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Nathan The Billionaire: The Complete Series (A Navy SEAL Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Page 39

by Claire Adams

  “For what? For almost getting you killed? You have nothing to thank me for.”

  “Yes, I do. Thank you for showing me the kind of passion I never knew existed. The kind of excitement I only dreamed was real in books and television shows.”

  “Hopefully, I can get us through this excitement and onto a boring life. I hate that you have had to go through all of this because of the mistakes I made.”

  “We’re a team. Isn’t that what the plan was? You and I, together.”

  She continued to kiss up and down my neck gently. I felt her hands as they reached for my pants and unbuckled them. I hated that I wasn’t able to do more, but she seemed to enjoy being in charge a little.

  Things between Jordan and I were so opposite of my relationship with any other woman. I was always in charge. I was always the one who pushed for things to move forward. Having the shit beat out of me sure had changed the dynamic between us, and it was for the better. I couldn’t imagine Jordan would have taken very well to the typical me. Perhaps things were working out exactly as they should – as long as I could get us out of the situation with Escabar in good shape.

  My cock sprung to attention as Jordan pulled me out. Her soft hands on my body, there was no way for me to resist that. I looked on eagerly as she pulled herself out of her clothes and slid onto me. She was careful to put her hands on the seat instead of my body, as she moved up and down on top of me. The beauty of Jordan as her body gave in to my pleasure was something I would never forget. No matter how many times we made love, I still enjoyed watching her on top of me.

  It was such an intimate moment between the two of us, yet we were sharing it in the middle of a parking garage. Certainly not a typical location for intimate lovemaking. But then again, what about our relationship had been typical at all? From the moment we met online, to that moment in the car, nothing had been ordinary between us.

  I held her hips tight as she moved on top of me, and I wanted desperately to feel myself explode inside of her. But just then, I saw the lights of a car as it came up the ramp and pulled in right across from us. The lights shone into our car, and I reclined my seat as far as possible, pulling Jordan down on top of me.

  “Shh, there’s a car,” I whispered.

  “They can’t hear us,” she laughed.

  She refused to stop moving, but she did try and stay low as her body pulsed with mine. I actually preferred having her lying on top of me. I could feel her breasts pressed up against my chest. I could feel her breath on my neck as she moved harder and harder against me.

  Her body tightened on top of me, and I felt her thrusts become more deliberate. She was gearing up to cum, and I loved every second of it. Thrust after thrust, her body moved, and I did what I could to hold back my own orgasm until she had delivered her own.

  I looked out and saw the man who parked across from us as he walked up to the elevator. Then, I grabbed Jordan by the hips and held her next to me. I refused to let her control the thrusts and instead, I held onto her as I moved deep inside.

  Her moans were loud, but I didn’t care. I loved to hear the pleasure in the sounds she made. It drove me to deliver more and more pleasure for her.

  I grabbed her hair and pulled her close to me so I could kiss her while we both exploded into an intense orgasm. My hands moved up her back and then back down as I felt the shivers of desire shake her to the core. Nothing had been as delicious as the feeling of Jordan’s body as it shook with an orgasm. The connection between us seemed to grow more and more each time we made love.

  In a strange way, I was grateful that I had some broken ribs. The side effect of making me less aggressive sexually was just what I wanted for Jordan. I wasn’t intimidating to her. In fact, she felt compelled to take control when she wanted to make love. It worked great for our bonding, but I hated that there was a little voice in the back of my head that liked it, as well. My little voice was telling me that I could get all the women I wanted, if I just pretended to have a broken rib the next time I tried to pick a woman up.

  I absolutely hated that even with a wonderful, beautiful, and kind woman right there with me, I was still thinking about how I could get the next one.

  “Should we go inside and get married?” I asked as Jordan’s body calmed from the orgasm.

  “Right now?”

  She didn’t look nearly as enthusiastic as she had before.

  “Yes, I think we should. It was your idea. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “I just kind of wanted to shower. Man, I look horrible,” she laughed.

  “You look beautiful to me.”

  We both climbed out of the car and headed to the courthouse to see if we could figure out how the heck to get married. I understood all the steps we needed to take, but I was still extremely nervous as we walked in. It wasn’t every day that you decide to get married.

  I grabbed Jordan’s hand and held onto it as we walked into the County Clerk’s office to fill out the marriage paperwork. It wasn’t exactly how I had hoped to get married, but she was more than I had hoped for – so it all worked out just fine.

  Someday, we could have a big fancy wedding, if that was what she wanted. We would bring her family over and, of course, her friend Ana, as well. My family and hers could sit and enjoy the happiness that was our wedding. But for the time being, the courthouse was perfectly fine with me. I actually felt like it was better than having a big wedding, but I supposed that I felt that way because I was a guy.

  “Let’s get married,” I said as I opened the door.

  Chapter 18


  If you had asked me only a few months before if I would ever be walking into the Atlanta courthouse to get married, I would have said you were crazy. Yet, there I was walking – with my American man and getting ready to say whatever it was we needed to say in order to get married.

