Book Read Free

Not Quite Sheer Happiness

Page 17

by Melissa Baldwin

  “I’m not sure you remember me,” Lisa says to her. “I’m Ace’s old girlfriend. We met in Europe many years ago.”

  I take a sip of my club soda, trying not to acknowledge her.

  “Hello, Sienna,” she says pleasantly.

  “Hi, Lisa,” I reply coldly.

  Just because she’s pretending to be cordial doesn’t mean I have to be. Our exchange is completely forced and awkward, but Maureen eases the tension a little.

  “Indeed, I do remember you,” she replies politely.

  Lisa smiles smugly. Oh please, I think to myself. If only she knew how Maureen remembers her, as the first girl to break her baby boy’s heart. Not to mention the most recent stories I’ve shared with her.

  “How long are you in town?” Lisa asks curiously.

  While they’re having their conversation, I take out my phone. I have two text messages waiting for me and they’re from Carrie. Seriously? I didn’t think this night could get any worse after Lisa interrupted our dinner, but apparently, I was wrong. Her text says she wants to talk to me and she will try to stop by the office sometime soon. I guess she’s figured out that there’s no chance of me meeting up with her so she will have to come to me, which is exactly right.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Ace says when he returns. His face falls when he sees Lisa talking to his mom.

  Lisa’s face brightens as soon as she sees him. “Hello, Ace. It’s so great to see your mom again. I know how happy you must be to have her here.”

  He looks as uncomfortable as I feel.

  “It was nice seeing you again. We don’t want to keep you from your friends,” Maureen interjects. Or in other words, leave us alone, I think to myself. Thankfully, she gets the hint and finally joins her party across the restaurant.

  “Ugh,” I groan. “Nothing like a few minutes to ruin your whole evening.”

  Maureen winces. “Don’t you start that now, this evening is far from ruined.”

  She pours herself a glass of wine and points directly at me.

  “I think we need to have another talk,” she says firmly. “I may be leaving town but I will make sure I leave you with a bit of my wisdom. So, you need to listen to me.”

  Ace leans back comfortably in his chair. I get the feeling he’s actually enjoying watching his mother set me straight . . . or maybe he put her up to it?

  “I don’t want you to give that girl another thought. You’re pouring so much energy into her that it’s taking over every aspect of your life. She’s controlling you and she probably doesn’t even realize it. And even worse, you’re letting her.”

  I purse my lips together, but I have no response because she’s right and I know it. I’m done letting Lisa control my thoughts. I look over to where she’s sitting—she’s laughing loudly and making a scene. Obviously, she doesn’t care about the pain she’s inflicted on others. I think about poor Kami who’s had her whole world turned upside down because of the behavior of others. I refuse to let her do any more damage, at least in my life.


  Maureen is gone and I’m really sad. We really became close in the short time she was visiting, and for some reason, I can really relate to her. She gave me two more lectures/pep talks before she left. I promised her that if Lisa comes around with any more drama that I would ignore her. And I mean it . . . I think.

  I’m hard at work in my office when Tracy comes into my office.

  “Sienna, you have a visitor,” she says nervously. For some reason, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I really hope it’s not Lisa. Craig and Nicole are out looking at some new venues for our clients.

  “Who is it?”

  She grimaces. “Carrie Anderstone.”

  Of course . . . I was hoping it wouldn’t be Lisa but Carrie isn’t much better.

  “Okay, send her in,” I say reluctantly.

  I really need to change my attitude. My last few encounters with Carrie haven’t been that bad. Maybe part of my problem is my way of thinking. Maureen would be pleased that some of her lecturing has paid off. I’m willing to keep an open mind, so I put a big smile on my face.

  “Hello, Sienna,” Carrie says as soon as she walks in. She gives me a skeptical look. I wonder if my smile looks too forced. Maybe I should tone it down a little, so I relax my face.

  “What can I do for you, Carrie?” I ask cheerfully.

  Okay, so maybe my cheerfulness seems insincere, but I’m really trying here.

  She makes herself comfortable. “As I told you in my text, I wanted to speak to you about something,” she says firmly. “You should know that I was approached by a reporter. He wanted a story about you and Sheer Happiness.”

  I immediately feel uneasy. I think I know exactly who’s behind this. The question is, how did Carrie handle it and what did she say?

  “Okay. And what did you have to say about me?” I’m trying to keep my cool. Even though Carrie’s reputation has been subpar at times, people will still believe any kind of gossip.

  I watch as the corners of her mouth turn up into a big smile. “I only told him the truth.” She pauses and it seems like she’s about to say something else.

  I guess this is what she’s trying to do, torture me with as little information as possible. My patience is slowly fading, but she continues talking.

  “I told them that you’re an excellent event planner and that due to very selfish reasons I lost you, and in doing so, the company that my mother built collapsed.”

  Is this a joke? Is it April Fool’s Day? It just sounded like she gave me a huge compliment as well as assumed responsibility for the company falling apart. Either she’s up to something or she was serious about changing her ways. I don’t know what to say. I hate to be so skeptical, but with our history I have no choice.

  “You said that?” I ask.

