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Fifth Essence: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 5)

Page 15

by Jacquelyn Faye

  "I tasted the honey that Candace keeps in the cupboard for tea. They are much the same."

  Shea nodded in agreement.

  I blushed as I turned around, repositioning myself over Dar's face and lowering myself once again. Shea wrapped his arms around me and gave my breasts a gentle grasp as he kissed my neck.

  "Oh, Shea," I whispered at the intimacy of the embrace. Then Dar's tongue snaked up inside me again. Shea had been completely correct. The angle was much better, but I missed being able to hold his horns while he worked.

  "Look at him," Shea whispered in my ear. "See him throbbing? He looks like he is about to explode, just from tasting you."

  I opened my eyes and looked down. He was right. Dar's cock was practically rocking as his muscles contracted on their own.

  "Can you reach it?"

  I reached down and ran my fingers over it. His skin might have been blue, but the texture was soft and smooth. The head appeared to be a little larger than normal, now that it was freed from its foreskin sheath, but it was quite beautiful.

  "Do you wish to stroke it, or do you want to watch me do it?"

  "You," I managed to get the word out. I wanted to see him do more than stroke it, but I couldn't tell him with words.

  He let go of me and walked around the bed while I rode Dar's talented tongue. I felt the beginnings of another orgasm, but I fought against it, wanting to stay right where I was. Looking at Shea spreading Dar's legs and kneeling on the ground in front of him wasn't making it any easier.

  He put his arms over Dar's legs and wrapped his fingers around the base before sliding them up and over the tip. Fluid began dripping freely from the tip and Shea smiled as he pinched some of it between his fingers and rubbed them together. Steadily, he reached out and offered me a taste.

  Curiously, I opened my mouth and his finger gently grazed my tongue. Normally, I wasn't a fan of the flavor, but the situation pushed away my inhibitions. The taste was different from that of a normal human, much sweeter without the salty aftertaste. I wanted more.

  Shea chuckled as he saw my surprise and lowered his face to Dar's cock, pulling him into his mouth. Dar started breathing heavily beneath me at the sensation and promise of release. I rode Dar and Shea used his mouth and hand to milk the blue demon. Dar didn't stand a chance against the two of us and bucked his hips as he unloaded into the mouth of my shadow walker.

  I couldn't hold back any more. Between the tongue inside me and the heat of the scene in front of me, I let go. Before it hit me, Shea stood and leaned forward, his lips meeting mine as he shared his treasure.

  Our tongues danced as he coated mine in sweetness and I let the building orgasm wash over me like a tidal wave of pleasure. I groaned and moaned into that sweet kiss and pulled Shea into my arms, holding him tightly as he awkwardly straddled Dar beneath us.

  After it started to pass, only then did I loosen my grip as I slowly sat down on Dar's lap. I lifted myself up, letting Dar free. He lay there with a dreamy look and a happy smile.

  "Woah," I said. His face was very wet…

  "You flooded me when you came," he answered with an even bigger smile.

  "Your fault."

  "I accept full responsibility. Would you care to try again?"

  "Yeah. I'm going to need a minute before anybody touches me there," I said with a chuckle and complete honesty. I was still quivering in my proverbial boots.

  "Well, I do not," Shea said and reached behind him, stroking Dar.

  "What are you going to do?" I asked curiously.

  "I wish to feel him inside me."

  My quivers became quakes. "You're going to…?"

  "You shall see. He is already hard again. Could I ask you to make him wet?"

  I nodded and practically jumped from the bed. I knelt down and took Dar in my mouth, letting the saliva practically fall from my mouth as I bobbed my head. Dar hissed in pleasure and I felt him swell even further.

  Shea looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Might I suggest something else? The lubrication would be more natural."

  He didn't have to ask me twice. I stood, not caring how sensitive I might still be and pushed Dar's legs together. Straddling him behind Shea, I braced myself on my dark elf's shoulder as I reached down to guide him inside me.

