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Elsewhere ti-3

Page 40

by Richard D. Parker

  But it was a decision Gwaynn had no desire to make though he knew it was necessary. The weight of it kept sleep away and when he grew tired of tossing in the unfamiliar bed he dressed and began walking the halls of the palace. He wandered steadily downward until he was near the ground level and happily met Vio, in her nightdress, starting the climb that would lead her back up to her private room. She carried a very large plate filled with an assortment of meats and cheeses in one hand and had her long cotton nightdress hiked up in the other, so as not to trip. She was looking at the tray of food and would have walked right into Gwaynn had he not cleared his throat sharply. Vio looked up, dropped her nightdress and blushed but then smiled and took a bite of turkey.

  “Hungry?” Gwaynn asked, very aware of the girl’s body beneath the thin fabric of her nightgown.

  Vio giggled and blushed again, fighting the urge to stroke her hair. She wondered vaguely what she looked like and hoped that she wasn’t too scary. “Famished,” she answered. “You?”

  Gwaynn nodded and took a hunk of sharp cheese from her plate and popped it in his mouth. “I could eat.”

  They were standing just outside the great hall and without a thought made their way inside. Of course at this hour the hall was empty and still, and it seemed all the bigger for the absence of people. They walked silently across its length nibbling off the plate as they went and when they reached the two large throne chairs they sat down. Gwaynn threw one leg over an ornately carved mahogany arm before reaching for another slice of cheese. They ate in silence for a moment, Vio very aware that she was sitting in the Queen’s chair. She was unable to stop or control it as her mind played out a quick fantasy where she was the Queen; where she was Gwaynn’s.

  “You could stay you know,” Gwaynn said in between bites and Vio’s heart skipped a beat. She looked up at him, hope cruelly swelling in her chest. “I need a Weapons Master,” he finished and Vio rushed to hide her disappointment. She was being foolish; she knew that. She’d seen Gwaynn with Samantha countless times and always his eyes were filled with love. She hated that look, but at the same time longed for it, but she knew, knew deep in her heart, he would never truly be hers.

  She didn’t even consider his offer. She knew if she stayed she would be miserable, content on one hand to be close to Gwaynn, but continuously tortured by the denial of her heart’s greatest desire. For her, Gwaynn meant only pain.

  “Please don’t ask that of me,” Vio whispered her head down. She was afraid if she looked at Gwaynn the tears she was suddenly fighting would overwhelm her. She was saved from anymore embarrassment when boots clamored at the far end of the hall and moved quickly in their direction. Gwaynn stood as the group crossed into the light and for the first time Vio realized that he was wearing his kali in the middle of the night.

  ‘Is that what it means to be the High King,’ she thought as a group of guards rushed forward escorting an elderly man she did not know.

  “Highness,” the old man said with a low bow. “I’m the Speaker Gan…contact has been requested from Manse.”

  Gwaynn blinked and his heart jumped into his throat, but he nodded for the Speaker to continue. He glanced back at Vio, whose dark eyes were huge and appeared almost luminous in the half light of the hall. Her legs were pulled up, the gown stretched tight over her knees, but as he watched she unfurled and walked to his side.

  Moments later the hazy form of a Speaker bubble appeared before the old man.

  “King Gwaynn,” said a voice they both recognized as Zarina Monde’s.

  “I’m…I’m here,” Gwaynn said, his voice cracking. Vio slipped her hand into his and squeezed. Gwaynn squeezed back…hard.

  “Gwaynn,” another voice said from the bubble, but it was not Monde’s nor was it Samantha’s, instead it was Knote’s…Doctor Knote’s, but spelled with a “K.”

  Gwaynn chuckled nervously but then the import of the situation hit him.

  “Samantha!” Gwaynn said and Vio’s mind echoed his thoughts and suddenly wondered what would happen if the High Queen died in childbirth. It was a terrible thought, but for Vio it held its own wonder, but then…

  “She’s fine,” Knote said. “She had a rough time but she’s resting now and doing well.”

  Gwaynn suddenly began to breathe again. He could not remember being so paralyzed with fear…even long ago on the scaffold, the fear was not so intense, not so debilitating.

