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Christmas Hearts in July

Page 5

by Marlene Bierworth

  “So she is a con-woman?” Jolene suggested.

  “I dare not call her that. I like to think of her as God’s hand extended to His lonely children.” She held up the first stage of her crown. “What do you think?”

  “I love the way you mixed the glitter into the mould and smeared it over the crown shape. It gives it a stronger foundation and a definite regal effect. It understates the splashy royal concept we all expect in crowns and I like that.” She stared closer at the design she was etching into the front. “What made you change up my original design?” Jolene asked.

  “It just seemed more natural to have two hearts overlapping one another than the single itty-bitty one. Makes it much more romantic, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Agreed. Show me how you mixed it. The king must have the same creation for them to bond as a couple.”

  “I was wondering where you came up with the magical heart idea?” Sandra asked.

  “I received a similar ornament as a gift not so long ago,” Jolene said hoping to end that conversation before it started. No such luck.

  “From a friend?”

  “You will laugh if I tell you but she is a universal friend.”

  “Oh, sounds intriguing. A universal figure looked down from her perch thought you needed an ornament?”

  “Appears so,” Jolene said as she reached for the bowl of plaster mixture Sandra offered. “You are so much farther along than me. Guess I can’t chat and work nearly as well as you.”

  “Well, dear, you work and let me tell you a bit of Heritage Inn’s recent history.” As they worked, Sandra told of her son and Angie, the owner of the resort, receiving the mystical envelope in the mail with the owl ornaments. She had Jolene staring at her with her mouth open by the time she finished the tale. Sandra nodded toward the unfinished crown. “Work dear. I am the one chatting, not you.” And then she proceeded to tell of the gift of the bulb she received that brought her peace from her past and gave her a new future with the owner of the Christmas store inside the bulb.

  Jolene dropped onto the chair. “That’s incredible.”

  “At this point in the conversation, most people label me as the resident woman with a few loose marbles rolling around upstairs. But they are not open to the magic and it makes me sad,” Sandra said.

  “I don’t think you’re crazy but only because of the North Pole return address on the envelope I received. But I have a hard time believing that through the gift that brought me here, I will find my happily-ever-after,” Jolene said as she grabbed her project and got back to work.

  “Don’t underestimate love, my dear, and the success of God’s right-hand workers in matters of the heart.”

  The old-fashioned grandfather clock chimed. “Time is ticking, Sandra. Let’s focus on getting these crowns done.”

  Jolene chanced a glance in Craig’s direction but could not see their creation as both heads bent low over the project. Her eye skimmed over her father and Barbie’s table where parts were scattered everywhere and the frustrated couple looked ready to give up. Crafts had never interested her father in the past and although he entered the contest to support his wife, she too looked just as lost. But back at her table, Jolene was encouraged. Both crowns were thirty minutes from completion and she was thrilled at the pending results she imagined fully in her mind.

  The remainder of the allotted time flew by and when Travis blew the whistle to end the event, everyone dropped their tools and sighed heavily.

  “Thank you all for participating. I want to assure you I have three unbiased judges lined up in the kitchen who have no idea who worked on which project. They are well acquainted with the history of the competition and its goals for the two graduating students who have proven themselves capable to reign in our community for the next thirty days. A coveted position in our town hall, I assure you. And one team here today will have the honor of providing the crowns. The winner will be announced in the dining hall at supper. And before you go, don’t forget about the Christmas tree event tonight. Heritage Inn cannot celebrate a month of jolly ho-ho-ho without decorations. You being the first guests of the month have the privilege of helping the staff to bring the Inn to life tonight at eight o’clock in the main sitting room.” He opened the door and waved his arm. “Have a good afternoon, folks.”

  Jolene spent a few minutes assuring Barbie that her contribution wasn’t a total write-off but in the end the woman shrugged her shoulders. “Doesn’t really matter. I was not expecting to win, I just wanted to spend this time working on a project with my husband. He needs no help in his office work and it appears he will not be asking me to decorate our new home any time soon.” Everyone laughed and the newlyweds moved toward the door.

