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Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8)

Page 10

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Pulling her to the rear of a nearby tavern, he backed her against the brick wall, bracing his palms against her shoulders. “Talk to me.”

  An errant tear slid down her cheek. “He took his head clean off.”

  Uneasiness washed over him. “A vision. What exactly did you see?”

  “Oh my… For fuck’s sake.” Janelle wet her lips. “I haven’t had a vision in months.”

  “Focus, iubi. Who did the head belong to?”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Can you describe the assailant?”

  “He wore a long charcoal trench coat over black slacks and an off-white colored sweater. His eyes,” she said, looking up at him. “They were icy blue in color, but the shape of them reminded me of yours.”

  “Mircea,” he whispered on a curse.

  “His hair, though black like yours, was slightly graying, worn short, wavier.”

  It had to be the son of a bitch. “Can you describe the man whose head he took?”

  “He wore a Sons of Sangue vest. Long dark blond hair now stained red from the blood. Jesus! So much blood. His back was to me. I have no idea who he was. I saw the man wielding the sword. The steel blade sliced clean through his neck. Blood flew everywhere.”

  Vlad needed to know the identity, though her description didn’t sound like either of his grandsons. He released his hold and pulled the cell from his pocket, quickly dialing Kane’s number. It went straight to voicemail. Vlad then dialed Kaleb’s, but got the same result. He tipped his nose to the sky, faintly detecting the spill of vampire blood. They had to be close.

  He shoved the cell back into his pocket and gripped her hand. “We’ll take the rest of the way on foot. We aren’t far. Are you going to be okay?”

  Janelle nodded. Holding her hand, they took off on a jog, following the scent of fresh blood and other vampires in the vicinity. He couldn’t chance leaving her behind should Mircea still be in the area. He was going to kill the nenorocitule.

  Janelle kept up with his pace, her tennis shoes clopping against the pavement behind him. The closer they came to the address Kane had given him, the stronger the stench of spilled blood. He could also smell each of his grandsons’ unique scents, telling him they were still alive. Mircea was either no longer in the vicinity or had managed to somehow mask his scent.

  Kane met him at the front of the alley where they came to a stop. He lifted his chin in the direction of Janelle. “What’s she doing here?”

  “My business.”

  Kane’s jaw hardened; his fangs prominent against his red lips. “If she knows about us, it’s club business.”

  “Then it’s a fucking good thing I’m not in your club.” Vlad glanced over Kane’s shoulders. “Who?”

  “I’ll expect you to take care of her, Vlad. She can’t know about this.”

  “You’re one to talk.”

  “I made Cara my mate. Are you prepared to do the same with this female?”

  Vlad’s brittle laugh was the only answer he was about to give his grandson. No one questioned him or his motives. Ever. Not even his great-grandsons.

  “Who did Mircea take out?”

  Kane’s angry gaze softened to one of sorrow. “Peter Vasile. He went by Rocker. Christ! He was a good man, a friend of Wolf’s. He didn’t fucking deserve this.” A muscle ticked in Kane’s jaw as he glanced back at the carnage about twenty feet away. “How did you know?”

  “Janelle.” Vlad glanced briefly at her. “She had a vision. She saw my brother cut off Rocker’s head.”

  Kane rubbed his whisker-stubbled jaw as he apparently took in the fact the woman with Vlad was gifted with visions. Instead of commenting on it, his grandson took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “We never scented the motherfucker. How the hell did he get so close?”

  Vlad glanced around at the garbage overflowing from bins. The stench of it was everywhere. “My guess is Mircea rubbed himself with trash so you couldn’t distinguish him from your surroundings. What about the vampire Mircea created?”

  “Dead. We got to him before…”

  Vlad’s gaze swept the area. “My guess is he’s still in the area. This smells like a setup. He wanted you to find his lackey. While you were concentrating on taking him down, Mircea snuck in and took one of yours.”

  Kane hung his head, no doubt feeling the weight of that responsibility. Vlad placed a hand on his grandson’s shoulder. “This isn’t your fault, Kane. You couldn’t have known.”

