the best. I can’t stand the other two cats in this house. If they weren’t so fat they would be up here on my perch trying to snack on me for lunch.�

  Jade returned with my food bowls then closed the door.

  I waited for Jade to leave then I asked, “Polly is that why you don’t come down on the floor to talk to me? I wish I could sit up a little higher. You’re all so far away. ” I sat on the floor between Bronson’s and Polly’s perches. “I love coming in here and talking to you. Tell me more about your families.”

  Bronson said, “Ya know, I heard Jade send the two dogs outside and she just closed the door so those cats won’t come in here. I’m going to join my friend Thisbe on the floor.” He flew down and stood next to me. He was much taller than I.

  I looked up and exclaimed, ‘Wow, Bronson, you are very tall. I never realized it”

  Polly joined Bronson on the floor next to me.

  She was almost as tall as Bronson. “This is fun!” I said. “Let’s just sit and talk. I’d like to know more about your family, Polly. Bronson talked about his family last time.”

  Polly began, “Well, Thisbe, we all lived in a place called Wild Kingdom and both mother and father were part of the Wild Bird Show. I was being trained. It was so exciting!”

  I spent an enjoyable day listening to Polly’s family stories.

  Later that afternoon, I heard Ana’s voice in the kitchen.

  “Well, everyone, I hear Ana talking to Jade so it’s time for me to go. It was great hearing the stories about your families. I have to go to rehearsal, so see you later.” Jade opened the door.

  “Come on Thisbe, your mommy’s here to pick you up. It’s time to go.”

  Bronson shouted, “Squawk! See ya Thisbe. Have a good night.” He flew up to his perch.

  I smiled. “Thanks everyone! See ya later!” I ran to the kitchen.

  “Meow, hello Ana.”

  “Hi Thisbe, are you ready for dress rehearsal? I think we’d better scoot. Thanks again, Jade. Do you guys want tickets to the show? You haven’t let me know yet. I can get you those comps.”

  “That’ll be great, Ana. Jon is off this weekend. It’ll be perfect. We’ll make Saturday our night out! Maybe I’ll even get a dinner out of him.” They both laughed.

  Ana said, “Okay, deal. I’ll get you tickets for Saturday night. See ya.”

  “Bye Ana, thanks. Bye Thisbe. Have fun!”

  Ana brought me upstairs, prepared dinner, changed into her black backstage clothes and placed me in my carrier. “Okay, Tiz, we’re off to dress rehearsal. Tomorrow is the big night!”

  Ana arrived early enough to get us situated. Things were very hectic backstage.

  Jen, the stage manager, ran up to Ana. “Ana, I have an area set up for you and Thisbe on stage right. You have a chair, table, water and her costumes are on the way. You’re a pro so you have it all under control. See ya. Gotta run.” She ran toward the other side of the stage.

  I was very excited. I loved being backstage almost as much as being on stage. Ana held me up so I could watch the show from the wings. I loved watching the cast and crew running around backstage. The crew had so many special effects to do. I watched them make tables rise on stage, doors open and close by themselves and books fall off the shelves.

  The costume assistant came over to Ana and said “We have three different collars for Thisbe. She has to wear the gold one in the first scene, the blue one in the next scene and in the last scene she gets this fancy silver rhinestone one. They are all marked.” She rubbed me on the head and said, “You are the best animal I’ve ever worked with. You are a natural, Miss Thisbe. Thanks, Ana, it’s been great having you backstage as the animal handler. Makes life so much easier!” She handed the collars to Ana and ran in the opposite direction.

  As Jen, the stage manager, was returning back to stage right checking her clip board, she stopped to speak to Ana.

  “Ana, I have to compliment you on your cat. She’s a wonderful animal to work with. It’s as if she understands English perfectly. If she could talk, she would! Thanks a million for acting as the animal wrangler. It keeps my job a little less stressful!”

  Jen looked at her watch and called out to the cast and crew in the area, “Five minutes to places!” then ran toward the dressing rooms.

  One of the stage hands called back, “Thanks five minutes!” as he set more props on the stage right prop table behind the set. I watched everything and took it all in. I wanted to be in another show because it was so much fun. I didn’t want this to end.

  Ana took her seat in the far stage right wing. She placed the gold collar around my neck. “There you go girl, you are set for your first appearance. It is only a few minutes now until places.” I watched the actors check their props. The crew finished setting some more special effects and Jen called “Two minutes to places!” Someone called back, “Thanks two minutes!” Ana told me that was what one had to do when notified by the Stage Manager. Ana called back to the Stage Manager, “Thanks two minutes. Thisbe is ready.”

  I was ever so ready. Ana and I had our dressing area in the corner of stage right. My carrier was there in case I wanted to rest inside on my blanket but I was never tired. There was a small litter box was set up just to the side of the carrier. Jen even had a bowl of water for me. I felt like a star! Everyone was quietly moving to their places for curtain when Jen called “Places everyone for Act 1!” Actors walked quickly to their places on stage behind the huge red curtain, stage hands took their places in the wings and the rehearsal began.

