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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

Page 9

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 9: Leaving Michigan

  All of Emma’s family left after a few days. I heard one of them telling Ana that they wanted her to stay in the house throughout the winter. Then one morning, while Duchess and I were eating our breakfast, I heard Peter telling Ana, “Well, I’m off to London. I’ll probably be there until the spring. I’m still working on a new theatre idea back in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, you don’t mind that Duchess stays here with you and Thisbe, do you? I can’t take her to London with me.”

  I heard Ana laugh and say, “Are you crazy? I love Duchess and I can see Thisbe likes her too. I’m glad Tiz has a friend. I just heard from the radio station in town. They upgraded me to a full time job there for the winter so I’ll be gone all kinds of crazy hours. I’ve got on air shifts and I’m helping with sales and bookkeeping. I’m glad Thisbe has a friend to play with through the winter. Go to London and get that show off the ground. We’ll be fine here for the winter.”

  Duchess and I looked at each other and smiled. We knew that there would be many days of outside fun in store for us.

  Winter was firmly entrenched at the house. The trees were bare except for a few tenacious brown leaves. This morning they were encased in the ever-present snow and ice.

  Before going to work this morning, Ana allowed Duchess to run around outside for a bit. “Come on Duchess. Come in now.”

  Duchess ran inside. Ana said, “Bye, loves. Have a great day. I’ll see you tonight. You guys are all set with food and the newspapers for Duchess are on the floor in the laundry room along with Thisbe’s litter box. Be good, kids! Love you guys!”

  We watched Ana leave through the side door to the garage. We finished our breakfast then wandered into the living room to look out at the winter wonderland. The trees and ground were covered with a white blanket of new snow.

  “Duchess, I remember walking in the snow at Belinda’s house. It was very cold on my paws. I think I’ll stay inside today where it’s warm.”

  “Oh Thisbe, I love the snow! It’s so pretty. Don’t you want to go outside and play?”

  “No, Duchess, if you want to go outside, go ahead, you know where the door is…go out and have fun! I’ll watch you from inside this nice, warm, dry house.”

  “All right, if you’re going to stay in here then sit in the window and watch me play. It will be like you are outside with me.”

  Duchess ran to door. I took a seat on a chair facing out the window. Suddenly I saw Duchess running madly through the snow banks blasting snow everywhere. A few squirrels began to chase her then she chased them. It was a merry game in the backyard. I laughed at her from my warm, dry perch. Duchess you are one silly dog. Look at you, covered in snow and running like a maniac. Too funny! I wonder if that is what I looked like when I ran in the snow with Belinda. No wonder she laughed at me.

  Duchess chased the squirrels until they climbed up in the trees where they sat scolding her as she jumped up and barked at the tree. I laughed and tapped my paw on the window. Duchess looked up. She faintly heard me through the glass calling “COME INSIDE DUCHESS. YOU ARE SOAKING WET.”

  “Woof! Okay Thisbe, I’m cold. I’ll come in.” She ran in and joined me in the warm living room. Her fur was dripping wet.

  “Duchess, you better go roll on your blanket in the laundry room and dry off. I don’t think Ana would like it if you got the chairs or sofa wet. Besides that, silly, she’ll know you’ve been outside. We want to keep our special door a secret for as long as we can! Knowing Ana she’ll block it up so we can’t get out.”

  Duchess took my advice and rolled around on her blanket. She came back and found a warm heating place on the floor where she curled up and took a nap. I sat on the chair and continued to gaze out the window. Suddenly the deer family appeared. They looked in and saw me. Big Brother walked up to the window and placed his nose to the glass. I tried to talk through the thick glass pane.

  “HELLO. ARE YOU BIG BROTHER?” The deer nodded yes. “I THINK ANA LEFT SOME FOOD AROUND THE SIDE.” I indicated the side of the house but the deer didn’t understand.

  I suddenly felt a cold draft, turned and saw Emma standing next to me looking happier and younger than I remembered.

  “Hello, Emma, can you help the deer? I think Ana left some apples outside but they can’t find them in the snow.”