  Jolene turned to Sandra. “Thank you for your help. I am satisfied with our efforts. May the best team win.”

  “Which, of course will be ours,” came a voice from behind.

  Jolene and Sandra spun around and, in the parting, displayed their masterpieces on the table to a shocked Selene. The woman gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

  Accusing eyes turned on Craig who came up behind her. “You! Did you show her your heart?”

  Craig stammered for an answer, but when he looked at the crowns his gaze slowly lifted toward Jolene. In his confusion he said, “why would I do that? Besides Jolene does not need anyone to feed her mind. She is imagination on two feet.”

  “But it’s just like yours,” Selene pouted.

  “It could have been yours, if you hadn’t thrown the ornament in my face.”

  Jolene stepped closer. “You received an ornament, in the mail—a heart?” Her voice trembled and after hearing the stories from Sandra, her mind overflowed with questions.

  “It came in both our names,” Selene said, ignorant of the magic associated with the gifts from the North Pole. “So that means you stole our idea.”

  “No, it means she received a similar package,” interrupted Sandra. “Isn’t it amazing how magic is swirling around the Inn ready to fall on a number of lonely hearts – or at least to those open to receive the gift?” She tapped Craig’s arm on the way by. “Good luck with your creation, young man.”

  The three of them stared after the woman who stopped to speak to guests as they worked their way out of the room. Selene turned vicious eyes on Jolene. “I don’t know how you did it, but you cheated. I’m going to lie in the sun, Craig. I feel chilled.”

  She marched from the room leaving Jolene and Craig to stare after her.

  “You best go and console your girlfriend. The winner has not even been announced; maybe neither of us will be chosen. Perhaps you should advise her that it’s unprofitable to walk through life suspecting you are a loser before it even happens.”

  “Selene has just lost a great promotion at work and probably hasn’t recovered yet. Please, excuse her behavior.” He started to walk away and twisted back to face Jolene. “Did you really get a heart in the mail?”

  “A red one, complete with a week’s paid reservation at this resort.”

  “Interesting,” Craig said as he left the room.

  She watched and when a hand touched her arm, she startled. “Miss, you’re the last one. I want to bring the judges in before they get too busy with meal preparations.”

  “Of course, I’m sorry.” Jolene rushed from the room and headed for the stairs. She needed a long, hot shower and some time alone. Going to the beach this afternoon was not happening.

  Chapter 7

  Her father arrived at the door to escort her to dinner. “Barbie sent me to get you. We haven’t seen you all afternoon and she is concerned you’re ill.”

  “Not at all,” Jolene said. “Just wanted some alone time.”

  “Good. You look gorgeous as usual.”

  “It’s your honeymoon, daddy. You don’t need a third wheel hanging around. I’m fine on my own.”

  “We manage to find lots of opportunity to play the honeymooning role and if my bride is happy then who am I
to argue about whom she wants to join us at the dinner table. Truth be known, she thinks you are a sure win for the crown competition. She is proud of you, and she barely knows you. I hope you’ll give her a chance, Jolene. I realize she’s young but we’re in love. I couldn’t throw that away.”

  “Well, good for you two. And I’m glad you’ve finally found happiness after grieving your childhood sweetheart for so many years. You deserve all the joy this world can bring and I’m rooting for you and Barbie.”

  He clasped her hand in his. “Relieved to hear it. What about you – any love nipping at you since your initial disaster? First love is so hard to lose. Wasn’t his name Craig?”

  “Yes, Craig, and he’s history. I’d rather not drag his memories into our cozy threesome here at the resort. Shall we go to dinner?”

