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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 6

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 6: Adventures at the Lakeshore

  It was well into spring when I noticed Ana packing a few things into boxes and bags.

  I knew that the bags and boxes meant only one thing…Oh NO! We’re NOT moving again! I began to jump on the boxes and tell Ana exactly what I thought.

  “Meow! I don’t want to move. I have friends downstairs. I want to stay here.”

  Ana looked at me and said, “Calm down, Thisbe, we’re not moving. We’re only going to the lakeshore for the summer. We’ll be back here for the fall. Okay? We have a nice place to live and I’m working at the theatre with Peter again. Just calm down. All is well. The semester is over and I have a summer job with the Theatre on the Lake again. Peter has made all the arrangements.”

  All right…We’re just going for the summer. Maybe this’ll be fun. I don’t want to move again. I like my friends downstairs. Ana is packing her things. I better get some of my things too.

  I brought my favorite toys over to Ana. “Please pack these for me.”

  Ana laughed at me, “Okay, I’ll pack your things too, Thisbe.” She placed my toys in her suitcase.

  “I have to bring these boxes down to the car. I’ll be back to pick up the bags and you. We don’t have time for long goodbyes with our neighbors downstairs. I promised Peter I would be at the lakeshore before it gets dark and it’s an hour drive.”

  With the car packed, quick goodbyes said to the neighbors downstairs and the apartment locked down tight, we were off for a summer of theatre and adventures.

  I was not excited about a long car drive so I curled up in my cozy carrier and fell asleep.

  I felt the car stop. Are we there yet? Then I heard Peter speaking to Ana at her window.

  “Mrs. Radisson is very gracious to let you stay here in the in-law apartment. She specifically asked for you to stay with her.”

  Ana replied “That was sweet of her. I’m sorry Mr. Radisson passed away. They were such great supporters of the Theatre. She must be terribly lonely in this mansion. Egad! I didn’t realize it was such a huge place. It’s beautiful.”

  Peter said, “I thought you might like it here. It’s quiet and away from the cast. This house is on ten acres of land that ends at the Kalamazoo River. There’s an English garden in the front yard and the land surrounding the house is filled with wild flowers and trees. The driveway is at LEAST a half mile long from the street to the house. It’s very quiet and peaceful here. It’s only ten minutes from the theatre. Look you can see the sunset over the river.”

  Ana said, “It is lovely here. Not that I’ll be spending LOTS of time here with the schedule we have this summer! Let’s go inside before it gets too late.”

  I was thrilled because from what I saw through the tiny door of my carrier there were a lot of trees and the house looked to be out in the country like Belinda’s. Now if only I am allowed to wander about outside like I did at Belinda’s. I hope so.

  We all entered the house to meet Mrs. Radisson. I had to stay in my carrier next to Ana’s feet. I carefully listened to the conversation. I heard Mrs. Radisson say that I could have run of the house. Oh that’s nice! That must mean I can run around the house and I don’t have to stay in one room all the time…and Mrs. Radisson said she likes cats. I think I might like it here. I looked out the door of my carrier. I could see large floor-to-ceiling windows throughout the living room, a cozy fireplace and a large brown fuzzy rug in front of it. Wow! This is even better than Belinda’s house. The windows are huge! Ana let me out of the carrier so that I could explore the house.

  Ana said “Go ahead, Thisbe, check out your summer home.”

  I immediately walked over to Mrs. Radisson and rubbed up against her leg. I purred a warm “Thank you.”

  Mrs. Radisson gently touched my ears. Her hands were very soft and delicate. “What a sweet little kitty! She’ll be a great guest. Thank you Ana for staying here. I feel so alone now that Harold passed. Having you sleep here will ease my mind considerably.”

  I had a good feeling about Mrs. Radisson. I liked this lady. She was much older than Belinda. It was very quiet in the house. I noticed the sun was disappearing but I could still see so many trees all around the house. There must be other animals living out there and lots of birds, too. I am sure I saw a squirrel in the garden. I wonder if I am allowed to go outside.

  Ana carried her suitcases upstairs and Peter brought up her boxes. I followed them to check out our new home. I heard Ana call it an “in-law apartment”. I didn’t know what that meant but the apartment was one large room with a small bathroom off the kitchen area. There was a bed, a dresser, a chair and a lamp. It was sparsely furnished. It wasn’t like our apartment in the city or even Belinda’s house. There were no pictures on the wall. In the kitchen area, there was a small table with two chairs, a sink, a stove and a refrigerator.