  Emma smiled. “Of course, Thisbe, I will go and make sure the deer find the apples. You are such a sweet cat. I just wanted to tell you that I am happy and well. I feel free and at peace. Some animals here are telling me to say hello…what is that? All right, Thisbe your mother says hello…all right…wait a minute…Muffin is very excited and says she likes your new friend, Duchess…yes… I hear you little one…a small bird named Chipper says she’s glad you got to fly.”

  I laughed. “Yes, in something called an airplane and very briefly on the back of an eagle.”

  Emma replied, “Yes, she says now you know what it’s like to fly. Well, I just wanted to see you and convey these messages to you….what is that Chipper…all right…she wants to say hello and that she misses you.”

  “I miss you too Chipper.”

  “Oh Thisbe, there is another animal here. He’s a very handsome black cat. He says his name is Thomas.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “Thomas? Hello, my dear. How are you?”

  Emma smiled and nodded to the invisible cat. “He tells me he is no longer deaf and wants you to know he still loves you…when he didn’t see you anymore…he was heartbroken and…did not understand…okay…he says he feels very good and can’t wait to see you again…ah Thomas, you are too romantic…Thisbe he tells me you are lovelier than ever.”

  I smiled and said, “I can’t wait to see you again but I think I’d like to stay here for a little while longer.”

  Emma smiled and said, “We are here on this side for a long, long time Thisbe but you are only there in that world for a short time. Enjoy your time with your family and friends. We will wait for you here. I will go and help the deer then I am joining my husband to look in on our daughters. Good bye, dear.”

  “Goodbye Emma. Come back and visit again. Tell Arturo I said hello.”

  “I did meet him. He’s watching over his beloved wife. When I see him, I will tell him you said hello. I may pop in from time to time. It seems you have a fan club here on this side and they all want to talk to you whenever they get the chance. Goodbye Thisbe.” Emma faded away.

  Duchess and I continued to escape outside during the cold, sunny winter days. Standing at the door one morning, I said, “Duchess, I think I am getting used to the cold and snow. It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. Ana still puts on my sweater when she takes us out together but I don’t think I need it. I saw our squirrel friends out there. I have to get out of here for a little while. Let’s go out and race them to the river.”

  “Okay Thisbe, let’s go” Duchess dove out of the small door with me right behind her.

  We romped through the snow then found a path worn down to the dirt and followed it to the edge of the river. Duchess was rooting around through the old dry leaves when she found our two turtle friends’ buried in a pile of leaves. She hollered to me.


  I caught up. “What was that, Duchess? Oh hello Tobey and Bodey! How are you?”

  Bodey spoke up first, “Hey, Duchess, do you think we might be trying to SLEEP in here? It’s very cold out there for us. We’re trying to stay warm and quiet in here.”

  Tobey added, “Yeah, you goofy dog, you have a nice warm house to sleep in.”

  Duchess hung her head and said softly, “I’m sorry.”

  “We’re fine, Thisbe, we’re trying to get some sleep and stay warm…that is until Duchess woke us up.”

  “I said I was sorry” replied Duchess.

  I spoke up for my friend, “We’re sorry, guys, we’re just exploring out here. It got a little boring in the house.
Sorry to have bothered you. We’ll see you in the spring! Come on, Duchess. Let’s go back to the house. I’m cold and wet and I’m sure you are too.”

  “Well, actually, I’d…”

  I interrupted her, “I’m sure YOU are cold and wet also…let’s go.”

  Duchess finally understood, “OH, yeah, I am cold. Good bye guys.”

  The two turtles mumbled a goodbye as we ran toward the house. When we reached the back door, I was out of breath, “Okay…Duchess…I…am…ready…for…a…nap. How…about…you?”

  Duchess, a few years younger than me, was always running around outside. She was far less out of breath. “I’m fine, Thisbe, but if you want to go in and take a nap, I’ll go in with you. I guess I could dry off.”

  “There is a big brown furry rug in front of the fireplace. It is near the heating hole in the floor. It would be nice and warm there.” I suggested.

