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LOVE in a Small Town (Ladies of Legend Boxed Set)

Page 91

by Janet Eaves


  A brisk tap sounded at the bedroom door.

  “They’re ready, honey.” Her father.

  “Okay, Dad.” Her mother would have a fit if things got off schedule. Even though it was a small wedding, her mother wanted perfection. She could imagine her sitting downstairs fidgeting in her chair.

  Kate and Michael decided that they wanted a small ceremony, family and a few friends, all the important people in their lives. And of course, Danny. The settled on a small traditional ceremony at her parents’ home.

  She spent the past two weeks packing and moving her belongings to Michael’s farm. She decided on her own that she did not want to live with Danny and Michael in the house she bought with Rob. It was time to put all her ghosts behind her and look only to the future. Danny had lived with Michael since his release from the hospital, and had already put his ghosts behind him.

  She opened the door and stepped out in the hall, giving her father a quick smile. Her shoulder was much better and her ankle had healed nicely. She was so glad that she wouldn’t have to limp down the aisle, or actually, the stairs. Her cheek turned a nasty greenish-yellow under her eye, but with makeup, was now barely noticeable.

  Her father’s arm gave her all the support she needed. He pecked her cheek before they stepped down the hallway.

  The wedding march started below and Patti rushed out of the spare bedroom, grinning madly, stepped in place at the front of the entourage, and nearly tripping over the top stair step.

  “I’m getting a little tired of this you know,” she said, smiling to her best friend. “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. You’ve had two weddings. I’ve not had the first.”

  Kate nudged her friend from behind, “Yeah, but the first one was a disaster, and this one is gonna stick.” She hugged her friend. “And your time’s coming, I’m sure.”

  “Well, I certainly hope so,” she said straining her eyes trying to see down the stairway. “Can you see Greg Glass down there? Michael said he…” But her words trailed off into nothing. Kate didn’t hear a word she said from them on.

  As she descended, her gaze fell on Michael. She saw only him. Their eyes interlocked as she approached. The only sound she heard was the beating of her heart. She glided next to him as her father gently placed her fingers in Michael’s outstretched hand. She tore her gaze away only long enough to give her father one last glance, and then turned to her waiting husband-to-be.

  She heard nothing of the ceremony, yet chorused every word she needed to repeat. She was vitally aware of Michael’s presence next to her, of the pressure of his hand in hers, of the warmth of his breath against her cheek.

  She watched his mouth form the same words she repeated and heard him recite his vows to her.

  The minister turned to Michael. “May I have the ring please?”

  Michael dropped her hand momentarily and turned to his right. Small, rough hands searched deep into brand new pants pockets, then a broad grin spread across his face as Danny produced the precious circle of gold.

  Michael placed it on Kate’s finger, not waiting for the minister’s permission, and turned to his bride and kissed her thoroughly. He had waited long enough. Now he could take his bride home with him and live as husband and wife.


  “I love you, Michael Lehmann,” Kate whispered softly.

  “I love you, Mrs. Lehmann.”

  Kate’s heart took fire. Michael turned to Danny and gathered them both into his arms as the guests applauded and cheered. The only thing left was the signing of Danny’s adoption papers. “And tomorrow, there will be another Lehmann in the family,” he announced.

  Danny’s face glowed.

  Michael looked to Kate. “Wait here. I have something for you. For both of you.”

  Michael wove his way through the room as she and the few guests watched. He soon returned with a large package under his arm. Oblivious to everyone else around them, he pulled her to the couch and sat her down.

  “A wedding present,” he told her. “I know I should do this later, but I can’t wait. Open it now.”

  Kate stared into his eyes for a brief second and then glanced around at smiling faces. The package was large and heavy on her lap. She couldn’t imagine…

  The ribbon slipped off easily. Then the paper. Carefully, she lifted the lid and her eyes misted over.

  “Michael!” she whispered. “You? You were the little old lady?”

  He nodded. “Afraid so, I couldn’t bear thinking of someone else having it. I could tell how much it meant to you.”

  She gathered the friendship quilt in her arms, next to her face.

  “I love you Michael Lehmann.” She grasped his tie and drew her to him, then planted a wispy, lingering kiss on his lips.

  Releasing him, she scanned the room. “Patti, you rat! You knew this all along didn’t you? Patti?”

  All eyes turned to the corner of the living room where Patti and Greg Glass were deep in conversation. Greg’s hand rested on Patti’s elbow as he leaned closer. Kate turned to Michael and rolled her eyes. Michael chuckled and shook his head.

  Danny snuggled next to her on the couch. He reached out and touched the panel he had stitched, his fingers traced the appliqué. He’d known all along, Kate thought. Why did it take them forever to realize it?

  “You know? I’m going to have to do some redecorating in that big old house of yours Michael. I think I know the perfect place for this quilt.” She turned to Danny. “Know of anyone who might like to sleep under it?”

  “You mean it?”

  “Sure. I think Michael meant this as a gift to all of us, not just me. No other person I know of deserves it as much as you do. What do you think?”

  “I think…thanks, Mom.”

  Something panged in her chest. Mom. Wife and mother all in one day. She caught his boyish hand in hers; they both pulled Michael onto the couch with them. He smothered them in his embrace, a seriousness look overtaking his face.