  The thicker head made it a little slower and I found myself having to work it in and out to get it fully inside me. Once he was there, I sat and cooed at how perfect he felt inside me.

  Shea leaned back against me and I reached in front of him to play with him, but Dar's hands were already around him, stroking him softly. Instead I ran my fingers gently over Shea's stomach and chest as my lips traced soft kisses across his shoulder to his neck, his tattoos lighting up. Goddess, he was so damn beautiful. His quiet moan sent a shock of need through me and a feeling of something… possessive. My elf.

  We played like that for a few minutes when Shea asked, "Is he ready?"

  "Yes," I whispered. "Do you want him?"

  Shea nodded, his breathing unsteady as Dar's hands worked their magic. I rose and almost whimpered as Dar pulled free from me, leaving me feeling empty. Shea leaned forward and scooted back a little, letting me guide Dar to his ass.

  "Are you sure about this?"

  Shea just nodded and slowly pushed back. Dozens of Shea's memories fluttered through my brain. Things I had missed when I brought him into the coven and relived his life in a matter of moments. Three hundred years was a lot of information to process in the span of a few minutes. Shea was no stranger to another man's body. Or, I should say, men had been no stranger to Shea's body…

  I watched in rapt fascination as the tip of Dar began to push Shea open, the ring encircling the head as Shea stopped for a moment to get used to the sensation. He was practically laying on Dar's chest with a little smile on his face. Dar wrapped him in his arms and held him until he was ready to continue. It was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. My heart was literally melting and then Shea leaned in for a very soft and very sweet kiss. My melting heart exploded in a shower of fireworks.

  It began with subtle movements as Shea began to rock against him. Each time, a little more slipped inside the very content looking fae. By the time no more could go in, I had two fingers buried inside myself and was rapidly moving them, getting closer to coming again.

  "That is so hot," I muttered as I watched the two of them until Shea lifted himself up, blocking my view of Dar. He turned and smiled at me as he began rocking his hips, just like a woman would if she were riding Dar.

  Fingers still inside me, I used my other hand to crawl along the bed to face them. Shea's cock stood out in front of him, proud and hard, each movement inside of him causing his cock to flop forward against Dar's taught stomach muscles. On hands and knees, I continued fingering while they enjoyed themselves.

  "Does that feel good?" I asked the two of them.

  "Exquisite," Dar answered first, reaching over and letting his finger trace my nipple.

  "I see why you like this position."

  "Well, it's a little different from what I normally do, but still hot as fuck to watch."

  "It has been a while," Shea said shyly.

  "I know you. Been inside your head before, remember?"

  He nodded. "I am going to come soon."

  That kind of surprised me. "You're going to come? From having him inside you?"

  "Yes. It feels incredible. You should try it."

  "Maybe. Sometime. There's other places I enjoy it, though." I pulled my fingers out and stood on the bed, using my hand on the ceiling to steady myself as I stepped over Dar. Shea looked at me curiously as I squatted and sat on Dar facing him. I looked over my shoulder at Dar. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

  He just shook his head, the smile never leaving his face. I turned my head back and reached down, grabbing Shea's cock and scooting forward. Putting my legs and feet over his, I guided him into me as I slid the rest of the way, impaling myself on him.

  "I want you to c
ome inside me."

  "That I can do," he said and began fucking Dar and me simultaneously.

  We only held out for a minute or two. It became too much, and we were too close already. Dar grunted beneath us which started the chain reaction. I came before Shea, somehow. Already leaning back on my hands, I let my head fall back as I screamed in ecstasy, a deep guttural sound that ended on high pitched waves. I felt Shea inside me as his cock started pulsing and then a super wet feeling as it dripped from me.

  He and I both rolled to our sides, gasping for breath on the mattress and smiling at each other in utter contentment. One thing was for certain, we all needed a shower.

  "Please tell me you're fucking done," came a quivering shout from the other room. It was the first time I'd ever heard Yuki sound exhausted.

