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Dragon's Hope (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 4)

Page 15

by Miranda Martin

  We don't stop kissing as I slide into her warmth.

  "Take me," she moans.

  I drive into her but I can't hold back. The tightness in my core is too much, my need for her overtakes me and I lose control. My cock explodes my seed into her. Pumping her full of my love I let it go, not trying to hold back. Once my prime penis has expended itself, my second descends from inside my tail, hard and ready. Knowing she hasn't yet reached her own climax, I drive straight into her.

  "OH!" she gasps in surprise, her eyes widening.

  She bites her lower lip and I hesitate, worried I might have hurt her, but then she nods. My desire is unsatisfied, so I take her. Pulling out until just the tip is in her warm, sweet tunnel then I drive in hard until our hips stop my forward thrust. She gasps and moans.

  I don't stop. Thrusting in and out, focusing on her. Each move I make that causes her to gasp I repeat. Driving in, I grind my hips and she cries out my name. I keep doing it until she's clawing at my back. When her back arches up and her hips rise to meet mine, I know she's close.

  Pushing her to her limits, I drive in again. Forcing her body to mold to mine. I take her neck in my hands and support her as her body spasms, then she arches as her eyes roll up into her head. I hold my position. The muscles of her body spasm then the contractions hit her pussy and I'm over the edge again too.

  Her pussy pulses on my cock, milking it. It feels so good all I can do is hiss in pleasure. She takes me for all I'm worth and I give her all I have.

  At last our orgasms pass and we collapse into each other.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper in her ear.

  She's clinging to me, fingertips tracing along my shoulders. She nods beneath me then kisses along my cheekbone.

  "It's fine," she says. "I'm sorry I overreacted."

  Cuddling together I pull a blanket over us and we drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Morning will come soon.

  I'm almost asleep when Lana cries out, sitting up in bed and grabbing her head.



  "Agh!" I bite my lip, trying to keep from crying out anymore.

  My head is exploding. The pounding spiked and now it feels like something is trying to hammer its way out through my eyes.

  "Lana?" Astarot asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  "Nothing," I say, gritting my teeth. "My head. It's just the epis withdrawals."

  He lets go of me. I can't open my eyes to see what he's doing, even the dim candlelight is making the pain in my head worse. It isn't long before something presses to my lips and I jerk back.

  "Eat it," Astarot urges.

  "What is it?" I ask.

  "Guster meat, it'll help," he says.

  I take the meat and chew, though every motion of my jaw makes my head feel worse. Slowly the pain recedes back to the normal pounding.

  "It will be better soon," I say, lying back down.

  "Not if they don't agree to go with me to get epis," he says. "I can do it on my own. I'll leave tomorrow, should be back by tomorrow night. There's a cave not far from here."

  "You don't have to do that, they're going to send out a team," I say.

  "They are? When did that happen?"

  "I don't know," I tell him. "When I was on my way here last night, I saw the women were packing bags. When I asked about it I found out they're prepping supplies for an expedition."

  "Good!" he says. "This is good. We'll get you the epis soon."

  "Not just you, I'm going," I say.

  "Lana, you're hurting, you can't."

  "I can and I damn well will," I tell him.

  His turmoil is palpable in the room. He lies down behind me, spooning in close, and while I'm waiting for him to argue with me, I fall asleep.

  Ragnar stares at me then down at my shoes then back up at me. He arches one eye then shakes his head and walks into the desert. I follow, doing my best to not give a damn what he or anyone else thinks. The shoes work and that's all that matters.

  Astarot walks next to me, Ragnar is in the lead with Bashir. Melchior and two more Zmaj I don't know bring up the rear. As we walk out of the valley, a voice calls out from behind us.

  "Astarot," Padraig yells.

  Padraig has the deepest voice I've ever heard a Zmaj have, it's booming, and echoes off of the valley walls drifting out to us. The entire party stops, turning to see what the commotion is. Padraig runs out of the valley carrying something. He comes up to Astarot and thrusts the long thing into his hands.