  Jolene closed the door behind her and allowed him to lead her to the dining room. She stayed focused on his conversation and did not allow herself to scan the room for Craig. It hurt too much to see him with another woman, and one as beautiful as Selene. Although, it was becoming clearer, that she could not hide or dodge the couple for the rest of the week, and if she wanted any fun out of this vacation, she would not find it reading romance books in her room. But she would avoid canoe trips with her ex. That closeness awakened far too many emotions she’d laid to rest after Craig left Sebring for the opportunity of a lifetime, a year long contract in the big city.

  The guests applauded when the crowns she and Sandra had made earlier were carried in on a silver platter with a number 1 Winners Ribbon leaning against it. Jolene was forced to go to the front where her helper joined her. She gathered confidence from the woman’s gentle eyes and they linked hands and bowed low to their fans. Jolene hugged the woman and whispered, “Thank you,” in her ear. “I could not have done this without you.”

  “Let not your heart be troubled, young one. Your miracle is around the corner.”

  Jolene pulled away and smiled politely at the guests rising to their feet. “I believe they want us to lead the parade, Sandra.”

  Her father and Barbie came first to drag them to the front of the line, and with #1 held high in the air, they began the trek to the sitting room. It was time to start decorating the Inn.

  At midnight, Jolene was still awake. Donning her jogging pants and sweat shirt, she crept downstairs. The decorative Christmas lights still illuminated the sitting room. She walked inside and stood in awe of their earlier fun. At the tree, she fingered the ornaments, each one telling a historic story of this resort and area. The owner was more than willing to relate her proud legacy to all who wanted to hear. The popcorn reminded her of the trees she decorated with her father as a child. Lost in years gone by, the hushed frantic whisper in the registration area outside the room, caught her attention. Curious, she went to the door and peered around the corner. It was her father, and just as she was about to confront him, he spoke to the person on the end of his cell phone.

  “I told you not to call me on my cell. I’m a married man now. I just need to know if you’re on your way. Your daughter is…”

  Someone on the other end obviously cut him off. The silence stretched and Jolene backed against the interior wall of the sitting room, remaining out of sight.

  “So, remember, pretend you don’t know me, okay, Sheki?”

  Sheki! That was Selene’s mother’s name, the one she’d asked if her father knew. Apparently, he did, but she’d not volunteer that piece of overheard conversation. A movement caught her eye and she saw Craig. He was listening to the phone conversation, as well. So much for Selene not finding out.

  Trace finished his call and slithered back up the stairs. To Jolene’s way of thinking, secrets from his wife so early in the marriage did not spell happy-ever-after for her stepmother.

  “How long have you been hiding out over there?” Jolene demanded when her father was out of earshot.

  “I saw you come downstairs.” he inched closer and she tensed, but moving backward was not an option. She was plastered against the wall.

  “You’re stalking me?”

  “I was here first,” he said. “I could accuse you of the same.”

  “Where’s your girlfriend? She must be missing you,” Jolene said.

  “Retired. Her skin is pink and she fears it will peel and she’ll look a mess for the rest of the vacation. Says she will spend the entire night layering cream over her body to avoid the possibility. I took that as my cue to run.”

  “What happened to the man I knew with high morals? You’d never have suggested sharing a suite before marriage.”

  “Mrs. Claus – or whoever sent the gift – saw to that. I have my own room. We just share a common area in the middle. I swear, I haven’t even peeked inside her private space.”

  Jolene tried to sound nonchalant. “It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to defend your behavior to me anymore.”

  He was so close she could feel his breath. “It matters to me what you think of my behavior.”

  “Fine then,” Jolene said looking for an escape route around the small perimeter he’d enclosed them in. “Excuse me; I’m going to bed now.”

  He barred her escape by placing his hand on the wall next to her ear. “I never wanted to leave you.”

  “It’s history. We’ve both moved on.”

  “Nothing is black and white, Jolene. Truth is, if I have to share a woman with her job, I’d prefer her to be you.” Jolene felt herself melting and attempted to disguise it. “Don’t bother, Miss Sumpter. I know you far too well. I’ve seen all your masks.”