  “And the baby?” he asked, silently cursing the old woman for not getting on with the news.

  “They’re doing fine,” Knote replied and she sounded very pleased.

  “They?” Gwaynn said and his legs began to shake.

  “Twins!” Monde shouted in excitement. “A boy and a girl…you’re a father Gwaynn!”

  Gwaynn squeezed Vio’s hand again and he turned to her and smiled, tears welling in his eyes, then he pulled his hand away and began to weave them about in front of him in a strange hypnotic motion. Vio instantly knew what he was doing and moved close to him, close enough to feel the heat that emanated from his body. He was not leaving without her. She watched silently, and he worked for a long time before finally the bridge sprang to life with little warning. Vio saw Monde through the bridge smiling happily across the vast distance which separated them. Vio grabbed Gwaynn’s right hand as it stopped its dance and together they stepped through and back into Manse.

  “Amazing!” Monde said. “Well done…very well done. Few can cover such a distance.”

  Monde turned and snapped her fingers at someone as the two moved deeper in the dark courtyard of the eastern bailey. Monde stepped forward as the bridge collapsed and Gwaynn sagged against Vio, dimly aware of her soft, firm body as he pressed against it.

  “I’m hungry again,” he whispered in her ear and when he pulled back she could see the joy in his eyes.

  “You’re married, so you probably should take your hand off my breast,” she whispered back and he jerked his hand away as if she were the goddess of flame herself. Vio laughed and Gwaynn soon joined her. Monde quickly approached with a plate of bread, meat and nuts and Gwaynn tore into it as Knote led the way inside the bailey.

  Gwaynn ate continuously as they made their way inside, and in the much smaller hall lay Samantha, her hair still slick with sweat. Her eyes were closed and at first Gwaynn could not tell if she was truly alive, but as he neared her eyes opened and she smiled beautifully at him, radiating happiness.

  “You missed it,” she said, her voice surprisingly strong and it was then that Gwaynn noticed the two small bundles propped into the crook of her arms. Poking from the blankets were two tiny faces, perfect in form, absolutely perfect.

  “I’m sorry,” Gwaynn answered.

  Samantha smiled again. “Knote claims they came fast,” she said. “You’ll have to take her word for it. I disagree.”

  Gwaynn moved closer and kissed Samantha on the forehead. “How are you?”

  “Tired,” she answered.

  Then Gwaynn looked down at the nearest baby.

  “Avigail,” Samantha said, “after the first High Queen.”

  And though he was frightened, something compelled Gwaynn to reach out and lift the tiny bundle of blankets. It was so light he could hardly tell there was a small person inside. He held her out before him awkwardly, looking into her sleeping face. The baby remained perfectly still for a moment but then she wiggled and yawned and stretched her tiny arms above her head before immediately drawing them back in. Gwaynn moved her close to his body, staring at her while Samantha stared at him, and Vio stared enviously at the new mother.

  ‘This is love,’ Vio thought and felt suddenly dirty for having wanted it to end. ‘Something like this should never end,’ her mind amended then she realized Samantha was now looking at her.

  “Would you mind? I can’t sleep with them so close…I keep waking, afraid I’ll roll over on one of them,” Samantha explained and nodded her head at the other baby.

  Vio smiled broadly. She moved forward an
d plucked the sleeping baby from her side.

  “Arnot,” Samantha whispered to Gwaynn, already closing her eyes, “after your father,” she added softly, shifting her position, already nearly asleep. Vio moved around the foot of the bed to stand beside Gwaynn. His eyes went from one little bundle to the other until finally Knote ushered them to the far side of the hall.

  “I’m going to rest myself,” the doctor whispered. “Just place them in their basinets when you get tired,” she added and with Monde in tow they left, hoping to get at least a few hours of sleep.

  Gwaynn pulled a sturdy wooden chair from beneath a nearby table and sat down. Vio did likewise and sat across the table from him, cooing softly and bouncing the baby boy she held in her arms. Her face was lit softly by the small fire that popped and crackled in the nearby fire pit.

  “They’re beautiful,” Vio whispered and Gwaynn could only nod, suddenly very sad. She noticed his expression.

