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Dragon's Hope (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 4)

Page 8

by Miranda Martin

  Almost to him, two more steps, something moves to my left.

  "Astarot!" Lana screams.

  A glance is all it takes. The other pirate has her, a smaller weapon to her head. He grunts an order in his guttural language. Rage tries to take control. I'm struggling against losing myself to the bijass. I can't let him harm her.

  My hesitation is too much. The other pirate fires, the turn of my body to see Lana was enough to expose myself. Blue lightning hits my left side, and it goes numb. Tingling pain absorbs both my limbs making them useless. They won't respond.

  "LANA!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

  My legs are working so I drive myself into the pirate. We stumble backwards on impact, but my arms won't react. I can't grasp him. Anger pulses, the dark cloud embraces more, I'm fighting the pirate and my need to remain in control. Giving over to the bijass is not an option.

  He sweeps my feet out from under me. The ground flies up quickly then my face slams into it. A weight lands on the middle of my back, digging in as I'm held down. He forces my arms behind my back. The loud clack of metal fills my ears and I know I'm in chains.

  I'm forced to my feet. The three Zzlo move together, talking in guttural clicks. One of them points at the first one I hit and makes a sound that can only be a laugh.

  "Are you okay?" Lana asks, tears running down her face.

  A bruise darkens her left cheek. The dark cloud surges up, focus!

  "Yes, are you okay?"

  She nods, biting her lower lip. They've bound her in chains too. The one the other two are making fun of lowers himself in front of me, working another set of chains. I kick him with all I've got. My foot contacts under his jaw. His head snaps back and blood flies from his mouth. Slamming my shoulder into the one on my left I swing my tail, trying to take the one on my right but he dodges.

  Blue lightning hits me from two sides. Blinding pain. Can't think. Everything hurts. A sound. Lana.


  She's screaming my name.

  Kill them. They're hurting my treasure. Kill them all. Destroy them. I'll tear them apart. Bathe in their blood.


  Grabbing the dark cloud I force it back down, regaining control. Losing control is not the way. It won't free us or save Lana. No matter what I have to remain in control.

  I can't move. My legs are numb now too. The pirates exchange more words then two of them hook their hands under my arms and drag. The third one leads the way with Lana in front, prodding her along with his gun.

  They make their way through the maze of outcroppings. The painful tingling in my limbs increases as the numbness wears off. It's almost unbearable, and the bijass reacts to the pain, striving for control. It's call is tempting, there is no pain in the bijass, only rage. Primal instinct, kill or be killed.

  I have to remind myself, over and over, that only intelligence will free us. Anything less will get us killed.

  Emerging from the outcroppings in the same direction I was leading, one of their transports sits waiting. A large, dark gray steel box sits in stark contrast to the red and gold of the desert sand. Another pirate stands next to a ramp on the side that leads into darkness.

  My limbs tingle, the pain is receding, but I give no sign that life is returning. I have to be smart, wait for an opportunity.

  The pirates that captured us call out to the one waiting by the transport. He points at Lana then grabs his crotch making a thrusting gesture. The dark cloud rising comes tinted red. They laugh, building my rage further.

  They will not touch her. I won't allow it.

  I let my head loll side to side as if I'm still unaware. The pirates dragging me along drop me. Sand puffs up in my face, filling my nostrils. My filter lenses snap shut protecting my eyes. I'm turned so I can see the pirates. Shackles bind my arms behind me and another set are on my ankles. My tail and wings are free, giving me more of an advantage than they seem to realize.

  The two that were dragging me disappear into the darkness of the transport leaving only two guarding us. The one waiting by the transport comes forward, his gun slapping against his middle, hanging from the strap around his neck. He's heading for Lana.

  I can just see her at the edge of my vision. She stiffens as he approaches but gives no other sign of fear. Her eyes watch him approach, her mouth tightens into a hard line, but she stands straighter, confronting the threat before her.

  Love and admiration of her incredible strength make me feel as if I might explode. The pirate closes with her, his hand reaches towards her face. She doesn't draw back. Darkness encloses my mind. Focus, push it back. Smart, have to be smart. Every fiber of my being wants to rip his arm off before his hand touches her soft skin. My skin. My female. My treasure.