  “Craig, you’re playing with fire. Instead, we should be discussing what we both overheard – the name Sheki. Did you say it was Selene’s mother?”

  “That is her mother’s name. Whether it’s the same woman, remains to be seen.”

  “Don’t play with me.,” Jolene said. “You know she is. It sounds like she is planning a surprise visit with her daughter.”

  “Sheki is a big name in Atlanta. She has branches all over the country printing her version of what every woman dreams of. A close competitor to her daughter’s magazine and a very busy woman. I doubt she will show up here at the whim of your father.”

  “But you heard him. She is coming,” Jolene argued.

  “We shall see,” Craig said. “I’ve learned not to believe anything the high and mighty say until I see it with my own eyes.”

  “I believe in my father, and do not appreciate you placing him in the same category as the one you speak of in such scornful tones; You disappoint me. Trace Sumpter has been successful in business but he is not an overbearing tycoon.”

  His voice softened. “I never meant to imply that.”

  “Maybe you didn’t; I’m on the defensive,” Jolene admitted. “This vacation is spiraling into something I’m sure none of us planned for.”

  “Sometimes surprises are the best,” Craig said. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

  “And Sandra insists that magic is in the air.” Jolene said as her breathing came out in jagged bursts.

  “I like that woman,” said Craig. He leaned in and Jolene saw that familiar yearning in his eyes. “But I love you.” Before she could turn her head, he captured her lips and sent her head spinning and her heart pounding. She could have no sooner resisted him as a flimsy willow branch fighting gale force winds. When they separated, she lowered her head and rested it on his chest. “Craig, you should not have done that.”

  “Why? From the moment I saw you registering here I knew I would end up kissing you. We’re meant to be together and we were fools to part.”

  “But I still work,” she said.

  “And, so do I,” Craig said, “Like countless others who have learned to compromise for their relationships.”

  Jolene felt the tears pool in her eyes and pushed him away. “No, it’s too late. I’ll not be the one to break your girlfriend’s heart and I won’t be moving to Atlanta. I’m small town – the girl next door, and you deserve so much
more.” She wiggled around him, ignoring his confused expression. “This won’t happen again, Craig.”

  Chapter 8

  Late the next afternoon, found Travis, the social convenor, addressing those planning to attend the dance in town as to the proper attire. Pineville took Christmas in July seriously and that evening was the kick off event. The Inn even had accessories to offer guests, in case they hadn’t read the brochure outlining the down-home theme that required country-Christmas attire.

  Jolene had packed hers, for she loved line dancing and the idea of learning how to square dance thrilled her. These steps involved groups, and being minus a partner was the perfect solution to her single status. She’d have fun if it killed her, vowing to herself not to give Craig and Selene a moment of her attention.

  Jolene stood listening to his spiel close to the front entrance, when the door swung open and royalty stepped inside. The woman appeared to silence the room as she halted to scan the group gathered in the entrance hall. The busboy, concentrating on dragging the enormous suitcase in behind her, nearly bumped into her stationary figure. Jolene covered her mouth to smother a snicker when she saw his shocked expression and the woman’s scant acknowledgment of him cowering behind her.

  The woman wore a sweeping hat, littered with silk daisies and daffodils on top of her head, the only thing missing, in Jolene’s opinion, was a bird nesting within the folds of the net. Definitely a trend setter. She did not have to wonder for long if she was the Sheki her father had talked to on the phone.

  Selene’s voice shrieked inside the room of silent and mesmerized guests. The new arrival seemed to demand attention without uttering a word. “Mother! What are you doing here?” the daughter yelled as she rushed toward her.

  Their embrace was rather comical. Jolene preferred the strong all-encompassing kind of hug to the mere touch of the shoulders and a peck on the cheek.

  “Why, dear, I called your office to congratulate you on your promotion only to learn that wretched Cherise Queen gave it to someone else.” She cast sympathetic eyes on her daughter. “You really should get off your high-horse and come work for me.”


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