  Duchess replied “Okay, Thisbe, let’s go!”

  We shook off any excess water and snow then crawled in through the little door and rolled around on our blankets for a bit. We walked out into the living room and found our warm sleeping space then drifted off into a peaceful nap.

  Ana was home most evenings and for a couple of days during the week. I knew human time by now and had figured out weeks, months and years. I taught Duchess all I knew. The three of us often spent time watching television or curled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace. We had a quiet Yule Celebration. Ana bought a small tree in a bucket and we decorated it with a few balls and something called popcorn. I didn’t care for it but after we took the decorations off the tree, Duchess ate most of the popcorn. The rest of the winter by the lakeshore was very quiet.

  One morning, Ana received a telephone call. It was early, before she went to work.

  I was sitting at Ana’s feet. She looked down at me and said, “Well, Thisbe, it looks like we are going to have to move again. The family just told me that they are going to sell the property. They thanked me for watching over the place during the winter.” She picked me up and carried me to the living room where we sat on the sofa. Duchess trotted over and joined us

  Ana continued talking to us, “Duchess, Peter is on his way back from London. He called and told me he worked out a new theatre deal back in Massachusetts. He is in the process of selling the summer theatre here. We’re all moving back to Massachusetts to work in the new theatre.”

  Duchess and I listened intently. Ana looked at us and said, “You know, I talk to you guys all the time as if you understood. There are times when I know you do.” She stood up and said “Well, I’m going to start packing up my things. Peter will be home tomorrow and we’ll make plans then.” Ana went upstairs to her bedroom.

  I turned to Duchess and said, “I’m going to have to move again. I’m a little sad to leave this wonderful home. We’ve had so much freedom to go outdoors and have so much space inside. I hope our new home will be just as nice. We might be housemates again.”

  “Ana did say she was going to work with Peter but sometimes I get confused. I don’t understand everything. You’re very smart, Thisbe. You seem to know a lot of things.”

  I smiled. “Well, Duchess, I’m a little older than you. I’ve lived in many places and have seen a lot of things. Ana has talked to me like she talks to her human friends since I was a kitten. I understand most of what she tells me.”

  Soon the packing was finished. Duchess and I were careful to stay clear of the boxes and objects moving about the house. Many times we would disappear out the secret pet door. I wanted to say goodbye to my friends by the river.

  I’ve watched Ana pack many times. She was an expert and was soon ready to go. Ana said most of the items in the house belonged to Mrs. Radisson, so there was very little packing to do. When Peter returned, I heard him make arrangements with someone he called the movers to send their things ahead of them to a storage company. Peter had moved most of his things to Emma’s house. He had very little furniture and a few boxes. The big moving truck came one day and the men moved all of their furniture and most of the boxes into the big truck. It drove away. I heard Ana say to Peter, “Well there’s goes my life, once again. Let’s hope it makes back to Massachusetts safe and sound. Oh by the way, I sold my car to Joey. I got a good price for it. So now we have some start up money to live on for a while until the theatre gets going.” Peter laughed and said, “Great! You can drive my car until you find one in Massachusetts. I’m sure our stuff will get back there safe and sound but I did buy insurance so we are protected. Let’s get my car packed with our suitcases and essentials. It’ll be good to get back to our home turf.” Then he packed up his big car. Duchess and I just watched and took everything in. For the most part, I sort of understood what was going on so I tried to explain it to Duchess. She was in awe of everything that was happening.

  Ana took a final look around the house, picked me up and said, “Okay Thisbe, I hope you are up for a long car ride. We’re all driving back to Massachusetts. We’ll stop overnight somewhere to sleep. It’s going to be a long drive. Perhaps you should try to sleep.”

  Peter was waiting in the car. Ana locked up the house and placed the key in a box outside the door. “Elaina is coming tomorrow. She said to put the key here. Goodbye old house.”

  Then I saw Emma standing by the door. She was waving. I looked toward her. Goodbye Emma.

  Duchess and I were in the back of the car amid suitcases and boxes. I was in my large carrier. Ana made it very cozy with warm blankets and some treats. Duchess was by my side lying on a blanket.