  “You know, I almost lost the two of you,” he said. “I want you both to know that I’ll do everything in my power to always be here for you.”

  Kate’s hand tightened around Danny’s. “We know that Michael. We need to love each other and life will take care of the rest.”

  Her hands rested on the quilt, framing Danny’s appliqué of intertwined hearts. With her fingertips she traced the curves of Danny’s shaky embroidered script. Her heart swelled.

  A child had seen so soon what seemed to take her forever. She looked up at her newly formed family and could only smile, knowing that if she and Michael hadn’t come together for Danny’s sake, they might never have found each other.

  And all along, the child had known. Through misty eyes, she stared at the quilt patch and whispered the words just under her breath.

  “Michael + Kate = Danny.”

  She wondered how the two men in her life will feel, when they learn that Michael + Kate also = Baby.

  She figured she’d find out next summer. Around June, if her calculations were correct.



  Raised as Navy brat, and the second of four children, Janet Eaves sometimes felt lost in the shuffle of daily life when she was young. Moved every couple of years, as is the life of a military child, and continually making then losing friends, was often more painful than learning to be alone.

  Her dolls became friends that moved with her, each having a purpose and place in her life. She created a history for each, a personality for each, and played with them in a different land, dealing with different situations on any given day. Over the early years this time of self-imposed fantasy developed and nurtured an imagination that stays active to this day.

  Run Baby Run was the first novel she ever read, and sparked a love of reading that soon became an obsession. Bodice Ripper jacketed books soon followed, the hero dashing, the heroine brave and beautiful, and just enough historic reality to make it easy to step i
nto the past. Contemporary novels, both large and small soon led to paranormals that are to this day her favorite.

  Writing herself for years now, Janet rarely gets a chance to read very often, but still loves to find a good book and get lost in someone else’s fantasy for a while. But it isn’t long before the call to create pulls her away…

  A spark of thought, a line of dialogue, a scent, a scene, or even a sound is all it takes to begin what will later develop into a story just begging to be told.

  Books by Janet Eaves

  Claiming The Legend

  Crescent Moon

  Harvest Moon

  Sins of the Father

  ‘The Dragon Keeper’ in A MAGICAL COLLECTION

  The Christmas Gift

  If Only In My Dreams…


  Magdalena Scott lives in her own fantasy world of Magdalenaville, Indiana, and spends her time writing stories with small town settings. As a lifelong citizen of small town America, Magdalena knows that life in a “burg” is seldom dull—if you’re paying attention. There is mystery, romance, scandal, and the occasional unexplained occurrence.

  Step into Magdalena’s world and find out what’s hidden just below the surface of those tiny dots you can barely see on the map.

  Legend Contemporary Romance

  Midnight in Legend, TN (Midnight and Martin)

  Christmas Collision (Rebecca and David)

  Where Her Heart is (Betsy and Mike)

  Building a Dream (Chloe and Greg)

  Legend Retro (1970s)

  Under the Mistletoe (Dorothy and Charles)

  The Holly and the Ivy (Jeannie and Eli)


  My website:

  Welcome to Magdalenaville, my blog:




  Inspired by her ninth grade English teacher, Jan Scarbrough discovered she loved writing, but it took a life threatening illness to convince her to pursue her dream. Today Jan continues this pursuit, writing heartwarming romance novels about home and family, single moms and children, and if the plot allows, about another passion—horses.

  A technical writer, Jan spends her days writing information protection policies. At night, however, she leaves the technical jargon behind and escapes within her own world to create romances from the heart. Her Bluegrass Reunion series is set in Kentucky. She has dabbled in medieval romance with My Lord Raven and under her pen name Darby York created a series of sensual short romances. Her paranormal, Tangled Memories, was a RWA Golden Heart finalist.

  A member of Novelist, Inc. and the Romance Writers of America. Jan has published with Kensington, Five Star, ImaJinn Books, Resplendence Publishing and Turquoise Morning Press.

  My website is

  I blog on Thursdays here:

  Follow me on Twitter @romancerider

  Visit me on Facebook.

  Books by Jan Scarbrough

  A Groovy Christmas

  Santa’s Kiss

  The Reunion Game


  Tangled Memories

  My Lord Raven (medieval historical)

  Bluegrass Reunion Series

  Kentucky Bride

  Kentucky Cowboy

  Kentucky Flame

  Kentucky Groom

  Kentucky Hearts

  Kentucky Heat

  Kentucky Rain

  Kentucky Woman


  Maddie James is a prolific writer, a Food Network junkie, a wannabe gardener, and a closet hermit. She loves being at home (and working from home). Never one with time on her hands, she has dipped her toes into the publishing world in more than one facet of the industry, but her claim to fame is award-winning and bestselling romance novels that chase the happily-ever-after. Maddie is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and its Published Author Network (PAN, and Novelists, Inc. Visit to learn more about Maddie, and pen names.

  I would love to connect with you! My next release will be announced on these social networks. Perhaps you’d like to connect, as well.

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  Facebook Page (like here if the profile page is full!)




  More contemporary romance by Maddie James

  Falling For Grace

  Crazy For You

  The Heartbreaker

  Convincing Nora

  Body Heat

  Rawhide and Roses



  You can find these books and more on my Amazon Author Central page.

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