  She looks out the window; no doubt she’s trying to avoid making eye contact with me. “It’s true. And as hard as it is to admit it—I made some terrible mistakes.” She pauses again. “Anyway, I just wanted to show you that I am sincere in trying to make amends. I know that you have your reservations, so I will not reach out to you again.”

  Hmmm . . . that’s it? I have to say something.

  “Thank you for saying that, Carrie,” I tell her. “No matter what has happened between us, I want you to know that I do appreciate everything you taught me. I do owe a lot of my knowledge to the years we worked together.”

  She gives me a grateful smile. At that moment, her face looks softer and she doesn’t look as . . . artificial. “Thank you.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, I have an appointment with my psychic, so I’ll be off.” She gets up and heads for the door. Before she leaves, she turns around.

  “Obviously, there’s someone out there wanting to know more about you,” she says. “Take the advice from someone who has had plenty of adversity thrown at them. Even when people are talking negatively about you, remember they are talking about you.”

  She leaves my office and doesn’t say good-bye. She must have used up all of her kindness for the month, or the year.

  I think I’m in shock. I should google the signs of the body going into shock. The strangest part is that I actually believe that she’s being sincere. I hope I don’t end up regretting this later, but maybe it’s time for me to have an open mind.

  This is huge for me. Maureen would be so proud and so would Abby.

  Chapter 21

  “Good for you,” Abby says happily. “I knew a little tough love would come in handy.” I can hear the baby crying in the background. “It sounds like you’re right about Carrie. I think there just comes a point in time when people are done with the nonsense.”

  The baby is now crying hysterically. I can barely hear what I’m saying much less Abby.

  “Why don’t you take care of Charlotte and call me back later?” I tell her.

  She happily agrees and quickly hangs up.

  I look at my most recent to-do list. For some reason, “book w
edding venue” is practically jumping off the page. I need to do this now.

  After setting up a date to tour the ranch, I still feel uneasy. I thought I was ready but it still seems so daunting. I try to put it out of my head. I need Ace. Thankfully, he’s getting home from another trip today. I’ve hardly seen him since Maureen left.

  As I’m getting ready to leave for the day, a woman walks into the lobby. I can hear Tracy talking to her. I pretend to look really busy and start looking for more decorating ideas.

  “Sienna, there is an Esmerelda Carson here to see you? She wouldn’t tell me what company she was from, but she’s relentless.”


  “Okay,” I say flatly. “Bring her in.”

  Tracy leads her in and I stand up to introduce myself. Once Esmerelda is seated, I ask her what she wants.

  She takes out her iPad. “I want your side of the story.”

  I give her a curious look. Story?

  “What do you mean my side of the story?” I demand.

  I can feel my blood pressure rise as Esmerelda Carson tells me about some information she received from an “anonymous” source. Apparently, this source claims that Sienna Harris of Sheer Happiness is unethical and unprofessional. I think it’s safe to assume that the source is Lisa.

  “Are you the one who reached out to Carrie Anderstone?” I ask. “According to Carrie, she was very complimentary of me and my company.”

  She nods. “Yes, she was. In fact, she disputed the other information.”

  Unbelievable, I think to myself. Carrie really came through for me. I guess she meant what she said after all.

  “So, what do you have to say about these claims?” she asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  I take a deep breath. “These claims are completely false. I believe the source is a jaded old flame. This woman is personally attacking my company and me. You’re more than welcome to view my website for a list of reputable clients I have worked with and contact them. I stand by my good name.”

  Damn, that was good. I’m so proud of myself, and it’s just my luck there was no one to witness my kickass confidence.

  Esmerelda is typing something on her iPad.

  “Okay, so you’re saying you know who this source is?” she asks after she looks up from her iPad.

  I grit my teeth. “I’m almost positive.”

  Esmerelda nods her head slowly. “Very interesting.” Her phone beeps again and she quickly looks at it.

  “Okay, then, thank you for your time, Ms. Harris. I will be in touch.”

  She reaches over and shakes my hand.

  After I walk her to the door, I turn around and lean against the wall. That Lisa is a piece of work. All of a sudden something comes over me, I run to my office to grab my purse and I’m out the door. This is going to end once and for all.


  When I arrive at Lisa’s office, the receptionist recognizes me right away.

  “Hi, Ms. Harris.”

  I put on my best poker face.

  “Hi. I’m sorry I forgot to give something to Lisa Simmson when I met with her. It’s just a small thank-you gesture. Can I just run up to her office really quick to surprise her?”

  The poor unsuspecting girl waves me right through without giving Lisa a warning. I walk straight into her office and catch her off guard.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she yells.

  I sit down in a chair and put my feet up on another. I’m not sure where this newfound courage has come from but it feels fantastic.

  “I’m telling you once again that I did not tell Kami about you and Mike. He was stupid enough to leave an email open on his computer and she found it,” I say firmly. “I don’t understand you. Why can’t you find a man who’s unattached?”

  She’s absolutely fuming, but I keep going.

  “Good move trying to use Carrie against me, sorry to tell you that totally backfired.” I put my feet back on the ground and face her. “Let me also remind you that you were the one to end things with Ace a decade ago, so taking it out on me is ridiculous.”