  Marriage was a weird thing to me. You basically signed a piece of paper, said some words, and suddenly you were bonded with someone for life. It seemed like a really long contract to have with a person, and the process was surprisingly easy.

  Things in my life had changed drastically in the previous few months. There was nothing I could have done to predict where I was at that moment. There was no way I could have even imagined that I would be standing in that spot with Chase and that we were about to get married.

  “Are you ready for this?” I asked him as we stood in front of the door.

  “I’m ready if you are,” he said.

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and held onto me. I wasn’t nervous at all, which was extremely surprising to me. I was actually very excited to be getting to marry Chase. It had only been a few days together, but I knew he needed this. I was comfortable with continuing to date and get to know each other.

  The reality of the situation was that we had to convince his father to sign over the company to Chase within only a few days. It was a lot to ask, and I wasn’t sure the two of us were going to be able to pull it off. But what I did know was that we had better luck of getting it done if we worked together than if we didn’t. If I didn’t stay with Chase and help him through this, it was highly likely that he wouldn’t make it.

  “Hello. How can I help you today?” the woman behind the counter asked us.

  “We would like to get married,” Chase said as he pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

  As he continued to talk to the woman, I couldn’t help but notice she had a black book that looked exactly like the one Chase had handed me to hold for him while I was in his safe room. I didn’t know why, but I really thought I should grab it. Having a duplicate black book could really come in handy if we needed it later on down the road.

  I looked at the woman’s desk behind her and tried to figure out how I would be able to get back there without being noticed. Certainly, she wasn’t just going to let me behind the counter for no reason at all. Then, I remembered a scene I had watched in one of my cop television shows.

��Oh my gosh. Did you see that?” I exclaimed, as I took my shoe off and reached over the counter.

  “No, what was it?” the woman asked.

  “I don’t know what kind, but that was one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen.”

  All the women that had been sitting at their desks got up and pulled their chairs out as everyone looked for the spider. Chase was the only man in the room, and he seemed utterly clueless as to what I was doing.

  “Where did it go?” the woman asked again.

  “I think it went over there. Chase, go kill it.” I said as I pointed toward the desk in the far corner.

  He went behind the counter, and I followed him. As everyone followed Chase and looked for the giant spider, I grabbed the black book off of the elderly woman’s desk. It was surprisingly easy to distract everyone. I kind of felt like a character from a crime show.

  I smiled as I put the black book into my back pocket and pulled my shirt down over it. No one even suspected a thing. Of course, I had to go along with the rouse for a few more minutes as we all looked for the spider, but it was well worth it.

  About ten minutes went by before we gave up looking for it and succumbed to the idea that the spider had gotten away. We continued our process of applying for a marriage license.

  In truth, if there had been a giant spider and it had gotten away in my office, there was no way I could have shown up to work for a month. I really hated spiders, and I felt bad for scaring all the women in the office.

  “When would you like to get married?” the woman asked us.

  “Right now, if that is possible,” Chase replied.

  “Are you sure? No parents, no other family members?”

  Chase and I looked at each other. I could tell that we were both thinking the same thing – our family wasn’t going to like us getting married so quickly. My mother would freak out if she knew I had flown over to America and gotten married all within the span of a week.

  I really hoped our plan worked with Chase’s father. It did show that Chase was willing to commit to something, but I feared his father wasn’t going to like the idea of us getting married without him. Surely, Chase could lie and say we had been dating for a few months. That would hide how long we really had known each other. But there was no way to hide that we didn’t invite his father or the rest of his family to the ceremony.

  “What about your mother? What will she think of all this?” I asked.

  “She will be happy once she meets you, I just know it.”

  “Alright, then yes. Let’s get married now.”

  “It will take me about fifteen minutes to get things in order. Why don’t you two take a walk and come back in a few minutes?”

  “Alright, thank you, ma’am.”

  Chase grabbed my hand and we walked out to the front steps of the courthouse. It was a beautiful morning, and we sat down in the sunlight. I leaned my head against Chase’s shoulder and then quickly pulled away in fear that I was going to hurt him.

  “I’m fine, it’s not nearly as sore as yesterday.”

  “Your friend Carlos says he has a friend that works in the Special Crimes division. We could walk across the street and turn in the black book and everything we know. Maybe they could protect us?”

  Chase seemed to ponder what I had suggested for a few minutes before he decided what would be best.

  “Let’s go talk to my father first. I’d like to see how that goes.”

  He dialed his phone and put it on speakerphone so I could hear him.

  “Dad? It’s Chase.”

  “Hey, son. What’s going on?”

  “I’d like to come over to the house and have you meet my girlfriend this afternoon, if that would be alright with you?”

  “Girlfriend? You don’t normally want us to meet your lady friends.”

  “This one is different, Dad. I think you and Mom will really like her.”

  “Sure, let’s have an early lunch, though. I have lots to get done today,” his father said as he hung up the phone.

  “Well, that seemed promising,” I said softly.