  “What?” She asked, confused.

  “Vio…” he began and then stopped for such a long time she was afraid he would not continue. “Vio, I’m going to have to kill a little one…one like her…and one yet unborn.”

  Vio said nothing.

  “If I don’t it will bring nothing but danger to my own,” Gwaynn explained. “While Aiden lives he will always be a rallying point for any unsatisfied with my rule, even if he does not grow to become a threat on his own. I toppled his father…took his throne. Peace will not come for my twins while he lives,” Gwaynn finished with almost a sob.

  Vio didn’t know what to say; she knew he was right, ghastly as the thought was, especially while holding such an innocent and vulnerable being. It was hard to believe that either could ever be a danger to anyone.

  “Perhaps there is another way,” she whispered back at him.

  “What way?” He asked, but to that she had no answer.


  Gwaynn remained in Manse for nearly two weeks trying to avoid the need to return to the King’s Island even though nasty rumors were already reaching him, confirming his fears and reinforcing the dreadful decision he knew he had to make. Tar Kostek reported from Noble that Antioc was demanding the Tars reinstate the Mastoc line. He was Arsinol’s eldest son and the rightful ruler of Deutzani and if they felt Aiden was too young to rule the Inland Sea, well then he, as uncle, would take up the mantel and preside over the land as guardian to the throne until Aiden came of age.

  Trouble was beginning already, much sooner than Gwaynn would have predicted and it would have to be resolved. But as the days past, Gwaynn continued to delay his return and might have done so indefinitely had not Tar Nev contacted Monde one morning.

  “I’m a patient man,” Nev said, his voice resonating through the Speaker bubble. “I’m ready to leave…but first I’d like to see the twins, that is, if you don’t mind.”

  Gwaynn could not help but smile; his former master never was much for people and was undoubtedly anxious to get back to the forests of Noble. Why he didn’t just Travel to Manse to see the twins himself before moving on was something of a puzzle, but Gwaynn had long since given up trying to understand the eccentric Solitary.

  “Give us an hour,” Gwaynn responded lightly and grinned at Samantha who was feeding Avigail while Arnot fussed in Vio’s arms. “They’re eating breakfast at the moment.”

  “Alright…I’ll wait,” Nev answered begrudgingly. “I’d like to be gone before noon,” he countered and then the bubble disappeared.

  Sam smiled. “We need to be going in any case…if we are to go,” she said.

  Gwaynn nodded. “We’re going,” he replied and shot a grim look at Vio but said nothing more.

  An hour later as promised, Monde opened a bridge and Gwaynn stepped through and back onto the King’s Island, but this time he came with his Queen and heirs. He came to stay. Tar Nev stood in the palace’s courtyard waiting for him and surprisingly alongside was the deposed queen Audra Deutzani, heavy with child, holding the hand of her son Aiden, who fidgeted at her side.

  Gwaynn frowned but said nothing. He glanced at the young woman once and could not help but notice her beauty even though he refrained from making eye contact, then he eyed the young boy holding his mother’s hand. Aiden had his mother’s dark hair and features and studied Gwaynn with an open, frank curiosity. The young boy had the curiosity and courage of a child who was confident his mother could keep him from coming to any real harm. Nev watched the play between Gwaynn, Audra and the boy with interest and then chuckled.

  “Yes, I thought that might be weighing on your mind,” the old master said simply, addressing Gwaynn, and placed a protective hand on Audra’s small shoulder. “I’ll help ease both of your fears,” Nev continued. “Audra has agreed to come with me.”

  Gwaynn’s frown turned to shock as he tried to image the former queen and her brood taking up residence in the small cabin at the foot of Mount Erato. He failed and he did not truly understand how this would help the situation, even though he desperately wanted a reason to avoid the killing of innocents…his sister had been an innocent.

  “They’ll still be a threat on Noble,” Samantha said and Audra glared at her with pure malice. Nev laughed again and moved forward. Sam was holding Arnot and clutched him just a little tighter to her bosom as the Tar approached. Suddenly she found she did not trust this enigmatic man quite as readily as her husband did.