  A few hours later the rehearsal ended. Jen, the actors and the director were on stage setting the curtain calls. The actress who played Gillian carried me out for our bow. I was so excited. I couldn’t wait until the real show. There would be so many people sitting out in the audience. After curtain calls Jen called, “Fifteen minutes, get out of costume then come back here for notes. Thisbe, you were perfect so you can go home. Thanks again, Ana. Your call tomorrow night is seven-thirty. Curtain is at eight. Take it easy tomorrow Thisbe, get lots of rest, it’s opening night. See ya, girl!”

  Ana replied “Thanks Jen, see you guys tomorrow! Great show everyone! Let’s go, Thisbe, you’ve a big night tomorrow. You want to get your beauty sleep!” Ana placed me into my carrier and we left.

  Back at the apartment, Ana told me “Let’s get to bed early because there is definitely going to be a celebration tomorrow night after the show. I love you, baby.” She curled up under the warm, down comforter while I curled up behind her knees and fell fast asleep.

  As she was leaving the apartment the next morning, Ana asked me, “Do you want to go downstairs today or take it easy here?”

  I was sitting on the sofa in the living room. I wanted to stay home and sleep. It was going to be a late night.

  “Meow, I’m staying home, Ana.” I curled up in a circle on the sofa, looked at Ana, and yawned.

  “Well, guess that means you are staying here today. Get some rest girl. We have a big night tonight. It’s opening night! Goodbye! I love you!” Ana blew me a kiss and left.

  Later that night back stage, I watched the curtain close and heard the audience applauding. The opening night performance had ended without any major problems. I had noticed Jen scramble to fix something when one of the special effects didn’t work properly but somehow she made it work. For the curtain call the actress, who played Gillian, carried me out on stage for our bow. The audience stood, applauding loudly. I purred softly.

  I love being in the theatre! I know why Ana has spent so much time in it. I want to do this again and again! Backstage everyone was hugging each other. They even took turns holding and hugging me.

  Jen announced “Okay everyone we are having the opening night party in the college Rathskheller. They have closed it to everyone except cast and crew of the show. Yes, Thisbe, they have even said you can come. Cats in the Rat Cellar!” Everyone laughed then scrambled to the dressing rooms shouting and cheering. They all wanted to celebrate opening night.

  At the party, I was the center of attention. Everyone wanted to hold me or pet me and Ana indulged them for she knew I was
enjoying every minute. The party looked to be lasting a long, long time but Ana and I left early. Ana collected me from the arms of one of the cast members “Okay, Sarah Bernhardt, time for your beauty sleep. See you guys tomorrow night!”

  As we were leaving, Ana saw one of her students dancing on a table. “Ah, Lucy, I’ll see you in class tomorrow morning at eleven AM sharp, right?”

  Laughing, she waved good bye as we exited the noisy party. Out in the quiet of the night with only the muffled beat of the music echoing in our ears, Ana whispered to me, “Thisbe, you’ve had quite a month. You’re a star on the stage. You have an adoring public and you have just experienced your first cast party. We are going to host the closing night party at our house. You may stay up as late as you want to for that one! I don’t have class on Monday morning but we have to get home now because I do have classes tomorrow.”

  Because it was a college production, the show ran for only four performances. Friday and Saturday performances went smoothly. Jade and Jon, our downstairs neighbors came Saturday night. They came backstage after the show just to see me. Jade picked me up and said, “You were perfect, Thisbe! Ana, I would try to make some money with this cat. She is a natural on stage. You were wonderful Thisbe.”

  Closing night was Sunday with the cast party at our house. Ana spent Sunday morning and afternoon cleaning the apartment and setting up for the party.

  Watching Ana reminds me of watching Belinda set up for her holiday party. I haven’t thought about Belinda for a while. I wonder how she is doing. I wish she could have seen me in the show. Belinda liked to go to the theatre. She used to go with Gary and Roger. I wonder how they are doing. I wish my friends downstairs could see the show. I would love to invite them to the party. I don’t know how to let Ana know.

  Suddenly Ana stopped cleaning and said, “Oh, my gosh, Thisbe, I totally forgot to call and invite our downstairs neighbors to the party. If we are going to be making all this noise up here, they should be allowed to join us. Suddenly I knew I had to get Ana’s attention to tell her to invite my friends. I jumped up on the counter then back to the floor.

  “Meow…Ana, please tell Jade to bring Bronson and Polly and Spot!”

  I know Ana was trying to understand what I was trying to tell her then she must have figured it out.

  “What is it? What are you doing? Oh wait! Would you like your friends from downstairs to come to the party? I suppose I could set up a corner of the bedroom to accommodate a couple of perches. I’ll to have to put papers down on the floor but …is that what you want, baby?”

  I was overjoyed. Ana understood me!

  “MEOW! Yes! Yes! Yes!” I turned around and jumped back up on the counter.

  “You want just the birds?” Ana questioned “You seem to like to spend time with them.”

  I meowed loudly and jumped into Ana’s arms. Caught off guard Ana exclaimed “Whoa! Caught ya’ Okay, I guess that’s a big yes. All righty then, birds it is. No cats?”