  He touches her face, tracing the line of her jaw. Lana leans into it and smiles. Anger rages in my heart, pounding through my veins. Mine!

  Her smile grows wider. No, this can't be! Her leg swings up between his legs impacting him with a hard smack. He grunts in surprise, doubling over.

  My treasure!

  Lana spits at him as he straightens. He grabs her by her shirt, tearing it open and grabbing her breast. The bijass grabs me. There is no time to resist, it's there. Leaping to my feet, I roar, primal rage exploding.

  The two pirates turn, shock on their faces. As they fumble for their guns, I slam into the one that dared to touch Lana. Raising my shoulder into him, I lift off the ground and throw him over my back. Spinning, my tail slams into the other one and I hear a satisfying crack of bone on impact.

  He screams in pain, dropping to the ground. I'm facing the one I threw over my shoulder. He scrambles backwards, pushing with his legs, desperate to put distance between us.

  Stalking forward I hiss, crouching over, my shackled hands reach for him. His gun rises, aiming, I leap. Landing on top of him his breath whooshes out. His foul breath rips across my face. Rising, lifting my arms over my head, gripping my hands together I slam down. I'll smash his head to pulp.

  A sizzling white line wraps around my chest. Pain. So much pain. Can't think. It hurts. Everything hurts. My body shakes and spasms, uncontrolled. Eyes won't focus. Muscles won't respond. I'm trapped in a prison of my body.

  It keeps going. No end. Too much pain. Can't fight it.


  Lana's scream follows me into blackness.




  My wrists are numb, my arms ache, and I have to pee. The chain between my wrists hangs from a hook over my head, forcing my wrists to an odd angle. That numb, tingling feeling that isn't numb because how the hell can numb hurt so much?

  Astarot lies in a hump across from me. They put more chains on him after his last attempt to protect me. Despite the situation, I can't help smiling. Protecting me. He did it all for me. He didn't react until one of them touched me then he exploded. He was a force of nature and if he wasn't taken by surprise, or had his weapon ready, I'm sure things would have ended differently.

  Chills run through my limbs, I'm terrified, but the warm ball in my stomach helps. No one has ever stood up for me like that. My adopted mother protected me but her protection was quiet, reasoned. Astarot was like any hero in the movies I would sneak in and see when I could. He's like Wesley from Princess Bride but with rage.

  I've never felt like this.

  Now I have to save him. How strange is that? I've never had to worry about another person's survival. My own has always consumed all my thoughts. I will do whatever it takes for him. The transport has been humming and vibrating along for hours. We're traveling but to who knows where. Fear that Astarot has not woken or stirred in all this time rises but I push it aside.

  Only one pirate is in the same section of the transport we are. He sits on a fold-out bench by a door that leads towards what I assume must be the front. It's time to put the skills that kept me alive growing up to use.

  "Hey," I call.

  He looks over and grunts, motioning w
ith his gun.

  Luckily he's the same one that was fondling me. That is something I know how to use to my advantage. The desire of men doesn't seem to change no matter how alien they are. Isn't that interesting?

  "Hey," I say again, but this time I shift.

  My torn shirt barely covers my left breast. My bra broke when I struggled to reach Astarot when they were hitting him with their electric whips. He was interested before, well here they are buddy.

  His eyes lock on my cleavage. Perfect.

  "I need a drink," I say.

  His eyes dart up to mine then back to the exposed skin of my chest. Damn it, one track minds and a language barrier. Great.

  "Come here!" I insist, making a come hither motion with my head.

  He stands up, bracing himself on the wall as the transport bounces and shifts side to side. His eyes never leave my chest as he moves closer. He says something, or I assume it's words. Grunts and clicks is what I hear. I wait until he's close. He moves cautiously, staying out of the range of my legs.

  "Can you let my arms down?" I ask, looking up at the chain that holds them above my head.

  He looks up and shakes his head, grunting.

  "Please?" I ask, shaking just enough to put a bounce in my full breasts.