  I get up to leave, but I stop as I reach the door. “Oh yes, one more thing . . . Sheer Happiness will no longer be doing business with this firm and I will be sure to let them know why.”

  Before she can say a word, I pull her door shut behind me and walk out of there feeling like a brand-new person. I’m done with Lisa and I’m done with worrying about the past. All that matters now is the future and Ace.


  I spin around happily in Madison’s salon chair. “I can’t believe it. I wish I could have seen you in action,” she exclaims. “And I admit I’m totally bummed that I never got to meet Lisa. I suppose I’ll probably never get the chance.”

  I keep spinning. After I left Lisa’s office, my adrenaline was through the roof. I called Madison and she told me she was still at the salon. “Ah, you never know. Just because I told her off doesn’t mean she won’t come crashing into my life again. The way she sees it, she lost Ace to me. Even though she was the one to end things.”

  Madison still looks stunned. “I still can’t believe Carrie came through for you. That’s the most shocking part. Do you think she has an ulterior motive?”

  I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. “I’m not sure if she has anything in mind right now, but I’m expecting she will use it to her advantage at some point down the road.” I lean my head back. “I do sincerely believe that Carrie wants to make changes in her life. I think she’s been unhappy for a long time and it’s starting to take its toll. Regardless, I don’t think people can fully change—I think they can improve, but Carrie is who she is and that’s never going to fully change.”

  Madison stares at me. “Well, look at you.”


  “Nothing,” she says with a grin. “I’m just happy for you. On another note, are we planning this wedding or what?”

  I knew she was going to ask me that.

  “You will be happy to know that we have a meeting with the ranch to do a tour,” I reply. “Ace and I are getting married, and I’m not letting anyone or anything stand in the way anymore.”

  I can’t wait to see Ace tonight, but I admit I’m a tad bit nervous about how he’s going to react to the news of the reporter and my confrontation with Lisa. I’m expecting that he’s not going to be happy, especially after the warning he gave Lisa. It serves her right for trying to destroy my reputation.

  “Oh, and don’t forget we need to plan Abby’s birthday party,” Madison says, snapping me out of my daydream.

  I smile. “Matt already sent me a list. We need to do everything we can to make this birthday perfect for her, especially after everything she has done for us.”

  “Agree,” she says firmly.

  On my way to Ace’s, I think about how Craig’s going to react to the events of today. I’m sure Lisa has called him by now. Hopefully it doesn’t change our new working vibe. It wasn’t my intention to put him in the middle, but what does he expect to happen in this situation?

  I curl up on Ace’s couch with my laptop. I’m getting ready to send an email when I hear the door open. I jump up from the couch and run to greet Ace. He drops his bags when he sees me, and I practically leap into his arms. He kisses me passionately, and at this moment I realize that this is all that matters—just Ace and me. Not old girlfriends, not business, not even our wedding venues or plans.

  He carries me into the living room and gently puts me down on the couch. He wraps his arms around me tightly.

  “Can I expect that kind of a greeting every time I arrive home?” he asks as he runs his hands through my hair.

  “That depends,” I say flirtatiously. “Is that what you want?”

  He gives me a wicked smile. “What do you think?”

  A few minutes later he finally picks up his bags from where he dropped them and takes them to his room. I check my phone and find a text from Craig.

  What’s going on? Lisa called me in t

  Call me.

  Ace returns and joins me on the couch with a beer for him and Perrier for me. I drop my phone into my bag, ignoring Craig’s text. I want to spend time with Ace; the rest of the world will just have to wait.

  “What have I missed since I’ve been away?”

  I rub my forehead. Now is as good a time as any to tell him. I hope he doesn’t get mad at me for confronting Lisa. I know he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, but I’m sure he still cares about her on some level. I start with Carrie’s visit and then tell him about Esmerelda. Before I get a chance to tell him about going to see Lisa he practically explodes.

  “Hold on, you’re telling me that someone is trying to discredit you and has gone as far as to call a gossip column,” he demands.

  I nod. “Yes.” I hesitate. “But there’s something else, too . . .”

  “She will regret this,” he says firmly.

  She? I think to myself. Okay, he doesn’t care about her anymore. I try to hide my excitement.

  “So, you think Lisa’s behind this, too?” I ask cautiously.

  He nods his head sadly. “Yes, unfortunately. It’s one thing to be upset or jealous but it’s another to make up lies and try to destroy someone’s business and reputation. I see this kind of thing all the time, trust me.”

  “Well, before you go and do something crazy, there’s more to the story,” I add. I take a deep breath and tell him about going to see her and my threat.

  He gives me a surprised look. “You lied to the receptionist to sneak into her office?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, kind of silly, huh?”

  He shakes his head. “Not at all.”

  He leans in to kiss me, but I hold up my hand to stop him. He groans. “I need you to do me favor. Please promise me you won’t do anything. I need to handle this myself,” I say firmly.

  “Um . . .”

  “Please,” I beg. I can tell he’s not happy with my request but he finally agrees with the condition that it ends. If she retaliates again, he says he will have no choice. I love that he’s so protective of me but this is something I have to do.


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