  But Nev smiled at her and she could see no wickedness in his eyes. He moved very close and looked down at the baby in her hands. He reached out slowly and touched one rough finger to the chin of Arnot before looking back up into Samantha’s eyes.

  “We’ll not be going to Noble,” he admitted. “You’re correct my Queen; going to Noble would solve nothing.”

  “So where will you go?” Gwaynn asked as Nev walked past him and over to Vio, who held Avigail. Again Nev reached out one finger and stroked the cheek of the sleeping babe.

  “Avigail,” he whispered softly, mostly to himself and Gwaynn wondered how he knew her name, but then Nev looked up and into Gwaynn’s eyes.

  “Elsewhere,” he answered mysteriously. “We’ll be going elsewhere, and we’ll leave from Northpoint in about an hour.”

  Samantha turned her eyes toward Audra, and for the first time recognized the fear and anxiety in the young woman. ‘Elsewhere?’ She thought and actually felt a pang of pity for the former Queen. ‘Where was Elsewhere?’

  Northpoint however was well known. It was a small fishing village on the extreme northern end of the island whose inhabitants were a bit taken aback by the arrival of the new High King and his large party of retainers and warriors.

  Aside from Gwaynn, Samantha and Vio, the Solitary N’dori, who had just returned from Tar Endid’s funeral on Noble, was also present. She brought with her Tar Kostek and the Tarina’s Nystrom and Grace and surprisingly Jon Baal, Nev’s brother. Captain Gaston, now the leader of the island’s defenses, stood beside his second, Captain Hothgaard. They waited at the head of nearly a hundred mounted Knights. Around two hundred townsfolk also walked out to witness the happenings. Everyone stared expectantly as Nev led the young woman and her son out across a rocky field. The three of them walked about fifty yards away then Nev bent and said something to Audra. He left her and ran back to Gwaynn.

  “You’ll have to decide who’s to rule Deutzani…chose well and you will have peace for a very long time. I’d steer clear of Antioc,” Nev advised and then surprisingly moved forward and lifted Gwaynn in a huge hug. “Take care of him Jon,” he added, “and yourself.” The two brothers embraced before Nev hurried back to Audra.

  He clasped her hand and they turned their backs on the group and faced the empty field. For a long time nothing appeared to be happening. Nev gave no indication he was doing anything. He made no hand gestures, uttered no spoken words; he did nothing at all, just stood motionless, his back to the crowd. Murmurs of impatience rippled through the crowd of commoners from Northpoint, and for a brief moment there were even tho
se in the main group who began to question whether anything was actually going to happen, but not Gwaynn and not N’dori.

  Their convictions were finally confirmed when the sharp smell of ozone filled the air. Like a nearby lightning strike, the odor suddenly permeated the area as the atmosphere around them became charged with some unknown power.

  “Look at your hair,” Samantha said to Vio, unaware that stray strands of her own hair were also beginning to rise up into the sky. She glanced down at Arnot and his soft, black baby hair was standing completely on end. She tried to smooth it with the scarred, rounded tip of her bad arm, but it refused to cooperate and instantly popped back up.

  “What’s happening?” she asked Gwaynn, whose hair was also lifting toward the heavens. Gwaynn shook his head, his own eyes never leaving Nev.

  “I’m not sure,” he answered and began to move forward.

  “Gwaynn…” Samantha said suddenly worried.

  He turned back to her with a reassuring smile before continuing to move farther out into the field. She was about to call again when abruptly a massive bridge opened before them all, filling the sky, higher than the tallest trees and nearly two hundred feet wide. Almost immediately on opening, a great rush of wind hit the watching group, driving most back a few feet and even knocking some to the ground.

  Samantha screamed and went down, clutching Arnot as tightly as she could with her good hand. Vio soon dropped next to her and struggled to move closer to Samantha. Avigail was crying loudly but the sound was lost against the raging dry tempest.

  “Sam…” came a faint cry and she looked up to see Gwaynn gazing back with concern, but despite the noise and the strong wind she found she was alright…the babies were alright. And then Kostek, Gaston and N’dori crawled in front of her and huddled close in order to block the worst of the storm.


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