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Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8)

Page 14

by Patricia A. Rasey

  He wasn’t one to ignore his hungers. Being the oldest of his kind, Vlad was in the habit of taking what he desired and not having to apologize for it. Hypnosis had served him well over the years … that is until Janelle. And right now, she was what he desired most, to hell with Mircea and everyone else. The world could fucking wait.

  “Don’t you dare order me around. Stop being so damn stubborn and let me help.”

  Vlad glared down at her. “You can’t.”

  “Why the hell not?” Christ, even her anger was a turn-on.

  “Because Mircea would kill you upon sight and that’s not acceptable.”

  “He won’t know I’m there. I’ll stay out of sight.”

  “He’ll be able to scent you long before you ever get close to him.”

  Janelle jabbed him again. “Why not let me decide—”

  Vlad gripped the hair at her nape, effectively shutting her up. Yanking her against him, her breasts bumped into his chest, her nipples already pebbled. Well, if that wasn’t a mistake… Her desire scented the room and surrounded him like a cape, further hardening his dick. Vlad had meant to silence her. Now he coveted a kiss. Who the hell was he kidding? Nothing short of fucking her again would be enough.

  “You’re walking a fine line, princess. “

  “I’m not a princess.” Her lips thinned; her gaze heated. “I can handle anything thrown my way. Ask anyone I’ve worked with. I’ve gone up against some pretty chilling criminals and not backed down. You don’t frighten me, Vlad Tepes.”

  “You should be frightened. This is not what’s best for you.”

  “It’s dangerous. I get it. No situation is guaranteed safe, and yet I’m good at my job because I don’t worry about what’s best for me.”

  Vlad chuckled at her misunderstanding. He was no longer referring to his brother and imminent death. “I’m what’s not best for you, iubi. But treating you like a princess? Definitely not what I had in mind.”

  She licked her lips “There is one thing we think alike on.”

  “This won’t end well.” He tilted her chin with a slight tug of her hair. Vlad didn’t want her to mistake where this was going. “When Mircea is dead, I’ll go back home. This isn’t some romantic flick. There is no forever—not for me.”

  One side of her lips tilted up. “Did I ask? Check your ego, Vlad. I’m married to my job. I don’t need candlelight dinners. Although, wine might be good…”


  Vlad released his grip and cradled her skull. Sliding his other hand down to the base of her spine, he anchored her against the hardest part of him. Damn if it didn’t want to be appeased. His gaze dropped to her lips. Vlad should’ve given someone else babysitting duty because she sure in the hell wasn’t safe with him. Standing this close, scenting her desire, not to mention the sweet bouquet of her blood racing through her veins, and he had already lost the battle.

  Sealing his lips over hers, he kissed her fiercely, telling her of his intentions. This was no sweet kiss. There was no stopping him. Not since the loss of his wife so many years ago had he felt such all-consuming desire. This woman not only had him by the balls, but by the heart. If he wasn’t careful, Vlad was in danger of falling hard and losing his soul to this woman. He had told Janelle he didn’t do forever. But he’d be damned if he knew how the hell to walk away.

  Janelle fisted the soft cotton of his shirt, stepping up and leaning into the kiss, opening for him. Vlad wasted little time sliding his tongue past her lush full lips and into the soft cavern of her mouth. His fangs nicked the soft pad of her tongue. The metallic tang of her blood flooded his mouth and called forth his vampire DNA.

  Every part of him needed appeasing.

  Needed to feel her from the inside.

  Thirsted for the sanguine fluid sluicing through her veins.

  Reaching down, he placed a forearm behind her knees and picked her up as easily as if she were a doll, cradling her against his chest. Heading for the California king-sized bed, Vlad toed open the partially closed door with his booted foot. His long strides reached the bed in short time where he laid her upon the cotton comforter.

  She was the angel to his devil.

  Lying on the bed, her hair haloing her head, he could easily picture wings spread out beneath her. Christ, that alone should have him running. Instead, it left him wanting to crawl into the bed, encompass her and never let her go. She alone could save him from the darkness that consumed his life. The four-letter word mocked him, the one word he swore to never use again when it came to a woman, not when the confession brought with it weakness.

