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Matty: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 9

by Carlisle, Lisa

  If he could run through whatever was hurting him, she could force herself to continue. The pace was still grueling. She tried to make it to the halfway point, but had to pause and catch her breath. She gulped water. Never had it felt so refreshing.

  “You’re doing great, Jenna. Keeping up with me like a champ.”

  He didn’t give her hard time, and she beamed under his praise. After all he was a Navy freakin’ SEAL.

  Minutes later, they made it halfway around. She was hot, sweaty, and tired. Matty had slowed his pace as well. His movements appeared jerkier. His left leg dragged more with a noticeable limp.

  “Are you okay, Matty?”

  He wiped the grimace off his face. “Fine.”

  “It looks like you’re limping. Is your leg bothering you?”

  “Yep.” He pressed his lips together.

  “What happened?”

  He turned away from her and stared at the other side of the stadium. She didn’t think he’d respond and regretted even asking.

  “Got hit by shrapnel.” He lowered his tone.

  She sat on the bleachers and glanced up at him. “What happened?”

  He grimaced and glanced across the field. “I got hit in a blast.”

  “Oh, Matty.” She covered her heart.

  He shrugged. “It was mostly my left leg. It sucked. That’s why I’m home.”

  Concern pushed her to ask, “Does it always bother you?”

  He took two long deep breaths. “No. I overdid it today.”

  She studied him and weighed her words before she asked, “Why did you push yourself?”

  “I wanted to see if I still could handle it.” He shook his head and sat down on the bleachers below. He stared across the field. “What can I say, I’m an idiot? I should know after all the physical therapy that I can’t do everything I once could.” He turned over his shoulder and flashed the familiar Matty grin. “But you know what they say about pain.”

  She shrugged and threw her arms out to the side. “No gain? Weakness leaving the body?”

  He gave her a sage nod. “Both.” He gulped some water.

  She leaned forward. “This morning I was reading about K-9s online.”

  “Why?” He appeared surprised.

  “I was interested in learning more about what you did.”

  He turned forward. “Oh.”

  “I found an organization that focuses on finding homes for retired military dogs. It’s only about an hour from here. I thought you might be interested.”

  “My days as a K-9 handler are over.” His tone was low and grim.


  Before she could think of what to say, he stood abruptly. “I’m going to finish up.”

  “But your leg.” She stood.

  He waved it off. “It’s nothing. I’ll meet you down in the field.”

  After he left, she watched him. He moved at a slower pace, appearing to wince at times. Why would he continue to push himself? She ached for him.

  If he could keep going, so would she. Jenna tried to catch up to him, but after a half dozen more sets of stairs, she burned out. Her body screamed enough.

  She headed down to the field and cooled down with a walk. While she did, she stole more glances at Matty. That stubborn mindset. She admired how he pushed himself, although it killed her to watch him in pain.

  With each set of stairs, his limp worsened. He took longer breaks between sets. She yearned to shout at him to stop.

  He made it to the three-quarter point before he joined her on the field. “You’re right.”

  “About what?”

  “Calling me an old man earlier. I couldn’t even finish.”

  “Of course not. Your leg was bothering you.” She touched his shoulder. “I could see it on your face, but you kept going.”

  “Too stubborn, I guess.” He stretched out his hamstrings and then locked gazes with her.

  Her heartbeat quickened once again, and this time it had nothing to do with the workout.

  She broke eye contact. “Let’s go home so you can rest your leg. I’ll get you a cold beer or something and prop some pillows on the couch.”

  “Home.” He repeated it in strange tone as if it was a foreign concept. “Good idea. Let’s finish stretching and go there.”

  They sat on the turf and stretched some more. When he stood, he groaned. “Definitely not as young as I once was.”

  At her apartment, she helped him onto the sofa and propped pillows under his leg. Lola and Trixie jumped up there with them. “Give him some space,” she told them.

  “They’re fine. I don’t mind.”

  “Can I get you ibuprofen? Ice?”

  He touched her forearm. “I’ll be fine, Jenna. I can get what I need. Stop fretting.”

  He was right. That’s exactly what she was doing. “I can’t help it. I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t. It’s not the first time I’ve been a knucklehead and it won’t be the last.” He grinned and scanned the coffee table. Reaching over, he picked up one of her true crime books. What a strange thing about her—his sweet Jenna into the dark side of human nature. “I can catch up on some reading.”

  She tilted her head. “If you’re not squeamish. Plenty of crimes of passion in there.” She glanced at the window. “I can go to the pharmacy and pick up whatever you need.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine and know you need to get ready for your classes.” He reached over and gave Trixie and Lola the chin rubs that they craved. “Besides, I have my buddies to keep me company.”

  Jenna’s pulse jolted. If there was one thing she couldn’t resist, it was an attractive guy who was good with animals. She couldn’t turn down buying any of those fundraising calendars with buff shirtless guys holding puppies or kittens. Matty would fit perfectly in one—but then other women would gawk at him. Jenna would probably buy all the copies to keep him all for herself.

  Who was she kidding? She didn’t have him.

  “Don’t move for a bit.” She motioned with her hand. “Just relax. Watch sports or something.”