  “Duchess, I don’t like long car drives. I try to sleep as much as possible. Car rides make me sick.”

  “Oh Thisbe, I’m sorry to hear that. I love to ride in the car. Peter takes me everywhere with him.”

  Duchess kept trying to talk to me but I ignored the chatty cocker spaniel and pretended to sleep. I wish Duchess would go to sleep. I don’t want to think about this car ride. I’m excited about this move. We’re going back to Massachusetts. Maybe I’ll see Belinda again!

  Peter spoke sternly to the noisy dog, “Duchess, be quiet! Just lie down and go to sleep. Leave Thisbe alone.”

  Duchess whispered to me, “Sorry, Thisbe, I’ll be quiet. You try and get some sleep.”

  I fell asleep with visions of Belinda’s yard running through my mind.

  We stopped at night to sleep in a room then we were all on the road again early in the morning. Peter said to Ana, “I made arrangements to rent a house near the beach. I want to arrive before nightfall. We have about eight more hours of travel.” I promptly fell asleep.

  It was late afternoon when the car finally stopped. I looked out the door of the carrier. Seeing many tree tops and blue sky, I thought, good start. I like trees. Hopefully we’ll have a yard to play in. Peter and Ana got out of the car. Peter addressed us animals in the back, “You guys stay here right now. I want to open up the house. Come on, Ana! Let’s check out our new digs.” They returned to the car in a little while to get us. They wanted to show us our new house. Ana picked up my carrier and Duchess jumped out of the car. Once inside, Ana opened the carrier and let me out.

  I stretched and looked around. Ana said, “This will be your new home, kids. Check it out. Come Thisbe, our bedroom is this way. Come here, I’ll show you. I set up your litter box in here.” Ana walked to the bedroom door and then pointed to the room across the hallway. “Duchess and Peter are sleeping in that room. This room is ours, Tiz.”

  I followed Ana and began sniffing every inch of the room. There was a dog that lived here. I can smell it. I found my litter box. I was now content. Duchess was her typical crazy self, overly excited and running from room to room. As I entered the living room, Duchess ran into me.

  “Thisbe…where are you? Oh, there you are, come here and check out this room. The kitchen is here and the bedrooms are over here. Where are you going to sleep? I like the couch. Want to go outside?” Then the manic dog stood in front of me panting an
d wagging her stubby tail. She was very excited about her new home.

  Ah, Duchess, you are sometimes too crazy for me. I do love you. You make me smile. I said to Duchess, “Slow down, Duchess. Let’s get settled first and explore later. I’m hungry, aren’t you? I hope Ana gives me some food soon. Tell Peter you’re hungry, too, and they’ll set out our food in the kitchen.”

  I heard Ana talking to Peter. She was talking about the house. I didn’t understand all of what she was saying but it sounded interesting. “Peter, this old beach house is fully furnished with the typical summer furniture. It’s worn but clean. The décor is very ‘90’s beach house’ what with all the rattan furniture and the mauve and blue color scheme and all. I love it! Can’t complain. We’ve got a fully equipped kitchen complete with a washer and dryer. I tried the bed and it seems firm and comfortable. Good job finding this!” Ana approved of the new house, “You did well, Peter, this is a great place. It’s right across the street from the beach. Not that we’ll be seeing much of the beach this summer! I like the neighborhood. It’s quiet and off the beaten path.”

  Peter replied, “Thanks, Ana, I had some friends who knew about this place. It’s perfect for us and it’s not far from the theatre.”

  They began to unpack. Duchess and I sat patiently in the kitchen by our empty bowls. Peter walked into the kitchen and called out to Ana, “Hey Ana are you okay with this pet door? Do you think Thisbe will run off?”

  Ana called out from her room, “The yard is closed off with a fence so she should be fine. I’ll make sure she has her collar on. Duchess has one on, doesn’t she? She used to go outside at my Aunt Belinda’s house. It’s pretty quiet around here. She should be fine.”