  "Edicts are edicts," he says, then turns and walks back into the valley.

  Astarot looks down at the object in his hands. I move around him to get a good look. It's a spear, but not just a spear. It's a nice one. Nicer than the ones the other hunters carry with them. It's not as long as theirs, a foot and a half shorter at least.

  Astarot inspects it and then whirls it in the air. It makes a whistling sound as he spins it in front of him then up over his head then brings it down and thrusts it forward into an imaginary enemy. The other hunters watch with interest as do I. Satisfied, he nods then turns and holds it out towards me.

  Looking from the spear to him in confusion I arch an eyebrow. As I realize what he's doing butterflies dance in my stomach. Swallowing hard to force moisture back into my mouth I struggle to not cry.

  "Really?" I ask.

  "You've earned it," he says. "A real weapon, you're ready for it."

  Everyone is watching as I take the spear. I whirl it, similar to what Astarot just did, then thrust. The weight of it is perfect. It fits in my hand like it was custom made for me. The other hunters hiss and slam their tails against the sand in approval. Facing them, my grin spreading from ear to ear, I give them a half bow then pull out my staff and replace it with the spear.

  Pride makes me feel like my chest is swelling to bursting. We resume our journey and as we do, I take Astarot's hand and walk with him. I'm a hunter.

  We walk for a couple of hours before Astarot points. Squinting my eyes I can make out a dark shadow in the ground ahead. Everyone circles around Astarot who kneels.

  "When I was there two days ago I saw the glow of epis," he says. "The cave is full of sismis so I didn't go farther in. There could be other predators there. It's a drop, we'll lower Lana down."

  "How old did the tunnel look?" Ragnar asks.

  "Not old," Astarot says.

  Ragnar shakes his head side to side making a whistling sound crossed with a hiss.

  "Why does that matter?" I ask.

  "An older tunnel means that zemlja that made it is less likely to still be in the area," Rashir answers.

  "Oh," I say, thinking about that.

  That's what makes gathering epis so dangerous. The zemlja are the top tier predators on the planet. The way I understand it there is nothing higher on the food chain outside a group of Zmaj hunters. Though Ladon killed one on his own, even he says it was a young one and it almost killed him.

  Astarot sketches out a plan of attack in the sand. The other hunters weigh in with their thoughts. It isn't but a few minutes before we have a plan and we're heading to the cave. Taking out guster meat, I chew it as I walk. The epis infused meat keeps the shakes at bay and eases the pounding in my head.

  "Ragnar, you go first," Astarot says after we reach the cave.

  Ragnar drops into the black hole like it's nothing. Looking over the edge I see him land in a crouch with his spear at the ready. He turns a circle, remaining in the crouch then makes a hand signal before he moves to the side. The other hunters drop in one at a time leaving Astarot and I for last.

  "I know what you'll say," he says. "But would you stay up here?"

  "No way," I answer him.

  I hang my feet over the edge of the cave then Astarot takes my hands and lowers me down. The hunters down below grab my legs and lower me to the floor.

  My eyes take a moment to adjust to the dimness. I stumble my way to the side, blinking to clear them. Astarot drops almost silently. At last I can see and take
a look around. The outside light creates a pool of bright white on the floor but does little to push back the darkness.

  There's a rustling sound followed by a soft chitter that makes my skin crawl. The sound echoes off the cavern walls bouncing back and forth making it hard to identify the source. Cold tendrils stretch out from my stomach as goosebumps form on my skin. Astarot puts an arm around me and I jump at his touch.

  "Up," he says, his voice a whisper.

  Looking up I see the source of the sound. The ceiling is alive once my eyes adjust I see it's covered with enormous bat-like creatures. Sismis, I realize. Knowing the source of the creepy sound takes the fear out of it. Smiling, I nod.

  Ragnar is leading the way deeper into the cave and we all fall into the arranged formation. The size of the zemlja that made this tunnel is beyond imagination. I've seen one up close, and that was terrifying but it would have to be three or four times bigger to make a passage this large. I can't imagine running into one that big.

