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His Sacrifice: A Dark Halloween Treat

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by Aaron, Celia

  His Sacrifice

  A Dark Halloween Treat

  Celia Aaron

  Celia Aaron

  Copyright © 2019 Celia Aaron

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book only. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Celia Aaron.

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This tale originally appeared as “Communion” in the “Twisted Sacrament” collection published in 2018.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Also by Celia Aaron

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  Celia’s Note: This isn’t a romance. I promise. It has a happy ending of sorts *sly smile* but definitely not a romance. Turn back now if you’re looking for love, friends. (But if you’re looking for a trigger-filled terrifyingly titillating tale, step right up.)

  Mr. McGovern strode out of his office, his muscular frame perfectly wrapped in an expensive suit. Casting his dark blue gaze in my direction, he gave me a secret smile, his firm lips twisting up just so slightly at the corners.

  I leaned forward and put my elbows on my desk. “You have one more meeting this afternoon.”

  He walked over to me, his long strides eating up the polished floor. “One more obstacle before the night is ours. Are you ready, birthday girl?” His eyes lingered on my face, then glanced lower to the v-neck top of my deep crimson blouse.

  A tingle went through me, excitement reaching to the tips of my toes. “I can’t wait.” My voice came out breathy, and I had to press my thighs together to quell the sensations rushing through me. I’d finally bagged the boss. Me, a lowly personal assistant with no pedigree and no movie-star looks. I wasn’t ugly, but there was no way I could compete with a lot of the other assistants around the building with their perfect hair and nails and eating disorders. A little plumper, I enjoyed food and spent my time on pursuits other than salons. But it didn’t matter! Mr. McGovern only had eyes for me. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread along my lips.

  “That’s what I like to see.” He ran his finger down my jawline. “I want to see more of it tonight. All of it, in fact.”

  Lucky. That’s the only word for it. I was the luckiest girl in all of McGovern Enterprises. First, I got the assistant job despite the competition, then I’d caught his eye. At thirty-eight, he was ten years older than me, but still so handsome and powerful and, oh my god, wealthy. Tonight was going to be our first—and best—real date. Best birthday ever.

  My phone buzzed, the receptionist letting me know Mr. McGovern’s four o-clock had arrived.

  “See you soon, beautiful.” He straightened and returned to his office, his broad back sending another wave of anticipation through me.

  “Yes sir.” I stood and welcomed the businessmen into Mr. McGovern’s (or Ted, as he told me to call him) office, then sat back and daydreamed about how perfect my night was going to be.

  I had such big dreams for my future, and Mr. McGovern—with his hotness, money, and prestige—was going to make them all come true. Squee!

  Chapter Two


  We made our reservation on time, and I enjoyed Cate’s wide eyes as we waltzed into one of the finest restaurants in the city.

  “Oh my god, it’s so fancy!” She grabbed my arm, a huge grin on her clueless face.

  I’d never met such a country bumpkin in all my life. Still, her hips swayed nicely as she maneuvered through the tables. So, it wasn’t a hardship.

  “If this is acceptable.” The host waved us to a booth in the back, the black lacquered table lit by a single candle and the cool evening lighting overhead.

  “Wow.” Cate smiled, then slid onto the seat.

  I joined her on the same side, throwing my arm around her shoulders as she gawked at the thick wine menu. “Like it?”

  “I love it.” She ran her fingertip along the edge of the dinner menu.

  “I’ll order for you.”

  “Um, okay.” She nodded and turned to the server who appeared at the edge of the table.

  “We’ll have a bottle of Chianti Panzano, pork belly appetizer, the Wellingtons, whipped potatoes, and asparagus.”

  “Very good.” He took our menus and hustled away.

  “All I caught of that was potatoes and asparagus.” She blushed slightly, the color pooling in the apples of her freckled cheeks.

  “Stick with me, kid. I’ll show you the ropes.” I reached up and loosened my tie, then undid the top button of my shirt.

  She followed the movement, her eyes hungry.

  I pulled my arm from her shoulders and eased it down to my side, running my palm onto her thigh.

  Jumping a little, she gave me another starry-eyed look.

  Her skirt was a little long for my tastes, but it would be gone before the end of the night. God, this was too fucking easy. But that’s what I liked about it.

  I adopted a concerned look. “How are you feeling about spending your birthday with me instead of your family?”

  She placed her palm on top of my hand. “You are so kind to think about me like that.”

  “I can’t imagine how hard it is to be all alone in a big city without any family to watch over you. I want to make this day as special for you as possible.”

  “It already is.” She squeezed my hand. “Tonight, with you, anything is possible.”

  I licked my lips. I’d planned her evening down to the second—how it began, the fun in the middle, and its not-so-delightful end—but she didn’t need to know that. Why would I spoil the surprise?

