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Elsewhere ti-3

Page 27

by Richard D. Parker

  “You know what this means?” she asked her first mate.

  “The hunt is on,” Armitage confirmed with a nod and broke into a smile. Captain Wicks reached out and took Admiral Seymour’s hand once more, pumping it up and down enthusiastically.

  “Well met Admiral,” she said, “very well met.”


  Gwaynn slept through the entire night, all the next morning and into the afternoon. While he slept, Samantha helped Cobb out to the north side of town to see Doctor Linkler. Cobb was cut badly but he was far from murdered and required thirty-three stitches across his large chest and a cool rag for the knot on his head. Once he was patched up Samantha enlisted the help of the townsfolk and they all buried Emm, Adna and Raisa Botnick in the light cool mist that hung over the land. It felt strange to Samantha that the Botnick’s should be dead, that they were gone the previous night even as she and Gwaynn slept in their home. She’d slept well, comforted by the warm presence of her lover and even now, as she and Cobb left the cemetery with the Botnick’s safely resting under fresh dirt; she felt a guilty pleasure at the idea of returning to their home to be with Gwaynn once more.

  Samantha was thankful that Cobb remained quiet on the walk back home. She didn’t want to talk; she felt as if she might never want to talk again. She waddled a bit now…growing heavy with child, and walked with one hand on her growing abdomen.

  ‘Emm was dead. The Botnick’s were dead.’ She should feel something for them but all she felt was her own living body. They were dead, but she was oddly conscious of her own breathing, the comfortable feel of her chest as it rose and fell in time with her steps. The Botnick’s were no longer breathing and they couldn’t feel the fine mist as it collected on their cheeks and ran in droplets under their collars. But their home was still here; filled with the many things the couple collected over the years together. It was strange that somehow these things, the home itself, were somehow more permanent and lasting than the inhabitants themselves.

  ‘Why should that be?’ Samantha thought to herself. ‘And why, with the Botnick’s so recently dead, should I feel not sadness…instead I’m happy and excited to be going home to Gwaynn.’

  She did not have the answers, and she found that as she drew closer to the fine house of the late town magistrate she didn’t need an answer. She was both happy and relieved to be alive…overjoyed that Gwaynn was likewise alive. It was a blessing.

  “Emm’s with Krys now,” Cobb finally said walking slowly by her side, his head hanging low.

  “Yes,” Samantha confirmed in response. Emm had taken the poison knife meant for her own chest.

  ‘Why would that happen? Why had Emm even come to the Botnick’s?’ Again the answers were not forthcoming, but as they walked up the front porch Samantha felt emboldened by her own good fortune. The Black Horseman did not want her; in fact he was blatantly ignoring her. He could have taken her so many times, from the time she’d fallen from Sunshine, her first pony; to the time Navarra tied her to the block and especially when she lost her arm in battle. In war, death was all around, sowing so many young men and women…harvest time. Looking back she realized that there were countless moments in her life when death was nearby, so very close. It would have been so easy for the Black Horseman to reach out and snatch her up, take her on, take her elsewhere. But to this very day, death had always passed her by.

  ‘I’m meant to live!’ Samantha thought happily as she entered the front door and bounced through the parlor and into the kitchen. Gwaynn was there, awake and eating. The house was still in disarray, there were large bloodstains at the foot of the stairs and crusty pools of it in the room off the kitchen. But Samantha found she didn’t really mind. Gwaynn smiled at her and before she knew it she was crying and running, and when she was in his arms she found she was happier than she’d ever been. They held each other for several long minutes then Gwaynn broke away, taking a piece of her heart as he went, but he did not go far, just returned to the table to continue with his meal.

  “Hungry?” She asked with a slight laugh, looking at the enormous spread of bread, fruit and cheese splashed over the table.

  Gwaynn only nodded his mouth full of food. He offered some to Cobb, but the big man just shook his head and sat down opposite him. Samantha however, found herself reaching out and taking a bit of apple and a slice of cheese.

  ‘Food…the Botnick’s food,’ she thought with another feeling of wonder. They sat silent for a while, lost in their own thoughts until Samantha noticed that Gwaynn was no longer eating. She glanced up to find him sleeping, chin on his chest, sitting upright in his chair.

