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Page 2

by Nina Pierce

  But he seemed oblivious to her reaction as he continued. His breath on her throat as hot as the burn between her legs. “The submissive eagerly does as his Master commands. He wants the Dom to use him for his own pleasure, and in turn is bestowing the Master with complete trust. Which then pleases the Dom.” He touched the tips of his fingers together in front of her. “It is an exchange of power given as a gift to another. Both want what the other has to offer, completing the circle.” He stated it so eloquently. Without judgment. Without condemnation.

  As the sub begged for release, one Master removed the bindings on his cock but commanded him not to reach orgasm. His face contorted with the strain, even as the Dom at his mouth came with a bellowing cry of bliss, fisting his hands in the submissive’s hair and thrusting his cock deep into the man’s throat.

  “The submissive doesn’t seem humiliated to be used that way,” she said, the reality below replacing her misconceptions.

  “Why would he? It is a choice freely given.”

  The second Dom came, the ruddy complexion of his face deepening with the violent thrusts of his cock into the man’s ass. His hand wrapped tightly around his slave’s straining erection, pumping his fist along the tender flesh, urging the man to let go and soar. Cum spewed on the submissive’s stomach as all three men milked the last of their orgasms.

  Gentle hands lowered the ropes and untied the bindings. Claire had no idea what the relationship was between these men, but the caring and affection were obvious in the Doms’ whispered words of praise as they helped the man to his feet, nearly carrying him from the room.

  “Everyone seems so satisfied.” Claire paused. “No, that doesn’t really convey it, does it? They all seem…at peace in their roles.”

  “There is great joy and pleasure for both. When you strip away everything, there is only the naked reality of what is, and there is no greater peace than that.”

  “I’d like to feel that.” Claire wasn’t sure where the bravery had come from to allow her to say it aloud. She didn’t know this Dom behind her, but every cell in her body seemed tuned in to the gentle vibration of power sluicing off him.

  “I would be willing to show you if you are interested.”

  “I would like that,” she said. He seemed to relax against her, but perhaps it was only her feeling of relief that she’d made the first tentative step of living out her fantasy.

  “Tell me your name.” He whispered the question against her ear, his satin lips brushing the sensitive shell, sending a shiver of anticipation racing down her spine.


  “I am Master Xavier. You can simply call me Master.” He paused. “I want to hear you say it.”

  Not sure how it would feel sliding over her tongue, Claire spoke the title quietly and with reverence. “Master.” Somehow it felt right to offer the powerful man this respect, this command over her. He slipped a collar around the curve of her throat with one hand and parted the curtain of her hair with the other, sweeping it down over her shoulder. Gently he buckled it behind her neck.

  “Is it too tight?”

  Claire panicked for a moment, stretching her neck and swallowing against the pressure. He seemed to know exactly the right tension to put on the leather, making her aware the slave collar was there but without constricting her air. “No, it’s fine,” she said quickly, fearful her trepidation would make him find another, more experienced partner.

  He leaned in close, his warm aroma quieting her nerves. “You must agree to be honest with me at all times, Claire, or I won’t do this. Whatever I ask, you must always tell me the truth. I will accept nothing less. I will ask again. Is it too tight?”

  “It startled me at first, but you’ve made it quite comfortable. Truly, it’s fine.”

  “It’s fine…” He let the sentence hang.

  “It’s fine, Master. Thank you.”

  “Very well. It is respectful for a submissive to keep her eyes cast down at all times. To help with the training, I’m going to blindfold you.” His fingers played at the edges of her mask, shutters dropping over her eyes to block the club and its patrons from her view. He turned her around and she was disappointed not to be able to see the man with the whiskey-rich voice who was willing to take her into his care.

  “I will guide you through the crowd to one of the private rooms below. I prefer not to have our first time together out for public display. Though if that is what you want…”

  “No. Not at all.” Icy fingers clawed at her chest, ripping air from her lungs as panic gripped her again. What if she couldn’t please him? What if she balked at his commands? What if he threw his hands up in disgust at her lack of experience? “It’s just that I’ve… I’ve never…done this sort of thing. A private room if it pleases you, Master.”

  “It pleases me very much, Claire.”

  Chapter Two

  Jonathon couldn’t believe this was happening. He had fantasized about this moment for so long that it hardly seemed possible he was actually going to have the chance to show Claire all she had been missing. With one arm firmly around her waist and the other clasping her hand, he had led her through the crowd, down the stairs, and now the last few feet through the dimly lit hallway to their private playroom.

  The hall was nearly empty. The only sound the tapping of their boots on the ceramic tiles and Claire’s shaky exhalations. But neither sound overrode the heavy pounding of his heart thrumming in his ears. Jon hadn’t been this nervous since his first years training as a Dom in Chicago. Of course there had been very few subs through the years whose training meant as much to him as the service he would perform this night.

  “Claire, we’re here. Before I take you in, I’ll ask you one more time. Do you enter this room of your own free will?”

  She simply nodded.

