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Page 9

by Jaxson Kidman

  Very fucking wrong.

  I grabbed Knox by the shoulder and spun him around, shaking my head.

  I mouthed to him Don’t fucking move.

  Belle told me that Kyle had been in her apartment when she got home. That he had grabbed her and put her on the dining room table. Right then my mind feared the worst. That this prick forced himself on her, taking her innocence in perhaps the worst way possible.

  But Belle fought back. Kyle fought back too.

  To make a long story a little bit shorter, Kyle had Belle’s pants open, kissing her neck, telling her he loved her. He had her against the wall before Belle was able to lift her knee and get him in the balls. He then stepped back and slapped Belle. A fucking man slapping a woman. Are you fucking kidding me?

  The second I heard that I looked at Knox and knew this whole stay out of trouble thing was not going to happen anymore.

  Belle swung at Kyle and hit him in the jaw. She then managed to run into the kitchen and grab a knife. That was all Kyle needed to see to take off. So this fucker broke into her apartment with some bad intentions and then just skirts when shit goes bad. All I could think about was him casually cruising through town, not giving a fuck about a thing. Or that her goddamn father - Chief fucking Richards - was okay with the way this guy acted toward his daughter.

  So I gave Bell the worst job ever.

  “I need you to call him,” I said. “Tell him you’re sorry for what happened. Tell him you freaked out. Ask him where he is and to pull over right there.”

  It was a long shot to have the plan actually work. I told Belle she was going to be okay. I would be there soon enough and I’d make sure nothing bad ever happened to her ever again. The words just poured from my mouth. Knox stared at me wide eyed. I was digging a really deep fucking hole but couldn’t stop myself.

  I cared about her.


  I cared…

  That was a problem and I would address that later in life.

  For now, it was about finding Kyle and making sure he never went near Belle again.

  When the call ended, Knox just stared without talking.


  “What are you doing? What did you just say to her?”

  “Doesn’t fucking matter. I have something to do tonight. I need you all to be my witness that I was with you tonight. No matter what.”

  “Jesus, Slam, you can’t…”

  I grabbed Knox by his leather and pulled him close. “I’m done with people telling me what I can and can’t do. I’m fucking done with it. If I end up back in prison, fine. I’d rather have honor and a big dick to swing in jail than holed up touching my pussy right here. Got it?”

  Knox put his hands up in defeat. “Call me if you need anything. And just keep running, Slam. If shit goes bad run. Run until they can’t find you. Okay?”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  I tried to move and Knox put a hand to my chest. “This is all for her, isn’t it?”

  “It’s not your business.”

  “It is. You have to be careful with this, man. Who she is… what you’re doing…”

  “Leave it,” I growled. “Go get our guy. I’m going to take care of my business. This is personal. I’m going to save her.”

  “So you could destroy her?”

  “Exactly,” I said.

  I didn’t look Knox in the eyes when I said that last part.

  What the fuck did it matter how I felt? Belle was stuck in her own world of hell and I was going to relieve her of that.

  She called me back five minutes later and told me what I hoped to hear. Kyle believed her and he was pulled to the side of the road. He was in a perfect spot for this to happen. I told Belle to stay put and I’d be there soon. She started to ask me something but I hung up the call.

  I grabbed a black hoodie and stepped out to the lot to see the sun just about to set.

  It was perfect.

  When darkness came, so did hell…

  I parked my ride far enough away so Kyle wouldn’t get suspicious. I took off my leather cut and placed it on the seat. I put on the black hoodie and put the hood up. The anger hadn’t calmed for a split second. Neither had the rage. Shit, bring in the guilt and I was a fucking mess on the inside. All I could tell myself was that I was helping Belle. I’d take care of her problems, even if I was going to become one.

  I walked off the road and blended perfectly into the growing night. I saw the car up ahead and the rage built even more on itself. Shit, I wanted to kill this prick for what he had done, but that would only lead to some serious trouble for me.

  As I walked, I saw a large rock and picked it up. A plan started to come to me. It was risky to dive head first into this shit without a plan. Without proper recon on Kyle. Who he was. Where he came from. If he had any connections. I could have been putting not just myself and Belle at risk, but the entire Reaper’s Bastards club.

  Inside me though, I knew nothing but what my mind and heart were raging for.

  When I got close enough to the car, I crouched down. I got right to the back door and took a deep breath.

  Time for hell, Kyle.

  I swung my hand and slammed the rock against the passenger window. It shattered with a booming sound. I then waited, listening as Kyle got out of the car.

  “What the fuck was that?” he yelled.

  I heard his footsteps as he came around the front of the car. My fists were balled up tight, ready to unleash. I was almost bouncing with excitement for this. I hadn’t been on a real mission since my arrest. And even that… I was simply just riding with some guns packed in my motorcycle. I hadn’t had real action in a long time.

  The second I saw Kyle turn to look at the broken window, I struck.

  I stood and jumped forward, throwing a right punch that landed on his jaw. He lifted off the ground, arms flailing. All I thought about was him swinging at Belle.