  I get the desired effect, his eyes drop back to my tits. Breathing heavy so that my chest rises and falls I purse my lips. Manipulation without going too far is a fine art.

  "Please, my arms hurt," I say, which is not a lie.

  He grunts, clicks, then shrugs his shoulders. I don't know if he understands my words, but he seems to at least get my point. I smile and shrug to put another bounce into my tits. He growls, grunts, then he moves in closer. My breath catches in my chest. The smell of him is disgusting. Like liver and onions with too much garlic thrown on top of it while smelling dirty too. Disgusting.

  The chain holding my arms up comes loose then they drop. Relief rushes through me until it's followed by the pain of blood returning to my limbs. I didn't know it would be so bad! The pirate moves close, so close we're almost touching. My back is against the wall, I've got nowhere to go. Where would I run anyway?

  Bracing myself, I smile at him. He's not as tall as Astarot but taller than I am. He's big, imposing, and there. A piece of me wants to panic, to scream like a maniac, or curl into a ball and hope it goes away. That's the stupid part. Behind the pirate is Astarot's still form, and it's all I need to feel brave.

  Astarot needs me. After all he did to save me, this is the least I can do. I got this.

  "Water?" I ask, miming a drink.

  The pirate grunts and shakes his head.

  "Please?" I ask. "I'm very thirsty."

  Shaking his head, he pulls a container off his belt and holds it out. I have to look it over before I figure out the opening. Once I do, I take a sip and spit it out. The pirate laughs in response to my spraying him with whatever the hell that was. It burns in my mouth, even after I spit it out. The little of it that touched my throat has caused a bonfire that isn't stopping.

  It burns through my tongue traveling out across my limbs. It tastes awful but behind the burning is a renewed sense of vigor. I feel stronger, more alert, even more alive. Sniffing the container is regrettable. The scent is as strong as the burning that has yet to subside in my mouth. Tears stream down my face as my mouth rails against me for having inflicted this on it.

  Good or bad, this is what Astarot needs. I take a step towards him then the pirate slams a hand down on my shoulder hard enough to bruise. His vice-like grip tightens, turning me around without option. When we're face to face, he shakes his head.

  "He needs it," I say, all but begging. "Please!"

  The pirate frowns, glances over his shoulder towards the door he was sitting by. I push forward, moving into him, smashing my breasts against his chest. His eyes widen. I look up into his beady, yellow eyes, pouting.

  "Please," I say, breathless.

  He lets go of my shoulder, shaking his head but freeing me. I don't worry about the mixed nature of the signal but move straight to Astarot. Kneeling next to him I run my hands over the cool scales of his face, turning his head so his mouth is facing up. I pour a small amount of the liquid into his mouth. Most of it pours back out but then he swallows. His body shudders, shakes, then his eyes open. He hisses as he jumps, trying to get to his feet.

  He's too well bound. Chains clank and clatter as he shifts, struggling against them. He glares at the pirate over my shoulder then leans back against the wall.

  "Are you okay?" he asks, his eyes taking in my torn shirt, then staring at my face.

  My cheek is swelling from the hit, I've got a dozen other bruises all of which hurt, but I can't be in as bad of shape as he is.

  "I'm fine," I lie. "Are you okay?"

  "I'll be fine," he says. "I'll get us out of here."

  "I know," I smile, then a hand grips my shoulder and I'm thrown back onto my ass.

  The pirate steps between the two of us grunting and pointing fiercely.



  Every part of me hurts but I don't care. Straining against the bonds, I'm able to force my way to my knees. The Zzlo between Lana and I backhands me across my face. I roll with the hit but blood flies from my mouth and splatters on the ground. A low, soft hiss slips out before I can stop it.

  "I will kill you," I say, knowing full well he can't understand me but it doesn't matter.

  He gets it that much is clear. He kicks me in the ribs. I'm lifted off the ground with the force. Something cracks, I feel it more than I hear it.

  "Astarot, no!" Lana cries out. "Just wait, not yet."

  She's right. I know she's right, now is not the time. I'll only lose. I need to find an advantage.