  “I’m flattered you think I’m that great of a date.” I gave her my easy smile, the one that melted panties. “I hope you haven’t told all your friends about me.”

  Her face turned more serious. “No. I did exactly what you said and kept it all to myself. What’s between us stays between us. I don’t want anyone interfering.”

  “That’s my good girl.” With all the formalities taken care of, it was time to start the evening. After all, I didn’t want to make it all work, work, work.

  I leaned closer, my lips to her ear. “I have one more little question for you.”

  Her breath hitched. “What?”

  “Are you wearing panties?” I ran my hand farther up her skirt to her inner thighs.

  “You told me not to.”

  “Good girl.” When I touched her hot, wet pussy, I slid my finger down her slit. “Always following instructions.”

  “Mmm.” She let her head rest against the leather of the booth.

  I delved farther, my finger pressing inside her. “Tight little cunt.” My cock jumped against my zipper. I needed to take it slow. After all, this was just the appetizer. But damn, I hadn’t expected her to be so responsive. Getting her thighs wide open would be a snap.

  “That’s …” She bit her lip. “That’s so …”

  “Sir?” The server reappeared with the wine bottle.

  Cate tensed, but I didn’t stop pulsing my fingers in and out of her searing cunt.

  I nodded at him when he showed me the label. “Go ahead and pour.”
  Cate’s breathing increased, her legs opening a little wider for me. Fuck, I couldn’t wait to be balls deep in her.

  When the server left, I moved my fingers to her clit.

  She gripped my wrist. “Ted.”

  “What?” I circled the little nub.

  “If you keep doing that—”

  “You’ll come for me?” I stroked her harder. “In this restaurant like a dirty girl?”

  “Ted,” she breathed again.

  I didn’t let up, my fingers playing her clit as she panted next to me. The server arrived with our first course right as she began to hold her breath. Her nails dug into my wrist, but I didn’t stop. As he set down our food, she tensed and moaned low in her throat. I pushed my finger inside her, feeling the compression and knowing it would be squeezing my cock soon enough.

  The server pretended not to notice and hurried away.

  She was so responsive, her pussy creaming for me and her nipples hard enough to cut glass.

  I pulled my fingers away and licked them as she gawked at me. Sweet and a little tangy.

  I hoped her blood would taste just as good.

  Chapter Three


  Flashing lights. The sound of an engine. Movement. Where was I?

  I tried to reach out, but my arm wouldn’t budge.

  “There she is.” Ted’s voice came to me from what seemed like a long distance.

  “What…” My mouth wasn’t cooperating, not even a little. I couldn’t be sure anything came out besides maybe a mmm sound.

  “Just relax, sweet little Cate. We’re almost there.”

  Almost where? And why couldn’t I feel my body?

  Panic began to rise, shooting through me like acid in my veins.

  “Shh.” I could feel a hand along my back, though the sensation was muffled, as if I were wrapped in several layers of fluffy coats.

  Lying on my side, I couldn’t get my bearings.

  “Everything’s going to be fine. You just had too much to drink at dinner.”

  I blinked, trying to force my disorientation away. But it remained, and I still couldn’t see much of anything except pulses of light at intervals. Was it streetlamps we were passing? Some asshole shining a flashlight in my face? I couldn’t tell.

  “She’s a little plumper than the last one.” Another man spoke.

  Oh, hell. We weren’t alone. A chill shot down my spine.

  “Who’s that?” I still couldn’t get out much more than a grunt.

  “She’s got a tight cunt, that’s all that matters for the moment.” Ted’s hands became rough, flipping me over onto my back.

  Another pair of hands ran up my inner thighs, then I felt the intrusion of two fingers.

  “Hey!” My lips barely moved.

  I squirmed, but Ted pressed down on my chest, keeping me still. My vision was clearing slowly, but I couldn’t see the other man.

  “Fuck, you aren’t kidding.” The other man pressed his fingers in and out. “She’s already a little wet. What did you do at the restaurant?”

  “Just a little finger play. Nothing major. She’s still un-fucked … for now.” They both laughed, and the stranger kept feeling me from the inside, his fingers delving deeper.

  A thumping sound erupted nearby. They ignored it, even though I could have sworn I heard someone yell.

  Ted’s hand slid to the left, cupping my breast, then squeezing my nipple as the other man moved to my clit, his fingers pressing on the sensitive spot.

  “She’s responsive,” the stranger grated.

  “You have no idea.” Ted shoved down the fabric of my top and my bra, then leaned over. His hot mouth drew a gasp from me when it closed around my nipple.

  I struggled, my arms trying to push him off, but they just swatted against him and fell back, useless.

  The stranger spread my legs wider.

  “Don’t get too—” A mouth pressed against my pussy, and Ted released my nipple. “Jeez man, you can’t save it for your own bitch?”

  “Just a taste.” The stranger pressed his tongue inside me.