  I heard Ana tell Peter, “This should be adequate for us Peter. I spend most of my day at the theatre anyway. I’m glad that Mrs. Radisson likes cats and that Thisbe can roam about the house. It will be better for Thisbe to be out and about the house than cooped up in this tiny apartment. There are no windowsills for her to sit on. She would go stir-crazy in here.”

  Peter said, “I’m glad you like it. Goodnight Ana. I’ll see you at the theatre tomorrow morning at nine.”

  “Okay, Peter, thanks. This is great. Nice and peaceful. See you tomorrow.”

  Peter left. I heard him say goodnight to Mrs. Radisson and shut the door. Ana unpacked a few things then went downstairs to spend a little time with Mrs. Radisson. I wandered downstairs with Ana. The humans talked and I explored the room a bit more. When Mrs. Radisson retired for the night, Ana went back upstairs to our apartment to finish unpacking her things. I followed her upstairs. I jumped up on the bed to watch her.

  Ana said, “It’s a good thing you have run of the house, Tiz. Looks like there are lots of windows for you to explore! I have to finish unpacking and get ready for tomorrow. I am going to be very busy this summer. Peter has me running box office, helping with costumes and staring in two productions. Egad!”

  Ana was up early the next morning.

  “Not much time for breakfast, Thisbe. I am out of here. Let me get your food ready. It’ll be up here in our kitchen when you want to nibble during the day. I’ll be home late tonight. I love you!”

  Running downstairs and toward the front door, she said, “Good-bye Mrs. Radisson. I’ll try and stop by around lunch-time. If you need anything, just call me, okay? And thanks again, Mrs. Radisson.” Ana called up the stairs, “Thisbe?”

  I poked my head out the upstairs door. “Meow? Yes Ana?”

  “Be a good girl! Gotta run! See you later!” Ana dashed out the door.

  I padded down the stairs. I saw Mrs. Radisson sitting in her chair by the fire. She was all wrapped in a blanket with a fire burning in the fireplace. I think it’s warm but she must be cold. I rubbed up against her leg. Mrs. Radisson gently picked me up. I curled up on her lap. It was like being with Belinda again. We both fell asleep by the fire.

  During my first few days, I visited with Mrs. Radisson daily. I napped on her lap in the morning and in the afternoon she usually moved around the house cleaning or making things in the kitchen. I was fascinated with the scenery out the windows. There were so many birds and squirrels out there. I wondered if Ana would let me go outside. It looked so beautiful.

  One morning, as Ana was leaving, she said “Mrs. Radisson, I have a full day at the theatre. I cannot come back here until much later. Will you be okay here?”

  “Please call me Emma. Of course, dear, I am fine. I get up and get around all day long. You needn’t worry about me. Thisbe is here to keep me company. I have the television, my books and my beautiful home. Please don’t worry about me. Just put aside my ticket for tomorrow night’s opening. Go! Have fun. Don’t work too hard. Let Peter do some of the work.”

  “Okay, Emma, see you and Thisbe later.” Ana waved goodbye as she ran out the door.r />
  I was in the living room looking out the windows. Emma sat in her chair by the fireplace.

  “Good morning Thisbe. It seems like a very warm day today. I don’t think I will turn on the fireplace but I will open some windows to let some fresh air in this old stale house. You know, you spend a lot of time in this room with me. If you would like to explore more of this mansion, please feel free. This floor alone has a library, dining room, guest bedrooms, a laundry room, a plant room and upstairs are bedrooms, another reading room…well there are many rooms to explore. You don’t have to spend the day with me. I have some reading I’d like to catch up on.”

  I looked up to Emma and purred. “Thank you. I think I will explore this house a little.”

  I wandered past the kitchen by a room filled with many books and large chairs. Then there was another room on the right filled with old, brown plants, pots and clutter. Ana likes plants. Maybe she could come in here someday and fix these. They don’t look very green. What is in this room? I curiously peered around the corner to find a very small room and a door. There was a small pet door like in Danny’s house…finally a way to the outside!