  “I should have. Damn it.” Kane jammed a hand through his hair. “I left Rocker unprotected. I told him to keep watch while we took care of the newly turned vampire.”

  “Not your fault, Viper,” Kaleb said, clapping his brother on the shoulder as he and Grigore came to stand with the group. “I’m going to kill your rat-bastard brother.”

  “By all means, Kaleb. You have my blessing.”

  The bodies of the dead, arms and legs askew in spilled blood, lay nearly a block apart. The first was at the opening opposite of where Vlad and his kin stood. Peter’s body lay mere feet away.

  “Mircea is our main focus,” Grigore assured Vlad. “I’m going to get that skunk spray. Mircea will be shitting himself looking for the creature causing the stench. Next time, we’ll be ready.”

  “We should pan out, scan the whole area for Mircea.” Kaleb glanced down the street. “Maybe even head out and scan the forest beyond.”

  “He’s no longer here,” Janelle said, gaining their attention.

  Vlad turned and gripped her by the forearms. “Another vision?”

  Janelle worried her lower lip, her gaze unfocused as she wobbled on her feet.

  “I see the same man, standing…” She gasped. “He’s in my apartment.”

  * * *

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Vlad wasn’t about to explain his actions. There wasn’t time. Mircea had crossed the line. Nenorocitule! His psycho brother knew where Janelle lived. Cold fear snaked down his spine and grabbed him by the balls. Like it or not, Janelle Ferrari had touched his cold, dead heart. He glanced at the woman leaving him vulnerable to worry and pain, something he hadn’t experienced since his first wife had taken her life. She had entrusted him with her care only for him to fail her. He wasn’t about to allow history to repeat with Janelle. Damn it, but he’d not allow his brother to get his hands on Janelle, even if he had to keep her under his protection twenty-four-seven.

  Vlad gripped her biceps. “You need to go with my great-grandsons. They’ll see that you’re kept safe.”

  Janelle’s widened gaze went from the dead bodies lying in the alley behind them to Kane. Her mouth dropped. “Seriously? Great-grandsons? How old are you?”

  “Old” Vlad grimaced. “I’ll explain later, iubi. You need to go with them.”

  “No fucking way,” Kane interrupted, shaking his head. “I’m going with you, Vlad. You’re not facing this bastard on your own.”

  “Not to mention someone needs to clean up this mess behind us.” Kaleb used his thumb to indicate the alleyway. “Though I don’t give a rat’s ass about the other guy, we can’t leave them for the authorities to find. Besides, Rocker needs a proper ashing. I want to kill the motherfucker for Rocker alone. Sorry, Grandpa, but your brother is a piece of shit.”

  “I won’t argue.” Vlad took in a deep breath. His brother had already caused too much pain and they had him to blame for it. He should have allowed Kane to kill him when he had the chance. “I’m sorry for your friend. Jesus! This shouldn’t have happened.”

  “Viper can go with Vlad. I got this.” Grigore’s deep timbre cut in, his tone full of emotion, his eyes glassy. “We’ll catch up with this fuck, Vlad. We don’t pick our families or who we’re related to. You can’t take the blame. You’re right, though, this shouldn’t have happened. Rocker didn’t deserve this, man. He was one of the good ones.”

  “Agreed, Wolf.” Kane cleared his throat and placed a hand on Grigore�
��s shoulder. “We’ll all be there for the ashing, send him off right.”

  Grigore nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “I’ll have Xander bring the box truck around and help take care of the mess. We’ll meet back at the clubhouse. Hawk, you take Ms. Special Agent here back to safety.”

  “Wonderful. I get babysitting duty,” Kaleb grumbled.

  “I’m entrusting you with her care, Kaleb.” Vlad pointed a finger at him. “Something happens to her and you’ll be answering to me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of allowing harm to come to her, Grandpa.” His sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed. Vlad would deal with his lack of respect later. He knew his grandson was disappointed at being left out of the chase but keeping an eye on Janelle was more important to him than catching his bastard brother.

  Kaleb placed a hand on Janelle’s shoulder and led her in the direction of the motorcycles. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We’re about to become close friends. Where I go, you go.”