  As we move away from the light of the hole, I realize that there's a faint blue glow ahead of us. It grows brighter the deeper we travel. Looking over my shoulder, the light from the hole appears like an empty spotlight shining down. We've moved several hundred yards away now and I can't see well. The blue glow keeps it from being complete darkness but doesn't do much for lighting up the area.

  Astarot's presence next to me is reassuring. Ragnar stops, holding up a closed fist. Everyone moves forward to find that the tunnel has collapsed. There's a tight passage through forcing us to go one by one. The blue glow coming through the crevasse is bright and cheery, calling us forward.

  It's a problem in that one person will be on the other side, alone. If there is something on that side or anything goes wrong we won't be able to help. No one speaks, but it's unnecessary. Ragnar nods and moves into the crevasse.

  Half-way through he has to turn sideways and squeeze. The sound of his scales scraping against the rock makes me shudder. When he emerges on the other side, his body blocks off most of the light. He stands still for a long moment during which I don't dare breathe. At last he moves. His hand appears, and he makes a come hither motion, indicating the other side is clear.

  The hunters head through one at a time. Astarot motions for me to go ahead of him. Butterflies dance in my stomach as I do. The rock walls close in but I'm much smaller than the men. I don't even have to turn sideways to fit through. At one point the walls almost touch my shoulders but even then there's still room.

  Coming out on the other side I gasp. The blue glow is brighter, brilliant and sparkling. Long strands of plants hang from the ceiling down to the floor. A long central vine with glowing leaves about as big as my hand dangle off of it. There are hundreds if not thousands of them and their brilliance is reflected in the standing layer of water that covers the cave bottom. It's beautiful and breath-taking.

  Astarot touches my shoulder, reminding me I need to move out of the way so he can get out of the crevasse. I don't take my eyes off the scene as I move to one side. Astarot passes through then Ragnar makes hand motions. There wasn't time for Astarot and I to learn their complicated signal system but we get the gist of it.

  Bashir, Melchior, and the other two Zmaj move out and begin the work of harvesting. Ragnar, Astarot, and I stand guard while they do. We move out, forming a circle around the gatherers, staring out into the darkness. I don't know how it is for the others but I can only see a few feet ahead before the darkness covers everything.

  Nothing happens as time passes. The gatherers work quickly and efficiently. I watch them work with glances over my shoulder as they lay a large piece of oiled leather down below a vine. Two form a cradle with their hands and lift the third. Reaching as high as he can, he uses a knife to cut the vine. It drops to the cloth and they roll it in the leather, taking great care as they do.

  They're on their third vine, which is the number we agreed we'd need since storing epis doesn't work for long, when I hear something. My heart pounds in my chest as I strain my eyes into the darkness. It's more a feeling than sight but I'm sure something is moving in the darkness. I can't spot what or where.

  My chest rises and falls as my breathing increases to match my heart rate. Tightening my grip on my spear, I take a step out into the dark, hoping it will allow me to see the threat. Ragnar hisses behind me then something crashes. Whirling around Ragnar is sliding on his back across the floor. A thing is on top of him. It's a huge, lizard looking thing with large humps across its back with sharp spikes sticking out of it. Guster!

  Ragnar has his spear held crosswise in front of himself and up in the thing's mouth. It's trying to close its razor teeth filled jaw around it, trying to reach Ragnar's head. The gatherers stumble as Ragnar and the creature slide into them, dropping the plant they cut. He hits the ground with a hard slam, cracking his head.

  Raising my spear I step forward, intending to stab the creature on Ragnar but the hair on the back of my neck rises. A hissing sound behind me causes a cold chill down my spine. Spinning on my heel I bring the spear up just in time to drive it into the mouth of another one before it can chomp on me.

  "Lana!" Astarot screams.