  Cautiously I poked my head out and found myself looking into an overgrown garden. At one time this must have been a beautiful garden but now it is over grown with weeds. Belinda didn’t like weeds in her garden. Poor Emma, she doesn’t get outside much anymore. While I was walking down the stone path glancing at the garden, I suddenly came face to face with a black squirrel. We both stopped and looked each other in the eye. The squirrel was about to scamper off when I called out, “Wait! Stop! Please don’t run off, I’d like to talk to you. My name is Thisbe. I live here now. Do you have a name?”

  The squirrel looked confused. “Ah…the cats and dogs in the area usually chase me but you want to TALK to me?” He shrugged and said, “Ah…okay… talk…um…you want to know if I have a name? Name? I don’t know what a name is but the other squirrels call me Stumpy on account of my tail. The fox nabbed me a year ago and got the tip of my tail. It ain’t so short but they always tease me about it.” He flicked his black bushy tail back and forth.

  I said, “It doesn’t look short to me. It looks just fine but do you mind if I call you Stumpy?”

  “Naw, I don’t care. Call me whatever you want. What do I call you? Cat?”

  “My name is Thisbe.”

  “Tizbee? Nice to meet ya.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Do you know the area well? I’d like to explore it but I am afraid I’ll get lost.”

  “Well, I ain’t doin’ nothin’ right now. I’ll give ya a guided tour and show ya where to go and where NOT to go. Ya gotta watch out for the fox. He will sneak up on you. You are the perfect size for his lunch. Believe me. I’ve seen him snag many a squirrel around here.”

  I shuttered at the thought but trusted this little squirrel. He must have trusted me. I followed him out of the garden and into the meadow behind the house.

  “If you walk down here along the path, it will take you to the river’s edge. You also have to watch out for the eagle. She’ll pick you up and you’ll be her supper.”

  “I didn’t realize how dangerous this area was. It looks so peaceful from inside the house.” I was cautiously following my new friend when suddenly he disappeared into the underbrush. I saw a large shadow pass on the ground. Before I could look up, a talon clasped my collar and I was airborne. I began to choke as the collar cut off my air. I tried to kick free but things were beginning to get dark. Suddenly I was dropped into a soft nest. I took a few deep breaths and quickly assessed my situation. Three baby eagles were crying for their food. The mother eagle circled around and landed on the edge of the nest. I stood up on my back legs, bared my front claws and put on my most ferocious face. I didn’t want to let the eagle know I was terrified.

  I managed to say, “Don’t come near me, Mrs. Eagle, I’ll have to scratch your eyes out.”

  The eagle looked at me and laughed, “My, you are so ferocious for such a tiny animal! How am I going to feed you to my children? Will you tear them up? I suppose I should have killed you before I brought you home. You are not going to attack my babies are you?” The eagle chuckled to herself.

  I quickly replied, “You do not want to feed me to your children. I am skin and bones. No meat here AND I will claw you if you come near me!”

  “Mama…feed us…we’re hungry” cried the eaglets.

  The eagle replied, “Very well, little gray soldier, I will not eat you… this moment. You are a tenacious and brave little beast. I admire that in an animal. Usually the animals I pick up are begging for their lives but not you.”

  I was relieved to hear that and graciously replied, “Thank you, Mrs. Eagle”

  The eagle seemed pleased. “And you are so polite! I have never met a snack that is so polite.”

  “Mama…we’re hungry...can we eat now?” The eaglets were insistent.

  “I don’t know darlings. I don’t think this cat will taste very good. She seems a bit tough. Perhaps I should go and get something else. Would you like rabbit, my dears?”

  “Yes, Mama, rabbit is good.”

  “Well, little grey cat…”

  “My name is Thisbe.”

  Surprised, the eagle replied “You have a name? Well, then, I never eat anything that has a name. One does NOT name its food. I will return you from where I found you.”

  I quickly replied, “Oh Mrs. Eagle, could you not pick me up by my collar. It chokes me and I cannot breathe.”

  “Very well, Miss Thisbe, but if I pick you up with my feet…” The eagle raised her right claw. The talons gleamed in the sun.

  I looked at the large talons and grimaced, “Right…could be painful.”

  “I have an idea,” said Mrs. Eagle, “hop on my back. You look to be very light. Hang on tightly and you will fly on my broad back.”

  “Fly? What if I fell off? We are high up in this tree. I could climb down and …”

  “Nonsense! I will fly you down to the bottom of the tree. You will be safe, Miss Thisbe.”