  Letting my body go limp against the chains, I settle against the floor. The Zzlo kicks once more but doesn't put as much force into it as he did the first time. I grunt in pain then he leaves me alone. He grabs Lana by her shoulder and pushes her back to the opposite side of the transport. He doesn't fasten her back to the wall though, just pushes her into the seat then takes one next to a door at the far end of the space.

  Lana and I look at each other. The space between us might as well be the length of an adult zemlja for all the good it does us to be so close. If my legs were free, I could stretch a foot over and touch her. Bound as I am, even my tail, I can't even come close.

  "How long?" I ask.

  "Huh?" Lana responds.

  "How long have we been traveling?" I ask, wiping my mouth on my shoulder

  "I'm not sure, seems like maybe five or six hours," she says, frowning. "Sorry, my time sense is crap."

  I nod ignoring her self-doubts. Five or six hours. These machines travel fast, we would have reached Drakonov by now if that was their destination. Since they haven't stopped, it must not be. That's good, I guess. Though I have no idea where we're heading. We'll figure that out when we're free.

  The Zzlo is watching us with squinty, suspicious eyes. I seem to have most of his attention but even so his eyes drift to Lana more than I like. The bijass dances around the edge of my consciousness, probing, waiting for an opportunity to take over. The metal floor and walls vibrate with a steady hum. One thing is for sure, we're moving further away from home. The only question remaining is can I get us free and then back.

  My legs and wings are numb while my tail is a pulsing ache from the bindings. Every part of my body hurts from the beatings I've taken. Lana's head hangs down and when she looks up a tear trails down her face. My bijass rises again, pushing in, and I have to struggle with it.

  The surrounding space is an empty box with chains clattering against the metal walls. It's obvious what the intended cargo is. The door next to the Zzlo slides open and another one looks in, grunting. Our guard rises, blocking my view into the next area. They exchange words then the door slides shut leaving only the guard.

  When he turns around, he has a bag in his hands. He walks towards Lana who sits up
, pulling at her shirt as she tries to keep herself from being exposed. Red rage pushes through me with every beating of my hearts. I hiss as I struggle to not lose control. The guard ignores me, moving so his back is to me while he faces Lana.

  "What?" she asks.

  I hear her but can't see past him.

  He grunts in response and I see him move. It looks like he's waving something in front of her. The muscles of my arms and legs tense until it feels like they're about to explode. The chains clank as I strain to see what is happening to her. He grunts, more guttural sounds. Clenching my hands I can feel what his skin will be like when I close my hands around his throat.

  "No," she says.

  The bijass pushes in, no, I can't give in. Have to remain in control.

  The Zzlo grunts, moving closer to her. Fight the rage, no, cannot give in. He can't touch her. She's mine. My treasure.

  "Thank you," she says, then the Zzlo moves away and I see her.

  The Zzlo moves back to his seat. Lana has the bag in her hand. She opens it and pulls out some cured meats from a container. Sitting down she nibbles on the meat then sips the drink. She doesn't look well, her eyes are sunken, her skin has a gray tint to it, unlike her normal color. Something is off, I have to get her out of here.

  After a few minutes she stands up then braces herself against the wall before making her way across the space between us. The Zzlo watches her but doesn't react. Kneeling in front of me she holds a piece of meat up to my lips. She doesn't speak. When I don't open my mouth, she touches my cheek with her other hand. The Zzlo guard grunts, his voice loud, and rises to his feet. Lana jerks her hand back.

  I take the meat and chew. Lana undoes the bottle and moves it towards my mouth but the guard is coming closer. His boots clang against the metal floor as he stomps over. His large hand clamps down on her shoulder tossing her backwards. Her eyes widen, her mouth drops open, and liquid flies out of the bottle splashing across the floor.

  Lana slams down and I lose it. The bijass races in, muscles expand, rage burns through my veins. Something snaps and my hands come free. I grab the Zzlo, my legs, wings, and tail still bound so I pull him down. He cries out in surprise. Everything is red. Doubling my fists I slam them into his face. His head lolls to the side, blood flying out of his nose and mouth. He grunts in pain, raising his arms to protect his face. I pound into him over and over, no thought, only action.


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