  I made a low growling sound.

  “Well! I guess that’s a big no, huh? Don’t like those cats, eh? How about that big goofy Dalmatian?”

  I made a bark sound. I spoke dog too. Ana nearly dropped me in her surprise. “What did you just do? It sounded like a bark! You amaze me, Thisbe.” I purred contently in her arms. “Okay, we’ll ask for the Dalmatian, too. The Doberman doesn’t seem too friendly. He can stay at home.”

  Ana placed me on her shoulder as she picked up the phone. “Hello Jade, What are you guys doing tonight? …. Good! Want to come to the cast party? ….Right here in my apartment! ….. Yeah…Oh, can you bring your two big birds upstairs for the party and …oh…what’s the Dalmatian’s name? …Yeah Spot…Thisbe wants her friends at the party. The director taped the show the other night…yeah…gave me a copy so I’ll run the tape in the bedroom. I know Thisbe will want to show off to her friends. I’m sure your animals watch TV…. I know Thisbe does…Okay… cool...The kids are bringing tons of food and I have plenty here…sneak in a nap this afternoon because the party starts late. By the time the kids get here it’s going to be close to midnight...okay…See ya later!”

  She hung up the phone and told me, “Okay, kiddo, your friends are coming. I’ll set up the tape of the show in the bedroom so you guys can watch.”

  I purred loudly and rubbed my head against Ana’s ear. Ana laughed and responded “See, I do speak cat! We understand each other ‘purrrrfectly’!” Ana kissed me then placed me on the floor and continued to set up for the evening’s festivities.

  The final show was perfection. As “Gillian” raised me up to the audience for our final bow, the crowd rose to their feet applauding and cheering the entire cast. As the curtain closed the cast hugged and kissed each other with congratulations for a job well done.

  Stage Manager Jen clapped her hands for attention.

  “Hey, hey, listen up cast! Great job everyone now we can party but first, please get out of your costumes. Hang them up in your dressing rooms and replace all props on the appropriate prop tables. Crew and volunteers that signed up for strike we meet here for set strike at four PM tomorrow. Cast, as soon as you are out of costume and ready to go, please proceed to lot E. Some of you brought perishable food. It’s in the theatre office fridge. Don’t forget it! We’ll meet in Lot E so we can carpool to Miss Thisbe’s house. She is hosting the cast party.” A cheer rose up from the cast and crew.

  Jen continued. “Okay, Ana you get out of here and get things ready at your place. I know where you live so everyone follows me! Meet you all in about twenty minutes in lot E. Great show everyone….let’s party!”

  Ana collected me from one of the cast members and said “We have to go Miss Cast Party Hostess. Your maid here has to set up a few more things!” We packed up and drove home to await the cast for the party.

  As Ana turned into the house driveway she must have seen Jade because she beeped the horn. I heard Spot running around the yard barking. Ana parked the car and as she was talking my carrier out of the car, Jade said. “Hey, girl, we’re ready to party!”

  Ana walked quickly to the back door saying, “Cool, come on upstairs and we’ll set the animals up in the bedroom. They can have their own party! Come on Spot, come upstairs with me.”

  While Ana and Jade set up the bird perches, floor coverings, food bowls and the video player, I sat in the living room with Spot and began to tell him all about closing night.

  Then Jade called out to the living room, “Thisbe? Spot? The room is ready. Polly and Bronson are here now.” Spot and I ran into the room. “Okay kids, have fun. Ana will be here in a moment to start the video then you can watch Thisbe perform!”

  As if on cue, Ana walked in with some bowls of dog and cat treats and some treats for the birds. “Here I am with your treats. Now don’t eat it all at once! I’ll start the video and close the door. We’ll check on you kids in a little while. Come on Jade, the cast has started to arrive.”

  Ana and Jade left the bedroom and closed the door. The television came to life with a picture of the stage curtain. People walked around in front of the camera. Polly exclaimed “What? Is this all we see?”

  I laughed “No, just wait, the audience is being seated then the lights will go down and the show will start.” Just as I finished speaking the screen went dark and the show began. All of my friends watched in fascination as the show unfolded. When I walked on stage for the first time the room erupted in a cacophony of sound.

  “Aaach! There she is! There she is!” squawked Polly. Bronson whistled and said “You look great, Thisbe!” Spot just sat and watched in awe. My friends settled down and watched the rest of the show.

  Meanwhile, the party was in full swing in the other rooms of the house. I could hear the muffled sound of people talking and music playing. Ana opened the bedroom door slightly to see if the video had stopped but saw all my friends eyes glued to the television so she knew we were still watching the show. I know that she was glad for me that my friends were
able to see me perform. Ana quietly shut the door and returned to the party.

  At the end of the video, during the curtain call, the birds flapped their wings and whistled. Spot barked loudly. “Great! You were so cool!” My friends were very excited and complimentary. Jade opened the door to check on the animals. She saw they were all excited “What’s up, kids? Did you like the show? Wasn’t Thisbe great?” She checked on their food and water and then closed the door. My friends and I enjoyed a late night of celebration.


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