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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Felicity Brandon

  She needed to be impaled.

  Lawes pressed forward, filling Hannah’s sex with his hard shaft and slowly stretching her. Hannah groaned at the intrusion. It might not be right, but her reaction was irrefutable. As he withdrew, her mind fogged. Freaking hell, what else had they given her when she’d been unconscious? What else had they done? Lawes’ cock splintered those questions as it slammed back inside her pussy.

  “Fuck, yes!”

  There was a loud crack, and a moment later, the strike of his palm registered in her mind.

  “You feel so good.”

  Her eyes closed at the praise. The wanton part of Hannah was inclined to agree. He felt astonishingly good as he claimed her. Clearly, Lawes wasn’t taking any prisoners—he wanted Hannah hard and fast, and based on her current arousal, that was just fine with her. He felt massive inside her, his length claiming her as his own. Hannah hadn’t had that many men before, and until that moment, she’d have said she didn’t have too many complaints in the bedroom department, but Lawes’ lust was making her rethink that proposition. Being trapped in the pillory and forced to receive him was so freaking hot, and the fact he’d had the audacity to crop her sex beforehand sent Hannah’s desire wild. No one had ever treated her like this before.

  No one would have dared.

  “Do you like my cock?” Lawes was ramming her, over and over now, the sounds of their flesh consuming as his question resonated.

  Hannah blinked at the question. What did the guy want? It was a bit late for fucking affirmation.

  “Y-yes, sir.” She could barely get the words out.

  Lawes was screwing her harder and harder, his balls hitting her swollen clit with each new thrust.

  “Yes?” He slapped her ass again, but this time the hurt scarcely registered.

  Hannah heard the noise and was vaguely aware of the sensation, but it only collected as heat in her throbbing clitoris, taunting her already soaked pussy while Lawes plowed into it.

  “Yes!” Hannah screamed the answer that time, no longer caring what he thought.

  “Good.” He sounded almost pained. “Because your cunt is incredible.”

  She clenched at his enthusiasm, and Lawes moaned out loud.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, grabbing her hips with both hands while he filled her.

  “Oh fuck,” she agreed, the weight of the passion and the shame pressing down on Hannah until she could barely even catch her breath.

  It was one thing to enjoy sex and want to be fucked this ruthlessly, but to welcome it from the man who had lured and captured her—how could that be right? How was she ever going to live with the memory of this union?

  “I’m going to come!” Lawes announced to the entire room as though each of the chairs positioned around the platform was filled with an audience.

  She swallowed at that thought, grateful if for nothing else, this coupling had been private—only between her and Lawes. Hannah wasn’t sure if she could have borne being publicly humiliated at the same time as he fucked her in this awful set up. Lawes lunged into her hard, the tip of his cock grazing Hannah’s cervix, letting out the most primal noise she’d ever heard. Panting, Hannah tried to compose herself while he shuddered to a climax inside her.

  It was undeniably the most impersonal and scintillating sex she’d ever known.



  Long moments of silence followed, or perhaps they weren’t long at all? Maybe time had just protracted, fooling Hannah into thinking she was suspended there indefinitely. She just wasn’t sure. In the end, she was aware of Lawes slipping from her body and the sound of his zipper, followed by the buckle of his belt again while she was forced to remain exposed and vulnerable to him, unable to move, cover herself or have any damn modesty.

  Lawes never spoke, but Hannah heard the message loud and clear all the same.

  You’re mine now, little girl.

  You belong to us…

  The resonance of his accent echoed around her head, although he hadn’t spoken since his orgasm. It was as though Lawes wanted to reinforce the point to her, and leaving her displayed while he dressed and regained his composure was his way of tormenting Hannah further.

  By the time the top of the pillory was finally lifted, Hannah’s breathing had almost returned to normal, but the strain in her neck and lower back were starting to penetrate through the haze of her arousal, and her ass tingled, the places where his crop had struck her alive with hurtful sensation.