  “I hope he keeps up this positive attitude. I really need him on my side with this whole business thing.”

  “What’s going to happen if he decides he’s not ready to hand the company over to you yet?” I asked.

  Chase just sat in silence as his brain worked through all the possibilities. None of them ended with a happy ending, I was sure of it.

  “I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it,” he said. “Let’s get married, then over to lunch with my parents and lay this bomb on them. It should be interesting.”


  Chase decided to drive, and I could tell he was feeling much better. He wasn’t wincing with every breath, so that was really good. I just hoped he would keep getting better, and we could figure out this mess before things went horribly wrong for us.

  I closed my eyes as he drove. It was incredibly exhausting to drive in America. I was happy to have a break from that chaos. I really didn’t know how people could drive in all that traffic every day. I assumed they just got used to it, but I wasn’t yet, that was for sure. I drifted off to sleep while Chase drove us over to his family’s home.

  You know that feeling when you think you’re in a dream, but not quite sure? That’s exactly how I felt when I opened my eyes as we pulled up to Chase’s family home. His house wasn’t just a regular house – it was an estate. The kind of large complex that required you to drive through some gates and then down a long driveway.

  After driving down the quarter of a mile long driveway, we reached the circular drive that could easily hold thirty cars it was so large. I got nervous. Not because his family was obviously rich, but because I didn’t think his father would approve of Chase marrying a woman such as myself. A woman who he had met online. A woman who had traveled from Liechtenstein with the sole purpose of marrying Chase.

  The idea of how we met, and that we had just gotten married, seemed preposterous even to me. Not to mention Chase still had some visible bruising and appeared to be in pain. My gut said that this meeting wasn’t going to go as well as we had hoped it would.

  “We need a plan, Chase,” I said urgently as we pulled up.

  “I have a plan. Don’t worry, just follow my lead.”

  The confidence in his voice reassured me instantly. I wasn’t sure what his plan was, but he sure seemed confident. The idea that he had things under control was a welcoming thought, and I was happy to let him take control of the situation. I had enough to worry about with trying to hide my foreign accent as much as possible and understand what they were saying to me.

  “I’m nervous,” I whispered, as we stood at the front door and took a breath before going in.

  “Don’t be nervous. Just remember, he puts his three thousand dollar pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else.”

  Chase laughed and grabbed my hand as he opened the door and pulled me into the house. The elegant entryway caught my breath as we stood there and took our shoes off before going farther into the house.

  I couldn’t help but think back to all the fun American television shows I had seen and what it would be like to meet Chase’s family. I hoped it would be more like a comedy than a drama. I desperately hoped his parents would like me.

  Finding a bride on the internet wasn’t something Chase had planned. It certainly wasn’t something I had planned, but I was really excited that we had found each other. I hoped his family would like me just as much as I liked Chase.

  “Oh, gosh,” I said quietly as I looked up at the forty-foot ceiling.

  Chase just smiled at me and pulled me toward the back sitting room. We walked through a study and down a couple steps where I caught my first glimpse of his mother. She was stunning, the kind of beauty that came from a life of luxury. She looked like she had done some plastic surgery and had enough chemical peels that she looked at least ten years younger than she probably was. But still, she was beauti

  “Jordan, this is my mother, Susanne.”

  “Oh, Chase, she’s beautiful,” his mother exclaimed as she came over to hug me.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Foster,” I said with the last bit of air in my lungs.

  “Mom, let her go. She can’t breathe,” Chase joked, although it was entirely true.

  “I’m sorry, dear. It’s just that Chase hasn’t brought a girl home to meet us in years. It is great to finally get to meet you.”

  “Mom, I’ve told you about her for months,” Chase said.

  I looked at him baffled as I tried to figure out how he could have told his mother about me for months, before he had actually even met me. But I figured this was part of his plan, and I needed to just go with it.

  Chase was really good at improvising in situations, which probably made him a good businessman. It impressed me a lot how quickly he could think on his feet. I was horrible at spontaneously coming up with ideas.

  “Oh, yes, dear. The student friend of yours. She sure is pretty,” Mrs. Foster said.

  “Mom, you can talk directly to her you know. She speaks perfect English. And, yes, she is beautiful, but she is also a nurse and extremely smart.”

  “Oh, honey, I love how you talk about her. I can tell you two are really in love.”

  Chase seemed annoyed that his mother kept talking about me in the third person, but he didn’t fight her anymore. Instead, he started laying the groundwork for telling her we were actually married. I suspected it was going to be a very hard thing to sell to his mother. She struck me as the type of person who would want to plan her son’s giant wedding.

  “Mom, Jordan and I have some big news that I want to tell you before Dad gets in here.”

  Chase’s mom didn’t seem too worried at first, but then she looked over and saw the serious look on his face. She walked over and sat down next to him. I saw some concern in her eyes, and I wondered if she thought the news was bad news or something.

  “What is it, Chase?”

  “Well, Jordan and I have been dating for a while now. I really love her, Mom,” he said as he squeezed my hand.


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