  She smiled and scooted her chair back. Instantly he was awake and clamoring unsteadily to his feet. Samantha put out her handless arm to steady him and he took it, looking at her with confusion, then love.

  “Come,” she said and led him back upstairs and put him into bed.

  “Shouldn’t,” Gwaynn protested weakly, but was soon sleeping once again. The early afternoon was dark and a steady rain began to fall, pattering softly on the roof of the porch just outside their open window. Samantha thought about going back downstairs to Cobb, who was taking Emm’s death hard, but instead she found herself pulling off her clothes and climbing under the covers next to Gwaynn. He didn’t move as she turned and pressed her naked backside to him.

  She rested quietly for a time, watching the rain through the open window and thoroughly enjoying the breeze that occasionally pushed into the room bringing the sweet smell of clean, moist air. It was growing colder and she wondered vaguely if the rain would turn to snow that night. She smiled and then the baby kicked her…hard. She gasped and her hand went to her belly. Moments later the kick returned, softer this time but the pressure continued, and to her surprise, Samantha found that through the womb, her belly and skin, she could feel a foot, perfectly formed beneath her hand. She rubbed the bulge softly for a few seconds then all at once it was gone. The lace curtains billowed inward and smell of rain filled the room and the cold air caressed her face as far off a soft clap of thunder sounded and rolled away.

  “I love you,” Samantha whispered to the baby. “I can’t wait to be with you. Life is sweet…life is so sweet.”

  She lay awake for a long time before the rain and the dark of the day finally lulled her to sleep.


  Gwaynn woke the next morning to the sound of muffled voices coming from the kitchen below and to the smell of eggs frying. His stomach growled loudly and he sat up with a smile…feeling shaky and very, very hungry. He pulled back the covers and found to his surprise that he was naked. He did not remember removing his clothes the night before…no, the day before. Actually, he had no earthly idea what day it truly was, nor did he really care. The smell of food was becoming intoxicating, driving all other thoughts from his mind, so he dressed quickly and headed down the stairs to satisfy his stomach.

  He descended the stairs as he always moved…on the balls of his feet, his step light.

  “….ourse the Temple Knights still pose a problem, but Mastoc as High King is finished.”

  Gwaynn heard a voice say and instantly froze three steps from the bottom.

  “The Knights are laying siege to Manse. What if they attack again?” He heard Samantha say. There was a pause, then…

  “If they do, Grace believes they will succeed,” came the reply, “the city cannot hold with its present defenders alone.”

  “Well then I’d call that a big problem,” Samantha shot back.

  A chuckle sounded…a feminine chuckle and Gwaynn finally placed the first voice…the Solitary Tarina re N’dori.

  “Yes…the Knights pose a problem and they may take Manse, but with the Deutzani and Palmerrio destroyed and King Weldon prisoner, the Temple Knights will have a very hard time holding onto the country.”

  There was another pause and Gwaynn nearly continued down the stairs.

  “Gwaynn is the only logical choice now for the next High King,” N’dori said brazen
ly and Gwaynn was frozen once again. “Caiman’s forfeited his family’s claim to the position. The Families will never trust him again nor Prince Nigel, his eldest. He’ll also be stigmatized by his father’s actions, but he has little ambition in any case. He’s soft and only cares about his music. Still, something will have to be done about him if Gwaynn is to be elevated to the position.”

  “High King!” Samantha exclaimed loudly.

  N’dori laughed again. “Yes…unless the Families would be willing to accept Audra’s son Aiden as heir…but then Gwaynn would have to be willing to allow a Deutzani to rule over the Inland Sea.”

  Suddenly Gwaynn was moving again. “That will not happen,” he said gruffly moving quickly into the kitchen. He stopped short, staring at the table which was laden with an enormous variety of food. Samantha and N’dori were sitting and apparently nibbling at the offerings while Cobb stood over the stove, cooking eggs and pan fried potatoes.

  “Good morning King Gwaynn Massi,” N’dori said with a smile and a gesture for him to sit, He did so and immediately began to eat.

