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Fifth Essence: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 5)

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by Jacquelyn Faye


  A Reverse Harem Tale

  Lovin' the Coven

  Book 5

  Jacquelyn Faye

  ∞ Untold Press ∞

  Fifth Essence

  A Reverse Harem Tale

  Lovin' the Coven, book 5

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2019 by Jacquelyn Faye

  Cover Design © 2019 by Sean Hayden

  Cover Photo © 2019 by Depositphotos/ Stefan_90

  Cover Photo © 2019 by 123rf/Inara Prusakova

  All rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination and or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Untold Press LLC

  114 NE Estia Lane

  Port St Lucie, FL 34983



  I hereby dedicate this book to the Coven of the First Moon.

  Not the one in these books, I mean the people in my reading group on Facebook. The fans. The ones who pimp my work every chance they have. They tell their families, their sisters, their parents. They read my ARCs and help me with proofs. I am truly humbled and amazed by them every damn day, and they make the joy of writing books so much better.

  Bless your faces

  Chapter 1

  The dark elf in my doorway was lucky to be alive. The last thing in the universe I needed after the hellish nightmare I had endured in Faerie was a ransom note from the dark elves. They wanted me to marry the prince and so far, I had not shown interest, politely declined, and adamantly refused. Delron, the dark elf in front of me, had practically begged me to visit the unseleighe court, just to hear the queen's offer. They decided to up their game and demand that I come by holding my elven bodyguard hostage until I agreed.

  My temper flared, as did my magic. Tendrils of magic flared out, aiming for the dark elf, and crackling in eldritch fire. Unfortunately, I couldn't kill him, yet. He had a message to deliver and I barely got them extinguished as they wrapped around Delron's skinny little elven neck. Coming into my house, threatening me with the life of my friend, was not the way to get me to do what you wanted. Ever. Just ask Chief.

  I backed him against my front door and snarled in his face. Whatever the hell Dar had done to me in Faerie was trying to resurface. My teeth screamed in agony as my metaphysical fangs begged to rip open the soft flesh of his throat.

  He saw his death in my eyes.

  "Tell you what, Delron… How about you bring Jaeren back and I won't pay a visit to your court under these circumstances. Ask King Renlynn how pissing me off worked out for him. Oh wait, you can't. Because I fucking ate him."

  His eyes widened in fear and he began choking, patting my arms and begging for breath. I let him go, not realizing, in my anger, I had lifted him from the ground. Even I gasped a little in shock.

  "Please," he managed to choke out as he gasped for breath, rubbing his tender flesh. "All we wish…is for you…to hear us out."

  "Kidnapping my friend wasn't a smart thing to do."

  "I see that. We needed a bargaining chip."

  "A life isn't something to be bargained with."

  "You would not come…"

  "You're right. But that option would be much better than me visiting and raining down destruction, the likes of which you have never seen. Do you understand? Bring Jaeren back." I enunciated each word slowly. "If you do, I will visit. If I have to come get him, I will fuck your shit up six ways to Sunday. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, my Lady."


  I resisted the urge to kick his ass as he got up and ran out the door. Turning around, I nearly slipped and fell on the coffee and shattered mug I had dropped to threaten the dark elf at my door.

  "I will clean it up," Candace said with a little squeak and ran for the broom and mop.

  "Do you think he'll do it?" Yuki asked thoughtfully, standing next to Dar, Shea, and Jimmy.

  "Did you see the look on his face? I bet the elf is back here within the day." Jimmy chuckled.

  "He better be," I said and headed for the coffee maker. It had been a hell of a few days for me and my coffee reserves were dangerously low.

  I had just set the mug into the machine when my front door burst open. Again. "Hi, Chief," I called out from the kitchen without having to see who it was. Everyone else knocked. He barged in like Josie in a candy shop.

  He slid to a stop when he saw me, staring intently at my brewing coffee.

  "Are you okay?"

  I nodded, not looking up.

  "Oh. Okay, then."

  The machine stopped, and I reached down and picked up the mug, taking a sip before turning to him. "Sorry. Just had another visitor."

  "The elf I saw running out of here? Want me to go shoot him for you?" It was sweet of him to offer, but I knew it was his attempt at a joke. Chief didn't shoot people. It was a serious character flaw.

  "No. He has to bring Jaeren back."

  "What the hell is going on?"

  I opened my mouth to start talking but then I froze. Completely. I couldn't relive everything right now. Not this soon. I just couldn't.

  You wish me to tell the tale?

  Dar's soothing voice wrapped around my tired sorrow like a warm blanket. Would you? I just can't right now. I need another shower. And my bed.

  It would be my honor. Might I borrow some clothes?

  Sure. I think I have a dress or two in your size.

  You wish to make jokes? He nosed me in the nether regions.

  Sweatpants and hoodie it is. I laughed until I noticed Chief staring at the both of us. "Sorry. Dar is going to fill everybody in while I have another shower and a nap. It's been a shitty couple of days and the dark elves just kidnapped Jaeren."