  The guster I stabbed howls, almost like a dog crossed over with a cat in some weird way. Jerking its head side to side I struggle to keep my grip on my spear. I'm pulled along with it, my feet sliding across the tunnel floor. Digging my heels in I try to pull the spear free but I can't find purchase.

  More motion around us. There are more of the damn things attacking! Holding on to my spear I'm drug along by the mewling monster. I can't lose my spear. Looking at the angle it's stuck in, an idea occurs. Instead of trying to pull the spear free, in a single forward motion I drive my weight into it, pushing off the ground and up into it.

  Blood and goo spew out of the thing's mouth then it screams and falls to the ground with a thump. Bracing my foot against its lower jaw I'm able to jerk my spear free. Wiping gunk from my eyes I turn around. Ragnar is still on the ground, struggling with the first and largest guster that attacked. It must be the bull. I see bloody tears in his arms and chest where the monster has bitten him. Astarot is fending off two others with his lochaber and can't help Ragnar. Bashir and Melchior are trapped in a corner by several other beasts and the gatherers are backing away from yet another one.

  I scream, charging the one on top of Ragnar with my spear in front of me. My loud yell distracts it momentarily and it pulls back from Ragnar, but he pushes his spear forward, keeping it in the thing's jaws. It's the opening I need. Adjusting my spear as I run, I drive the point into the thing's eye and into its brain. The creature falls without a sound on top of Ragnar.

  Breathing heavily I look for the next threat. Astarot has killed one and is attacking another. The gatherers have gotten their spears out and are holding off the one threatening them. Bashir and Melchior look to have the rest in hand. Ragnar climbs out from under the one we just felled and moves to help the gatherers so I head towards the last one threatening Astarot.

  Astarot's lochaber whirls through the air with a whistling sound then connects with the neck of the monster. Blood spurts out, and the creature howls in pain. As one he and I drive our spears into it from both sides and it shudders, then drops to the ground dead. My limbs shake as the threat passes and my heart pounds in my chest.

  "That will handle the hunt for this passage," Ragnar calls.

  Bashir laughs then the rest of us join in. Ragnar moves to stand in front of me, visibly wounded. Panting from the exertion, I look up at his greater height. He stares down until I'm feeling uncomfortable.

  "You saved my life," he says.

  "You would have had it, I just helped," I say.

  "No," he shakes his head. "I wouldn't. You are a hunter."

  My chest tightens until I can't breathe. My heart is pounding double time in my chest, butterflies dance in my stomach, my knees shake as tears form in the corners of my eyes. I can't speak, words won't form. Meeting Astarot's eyes
I see something in them, pride.

  "Thank you," my voice squeaks when at last I speak.

  Ragnar nods holding his hand out. I take his arm, Zmaj style.

  "Thank you," he replies.

  He lets my arm go then issues orders to harvest the meat before we leave. Astarot comes over and pulls me into a tight embrace.

  "I'm so proud," he whispers, making my heart swell again.

  He doesn't drag the moment out with so many watching us. We set about doing our part to harvest the kill and prepare to take it back to the Tribe.



  Rosalind will be furious, I think, walking through the valley. We need to go home, soon.

  Lana and I have been discussing this. Now that she has epis she is no longer suffering from withdrawal. We don't have enough to get us home. While I have a good idea of where to go, it's just an idea. I'm sure if I can get close I can get us there.

  The other human females have all agreed to take the epis. They haven't balked at being stuck here like some of the humans in Drakonov. They, at least, have accepted that Tajss is their home now. Lana has spent most of the last several days with them. Teaching them basic words, showing them how to use and store the epis. Anything to help them adjust to Zmaj culture.

  It's obvious, now that I've had a few days, that several of these Zmaj have already felt the call towards certain of the females. That will play out in time, I'm sure. If I could convince them all to come back to Drakonov with us, we could use the machine to teach them to speak Zmaj in an instant.

  Visidion and I have already argued about this many times. He's set on the idea the Tribe belongs here. When last I talked, the Elders were there and Kesselin said something odd before he left the room. He said, 'It's not time, yet.'

  I have no idea what that means.


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