  “Out you come.”

  Hannah panted again at his words. They were the ones she’d been longing to hear, yet now her liberation was imminent, it felt like she’d forgotten how to instruct her body. Her limbs felt heavy, her head and neck like lead.

  “Come on now.” Lawes’ hands were at her shoulders, physically easing her away from the pillory. “Start with your wrists.”

  Hannah was aware of her arms being lifted from the thing, yet it seemed she had no control, then Lawes pulled her head and neck free of the large hole that had imprisoned them for so long. She wanted to cry with relief as he manhandled her to an upright position, the pressure at her back alleviated at last. Lawes’ arms slid to her middle, his body propping her up.

  “I’m okay,” she protested, maddened and embarrassed by the way, even now, he was able to touch her. Still able to do whatever he liked, unchecked.

  “You’re ready to collapse,” he warned her. “Now, stop being a fool, little girl. You don’t need a fresh dose of punishment right now.”

  That made her body still, a wave of fresh panic surging through Hannah’s body at the threat. Reluctantly, she permitted the way his hold on her tightened and put up little in the way of fight when Lawes lifted her over his shoulder. The whole of Hannah’s world spun upside down in a heartbeat, and despite her wariness, she clawed at his clothing reflexively.

  “Hey.” Her voice sounded pitifully weak. “Put me down!”

  One of his large palms crashed against her upturned ass cheeks, sending a clear warning to the rest of Hannah.

  Behave and be quiet—or else.

  She inhaled, gasping for air while Lawes began to pace away.

  “It’s time you got some proper rest.” His words were spoken like an edict. “By the time you wake up, Mr. Fuller and I will be ready to begin your training.”

  Hannah’s belly lurched at that news.


  Is that what he’d said? So, what the hell had the last few hours been about? Fun?

  She wanted to ask where he was taking her, especially when he stopped to permit Hannah to empty her bladder, but once they were on the move again and Lawes began to take what looked like concrete steps two at a time, there seemed no need. Hannah knew precisely where they were. The looming darkness and the dank air that filled her nostrils told her the answer.

  They were back in the basement.

  She glanced around as best she could from her position over his shoulder. Sure enough, Lawes had brought her back to the same place Fuller had taken her from the night before, yet now all the cage doors seemed to be open, their contents empty.

  “Ah, it must be breakfast time.” He sounded gleeful. “It seems a shame for you to miss another meal, girl. Let’s get you ready, and you can join.” He placed her back on her feet, grabbing at the leash which fell between her breasts in an instant.


  Lawes gestured toward the floor, that one gesture apparently enough to secure her obedience. Hannah blinked up at him, her knees buckling as she assessed her options. There was no chance of getting away from him now. There was nowhere to run. Lawes was too powerful for her. She’d never be able to wrestle the leash from his big hands, and she had no idea how to detach it from the collar still wrapped securely at her neck. With resignation, Hannah fell to her knees. They hit the hard, tiled floor, the impact reminding her of her new place.

  On the floor.

  At his feet.

  He tugged at the leash, drawi
ng her body in the direction he desired. Hannah had no choice but to scuttle after him, her hands and knees scurrying to keep up with his huge strides.

  “It’s time to get you harnessed, Hannah.”

  She glanced up, dread furling at Lawes’ assertion.


  Hannah had no idea if she was supposed to speak, but frankly, the shock resonating through her body insisted. Harnessed—what the fuck did that mean?


  They were at the far wall, the opposite end of the one Fuller had fucked her face so thoroughly the night before. When Hannah strained her neck upward, she could make out an array of equipment secured to the wall. It looked like the inside of an equine specialist, the surface littered with leather—reins, black bridles, nuzzles, and other types of straps. How had she missed that last night? Her focus had been forced elsewhere the last time she was uncaged down here, Hannah reasoned. She panted at the realization of what Lawes had in mind, turning reflexively back toward the narrow stairwell.