  The desire he saw in her electric-blue eyes, scented on her, damn near crippled him. He wasn’t worthy of the adoration. It was reason enough to send her away. Instead, his heart pained at the idea of never seeing her again. He knew what it felt like to be wrapped in her heat, to partake from her artery. And right now, he wanted nothing more.


  He was a fucking fool.

  “Please tell me this isn’t what you want, iubi. Christ, tell me no.”


  Vlad groaned. The battle was lost. “Why the hell can’t you listen?”

  Janelle sat, gripped the front of his T-shirt, and pulled him to the bed. He came to rest between her spread legs, his cock cradled in the V of her thighs. Her heat further warmed his hardness. Palming her cheeks again, he kissed her slowly, one full of possession, one full of promise. And if she could read what he was feeling … she’d know it was one filled with love.

  Janelle kissed him back, moaning against his mouth. She mattered. Not Mircea. Not his grandsons. Not the world beyond the penthouse. Breaking the kiss, he slid a hand down her abdomen, into the waistband of her pants and beneath the thin scrap of lace she wore beneath, finding her already wet.

  Vlad slicked his fingers along the silky center … and the cell phone rang. Damn it, he should ignore it but knew better. His grandsons were out there doing his bidding, what he should have done long ago.


  Vlad withdrew his hand from Janelle’s jeans, earning him a groan of frustration. He rolled from her and withdrew the cell from his pants pocket. He saw Kane’s name and let out a curse. Sliding his finger across the lock, he then answered the phone.

  “This better be good.”

  “Grumpy much?” Kane clipped. “We found Mircea.”

  Chapter 16

  Janelle stepped into the Sons of Sangue clubhouse where the vampires gathered, the scene looking like something straight out of a horror flick. These men weren’t actors with realistic stage makeup, though. They were scary-ass motherfuckers with fangs. The members had morphed into their vampire egos and looked ready for the hunt.

  A shiver passed down her spine as she realized the lethal world she had stumbled into. These vampires were out for blood. Janelle fought the urge to tuck beneath Vlad’s arm. Funny, he had also taken on his vampire manifestation and yet she felt safe by his side.

  “Where is he?” Vlad’s anger-filled tone seized everyone’s attention and the room grew silent.

  Malice and hatred toward his brother, Mircea, was clearly written in his black gaze. Janelle had seen Vlad’s anger firsthand, but this fury was far more deadly. Not a single vampire in this room seemed to challenge his authority. No, they clearly looked upon him as though he were the governing power. Even his great-grandsons who led this group appeared ready to do his bidding.

  “A small abandoned cabin several miles from here, near the summit of South Sister, about sixty-five miles east. Probably the home of a long-dead mountain man or hunter,” Kane provided. “Wolf called in the sighting. He and Gypsy picked up Mircea’s scent. Apparently, your brother finally let down his guard. Gypsy was able to get close enough to the cabin to spot Mircea.”

  “Mircea nose them out?” Vlad’s gaze overflowed with excitement, no doubt for the coming chase. He rubbed his hands together.

  “The skunk spray apparently kept them from detection. I
told Wolf to hold his distance. We didn’t want them getting too close and chance driving Mircea from his hideout due to the stench.”

  “And he’s still there?”

  Kane nodded.

  “Best fucking news I’ve had all day.” Vlad glanced at the thickly muscled vampire to his left. “Ryder, you take Janelle back to your place. See that she’s kept safe.”

  “Xander’s been appointed babysitting duty.” Ryder growled his displeasure at the idea, showing his razor-sharp fangs. “I’ll take her there, but I’m not missing out on the hunt. Gabby, Adri, and India are already under Xander’s care. What’s one more? Once I have Janelle secured, I’ll head up the mountain and meet you all there. Someone needs to send the coordinates to my cell. You may need my primordial strength if some of Mircea’s turned vampires are in the vicinity.”