  Peter began filling our bowls with food, “Oh yeah, I think they’ll stay in the yard. They should be fine. We’ll leave enough food for the both of them. With the two of us at the theatre for most of the day and night, I’m glad Duchess will have a way to get out and do her thing.”

  Ana walked into the kitchen, “Peter, I’m almost unpacked. I’ve just got a few things to put away. How about you?”

  Peter was running water in the sink. “I’m all set. How about we head over to the theatre and check out the old place? The kids seem to be settled. I gave them some food and they dove into it. I guess they were hungry. We can pick up some dinner somewhere. We’ll need to hit the grocery store at some time to pick up essentials. Let’s go. ‘Bye Thisbe and Duchess. We’ll be home later tonight.”

  Peter and Ana left, locking the front door behind them. Duchess and I finished our food. I was licking my paws and cleaning my face when Duchess turned to me and said, “Did you notice the small door? It’s like the one we had in the other house. Do you want to go outside and explore the yard?”

  “Let’s go!” I dashed for the door with Duchess following close behind me.

  The door opened out to a narrow stone walkway. There was a high wooden fence very close to the walkway. We followed the broken stone walkway around to the back of the house which then expanded into a patio furnished with a few old wooden chairs. We looked around the yard. The grass was over grown. The tall wooden fence surrounded the yard. Neither one of us could climb that wall. In the far corner of the yard was a wood shed. The door was rusted off its hinges. At one time a small garden grew along the fence but it was forgotten long ago.

  I spoke up first, “Duchess, it looks like no one has lived here for a long time. Did you smell a dog in the house?”

  Duchess nodded “Yes, it was faint but I could smell it. I wonder who lived here. I heard Peter tell Ana that it was a summer house. There’s a big tree over there on the far side of the yard. Race you!”

  We dashed across the yard to the tree. Duchess won the race.

  “I beat you Thisbe.”

  “Yeah but you can’t climb the tree.” I raced up the tree to the first safe limb. “Duchess, I wish you could see this! There is a lot of water not too far from here. It looks much bigger than a pond or a river. It goes on forever! There is a house next door and a few across the street. It’s very quiet out there. I don’t see any other animals.” I scampered down the tree.

  “Thisbe, I heard Peter tell Ana that we were going to live at the beach. Maybe that’s a beach out there. He said it would be close to the water. I would like to get out of here sometime and look at the water.”

  I looked down the other side of the house. “It looks like there is more yard over here. Come on.” We walked down the narrow yard to the end but the fence prevented us from going any further.

  “Well, I guess we can run around in the back, huh, Thisbe?”

  “I suppose. Maybe other animals will climb into the tree and come to visit us. Birds and squirrels can come into our yard. Duchess, it’s getting dark. There are no lights outside. I think I want to go back in and nap. How about you?”

  “Okay, I’ll be in shortly.”

  I walked to the little door leaving Duchess sniffing around the yard.

  Throughout the summer, Ana and Peter were gone for most of the day, only to come home and sleep. That allowed Duchess and me to have plenty of time to play outside. We met a few squirrels and a couple of birds. Before I realized it, Ana’s was celebrating my birthday.

  That morning Ana called, “Thisbe, I made your favorite meal…come on sleepyhead wake up. It’s your birthday! I have scrambled eggs and now that we’re back in Massachusetts, I’ve got linguica. I know it’s your favorite.”

  I came running out of the bedroom to the kitchen. “Meow! You have linguica?”

  Ana cooked some of the spicy Portuguese sausage and mixed it into the scrambled eggs. I joyfully ate my special once-a-year treat.

  “Tonight, Thisbe we’ll have a little party for you. Peter is going to cook a special dinner and we bought some presents for you.”

  That evening, Ana and Peter brought ice cream home for everyone. I was happy. I love ice cream. Duchess seems to eat up everything and anything. I’ve noticed that I receive fewer toys each year. I guess because I am getting older. The one gift I really love this year is my new bed. The old black furry bed I used to have disappeared a long time ago. I find it’s getting harder to jump up on Ana’s bed or on a chair these days. My new bed is soft and comfy and close to the floor. This was a good birthday.


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