  I walked to him as he was on his ass.

  “What the hell…”

  I dropped down with a knee to his balls. He crunched forward and I swung again, busting his nose like a water balloon. I grabbed his throat and held him down. I could’ve fucking broken his throat and neck right then but I held back.

  “You fucking piece of shit,” I growled. “You ever go near Belle again and you will be killed. Do you understand me?”

  I let him go and stood up. He reached with his hands; they were shaking with fear.

  “She’s my girlfriend.”

  Oh, that was the wrong thing to say to me.

  I grabbed Kyle and lifted him to his feet with ease. He was so much shorter than me I had him off his feet to put him eye level.

  “No she’s not,” I said. “You don’t own her. You don’t think about her. You don’t contact her. She’s nothing to you. Understand?”

  “Wait wait wait…”

  I turned and threw Kyle onto the hood of his car. I swung three hard rights, crack after crack after crack to his face. I backed away and Kyle climbed up on the hood and curled up like a baby, weeping uncontrollably.

  “Do you understand me?” I asked again.

  I could feel his blood on my knuckles. It felt good. It felt like revenge.

  I stepped toward the car and Kyle kicked back. He was resting on the damn windshield, his face covered in tears and blood.

  “You stay away,” I said. I reached back and took out my gun. “Or else this is next.”

  “Please, stop,” Kyle said. “Please. I’ll do anything.”

  I reached for and grabbed his chicken bone ankle and pulled him down the hood of the car. He let out a scream so I swung and hit him with the gun. The thud made me shiver for a second. And it made me smile.

  “You’re going to give me your wallet and your cell phone. When you get home you’re going to call the police and say that a man in a black hoodie mugged you. Just like what happened outside the restaurant that Belle works at. I
’m going to leave your wallet and cell a mile down the road. You can get it later. I’m memorizing where you live and I’ll find out everything. You think you’re a computer geek, you don’t know what I’m capable of. I’ll burn your life down piece by fucking piece, asshole. And if you ever raise a hand to a woman again, I’ll be there to cut that fucking hand off. And if you ever so much as think about Belle again, I’ll put a bullet in your head. Do you understand me now?”

  “Yes,” Kyle said. “Jesus Christ, yes. Please…”


  I put the gun away and I stood Kyle up. I walked him to the driver’s side of the car. I was going to end it right there but then the fucking prick looked back at me.

  “You’ll never get away with this,” he said. “I have connections.”

  “Yeah? Well here’s another connection…”

  I pulled Kyle back and then threw him through the back window of the car. His head smashed the glass and he just dangled there in the window. I quickly checked for a pulse and found one.


  I then dug through his car and found what I wanted. I deleted Belle’s number from his phone and made it a point to get her a new cell.

  And that was that.

  I walked away feeling a little calmer about myself. It was good to feed the rage sometimes. It was good to feel alive on the streets that I had lived on my entire life and worked so hard to protect. It felt good to know Belle was going to be safe again.

  But now… I had to go face her and begin to destroy her.




  I paced the apartment a million times. I fixed the table and chairs were Kyle had tried to do something disgusting to me. Never before had he acted that way. When he left, I collapsed to the floor and started to cry. I actually started to blame myself for what happened, thinking I had done something to lead him on. To make him think he could just do all that to me.

  Then something flipped in my head.

  Fuck. That.

  It was a loud and clear voice.

  It was Slam’s voice.

  I wasn’t going to be a victim anymore. Not for Kyle. Not for my father. Not for my life either. So that’s when I called Slam. Honestly I wanted to see what he would say and do. What I had done though was ask a bad guy to do something good for me. There was no such thing as that. Whatever Slam planned on doing it was going to be bad. Very bad. I had unleashed a monster onto Kyle.

  Seeing how fast Slam went to work, telling me to call Kyle and get him to pull over told me he was a pro at this kind of stuff. It made every wild fantasy about him hotter and made the reality of him being a criminal that much more real. Not that Slam hid that from me. He wore his leather cut which was nothing more than a big middle finger to the entire town and world, saying he was an outlaw and couldn’t be stopped.

  I wanted Kyle to pay. And I wanted him to stay away from me.

  I was left with no choice but to wait. Either Slam was going to do something or he was going to get caught doing something. I had no idea how it was going to play out, and the truth was that it all excited me. Looking into the eyes of a villain and wanting him so badly. Being the daughter of a cop and flirting with the other side of the law.

  Just to be safe, I kept the knife in my hand. If Kyle tried to do anything, I was going to hurt him myself.

  The moment then came when I heard the outside door open and shut. I quickly darted to the side of the door, knife in hand. I heard a knock at my door and my heart started to pound in my chest.

  “Come in,” I said, gripping the knife tight.

  The door slowly opened and when I saw the figure come into my apartment, I jumped forward, knife in the air.

  I don’t know what the fuck had gotten into me at that point. I was so caught up in everything I didn’t stop to see who it was.

  I brought the knife down just as Slam turned to face me.