  Reluctantly, I climbed upon the eagle’s back.

  “Ready now Thisbe? Off we go.” The eagle soared a little higher than the tree. I dug my claws into the back of the giant bird. I closed my eyes tightly. “Oh I hope I don’t fall.”

  “Oh my Thisbe, you do have some claws” exclaimed the eagle, “I’ll put you down right here. Ouch! I suppose you could have clawed my eyes out with those sharp talons!” The eagle landed safely on the ground. I tumbled off the bird but landed on my feet.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Eagle. Sorry about the claws. Back at my old house my best friend was a little bird. Her name was Chipper. We did everything together and her mother told Lady Hawk and Mrs. Owl about me. Mrs. Owl saved me from the mean old fox that lived nearby.”

  “Well, Miss Thisbe, you are quite bird friendly. It is my understanding that cats eat small birds. You have never eaten a bird?”

  “Well…before I knew what it was I ate some turkey that my human Mama gave to me but then I met a living turkey. Discovering it was a bird, I never ate turkey again.”

  “My, my you are a surprise a minute. Well, Miss Thisbe, I will inform the other birds in the area that you are bird-friendly and will not eat them. In turn, I am sure they will not eat you…the larger ones, that is. Now run along. Oh, do you have any rabbit friends?”

  “Not yet, I just moved here a short time ago. This is my first time outside.”

  “Good, I would not want to eat one of your friends. I saw you with a black squirrel. I am sure he thinks you are gone. Run along and find your friend.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Eagle. Good bye” I scampered off to find my friend Stumpy.

  “Stumpy…where are you? Come on out. Mrs. Eagle won’t eat you if you are with me.”

  I ran past the bush where the eagle first picked me up and there was Stumpy nibbling on an acorn.

  “Thisbe? You’re alive? Wow! How did you do that? I saw that eagle pick
you up and carry you away. I figured you for a goner.”

  “I have a name so she won’t eat me.” I replied matter-of-factly. “She says she doesn’t name her food. So, if you get caught just tell her your name and that you are a friend of mine. She won’t eat you.”

  “You are one amazing cat, Thisbe. Follow me. I have to introduce you to the gang. YOU have to tell them your story. They won’t believe me.”

  “Stumpy, I think I have had enough excitement for one day. I’ll meet your friends another time. Right now I want to go back to my house, eat something and go to sleep.”

  “Okay, Thisbe but I’ll look for you out in the garden and bring my friends over to meet ya. See ya.” He ran up the nearest tree looking for more food. I ran to the safety of the house.

  I found the small pet door and made my way inside the house. I was famished and ran upstairs to my food. I was devouring my meal when I heard Ana come in.

  She ran up the stairs. “Hi Thisbe, I’m home for just a minute to pick up a couple of things I forgot. I’m happy to see you enjoying some food, baby.”

  Ana had no idea I was at death’s door just moments before. She rubbed me on the head and said, “Love you, baby, be good. I’ll be home later. How’s that collar working out? I know you’re not crazy about them but it does have all your info on it and your rabies vaccination info. Do you have enough food? Here, let me put a little more in your dish.” She refilled my food dish and bolted. I stood at the door and watched Ana run down the stairs. She went over to Emma and said, “Hi there, Emma, how are you doing? Do you need anything?”

  Emma replied, “No love, I ate the sandwich you made with some crisps, I had a cup of tea and now I am ready to take a little nap. Where’s Thisbe?”

  “She’s upstairs having a little lunch herself. I’m sure she’ll be down to nap with you as soon as she’s finished.” Looking toward the stairs, Ana saw me coming downs, “Here she comes now. Thisbe, are you going to nap with Emma?”

  “Meow…Oh yes, I want to stay in my safe house and nap.

  I jumped into the cozy lap of Mrs. Radisson and curled up.

  “I guess that’s a yes! I’ll be home late tonight. Emma, you’ll probably be in bed. Lock up tight. I have my key. If you need anything, please call the theatre. Take care.” Ana closed the door.

  Emma shook her head and said, “My, my, my Thisbe, Ana is always in such a hurry, the poor dear. She should take it easy. Come, Thisbe, let’s you and me take a little nap together.”

  Mrs. Radisson and I settled in for a peaceful afternoon snooze.


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