  “Mmm,” he murmured with a nod. “Not a bad idea.”

  “I’ll pick up some beer later.”

  He flashed her the Matty grin, the one that always made her legs turn to jelly. “If you treat me like this, you just might find yourself a permanent roommate after all.” He winked.

  She arched her brow. “Ha, in this one-bedroom apartment?” But she had a bed that would fit both of them…

  She turned and headed to the front door before she let her mind go there.

  It would never play out like that since he didn’t think of her that way. She was Derek’s little sister, practically family. If they were roommates, he could bring other women home. Her ribs tightened. What an awful, horrible image.

  She brushed that thought away like it was a spiderweb she’d walked into and then destroyed.

  He wasn’t serious about moving in. That’s just what Matty did—he joked.

  She shouldn’t take anything he said to heart.


  Matty sank into the sofa. He had a glass of iced tea in his hand, thanks to Jenna, and his bad leg propped up on the sofa cushion. She was taking a shower. He focused on a discussion about the Red Sox on TV to avoid thinking about her in there.

  Behind that closed door. Naked and wet.

  He groaned. As if he was even able to act on any urges while his leg throbbed.

  Why had he suggested the stairs? What a dumb ass.

  He’d pushed himself too hard and aggravated his injured leg. When would he accept that he was no longer the same SEAL? That he couldn’t push his limits the way he did before the blast?

  He used to run those stairs with his brothers, challenging them to race. Now, he couldn’t even complete the full circuit.

  All of the months of physical therapy and rebuilding the strength and flexibility in his leg couldn’t restore him to how he was pre-injury. Nothing could do that. The blast
had changed everything in a flash. Not only had he lost Gunther, now Matty questioned everything. Who he was now. Where his future might lie. And if he could ever open himself up to caring about anyone or anything again.

  Jenna had looked at him with such concern in her eyes, but not pity. For that he was grateful. Staring into her beautiful blue eyes could undo him if he let it.

  So he couldn’t.

  But when she’d suggested they go home together, that one word had so much promise. It provided more comfort than he would have expected.

  Half an hour later, Matty had his turn in the shower. The hot water after icing his leg felt like heaven. The ache lingered, but the ibuprofen and rest had helped. Enough that the more dominant thought was that Jenna had been there not long before. The steam from what had touched her naked body probably lingered.

  How could he not picture her there? The hot water flowing over her. Her face, her breasts. Rivulets rolling down her soft skin.

  Down, down, down…


  He had to snap out of it. He was already achingly hard.

  Fantasizing about Jenna was not part of the plan. He better get his head off his dick and back in the game. He had one mission to do, and that was to keep her safe. Not think about touching her body. Not kissing her pouty lips. And definitely not running his hands all over her supple body.

  What a bad idea this was turning out to be. His attraction to Jenna wasn’t something he could ignore. Especially while they lived together under the same roof.

  And showered in the same space.

  Get your head off your dick, DeMarchis.

  It was useless. His hand wandered down, cupping his hard shaft as he thought of her. As he stroked himself, he rationalized that it was better to do this now than go out with a loaded weapon where even a look from her might be enough to set him off.

  As he stroked himself, he thought of her eyes and the way she looked at him. Her lips. The gentleness in her voice. Her scent.

  Her body.

  What he would do for one night with her. The things he would do.

  He rubbed harder and faster…

  Matty took his time dressing before he returned to the living room. There was nowhere else to go.

  When he entered, she was curled up on the sofa with her laptop. She wore a pair of leggings and a pale pink shirt that had slipped off her shoulder, exposing her soft skin.

  She glanced up. “Did the shower help?”

  His body burned. Did she know he’d just been in her shower jerking off?


  “Your leg?” she prodded.

  Shit. Right. He had to get out of there before he said or did something he’d regret.

  “Yeah, it’s much better than earlier.” He walked over to the front door. “I’m going to head out to take care of some things.” By things, he meant getting his head straight.

  She glanced at him with a curious expression. “Okay.” She closed her laptop. “Are you sure you should be putting weight on it?”

  He swallowed. Her gentle tone and compassionate eyes dislodged something in his chest. It wasn’t pity or feigned concern. It appeared genuine. Like she truly cared for him.

  “I won’t be running any more stairs today.” He grinned. “But, I shouldn’t collapse either.” Making light of his injury was better than brooding about things he couldn’t change.

  She tilted her head. “Will you be coming back later?”

  “I will.” What he had to do was refocus on why he was staying here. “Maybe we should head out and do something fun. You know, like a ‘date’?” He raised his hands in air quotes. The more often they went out in public as a couple, the more likely her ex would see that she’d moved on. Matty would put money on it that the jerk was watching her. Trailing her. Stalking her.

  Matty’s muscles tightened. He glanced around the apartment, searching for ways that an intruder could break in. “Maybe I shouldn’t leave here after all.”

  She waved. “Oh, don’t be silly, Matty, I’ll be fine. I’ll be in class later. Before then, I’ll be here taking care of bills and tidying up the apartment.”

  “I can help you with that.”