  “You have a point, Ryder. The women will be safe enough since they aren’t Mircea’s target,” Bobby Bourassa added. “I’ll ride with you.”

  “Thanks, Preacher. Make sure Xander understands Janelle is targeted though,” Kane said. “Don’t take Mircea’s threat lightly. Xander needs to keep a close eye on her until we rip Mircea’s fucking head off.”

  “He’s my brother, Kane. My mistake. If we’re all there when we catch up to him, then I get the honors of ending the son of a bitch.”

  Kaleb patted Vlad on the shoulder. “Understood, Grandpa.”

  A muscle ticked in Vlad’s cheek, obviously not fond of the term. He bared his teeth at his unfazed grandson. “Vlad.”

  Janelle didn’t blame him. Vlad certainly didn’t look grandfatherly. Hell, he didn’t look a day older than the rest of the vampires who were obviously younger.

  “Let’s get the show on the road.” Kaleb ignored Vlad’s set-down. Janelle would have chuckled had the situation been other than it was. She’d bet Kaleb was the more obstinate of the twins. “Janelle, you’ll be safe with Ryder and Preacher.”

  Lord, she wanted to argue, wanted to stay by Vlad’s side and make sure he stayed safe. But she’d be an unneeded distraction to him, one that might cost him dearly. Besides, the idea she could help was laughable at best, even if she was a damn good marksman. The criminals she chased on a daily basis had nothing on these lethal vampires.

  Ryder handed her a helmet. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

  Vlad narrowed his gaze. “You tell Xander anything happens to her, he answers to me.”

  “She’ll be safe enough,” Ryder assured him. “No one even knows I live there. The house is in Gabby’s name.”

  Janelle took the helmet, but instead of putting it on, she gripped Vlad’s forearm. “Can we talk? In private?”

  His dark gaze dropped to hers. “This can’t wait, iubi?”


  Vlad sucked in a deep breath then released it, no doubt impatient with the delay. Time was wasting and if the men dallied overlong his brother could give them the slip once again. But a few minutes couldn’t hurt, could it? What Janelle needed to say wouldn’t take long. Besides, she might not get another chance.

  He firmly gripped her by the hand and led them through the building and out the door, slamming it behind him. His anger was palpable, but it didn’t change her need to confess. He could be angry with her all he wanted, but she’d have her say.

  “What is so hell-fire important that this couldn’t wait? My brother is a cagey bastard and the last thing I want is him slipping through my fingers while I stand out here having a chit chat.”

  Janelle ignored his insolence.

  “What if you don’t return?” she whispered, hoping to keep her admission from prying vampires’ ears.

  Vlad harrumphed in response.

  “There’s always a chance—”

  “Get on with it so I can get up that damn mountain.”

  The idea something might happen to Vlad didn’t sit well with her. If she had a vision, she might be able to prevent a possible catastrophe. “Let me go with you.”

  His answering chuckle spoke volumes. “Non-negotiable. You’ll not only put yourself at risk but me as well.”


  His gaze softened. “Christ, iubi. You have to know…”

  She drew her lower lip between her teeth, hoping he felt more for her than a casual friend with benefits. “No, I don’t.”

  He pulled the hand he held to his lips and placed a kiss to the back. “Go with Ryder and when I get back we’ll talk.”

  Janelle didn’t want him going on this ruthless mission without knowing how she felt. The idea he might not make it back strangled her heart. It was foolish to care, or worse yet to fall for the man. Dear Lord, he wasn’t even mortal. She had no idea how a relationship with a vampire could even work. And yet her heart had picked the eldest of them all to take a nose-dive for anyway.

  There was no way this was going to end well.

  Her heart would be left in tatters.

  Foolish didn’t begin to describe her mistake in having fallen in love with him. It wasn’t like he’d return the sentiment. After all, he had already told her he didn’t do forever. The words had stung at the time but she had hidden behind her excuse of being married to her job. He was a vampire, for chrissake. Of course, there could be no future for them. Janelle would wither away and die while Vlad lived on to see another century. And then another, and another.