  Vlad growled though he knew Kaleb wouldn’t dare touch her. But allowing her to ride behind Kaleb on two wheels with little protection? Almost made him send Kane off to find Mircea without him. Jesus, she had gotten beneath his skin.

  Kaleb noted Vlad’s discomfort, handing Janelle a helmet. “She’ll be fine. Relax, Grandpa, I’ve been riding one of these much longer than you’ve been using your cage with four wheels.”

  Janelle looked at the black skull cap in her hands, then turned her glare on Vlad. Even when trying to protect her, he had somehow earned her scorn. Women. He’d never understand them.

  She tried to hand Kaleb back the helmet. “I’m going with you, Vlad. I’m not a two-year-old and I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Anger heated his blood. Why the hell was everyone so bent on arguing with him? He didn’t have time for this shit. “Like hell.”

  “I work with hardened criminals daily. I don’t think your brother—”

  His humorless chuckle cut her off. “He’s a vampire, iubi, even worse, a primordial. You’re out of your league. We’ll talk when I get back to the clubhouse.”

  Vlad, not waiting for further argument, took off in the direction of Janelle’s apartment with Kane fast on his heels. They had wasted too much time. He could only hope Mircea had dallied overlong. City buildings blurred as they traveled faster than the human eye could detect. The wind whistled through his ears and tangled his hair.

  Within minutes, they stood in front of her locked apartment door, everything appearing as it should. Vlad lifted his nose, detecting the slight odor that Mircea had indeed been there along with the much stronger stench of garbage. Vlad had been correct. His brother had used the trash from the alleyway to keep from being easily detected.

  Gripping the doorknob, he found it to be locked. He squeezed the handle, hearing the metal crunch beneath his grip as the inner workings were rendered useless. The door pushed open, giving him a view of the ransacked room. Vlad strode through the apartment, not finding Mircea. He had managed to give them the slip again. By the looks of the broken latch on the window, he knew how his brother had managed to enter the apartment. Looking three floors down to the empty street below, people bustled by but Mircea was nowhere to be found. Even his scent was starting to fade. The third-floor apartment surely was no problem for Mircea. He likely leapt to the asphalted street below.

  “Nenorocitule,” Vlad growled.

  “He certainly is a motherfucker, but he can’t hide forever,” Kane agreed.

  Vlad’s booted feet echoed about the vaulted ceilings as he entered the living area. The picture window to the back of the room overlooked the city of Eugene. Lights lit the sky, making the stars impossible to see. The city was alive with activity. Mircea would easily blend in.

  Vlad scanned the streets, coming up empty, but he couldn’t shake off the notion of being watched. Mircea was out there. He could feel it in his bones. Kane approached from behind and came to a stop beside him. Vlad’s frustration nearly crippled him. Mircea continued to win as long as his brother drew breath.

  “I’m coming for you, Mircea,” Vlad roared. “You son of a bitch!”

  The faint sound of laughter drifted back across the breeze. Mircea had been close enough to hear. Vlad slammed his hands against the plated glass, rattling the metal frame, though not hard enough to shatter it.

  He’d have the door and window latch fixed, but Janelle would no longer be staying here, not until his brother was caught. He couldn’t allow Mircea the chance to get his hands on her. Jesus! Just the thought of what Mircea might do to her had him wanting to annihilate the bastard. No more mercy.

  “You want me to give chase?” Kane asked.

  Vlad’s blood ran hot. “Don’t waste your time. It’s what he’s counting on. We won’t find him. Let’s have a look around, then I’ll speak with the apartment manager about getting the door and window fixed before heading back to the clubhouse.”

  Vlad did a sweep of the living area, finding nothing out of the ordinary other than Janelle’s things strewn about. Mircea was sending Vlad a message and he heard it loud and clear. He canvassed the other rooms quickly, finding nothing but the same mess. He was just about to head out when Kane called to him. Vlad jogged to the kitchen where his grandson stood with the refrigerator door ajar.

  “Your brother left your girlfriend a message.”

  “She’s not—” It was all Vlad got out when he saw the bloody message left behind. Apparently, before leaving Rocker behind, Mircea had torn a hole in his chest and pulled out the man’s heart, which now lay in a bloody pool on the glass shelf.