  "As a heart attack."

  He did the absolutely worst thing he could have possibly done. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. I lost it, completely breaking down and turning into a sobbing mess. Everything that had happened, the pain, the suffering, the loss, came crashing down on me like a…building. He just held me until I got it out. All over his shirt. There might have even been a rainbow or two as I pulled away and the sunlight reflected off my snot and tears.


  "Gonna change my name to Hanker Chief."

  Not going to lie, there might have been a snot bubble blown, but it was his fault for being all sweet and cute, and making me laugh. "Thanks."

  "That was kinda gross. Go have your shower."

  "Thanks. Come on, Dar. Let's get you some clothes."

  He followed me into my bedroom and waited patiently as I rooted through my drawers for pants, pulling out the largest, most stretchy pair I could find. Dar, in his demon form, wasn't gigantic, but still a lot larger than I was. We needed to take a trip to the mall to get him his own clothes.

  "Here, these should fit," I said and held them out to him.

  He morphed in front of my eyes into his new elven form. A form that was more-than-a-little-bit attractive when butt-assed naked. I pulled the pants back.



  "No, what?"

  "You. I want to see you."

  He breathed out a sigh. "This form is as jus
t as much me as my natural form."

  "But, you're my blue demon. And while you are very attractive in this form… I'm kinda on a 'I hate elves' kick right now."


  "Plus, I want everybody to start getting used to seeing you in your normal form. There's no reason for you to be a dog all the time."

  "It is rather limiting," he said and shifted again.

  He was attractive in his elf form, but in his demon form… Holy shiznit. I'd always found him handsome, even with the horns. Something felt different. My body started visibly shaking as I fought the urge to reach out and touch him. All over. Even low. Especially low.


  He could have called me Dot, Lady, or even Late-for-breakfast. Hearing him call me Master sent a shiver racing down my back that went for the reach-around.


  "I know you wish me to call you by your given name," he said with a soft sigh and stepped forward, reaching for the pants clutched against my chest.

  I stepped back, wide-eyed.

  "Are you teasing me now?"

  Another step forward, and another step back from me, completely involuntary. My throat clenched as the fear of what would happen if he got too close hit me like a sledgehammer. In the groin. He thought I was teasing him. I was protecting him.

  What really scared me was the utter lack of guilt. I wanted him and there was nothing to stop me from taking him but me. It wasn't because I was worried about the repercussions, I was afraid of hurting him.

  He lurched forward with a smile on his face, his clawed hand encircling the soft fabric in my hands. As soon as mine had nothing to hold, they shot out and grabbed his horns. He was in my grasp and I launched myself at him, landing atop of him as we crashed onto the bed, and pressed my teeth against his throat.

  "Master…" I couldn't see his eyes roll into his head, but I knew they had. I could feel the ecstasy running through him.

  "You have kept the hearth fires warm, my beloved. I claim my prize." The words flowed through me, straight from somewhere inside me, someplace containing the beast.

  "Master… Do not do this. You would never forgive me."

  I shook my head and sat up, staring down at the horrified demon beneath me.

  "What the hell is happening to me?"

  "This cannot be."

  "What, Dar? What can't be?"

  "You are not D'lakii."

  "A who?"

  "What I am."

  "So? I'm not horny and blue. Scratch that. I'm not blue. What does that have to do with why I'm hanging on to you like I can't let go?"

  I felt him move beneath me. "Could you, um…get up?"

  "Shit." I put my feet on the floor on either side of him, and lifted myself, offering him a hand.

  Surprisingly, he took it, pulling himself up to his feet and letting go quickly. He practically jumped into the sweatpants, covering himself and backing away.

  It is the fourth rite.

  "The thing you did in Faerie to give me some courage?"


  Dar. What did you do to me?

  It is like... It's not like, it is.

  Is what?

  I told you. A chance to mate.

  This isn't a chance, Dar. It's a driving fucking need.

  Well…you won.

  What's the part about not being Dovahkiin?

  D'lakii. Demon Lord.

  I sat down on the bed. "Yeah. That."

  There was a firm knock on the door. "Everything okay in there?" Chief's voice was only slightly muffled by the door.

  "Peachy keen. Not feeling that well. Dar was just explaining why."

  "Does it have anything to do with your vampire trying to make out with Candace?"

  "What?" I walked over and flung open the door.

  "Oh, no," Dar said softly behind me.

  I charged into the living room. Josie was staring aghast at Yuki crouched over Candace, lips firmly pressed against hers. Candace was staring at me imploringly and shooting nervous glances at Josie, who didn't know what to do.


  She ignored me.

  "Yukina Abernathy, I command you to obey me. Stop this, now!"

  My voice echoed with thunder. Literally. My sliding glass door instantly developed a hairline crack through it, and every dish in the kitchen either shattered or rattled. Everybody crouched low and held their hands over their ears and Yuki's back went rigid as she pulled away.