  Gripping his shirt, Janelle pulled him down for a brief kiss. “Come back, okay?”

  His eyes twinkled with his grin, revealing two large white fangs. Instead of inducing fear, though, the thought of him sinking them deep into the artery at the side of her neck sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine.

  “It’s certainly my intention, iubi.”

  “What I’m trying to say is” —she cleared her throat— “I, um, care.” Fear of rejection kept her from admitting the full truth. It hadn’t taken much for her to fall in love with him, stupid as it was.

  Vlad gripped her nape, pulled her in for another kiss, this one far deeper and full of promise. The door opened behind them and Vlad released her. She heard the approaching footsteps as Vlad stepped back.

  His gaze continued to hold hers hostage. “Ryder, take Janelle to your place. Make sure Xander knows what he has.”

  “You got it, big guy.” Janelle glanced at the man to whom she was being released. His head tilted toward the row of motorcycles. “Let’s go, Janelle.”

  Without another word, she turned and followed the two bikers over to the row of Harley Davidsons. Ryder stepped over the seat of his motorcycle and sat down, strapping a skull cap to his head. Janelle put on the one he had given her, clipped it beneath her chin, then stepped onto the back peg and seated herself behind him.

  Ryder took one of her hands and wrapped his waist with it. “Hold on, sweetheart. We aren’t going to be following the speed limits. We’ll be at my place shortly. And don’t worry, I’ll take care of the big guy. Even if he doesn’t need my help.”

  Janelle wrapped both arms about his middle. “I’m holding you to that.”

  Ryder’s chuckle was his response as he started the engine, kicked up the stand, and circled the parking lot. The other biker she heard them call Preacher followed them out of the lot. One last glance back told her Vlad watched until they turned out of sight. Whether he wanted to admit as much, she knew he cared for her on some level. Janelle felt it in the desperation of his kiss and had read it in the depths of his black eyes.

  She leaned forward and shouted into Ryder’s ear. “Make sure he comes back.”

  Ryder turned his head slightly so his words could be heard. “Sweetheart, that man doesn’t need my help, even if I implied as much. Whether he comes back to you? It’s really none of my business. But if that kiss was any indication, I’m pretty sure he’ll be looking you up when this is over. So you mind Xander and stay put.”

  Janelle wasn’t about to cause Vlad more distress. She’d listen for now, but if she had another vision and it told her he was in any kind of trouble, all bets
were off. She’d find a way up that damn mountain.

  * * *

  The phone vibrated on the stand just before the jangle split the silence of the cabin. Mircea strode over to the table by the window, picked up the cell, swiped the front of the screen, then took it to his ear.

  “Tell me you’ve spotted my fucking brother.”

  “No, but you have company.”

  “How many?”

  “Two vampires. I was doing a sweep of the woods. Fucking skunk smell had me staying away from the south side of the cabin as I sure in the hell didn’t want to be sprayed. I was downwind taking a wide arc around that area when I caught movement. It was too damn big to be a polecat.”

  “They see you?”

  “No. And they didn’t detect me either since I was quite a distance downwind from them. After I spotted them, I hightailed it out of there and called you.”

  “It was only a matter of time before a couple of those sons of bitches found me. They likely already called in the rest of their crew with my brother on the receiving end of the call as well. I want these two taken care of before the cavalry arrives. Are you alone?”

  “For now. But there are three others within range, not too far off the path. I had them doing a wider sweep of the forest.”

  “Call them and get them up here. You boys take care of business and get the hell on the road before any of the other Sons arrive. Don’t be hasty … they’ll arrive damn quickly. Keep your guard up. If you get caught unaware by any of these boys, they’ll take your head.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be long gone before the party starts.”

  “You know, you and I could take these two out ourselves.”

  Mircea chuckled mercilessly. “What the hell do you think I created you for? I’m not about to take a chance that they might get the upper hand. You wait for the three other vampires I created that are near, then take out our unwanted company. Your numbers will give you the advantage. Wait for the rest of the Sons to arrive and you don’t stand a chance.”


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