  Lawes laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  One sharp yank brought Hannah’s attention back to him.

  “There’ll be no more running, little girl.” He glowered down at her. “No getting away.”

  Reaching forward, Lawes pulled a selection of black leather leashes and buckles from the wall.

  “Since you’re so flighty, I’ll use a full harness on you for now. Perhaps you can graduate to reins in a few weeks if you can behave.”

  He threw a pointed stare in Hannah’s direction, and she wanted to squirm under the weight of his scrutiny. Throwing the chosen leather onto the floor, Lawes stretched out Hannah’s leash, and she watched as he secured her to the vacant hook on the wall. Her gaze fell to the tethers he’d selected, an intricate web of leather, metal, and gaping holes. Whatever remained of her courage dried at just the look of the get up. That was what he expected her to wear?

  Oh God…

  Lawes impatiently held the front of the harness up in front of her. “Come on, then. Lean forward.”

  Hannah lowered her head toward the thing, and Lawes secured a separate strap of leather behind her neck. It pressed against her collar, reminding Hannah of the utter objectification of her situation. She existed here only as a thing for Lawes and the others to bind, strap, and fill. Even though that thought was horrifying, she couldn’t shake the low-lying thrum of arousal she also experienced at the prospect.

  Glancing down, Hannah saw two leather triangles framing her breasts. They were like leather cups, but the middles had been cut away, leaving her breasts framed by the straps. He was already securing a second buckle behind her back, then paused, tugging at her nipples and easing the rest of her bosom through the straps.

  “You look fabulous,” Lawes enthused. “Mouthwatering.”

  She gulped, lifting her chin to meet his sparkling green gaze. He was so pleased with himself, and his smirking expression caused her clit to throb harder.

  Moving down the length of her body, Lawes arranged and fastened leather straps at Hannah’s lower back before shifting down toward her punished behind. He positioned two straps around her inner thighs, tightened around her legs. As she took in the look of herself, Hannah gasped. She was wrapped in the constrictive leather from her neck to the tops of her legs, and even from here, Hannah could see her plump labia jutting out between the thigh straps.

  “That’s the basics in place.” Lawes sounded excited while he rose to his full height and went back to the wall.

  Appraising the collection of restraints carefully, he chose four black cuffs. Two were attached to a length of solid, silver metal that separated them while the other two were attached by a metal chain. Lawes dropped the chain just beyond her nose before striding to her ass. Hannah couldn’t help but tense at his proximity to both her tender skin and needy pussy.

  “These will ensure your legs stay nicely spread for us, Hannah.”

  She gasped, twisting to see Lawes fastening one, then both black cuffs at her ankles. As he shifted toward her face once more, she realized with trepidation, the cuffs physically prevented Hannah from closing her feet.

  “They can stay on most of the time,” Lawes informed her. “Even when I get you back in the chair upstairs. They’re highly utilitarian.”

  Great, Hannah’s mind grumbled, regarding him with disdain as he set to work on the cuffs at her wrists.

  “Sir.” Hannah could barely believe she’d even said the word out loud, and as Lawes glanced in her direction, his expression told her he was stunned, too.

  “What is it?”

  His curt response robbed Hannah of what little confidence she had, and her head fell forward, though still the question which had inspired the query burned in her throat.

  “Wh-what are you going to do with me?”

  Lawes flashed her a predatory smile. “Do with you?” He laughed, that brow arching at her question. “Why, little girl, isn’t it obvious?”

  Hannah shook her head.

  “We’re going to keep you. You’re the latest addition to our petting zoo of patients.”


  Feeding Time

  Whatever vague sanity had been holding Hannah together evaporated in that instant. Perhaps, in the back of her mind, she had guessed at their motivation. Men didn’t go to this much trouble to lure and capture women for only a few hours of fun. Even so, Hannah had managed to persuade herself abduction wasn’t what was going on here.

  That wasn’t her fate.