  “King Gwaynn?” He asked, knowing that his claim to the throne should not be recognized by those of Noble Island. The rulers of the families ascended only through the blessing of the High King and no one in Massi believed that Mastoc would give such a blessing to Gwaynn any time soon.

  N’dori nodded. “Noble Island has chosen a King or two throughout the years,” she said with a nod, “including Mastoc’s line so many centuries ago.”

  “And the High Tar of Noble?”

  “Tarina…” N’dori corrected. “High Tarina Nystrom. She’s a supporter of yours,” the Solitary added.

  “What of Ethelridge?”

  N’dori scoffed. “She no longer holds sway over the Council…she gambled and lost on the strength of her sophistry. When Kostek decided to step down as High Tar and join your cause, it gave the Council pause. When the rest of us decided likewise it was enough of a threat to the Noble way of life that they amended their ways and elected Tarina Nystrom. She leads the Council now. She’s gritty and tough…you’ll like her,” N’dori added.

  Gwaynn nodded but did not say anything, he just sat and ate for a bit. He ate a variety of meats, nuts, fruits and cheeses, plus nearly a half dozen eggs and a huge plateful of potatoes, his enormous appetite amusing Cobb to no end.

  “More my King,” the simple man said with a laugh. “Eat more. You’re hungrier than Samantha was that time we…”

  “Cobb!” Samantha yelled. Cobb immediately turned back to the stove, clearly mortified by his mistake.

  Gwaynn, however, only smiled. “Perhaps I should starve you more,” he whispered to her under his breath and Samantha threw a piece of cheese at him.

  “No need,” she whispered back and stuck out her tongue.

  N’dori watched the exchange of the two young people with obvious pleasure but they all soon settled down to the act of eating with Cobb finally joining them. Even so Gwaynn continued to wolf down food for a good ten minutes after everyone else had pushed back from the table.

  “Can you Travel?” Gwaynn asked, choosing to ignore the prospect of becoming High King.

  The Solitary nodded. “As can you,” she answered. “Your speed and control were simply amazing,” she added. “You are everything Tar Nev claimed, but I was still…”

  Suddenly both she and Gwaynn sensed a presence in the room but it was several seconds before a small shimmering appeared and a moment later a light and silvery mist drifted softly about in the middle of the room.

  “Tarina re N’dori,” a soft voice said through the haze.

  “I’m here,” N’dori answered using her ability to stabilize the connection.

  “Tarina, have you made contact with Gwaynn?” The voice asked and Gwaynn recognized it as na Gall’s.

  N’dori smiled. “I’m with him now.”

  “My King,” the voice of Lonogan Bock said, clear and powerful now that the Speaker Bridge was fully formed. “I’ve sent Gaston and the cavalry ahead, but they will not arrive in Manse until early tomorrow.”

  Gwaynn nodded, happy with the decision, though his General could not see the gesture.

  “And the army?’ Gwaynn asked.

  “Three days, maybe four,” Bock answered to Gwaynn’s surprise.

  “Why so long?”

  “We’ve just under a thousand prisoners,” explained Bock, “including King Weldon Palmerrio.”

  “Do the Palmerrio soldiers pose a threat to the army?”

  “No…they’re demoralized and many are wounded,” Bock answered with pride. “The victory was near total, thanks to Captain Gaston.”

  “Then let the Palmerrio soldiers go,” Gwaynn answered immediately and N’dori raised her eyebrows. There was a discernable pause from the Speaker Bridge.

  “Release them?” Bock asked, his voice betraying his confusion, if anything he expected Gwaynn to order their executions, something Bock did not relish.

  “Yes, order them back through the Aleria Pass,” Gwaynn explained. “If they fail to comply execute their King.”

  Samantha gasped and there was another pause from the Bridge. N’dori just chuckled softly.

  “Prince Phillip may not like the strategy,” Bock replied and Gwaynn could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Of course to continue to guarantee the safety of their King, the Palmerrio will have to vacate the Toranado Capital and homeland,” Gwaynn stated.

  “Very well,” Bock said.