  She stood. And walked over to him. She playfully nudged him toward the door. “You don’t need to guard me every minute of the day. Go do what you need to, and I’ll see you later.”

  He nodded and glanced at Trixie. “I’ll take Princess out for a short walk first.” What was with his stalling? He didn’t have to stick to Jenna like her shadow, but leaving her hit him with a pang.

  “She’d love that,” Jenna replied, “But you don’t have to.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “She peters out quickly with those little legs.”

  He grinned. “Then with me being slow and achy, we’re a good team.”

  Jenna smiled. “Don’t overdo it again.”

  As he put on the leash, Trixie wagged her tail and bounced near the front door. “Someone’s excited.”

  Once they left Jenna’s place, they walked at a slow pace down the block. He grinned and shook his head. If any of his teammates saw him walking a tiny chihuahua, they’d give him hell. But it wasn’t bad as Trixie was low maintenance. She stopped to smell a tree, every flower, and practically every blade of grass. His sore legs appreciated the relaxed gait. She marked as much as she could with tiny squirts of urine. He laughed at her territorial approach. Little dog, big attitude.

  Twenty minutes later, they returned to Jenna’s apartment. Trixie immediately trotted over to her beige dog bed and curled up for a nap.

  “Someone’s tuckered out,” he noted.

  “Thanks for taking her out.” Jenna glanced at him with appreciation.

  He swallowed. “Anytime.” Anytime? What was he doing—signing himself up for chihuahua duty? He was definitely getting soft.

  The reluctance to leave her rose. He held Jenna’s shoulders and stared into her eyes. “If anything happens, you know how to reach me.”

  “I do.” She raised her finger. “Don’t worry, I’ll look for something fun for us to do later. Nothing too physical. I think we both overdid it earlier.”

  “Shit, Jenna, I didn’t even ask about you.” He lowered his hands. “I’m such an ass who doesn’t know when to quit. Are you hurting?”

  “It’s a good kind from working muscles in a new way.” She arched her brows. “I’m sure I’ll feel it even more tomorrow.”


  She tilted her head. “So how about something easy tonight? Some food and drink to refuel.”

  “I’d never turn down a good meal.” He stared at her for a few more seconds. Funny, he didn’t care if they went out anywhere. He’d be happy just spending time at the apartment with Jenna.

  Which was exactly why he should get out of there.

  He broke the gaze. “See you later.”

  Minutes after Matty left her place and was driving aimlessly along the coast, Derek called.

  “Hey bro, what’s up?” Matty answered. “It’s not like you to call all the way from Japan.”

  “I know. I talked to Jenna earlier,” Derek replied. “I’m worried about her.”

  “Yeah, I get it. I would too.”

  “She told me you’re staying at her place.”

  “Right. I met her ex and I didn’t like the vibe. I thought it was better to stay here. Make it look like we’re serious, plus it gives me the chance to look out for her.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  “Do me a favor.”


  “Don’t sleep with her, man.”

  “What!” Matty pulled the phone from his ear and stared at it before placing it back.

  “You heard me. It’s not an unreasonable request. I’m asking you not to sleep with my sister.”

  “Why would you think that? I’ve—I’ve known her since we were kids,” Matty stammered. “She’s practica
lly my little sister.”

  “Come on, Matty. I’m not blind. I saw the way you looked at her at the bar. And the way she looked at you.”

  Fuck. Matty swallowed. “I don’t know what you mean. It had been a long time since I’d seen her. I was just surprised with how she looked all grown up. She probably thought the same.”

  “I’m not an idiot,” Derek replied. “I sensed something there when we came up with the whole scare-off-Roberto plan and had second thoughts. But getting rid of that bastard is a higher priority.”

  Matty said nothing. Was his interest in Jenna so apparent? Did she see it blindly spelled across his face?

  And did she harbor similar feelings for him?

  “Now that you’re staying at her place…” Derek’s voice drifted off. “She’s been through enough, Matty,” Derek warned. “She doesn’t need anything or anyone fucking with her head.”

  “I would never do anything like that to her,” Matty swore.

  “Good. So we’re clear?”


  “All right. Just to make sure you understand, what I’m saying is don’t fuck my sister.”

  Matty swallowed. “Jeez, bro.”

  “I don’t care what kind of SEAL training you’ve had. If you hurt her, I’ll fly back and kick your ass myself,” Derek added.

  “I don’t plan to.” Could he sound any more defensive?

  “You don’t plan to?” Derek repeated.

  “I won’t sleep with Jenna.” Matty grimaced at the unappetizing words he just uttered. “Better?”

  Chapter 11


  During her classes that afternoon, Jenna’s thoughts kept wandering to Matty. What he must have gone through to suffer from that injury. He’d mentioned getting hit by shrapnel in a blast. Picturing him on the ground torn up and in pain made her breath quicken.

  When she returned to her apartment that evening, she lit a vanilla-scented candle as she loved the way it changed the ambiance of her place. Then she fluffed up the cushions where he slept. She picked up the pillow he’d been sleeping on and inhaled. It smelled like Matty, a scent she couldn’t really describe, but it reminded her of something masculine and a little wild. A ripple of heat traveled through her. She held the pillow against her chest.


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