  "Master?" My name came out as a whimper from her throat.

  "What are you doing?" I tried to keep the anger out of my voice. I knew whatever was happening to her, it was more than likely my fault. Or at least Dar's.

  "I don't know." She scrambled away from Candace and put her back to the short wall with the kitchen counter above it, hugging her legs and rocking in shock.

  "Candace, are you okay?"

  "Yes, Lady."


  "Why was your vampire kissing my fiancée?"

  "Because of me. I'm not feeling well and it's spilling over on my… Wait. Hold the fuck up. Did you just say fiancée?"

  "Uh. No."

  "Yes," Candace said with a grin.

  "Oh, my goddess! Congratulations!" I ran over to the both of them and scooped them up in a hug, momentarily forgetting about the sweet-toothed vampire practically crying behind me.


  "Yes, Josie?"

  "While I appreciate the sentiment, you are changing the subject as to why fang-face was suckling my girl's lips."

  "My fault. Let it go. Won't happen again." I turned to Yuki. "You are forbidden from kissing Candace ever again."

  She nodded emphatically, not seeming too happy to have been doing it in the first place.

  "Josie, too."

  Yuki's shocked look turned to one of disgust. Her lip even curled.

  "What's wrong with me?" Josie stared open mouthed at the vampire, hand on her hip.

  "We're getting off topic here. Yuki, bedroom, now."

  "Yes, Master," she said and took off, her movements too fast to follow.

  "Seriously, you two. Congrats. I couldn't be happier."

  Candace beamed and was still staring after Yuki.

  Josie wasn't beaming. She was shooting daggers at Yuki. "Seriously? What is wrong with me? Did you see her lip curl like she was about to hurl?"

  "Josie. Let it go."

  She turned and stared at me. "You'd kiss me if you were gay, right?"

  "No way. Not until you get that lip fungus taken care of." I turned and walked into the bedroom. Jimmy, Shea, and Chief followed me in. I thought about making them wait outside, but I really didn't want to be in the room alone with Dar and Yuki. It would seem Yuki and I were having difficulty controlling ourselves and it might take the three of them to spell us off Dar.

  Jimmy shut the door behind us.

  "Okay. What the hell is going on?" Chief put his hands on his hips and looked directly at me.

  I pointed at Dar. "Blame him. He did some demon mojo on me while we were Underhill. In fact, I am going to relax and get comfortable on the bed while he explains to you all what happened. From the beginning," I added and stared at Dar when I said it.

  "As you wish."

  I walked over to the bed, fluffed my pillows, and sat back. Yuki curled up next to me, almost shaking she was so disgusted with herself.

  "Thought you were asexual and that you didn't like girls," I couldn't help but tease.

  "I am and I don't! At least I didn't think I did. But damnit, she was standing in front of me, the sunlight came in through a crack in the drapes and her lips were so shiny…"

  "I'm teasing, Yuki. It totally wasn't your fault."

  "Maybe I am gay?"

  "Were you checking out my ass in the shower?"

  "Yes. But in my defense, you have a very nice ass."

  "Thanky." I patted her head.

  Dar sighed again, now that our conversation was over, he hopped up on my dresser, ready to begin our tale of
adventure and mishap in the land of elves.

  I'd already lived it, so I closed my eyes and let the sound of Dar's voice lull me to sleep. It really was comforting, even more so than his mental voice.

  Chapter 2

  When I woke up, there was nobody standing around me listening to Dar's story. The lights were off, and moonlight filtered through my bedroom window, illuminating Yuki in a glowing aura as it reflected off her pale skin.

  I guess I was more tired than I thought.

  Dar, you still up?

  Yes, Master.

  Where is everybody?

  Gone for the night. They bade me let you rest.

  I have smart fellers.

  For the most part, yes.

  Do I detect a hint of jealousy in that statement?


  Uh huh. Where are you?

  Lying on the couch.

  Come here.

  Is it safe?

  Depends. How many legs do you have right now?


  You are safe.

  He nosed my door open, and slinked into the room, jumping on the bed and laying his head across my ankles.

  "So how did the conversation go?"

  They had not realized all you had been through. Even Shea, who was there for some of it, was aghast as I explained the events that followed the ambush.

  "You didn't tell them I blew my hands off in stupidity?"

  Should I not have?

  "If they start calling me stumpy, you're grounded."

  They would not. They were saddened by the pain you endured. Josie and Candace came in and listened to your tale, as well. Had the vampire not been by your side, she would have joined you. She shed many tears for you.

  I sighed. Candace shedding tears over me was not a favorite pastime of mine. Yet, it seemed to happen with a great amount of frequency. I really needed a vacation. Someplace tropical. With daiquiris and cabana boys.

  "And what did they say about the Fourth Rite?"

  Little. Although, your friend James, did develop an extraneous glint in his eye.


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