  Tacked to the congealing blood was a note: Vlad will never take your heart, but I will.

  “He’s one sick bastard,” Kane mumbled.

  “He’s fucking dead!” Anger like he’d never felt before coursed through Vlad. He wanted to hurt something … or better yet, someone. Mircea had drawn a big ass target on his back. Vlad didn’t plan on missing this time.

  “Where do you think he went?”

  “The coward will hide among the forest. That area is much larger to get lost in.”

  “Then we need to play the son of a bitch’s game. Let’s try out the spray Wolf was talking about.”

  Vlad’s brows raised. “You’re going to spray Wolf with that shit?”

  “Fuck, no. He’d never allow it. I’ll let a prospect do the honor.” His grandson laughed. “We’ll follow in behind.”

  Chapter 12

  Janelle stepped over the bike seat and took off her helmet. Angry didn’t begin to describe the emotion running through her. Sure, Vlad was trying to keep her safe. But, damn it, she was not a child and had dealt with hardened criminals daily. Being shuffled back to the clubhouse like a two-year-old who didn’t know her way around a crime scene was beyond infuriating.

  Shoving the helmet at Kaleb, she turned without a word and headed for the clubhouse. It wasn’t his fault his great-grandfather had placed him on babysitting duty, nor had he asked for it. She wasn’t exactly being fair to the man, but her anger had overruled her actions. A glance back at the handsome vampire proved he followed and had her wondering again just how old Vlad was.

  Not waiting for Kaleb, or an invite into the clubhouse, she stepped up onto the small cement porch. The door swung open. A pretty, short-bobbed brunette holding a toddler greeted her with a warm smile. The toddler looked too much like the wavy-haired vampire behind her not to be his.

  “Hi,” the woman said, stepping back to allow Janelle to enter. “I’m Suzi. The grumpy one giving you a ride, that’s my mate. You must be Vlad’s—”

  “I’m not Vlad’s anything,” Janelle grumbled before turning her frown into a smile. “I’m Special Agent Ferrari. But you can call me Janelle.”

  “Nice to meet the woman who seems to be giving Grandpa a hard time.” Suzi laughed, placing her toddler on the floor. He ran off to his daddy, who scooped him into his arms and kissed the boy’s brow. “Grandpa needs someone like you.”

anelle stopped, her breath having caught in her throat. “We’re not … I mean we aren’t—”

  “Too bad.” Suzi’s answering smile was stunning. It was easy to see what Kaleb saw in his … mate. What was that? Some kind of term for vampire wife? “I’d quite enjoy watching someone give him a run for his money.”

  “Just how old is Vlad?”

  Suzi’s questioning gaze went to Kaleb’s. “She knows, piccolo diavolo. Apparently, Vlad’s got loose lips these days.”

  Janelle drew her brows together. “I’m not following.”

  “You know about us … vampires. Normally, should someone discover our true nature, we hypnotize them into forgetting.” Kaleb placed the boy back on his feet and he ran off to the living area where he pulled out a box of toys. “Much safer that way for our kind.”

  “Vlad tried to hypnotize me. It didn’t work.”

  “Oh my,” Suzi giggled. “Now isn’t that a conundrum? I wonder why that is.”

  Janelle shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe because I have visions.”

  “Visions? Like a psychic?”

  “I guess, though I’ve never labeled myself as one. I see past and future events at times, things that have or have yet to happen. I’ve used them to help solve cases for the DEA. Once I met Vlad, they stopped … until today.”

  “I see.” Suzi folded her hands in front of her. “I bet that could prove to be quite useful in your line of work.”

  “It can at times.” And then there were times like today when her visions could be downright chilling.

  Kaleb walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Please.” Janelle joined him at the bar. “After tonight, I could certainly use it.”

  “Suzi?” Kaleb asked.

  She walked over to him and wrapped her arms about his waist, kissing him briefly on the lips. “None for me.”

  Kaleb poured two glasses, offering one to Janelle. She took the glass and downed it in one gulp, causing him to chuckle. He poured her another. “I suppose tonight would be quite frightening for you, or at the very least unnerving.”


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