  “Traveler na Gall,” Gwaynn continued. “How many troops could you and Zarina Monde move to Manse within the hour?”

  Again there was a pause. “With proper preparation…several hundred…perhaps as many as a thousand if they’re quick.”

  “See to it. General, give control of the army to Captain Brandt and move to Manse with the others…I will meet you there later today.”

  “M’lord…Brandt is dead,” Bock answered, “killed by an Executioner.”

  Now it was Gwaynn’s turn to pause. “Did he ever know about Cyndar?”

  “No,” Bock replied.

  “Just as well,” Samantha breathed softly.

  “I’m sorry for the loss,” Gwaynn added. “He was a mighty fighter, a mighty friend. Any other prospects? We’re getting low on Captains again.”

  “Marcum is here,” Bock replied. “He rode in with Gaston. I’ll give him control of the army…he’s a foot soldier at heart in any case.”

  “Lynndon?” Gwaynn asked suddenly concerned.

  “Sergeant Birdsong is more than capable according to Captain Marcum,” Bock answered. “And you know Marcum; he doesn’t throw praise around lightly.”

  “Very well contact Captain Birdsong and let him know of his promotion,” Gwaynn replied finally satisfied. “See you this afternoon.”


  “We should land midway up the finger in two days,” High King Mastoc said once the bubble was solid, “but it will take another four days to move down to your position. Proceed at your own discretion.”

  “And what of King Weldon?” Captain Hothgaard inquired. “Have you made contact with him since he engaged the Massi army?”

  “There’s been no contact,” the High King’s voice came back. “But that is irrelevant to what we are planning.”

  ‘Irrelevant,’ Hothgaard thought bitterly to himself. ‘Irrelevant, despite the fact that the Massi Prince seems to destroy armies at will...and he has a force of cavalry nearly equal to the Temple Knights. Irrelevant! The High King has lost his mind!’

  “I have over ten thousand Rhondono troops now under my command,” the High King said with confidence. “We’ll join forces and smash the Massi once and for all.”

  “As you say, M’lord,” Hothgaard answered…deciding then and there to delay any further attempts to take Manse. He would wait until the High King and the Rhondono arrived. As far as he was concerned his main objective now was to keep the Knights strong and intact.

  “I’ll be th
ere in four days…five at the most,” Mastoc stated as if his very presence ensured victory.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Hothgaard answered and meant it.


  Gwaynn stood on the battlements of Manse, which were still undergoing repairs from the initial attack from the Knights, and gazed out at his enemy with Samantha, Bock, na Gall and the Tarina Grace at his side. In fact the entire main wall of defense was now littered with many of the deadliest fighters in the land. Prince Phillip and his Weapons Master Tabernas were down a few paces with the Traveler Monde, Tar Kostek and the Solitary N’dori, while farther still Tar Endid stood with a group of students including Vio. Gwaynn was happy and relieved that Vio made it through her first battle unscathed, and in the other direction stood the Tars Myson and Halstad.

  ‘If only the Knights would attack now,’ Gwaynn thought.

  “And they’ve made no move to renew their attack?” Bock asked. Tarina Grace shook her head negatively.

  “Perhaps they believe the Palmerrio will soon be victorious on the Plateau and another attempt to take the city would be unnecessary,” na Gall interjected.

  Gwaynn frowned. ‘There were Speakers among the Palmerrio; they’d found two among the dead and it stood to reason that the Knights would have Speakers as well…they could be waiting for word, or…’

  “We need to get men to the Gap,” he said aloud though mostly to himself.

  “The Gap?” Bock and na Gall asked in unison and then glanced lovingly at one another. No one noticed their shared moment but Samantha and she smiled inwardly, wondering if she and Gwaynn were so transparent when they first became lovers.

  “To keep the Knights from escaping and to keep anyone from coming to their aid,” Gwaynn answered. “They’re waiting for someone.”

  “Not the Cassinni, you can be sure,” na Gall said. The very thought appalled her.

  Gwaynn gave her a little smile, aware that his General was now squeezing her hand in support. He was about to make some small reassurance when the Speaker Zebo Sorbello came lumbering to the wall, clearly excited.


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