  I never saw a man move so fast before. He blocked my wrist, twisted it, and stripped me of the knife before I could take a breath. He kicked the knife away and then his hands were at my hips. He lifted me up and carried me to the table. He kicked a chair out of the way and sat me on the table. With just inches between us his hands touched my face, forcing me to look at him.

  “Belle, it’s me. It’s Slam,” he said.

  I did a double take and then came back to reality.

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “You don’t have to be,” he said. “Shit, babe, are you okay?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Where’s Kyle?”

  “He’s not here now,” Slam said. “He won’t bother you ever again.”

  My lips quivered. “Did you kill him?”

  “In some ways, yes, I did. You’re safe now, Belle. I swear on it.”

  Maybe a normal woman would have realized the severity of the situation long before that moment there as I sat on the table, my legs touching Slam’s legs. He towered over me as I stared up at him. My savior came with a leather cut, a motorcycle, scruff on his face, and murder in his eyes.

  The next move was all me.

  I grabbed the lapels of his leather cut and pulled at him. I needed him closer. I needed him inside me.

  Shit. What was I thinking?

  I reached with my right hand and grabbed the back of his neck. I pulled at him, desperate for him.

  He leaned down and kissed me. Wasting no time with his tongue as he explored my mouth. I tried to fight back, wrestling at him, but he was so overbearing, it was impossible to do so. I dug my nails into the back of his neck and wanted more. I craved more. This was the feeling I had been waiting for my entire life. That insatiable need that only one man could satisfy.

  Next thing I knew I was grabbing at his right hand, putting it to my breast. I did okay in that department but the size of Slam’s hand made me feel flat chested. He squeezed me over my shirt and I felt like I had an explosion between my legs. I gushed like I had just come. My body was so over sensitive it was almost embarrassing.

  I put my hand to his and felt something slimy.

  That’s when the kiss came to a sudden stop. I looked down at his hand as Slam started to kiss my neck. The feel of his lips and tongue touching my skin made everything quiver. His teeth grazed my neck and drew a line to my ear.

  “Belle, I’ll keep you safe now,” he whispered. “Fuck, babe, you taste so good already.”

  I couldn’t speak for a few seconds. My eyes could only focus on the blood on his hand. His knuckles looked like they had been dipped into dark tomato sauce. I ran my pointer finger along his swollen middle knuckle and he stopped kissing me.

  “Ah, shit,” he whispered.

  He took his hands off me and backed away. On my left breast there was blood on my shirt. I gripped the edge of the table tight, finally understanding what I had gotten myself into.

  We just stared at each other and slowly, Slam lifted his hands up. He made fists and showed them to me. I understood what he had done to Kyle. What was right to be done and what the law wouldn’t have done. That’s when everything started to click into place. Maybe Slam wasn’t a bad guy in the sense of wanting to hurt people for his benefit. He was just a lawless man… an outlaw… going by his own path.

  “Did he hit your face?” I asked.

  “No. That was my brother.”


  “That’s how we talk sometimes. Two rounds and then we hug.” He eyed his fists. “But this, my hands, this is what I did to Kyle. He’s never going to call you again, Belle. He’s never going to bother you again. Because if he does it again, I will kill him.”

  Slam then walked away from me.

  I turned my head and watched as he sought out the bathroom.

  My hands were gripping the table so tight my knuckles were ghost white.

  I knew what to do next though.

  Whatever was happening with myself and Slam wasn’t go
ing to ease up.

  I slid off the table and turned to face the hallway. The light from the bathroom poured out as I heard the sound of the sink water rushing. He was cleaning off Kyle’s blood down my bathroom drain.

  It was in some weird way the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

  I bit my bottom lip and felt a surge through my body.

  I couldn’t believe what my mind and heart had agreed upon.

  Slam… was the one.




  I turned the water off and caught Belle staring at me. She was in the doorway and her eyes screamed of sex. Fuck, that was all I needed right then. Of course, it was the easiest target to go after. I had just saved her damn life and now she wanted to give me her body in return for that. It wasn’t the first time that had happened in my life.

  But I was not going to do this tonight.

  Why the fuck not, Slam? This is what you wanted. This is your plan. It’s working easier than you thought. Knox was right about Belle…

  Shit. Was she really getting to me?

  I dried my hands and walked to her. Her eyes were no match for mine. What she thought in her mind was simply a reality in mine. She could fantasize all she wanted about my dick inside her, but I was the one who knew how it felt to have a good fuck. She didn’t. I knew what it was like to have a woman crave my tongue, melt like ice cream on hot pavement to my touch. And I knew what it was like to stare down into a beautiful set of eyes as I came into a woman’s throat.

  Belle did not.

  I reached for her face and touched her soft cheek. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”

  I tried to move but Belle put her hands to my stomach. Slowly, she pulled up my shirt, forcing herself to touch my bare skin. When her fingers bounced along the ripples of my abs, I saw the look in her eyes get even hotter.

  What the fuck did she think she was up against? I was built from stone and work. Every inch of my body was thick muscle. And her soft little tongue looked ready to slither along every inch I had to offer.


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