  No, no, no! My hips gave a half-hearted attempt to push him off. He just stuck his tongue in farther, his thumbs digging into my thighs and spreading me even more.

  Ted pulled the other side of my shirt down and bit my nipple. My body was waking up, but it wasn’t going in the right order. Instead of my mouth working to scream for help, my pussy began to thump with need, each beat of my heart sending more heat between my thighs. The man focused on my clit, the broad side of his tongue swiping at again and again as Ted twisted one nipple and sucked another.

  The man eased two fingers inside me again, and I moaned.

  “She wants it.” Ted flicked his tongue along my breast, each touch like a spark of electricity that sizzled down my body.

  I turned my head, trying to deny the pleasure, to fight the need for release. But my body didn’t care that I was being licked and sucked by a stranger, didn’t care that I was in a strange car, didn’t care about anything except the building pressure between my thighs.

  I wanted to fight it. I couldn’t. My body tightened, everything in me focused on the tongue lashing my clit, the hot mouth on my breasts.

  My hips seized. I couldn’t breathe. The orgasm hit me like a gut punch, and washed over me in waves of unexpected intensity. I moaned and trembled, my hands awake enough to scrabble against the car leather as my body turned itself inside out. A burst of pain twisted my pleasure. Ted had bitten down hard on my nipple, almost enough to break the skin. I couldn’t catch my breath as the man finally let up, his silky tongue stroking me once more before his heat disappeared.

  Ted released my breast from his mouth, but used both hands to massage me. “How was she?”

  “I could eat that peach all day.”

  More thumps. Were they coming from the trunk?

  “You have your own.” Ted squeezed my nipples.

  I finally had enough control of my hands to reach for my skirt.

  “She’s not sweet like this one. Trade you?”

  I could see something, as if the orgasm had cleared the film from my eyes. My head was in Ted’s lap, his erection pressing against the side of my cheek, and my legs were still spread as the other man knelt between them on the floor of the limo.

  “I kind of like how spirited yours sounds, Caleb.” Ted slapped my breast, the sting coursing through to my brain. “This one is gentler. Hmm. I’ll give you a go at Cate, but she’s mine for the finale.”

  “Deal.” The man, Caleb, scooted back and sat across from me, his dark eyes focused on Ted’s hands as I shoved my skirt back into place.

  When I tried to sit up, Ted slammed me back down. “We’re almost there, little one. Just relax.”

  I shook my head, which meant my cheek rubbed against his cock.

  “You want this?” Ted reached down and ran his hand along his stiff length, only the fabric of his pants separating it from me.

  “N-no.” I managed to form the word.

  He and the other man laughed. “You’re going to get it, but I was hoping we could wait until I got you inside,” Ted slapped my breast again, then twisted my nipple.

  The car seemed to slow, then stop.

  “Let me go.” I peered up at Ted.

  “No.” He returned to kneading my breasts.


  A grin spread along his lips, his white teeth glinting in the low light as the car began moving again. “Keep begging, Cate. It suits you.”

  Chapter Four


  Ten years had passed since I was last at the Vanth Estate, but it looked much the same—a winding drive led to a two-story gothic mansion, the windows lit with candles and the black front doors wide open.

  “I promised myself I’d never come here again.” Caleb stared at the doors. “But here I am.”

  “Ten years does a lot to dull the memories, I guess.” I shrugged. Unlike Caleb, I planned to show up here each de
cade and do what was necessary. Cate tried to push me away, but I pulled her up next to me and wrapped one arm around her.

  “Don’t,” she slurred.

  I ignored her.

  Caleb sighed as the car stopped and the driver got out. “I didn’t want to do this, but we’re on the verge of taking the company public. Without Vanth, I can’t be sure it’s the right move.”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” I pulled Cate’s top back into place. “We all do what we have to do.”

  He scrubbed his jaw, and a slight smile curved his lips. “I think I can live with it as long as I get a full taste of your little Cate before the night is out.”

  The bitch in the trunk banged around some more.

  “I can’t wait to meet yours. What’s her name?”

  “Morgan. Hired her a couple weeks ago to be my maid. No family, no close friends. You know the deal.”

  “Yeah, Cate doesn’t speak to her family. A real sob story.” I kissed her on the cheek. “Isn’t that right, little one?”

  The driver opened my door.

  “Let me go.” Cate tried to push away from me, but she was still too weak.

  “Let you go?” I pulled her out of the car with me, then walked her up the front stairs as Caleb freed his girl from the trunk. “Why would I do something silly like that?”

  Marie Vanth met me just inside the foyer, her black robe covering a sleek form, and a stole of raven’s feathers decorating her shoulders.

  She smiled and gave me a slight bow. “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks for inviting me.” I hefted Cate around to my front. “We’re ready. And the money’s already been wired.”


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