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Fearless & Fabulous: 10 Powerful Strategies for Getting Anything You Want in Life

Page 7

by Cara Alwill Leyba

  Meditation brings us to the here and now. It forces us to be in the present moment, letting go of all the stress we carry worrying about the past or the future. And as I’ve mentioned throughout this whole book, focusing on both of those things is often the root of our fear. When we get into the present moment, there is no space for us to experience worry or regret. Our only job is to experience exactly what is happening right now.

  What I love most about meditation is that it allows us to connect with our natural state: a state of purity, peace, and happiness. You probably don’t realize it, but that state is our default setting. You are meant to be happy all the time. Humans aren’t meant to suffer and lead stress-filled lives. It’s the outside forces of life that cloud us and make us feel frazzled, exhausted, and anxious. And it’s those outside forces that breed our fear and stop us from leading the fabulous lives we’re meant to live.

  It may seem counterproductive to spend your time meditating after I’ve talked all about action. It took a long time for me to get into it. I am extremely Type-A, so you can imagine what slowing down felt like for me. I thought it was a total waste of time and I thought it would take me away from working on my business. But that could not be further from the truth. While action is extremely important in moving past fear and creating your future, slowing down and becoming centered is just as important, if not more. You have to meditate and connect with your inner muse at least once a day in order to unlock your most fearless and fabulous self. Trust me on that.

  And I will not take excuses! I know you’re busy. I know the kids are demanding little creatures. I know you’re up to your ears in projects, and you still have to get to the supermarket and the dry cleaner. But if you are committing to everything I’m teaching you in this book, then you need to create some space for this daily practice. It will make you a better mother, wife, friend, daughter, employee, and an all around more fabulous person. Again, I’m not talking about thirty minutes. I’m not even talking about fifteen minutes. If you can devote even ten minutes a day to meditation, I promise you will see some pretty amazing results.

  If you aren’t a fan of meditation, or it’s too difficult for you (believe me – I get it), then try exercise. A good old-fashioned sweat is a surefire way to clear your mind and release all of the stress and worry. In fact, I workout more than I meditate, but that’s okay because working out is my meditation. There is something so empowering about walking into the gym and knowing that for the next hour or so, it’s all about getting in my zone. I bring all of the stress and crap that I’ve accumulated that day and let it all go. I sweat it out, spin it out, run it out – whatever my choice of exercise is that day. I don’t look at my phone other than to cue up my playlist.

  You can channel your inner muse in whatever way works for you – just get there. Clear away all the bullshit from the outside world and find your girl. She’s waiting for you.


  Set aside at least twenty minutes per day to either meditate or workout in order to connect with your inner muse. Write down how you feel before and after.









  My inner muse is my natural state. I connect with this place by clearing my head.

  So here we are! In my typical Champagne Diet style, I’d suggest pouring a glass of bubbly (or sparkling water in a fancy glass) as we toast the end to this fabulous journey. You can go ahead and get one, I’ll wait!

  Let’s review our manifestos. I’m a big fan of quick bites of positivity to inspire you on a moment’s notice, so feel free to write these down and reference them whenever you need to.


  You can spend your energy getting excited or being afraid. The choice is yours.


  You are forever changed as a person when you remain chained to a life that is not aligned with your authentic self.


  Genuine confidence comes from within. Celebrate what you love about yourself and give up your self-limiting beliefs.


  Nothing fabulous happens inside of a comfort zone.


  It’s impossible to be afraid when you have an unwavering faith that everything will work out exactly as it should. Cultivate this faith every single day.


  The past does not define me. Every day is a fresh start to be the “haute couture” designer of my new and fabulous reality.


  By embracing fear, I take away its power over me.


  Fear would not exist if failure didn’t. Redefine your definition of failure and look for opportunities to stretch and grow.


  I view my life as an adventure. The more I detach from the outcome of things, the more power I take back.


  My inner muse is my natural state. I connect with this place by clearing my head.

  I want you to know how immensely grateful I am that you chose me to be a part of your experience in becoming a more fearless and fabulous woman. I hope that the tools and strategies I’ve taught you help you live a life that inspires you.

  I am so proud of you for investing the time and energy into yourself by reading this book. Please understand that this is all a process. This book is the first step, but certainly not the last. Be patient with yourself. This book should be used as a reference guide, so come back to it as often as you need.

  And finally, know that something more powerful than either of us can imagine led you to this moment. Know that you are in this exact place in your life for a reason and that the Universe is working in your favor. You are primed for greatness, so let go of believing otherwise.

  Cheers to your new fearless and fabulous life!

  With love and gratitude,


  I am honored by the generous contributions of the women who helped make this book special: Jonna Spilbor, Keryl Pesce, Lisa Czarina Michaud, Victoria James, Annette Callan, Debbie Vasquez, Kelly Barkhurst, and Rachelle Walker. Thank you for being brave enough to share your stories. You are all an inspiration!

  I am immensley grateful to Cara Loper at Loose Lid Creative, who has worked tirelessly with me for years on bringing these books to life. You are talented, dedicated, and patient. Thank you for everything, always.

  To all of my readers, thank you so much for your support. I am so very thankful for every comment, email, tweet, and kind word. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you probably know.

  To my husband, Ryan, for your endless support, kindness, and love. You have believed in me from the start and you make me feel like I can do anything. I love you!

  Cara Alwill Leyba is an Author and Master Life Coach from New York City. She is the founder of the popular blog,, which has been featured in Glamour, Shape, Cosmopolitan South Africa, Marie Claire UK, Daily Mail UK, and many other sites and publications worldwide. Cara’s writing has appeared in The Huffington Post, Marie Claire UK, MTV News, and others.

  Cara runs an international boutique coaching practice where she works with women who are ready to make their happiness and priority. Through loving guidance, support, and an expert perspective, Cara empowers women to be the change agent in their lives. To learn more about Cara or to work
with her, please visit

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  Surprise! There’s more!

  Feel free to use the next few pages as your Fearless & Fabulous diary. Write down anything that makes you feel amazing: quotes, notes, ideas, thoughts, mantras...go crazy!




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