  “Claire, you have to say it out loud. For the safety of our clients, we have staff monitoring the dungeons.” She lifted her head to his voice, trepidation furrowing her brow. “They aren’t here in person, but every corridor, every playroom, even the club floor is carefully monitored.” She visibly relaxed and he couldn’t help smiling at the idea that she really did want to be alone with him. “Now, do you enter this room for sub training of your own free will?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He led her into the room. The faux rock walls, tiled ceiling and ambient lighting gave a true sense of being in the dungeon of an old castle. Though the floor was a soft rubber and the furniture modern, it was artfully arranged to maintain both the décor and easy movement of Doms and slaves.

  On the wall across from him was a large web of ropes. A Victorian chair with the seat cushion removed, a leather couch and a modified barber’s chair lined the wall to his right. All arranged to either watch others or bind a slave. He intended to do both.

  He wished he could remove the blindfold and show Claire the room he’d prepared just for her, but Jon had no doubt she would bolt the minute she saw his face. It was a wonder she didn’t recognize his voice. But many people had mentioned over the years that they didn’t know it was him when his Dom took over.

  “Claire, I want you to strip for me.” He walked her to the center of the room and turned her so her back was to the couch. “Take off everything except those lovely boots of yours…and my collar of course.” He settled himself on the couch, making enough noise so she knew he was settled in to watch a show. “Slow and sexy, but not some trashy strip tease act I’d see in a titty bar. I’m very picky about my slaves obeying.”

  “But I don’t—”

  “Yours is not to question, Claire.” She jumped at his verbal explosion. He ignored the quick punch to his heart. Her unquestioning obedience was tantamount to the process. He needed to forget that Claire was any different from other first-time subs and follow his gut instincts. His dominance over her was what she craved. What he needed to give. But he softened his voice none the less. “Would it be easier if I turned on some music?”

  “Yes, Master.”
  He picked up a remote tucked into a shelf beside the couch and hit the play button on the stereo. Strains of a classical guitar filtered through the speakers hidden in the wall. He’d chosen one of her favorite artists. “Is this music to your liking?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Seduce me, Claire. Show off that beautiful body of yours in a tempting dance that will make it impossible for me to walk away.” That was an understatement. Just being alone with her with all the possibilities open to him sent blood rushing to his cock.

  Claire took a moment to feel the music. Her hips swayed and her shoulders followed. Silhouetted against the backdrop of whips, crops, paddles, brushes and bondage gear hanging on the opposite wall, she had no idea what she was truly doing to him. Hands slid down her torso and over the curves of her ass. He sighed as she reached for the zipper on the side of the skirt and watched it click down one excruciating notch at time. It was much too snug to fall, but he got a nice view of her hip as she turned to face him. She repeated the process with the twin zippers of her leather bra, exposing the dusky peaks of her nipples.

  “Play with them,” he commanded.

  Her full lips curved salaciously. He’d been right to keep her blindfolded. Jon sensed it gave her the power to be wanton without embarrassment.

  Claire’s hands skimmed down the soft curve of her waist and back up to take both full mounds in her palms. She bit the corner of her lower lip as she rolled the tight pearls between her thumb and forefinger. He didn’t know if the low moan of pleasure keening from her lips was for his pleasure or an unsolicited response to her own touch. But as her hand slid over her belly and hooked in the waist of her skirt—he didn’t really care.

  Turning again, she offered him a wonderful view of her ass as she shimmied the skirt down to the slow crooning of the guitar and then bent over to step out of it. Her ass was bare save for the black lace of her thong curving seductively over the flare of her hips. His fingers itched to follow the slip of material to her core and find her wet and ready for him.

  His need to touch her so great, Jon found himself standing before he thought about his next move. It wasn’t like him not to be in control of his libido. But that was what this woman had done to him.

  Pressing up against her back, the heat of her skin branding his chest, Jon smiled when her breath caught. “Claire, we need to go over a few rules.” He undid the clasp of the bra and slowly brushed the thin straps from her shoulders and down her arms. The heavy zippers landed with a satisfying sound at their feet. Nuzzling into her neck, his hands skimming her arms and he continued. “I intend to push you to your limits tonight.” His lips nipped her earlobe and he felt her melt against him. “Pain and pleasure will intertwine until you’re not sure where one begins and the other ends.” His hands slid to her hips, across the satin of her belly and up to the weighty flesh of her breasts. “Every part of you is mine. I will use your body as I wish for my pleasure.” He pinched her nipples with an uncomfortable pressure and stretched them long, drawing a gasp from her lips. “What do you think of that?”

  “It’s what I want.” She hesitated then quietly added, “Master.”

  He smiled against her throat. Continuing to torture one nipple, Jon’s other hand traveled over her satin torso, reveling in the heat of her skin beneath his palm. It was softer than he’d imagined. “As I’m sure you know, Paradise Cove is about safe and consensual.”

  “I read and signed all the paperwork. I’m aware of the rules, Master.” The words hiccupped out on little puffs of breath.

  “Good. I don’t intend to go easy on you tonight, Claire.” He teased the narrow strip of curls, following it down into her swollen folds. “You’re very wet, Claire.” He pressed a finger into her pussy, and her hips canted to pull him deeper. “Was it the show upstairs or being here with me that has made you so needy?”