  Chapter 16

  "This is an abandoned warehouse," I said after I finished sneezing. Dust and tarps literally covered everything. You could see the dust in the air, swirling where the sunlight filtered through the broken glass windows at the top of the walls around us.

  "You are correct." Delron stepped in front of me, heading toward the darkened corner on the far side of the warehouse.

  "Did you expect the entrance into the dark side to be at the mall?" Yuki walked around me with a chuckle.

  "Seriously? Hot Topic never crossed your mind?"

  "Fair enough."

  What is a hot topic?

  I looked down at Dar in his Shepherd form. "See the clothes that Yuki wears?"


  "It's where you buy those."

  She didn't find them?

  He must have been broadcasting to the both of us. She turned around and flipped him off. My laughter echoed off the concrete walls around us. Everyone gave me a chastising look. "Sorry," I whispered.

  Delron was waiting for us by a stairwell leading down. The rusted iron railing looked more dangerous than an actual safety measure. I looked over the edge, and thankfully it was only one flight leading down to the basement. I frowned in frustration, the sunlight filtering through the windows was enough to keep my vampiric eyes from kicking in and I couldn't see anything but the bottom of the stairwell.

  "Guess this is the place."

  "Not yet," Delron said and started down the stairs.

  I went to follow, but Yuki put her hand on my arm, holding me back and putting herself between the dark elf and me. Shea slipped up next to me, dagger in hand, but blade hidden in the sleeve of his cloak. Dar nudged me with his nose when they were in position. I guess I was being fully escorted for the rest of the journey. It made me a little sniffly they were taking my security so seriously. Stifled, but sniffly.

  "Is all well?"

  I looked at Glabrielle and her two guards behind us. Giving a quick nod, I started down the stairs.

  Sighing, I wish we could have postponed the trip to the dark side for a few more days. I hadn't even had a chance to talk to my mother about everything I had learned about my father. She probably already knew, but something told me she didn't know the whole story. Namely, who and what exactly he was. It was the first item on my to do list when we got back. Finding him was number two.

  Delron was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs, an impatient look on his face. "It would not do well to dally. There may be returning scouts seeking the portal."

  "Gosh. You might have mentioned that sooner," I answered with just a hint of annoyance in my voice. At least I refrained from giving him an eye-roll.

  "I thought it was a given."

  "You travel to this realm often?"

  He nodded.

  "Why?" Glabrielle failed miserably at not sounding suspicious.

  "This world interests the queen."

  "Again, I would ask why?"

  "She…has a trade agreement with some of the local population."

  "Trading what?" I narrowed my eyes.

  He blushed and wouldn't meet my eyes. "Human drugs."

  "She's a fucking crack dealer?"

  He nodded. "Among many others, yes."

  I just couldn't wait to meet the queen. She sounded like a real fucking peach. "And what does she get in return?"

  "Human funds."

  "What good would that do in Faerie?"

  "We are a failing people, Lady. The queen does what she can to survive. Because we are failing, we find ourselves consistently under attack. Human weapons are…very efficient."

  "There are other ways."

  "What would you suggest?"

  I opened my mouth, but no words of wisdom were to be found. As an outsider, I had no idea what they were facing, what they'd been through, or even how to help them. Selling drugs to humans was not the answer, though. Ever. "Since I am just learning about this, I have no idea. But I will think of something and she will stop selling her poison to the humans."

  He didn't say a word, just nodded. "It is no longer my concern. I will let you tell her your thoughts on the matter. I am here only as your escort."


  He turned and headed down the corridor at the end of the stairs. Hanging yellow lightbulbs illuminated the way. I slapped one, sending it swinging as we passed beneath it, the burning I felt in my fingers distracting me for a moment. I was pissed and that never ended well. Usually for me.


  "Yes, Princess?"

  She moved up next to Shea. "I feel I should disclose to you that this was also a practice of my brother's."

  "You better be talking about Renlynn."

  "I am. Jaeren would never do such a thing. Neither would I. In fact, I am not sure he was even aware."