  As Lawes grinned down at her, Hannah realized that was a crock of shit. Abduction was precisely what was going on. She’d been drugged, stripped, and made to endure a multitude of horrid ordeals since yesterday evening, and now, one of the perpetrators had openly admitted their intention for her—she was to be harnessed and kept, like all the other women she had seen.

  In the basement.

  In cages.

  “But I can’t.” Hannah’s voice was hardly even a whimper, but he carried on regardless, securing the final two cuffs around her wrists, so they were now bound together with the metal chain.

  Lifting his head, Lawes sighed. “Watch your tone, girl.”

  Hannah trembled as she swallowed back the fear his warning provoked.

  “But, sir, I can’t be here. I have a job, an apartment, a life…”

  Her voice trailed away.

  “Not anymore.” Lawes’ tone was firm. “Your life is here now—with us. We will feed you and take care of most of your physical needs, and you will be trained to please us.”

  Hannah’s chest was rising and falling in rapid succession at his words. It was as though her body understood their ominous intent, yet Hannah’s brain hadn’t had time to catch up. This couldn’t be real, could it? These guys were dentists, medical professionals—weren’t they? Surely, they didn’t take women and keep them caged in their basement? That was ridiculous. Hannah had seen a number of women here last night. Wouldn’t someone have noticed if that many women had gone missing?

  Wouldn’t someone have noticed they were gone?

  “Just one final touch for now.” Lawes was almost beaming as he opened a large box beside the wall. Lifting the lid, he swooped for an item before holding it aloft for Hannah to see.

  She gasped again at the sight of the thing, her ass clenching on reflex. It was one of those godawful dildos with a tail attached like the one his colleague had buried in her ass the night before.

  “That’s right.” Lawes wandered toward what Hannah guessed was some sort of industrial size lubricant and pumped some into his palm. “It’s time for your tail again.”

  Hannah panted as he made his way in her direction, straining back against the leash, still restraining her.

  “Please, no!” She couldn’t help but beg on this point. The plug had been almost intolerable before, and she couldn’t imagine having to endure it along with the denigration of the harness and the cuffs. It was too much.

  Too fucking much.

  “Silence!” Lawes’ voice thundered around the walls of the basement, and Hannah flinched at the sound. He landed two fast strikes with his hand, and she glanced back over her shoulder in shock.

  “There will be no more talking, little girl. Or else you can forget food, and we’ll skip straight to the gagging you part of the plan.”

  Hannah nodded. She had no idea if she wanted to be fed at all. Lawes made the whole thing sound menacing, but one thing she did know was, she didn’t want to be gagged again. All this leather encasing her body was one thing, but every time she’d been gagged so far, horrendous things had been forced upon her, and in her vulnerable state, Hannah hadn’t even been able to say no.

  “This butt plug is going back in your cute little ass whether you like it or not, girl.” His large palms held her cheeks open, exposing Hannah’s most private parts to his gaze. “The more you resist, the rougher I’ll be.”

  Oh shit…

  “Have you got it?”

  Hannah captured her lip between her teeth. She understood, alright, but hated that he would inflict this on her—again.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now, I know you managed this before, so take nice, deep breaths for me. I need that ass relaxed.”

  The last thing Hannah felt was relaxed, but she compelled herself to comply, taking deep breaths as Lawes instructed. On the third breath, the dildo nudged at her asshole. She could feel the wet, cold lube there to assist its journey, and when she exhaled, Lawes pushed it into place. Panic flooded her mind, but Hannah forced herself to breathe. He buried the thing deeper inside her, the girth becoming unbearable until it popped into place. Hannah felt the furry tail brushing against the back of her thighs.

  “Fuck, yes.” He was on his feet now, untying her leash from the wall and collecting some other horrible equipment from the wall.

  “This way.” Lawes strode away to her left, forcing Hannah’s humbled body to join him. “Let’s get you fed, then you can be muzzled for a while.”


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