  “B-both, Master.”

  He released her. It took all his willpower, but he stepped back and retrieved the paddle he’d left on the couch during his preparations. “Your body is mine now, Claire. I don’t want to know that others have caused you to soak through your panties like a schoolgirl reading her first True Confession story.”

  “But I—”

  The leather paddle sang through the air and slapped with a satisfying thwack on her ass. “Yours is not to question, Claire. You will respond only to a direct question and then only with complete honesty.” He stepped up to her and smoothed his hand over the redden flesh of her ass cheek. “Do you understand?”

  She nodded then added “Yes, Master” with a trembling bravado.

  “I believe a punishment is in order.” Her shoulders stiffened. “Just a small one since you didn’t know my rules. We’ll go over them as I dole out the punishment.” The room was filled with various pieces of furniture including a spanking bench to his left. But it was the cushioned floor with the kneeling stockade sitting in the center of the floor that he intended to use this night. It had taken considerable time and some frank discussions with Ethan before they’d come up with a suitable way to indoctrinate Claire.

  Gently, he guided her to the stockade. “Claire, I want you to remove those filthy panties. I don’t want to know that someone else has made your cream flow unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” Removing the thong, she held it by one finger until he lifted a bucket for her to deposit them in. The sweet scent of her filled the air, more intoxicating than any over-the-counter perfume. But it wasn’t time to share that with her.

  “Now kneel,” he commanded. “I’m going to bind you in a stockade and use your body as I wish.”

  This was insane, the voice of reason screamed in her head. “What are you doing, Claire? Run, don’t walk from here.” But she continued to do as her Master asked. The Master with the polished voice that poured over her skin like warm honey. The Master with strong hands that raised gooseflesh as he dragged his palms over her skin. The Master who promised to open up a whole new world to her.

  “Spread your legs a little more.”

  Her ass was already sticking up in the air, what more could he want? But when she felt him adjust the straps circling just above her bent knee and adjust a rod that had her spreading her thighs just a little wider, she had no doubt what he wanted to expose.

  “Now your hands. Come down on your elbows.”

  His hands were gentle as he positioned her.

  “Claire, we haven’t talked about a safe word.”

  Manacles closed around her wrists.

  “Have you thought of one?”

  She had read too many books not to already have one in mind. “Indiana.”

  “Is that where you’re from?”

  “Yes it is, Master.” She was never sure when to use the title. Since she’d already brought on one punishment, she thought perhaps it was best to become accustomed to using it so as not to tempt another.

  “Then perhaps you should come up with something different. I wouldn’t want you to start talking about home and have it cause confusion.” He positioned a support under her chin, lifting it up so her neck was stretched long and her head immobilized.

  Fear skittered along her spine and her heart jumped.

  “Have you ever been immobilized before?”

  How did he know? “No, Master.”

  “I appreciate you using my title. It pleases me greatly.” He brushed the hair to one side of her face. “Are there any points that are uncomfortable?”

  Claire tested the restraints but couldn’t move against them. I don’t know if I can do this. Claustrophobia gripped her and she worked hard not to buck against them.

  “Easy, my sweet. I am right here.” His hand smoothed over hair and his lips brushed her cheek. “What do you do for work?”

  “I’m a maid… No, not a maid.” His questions wouldn’t let her focus, wouldn’t allow her time to rethink this whole foolish concept of being someone’s sex slave. “I mean I own the company.”

  “What kind of company?” His voice was in her ear, soothing the panic and caressing the doubt even as his hand smoothed over her hair, brushing away the cobwebs of uncertainty clogging her brain. She wanted this. Wanted what he was offering. Claire just wasn’t sure she was brave enough to take it from him.

  “Claire? You’re beautiful here on the floor.” His hand trailed over the crown of her head, tickling along her spine until there was only him and her desperate need to be cherished and loved. “Having you displayed like this opens up so many possibilities of how you can please me.”

  He kissed her cheek and stood. She nearly cried out at the loss of his touch.

  “You do want to please me, don’t you?” His voice moved away as he talked.

  More than anything. “Yes, Master.” Her stomach clenched at the possibilities of what he would do to her.

  “I’m not sure you understand how much pleasure I receive in seeing you this way. I could be content just staring at your pussy open and weeping for me. That beautiful mouth willing to open at my command.” She sensed him kneel again, this time in front of her, the warm scent of him taunting her nose. He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip, and she chanced a quick flick of her tongue over the pad, drawing a sigh from him.

  “You have no idea exactly what you do to me, Claire. It’s not by chance I came to you. I’ve been watching you.” The stubble of his chin rubbed pleasantly against her cheek as he leaned in and lowered his voice. “I wish you could have seen the hunger of the other Doms who didn’t get this chance. Their eyes coveted you every step through the club.” He inhaled. “No doubt they could smell the heady fragrance of your arousal. It’s like a drug, calling to me, beckoning me to your sweetness. There is no doubt in my mind they wanted to be the ones tasting its succulence. To press their cocks deep into your honeyed pussy until they were breathless from the velvet fist pumping fire through their veins.”


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