  "You stopped it?" I stopped and turned to look at her.

  "I would have if I could have. Some of the nobles found the practice a good idea."

  I sighed in frustration, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Okay. We'll discuss this later. After we rescue Jaeren."

  "He would be able to put an immediate end to it," she said thoughtfully. "The council would listen to him."

  "If they don't, they'll listen to me."

  She blanched, stepped back, and gave me a respectful nod. "If that is your will, Witch of Cedar Falls."

  "The human realm is mine and I will protect it."

  "As is your right." She motioned me forward, not wanting to listen to any more of my threats, apparently. I was disappointed. I was pissed and she was the only outlet I had at the moment.

  Delron gave up waiting and was already halfway down the corridor, Yuki keeping pace and glancing back at us. When she realized we weren't going to rush to catch up, she grabbed the back of his jerkin and held him still. He didn't seem too happy about it, either.

  The corridor made a sharp right and opened into another smaller warehouse. This one still had empty shelving filling it. Empty except for the thick coating of dust. Rows and rows of them blocked any possible view of the rest of the room. Large lights overhead glowed softly, providing a minimum of illumination. Looking up, I realized the power was still on in the building.

  "She used drug money to buy the property."

  "Yes," Delron answered, knowing who and what I was talking about. "As well as several of the surrounding buildings."

  This just keeps getting better and better, I said to Yuki and Dar.

  One step at a time. Let us retrieve your guardian. The rest can be dealt with later.

  This is why I keep you around. You're pretty brilliant for a demon. And you're hot. And great in bed.

  Ew. Yuki looked over her shoulder at us.

  What? She is not joking, Dar answered.

  I coughed to cover my laughter. Delron shot me another look. This time, he wasn't wrong to do so. As soon as I did, four elven archers stepped into the hall from behind the rows of shelving, arrows at the ready.


  "Who goes there?"

  "It is I, Delron. I return with the witch."

  The arrows lowered but weren't removed from their strings. They did however, step back far enough for us to pass through. I
tried my best to ignore them as we passed, but they were impressive looking enough to cast them a wary glance. They all wore elven armor, but in matted black. The light around them seemed to be absorbed and not a single reflection could be seen anywhere from them.

  Stealthy elfies.

  Really? Yuki admonished.

  You're just jealous you didn't think of it first.

  No. I'm thinking about taking them out, because if we come back from Faerie in a rush, these guys will be sitting here with ample cover and nasty looking bows.

  Oh. Chance we'll have to take. If a scout comes back and they're dead or tied up, I'm sure the queen would be the first to know.

  Good point.

  We finally cleared the shelving and the remainder of the room melted into a cave. A cave with a veil covering just like the portal under O'Malley's.

  "Creepy," I said in awe. Black vines writhed all around the entrance, seemingly having their roots in the other realm. The effect was rather spooktastic.

  "This is where I leave you, Lady." Delron bowed and stepped back.

  "Um. No."


  "You are with me, now. If the queen still wishes you dead, she'll have to go through me first. I have no idea what is on the other side of that thing," I said, pointing at the portal. "You do. Sorry, Delron. You're stuck with us until we get back with Jaeren."

  He sat deathly still for over a minute. His elven brain trying to come up with some plausible excuse. Underhill is the last realm he wanted to go back to, and I didn't blame him. Unfortunately, we needed him. He finally nodded and headed for the veil. I half expected the vines to reach out and strangle him as he tried to pass, but they ignored him. Yuki followed, Shea and I after, Dar behind me, and then our elven escort. We all passed through and I gasped at the scene before us as we gathered on the other side.

  A black, twisted castle stood on a hill across a shallow valley from where we were. A narrow pathway wound through wickedly sharp stalagmites, each with a purple flame erupting from the tips. Lighting flashed overhead, illuminating the ominous looking orange sky. No sun or moon was visible, so I had no idea what time of day we had stepped into. It was a Halloween nightmare come to life. I wondered if Josie's mom could be talked into relocating.


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