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Page 4

by V. Vaughn

  When I reach for the sugar, I notice the canister is light and open it to discover I don’t have enough for my cookies. Considering the sisters that share our duplex come over for something almost every day so they can flirt with the male occupants of my house, I figure they owe me, so I grab my measuring cup and head on over.

  I ring the bell and shift from foot to foot as I wait. Maggie peers through the lace curtain at me before she opens the door to say, “Goodness, Ginny. What a surprise.”

  I hold out my measuring cup and say, “I’ve run out of sugar. I don’t suppose I could borrow a cup from you?”

  “Of course. Come right on in.” She lets me by and yells loudly enough that I jump, “Colleen! We have company!”

  Maggie leads me into the kitchen and opens a cabinet to pull down coffee filters. I guess I’m here for a visit. I smile as I set my measuring cup down and take a seat at the small kitchen table as she says, “You know, I see so much of the boys, but my sister and I barely know you.”

  “Well, there’s no time like the present.” It’s not as though I have anything else to do considering I’m no longer enrolled in classes.

  Colleen shuffles in and grins at me with a set of perfect teeth that must be dentures. “Why, how good of you to come by.” She sits across from me and winks. “Living with all those boys. Oh, how I wish we could have done that in our day.”

  I smile back. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” I scowl dramatically. “We do share a bathroom.”

  Colleen frowns back. “Oh my, I hadn’t considered that.”

  Coffee gurgles and drips into the pot as Maggie joins us. “Pity about the door, but brothers do like to roughhouse.”

  I nod, grateful that she doesn’t know it was actually me that smashed through it. Colleen says, “Adrian tells me you’re going to be a doctor.” She pats my hand with her papery-smooth one. “That’s something. Do you know what kind?”

  “Surgery interests me the most right now.”

  Colleen gasps as she glances at Maggie. “Did you hear that? A surgeon.”

  I can’t help but chuckle when the women do. These two are adorable, and I’m beginning to see why my roommates like them so much. I ask, “Have you two always lived here?”

  Maggie says, “We sure have.” They share the story of how they both married young and lived only houses apart as they raised their families, and when they both were widowed within a year of each other, they bought this house together and turned it into a duplex. I smile at the way they finish each other’s sentences, and it makes me think of my sisters. I hope we’re still this close in our golden years.

  I swallow down the last of my weak cup of coffee as Colleen says, “So as you can see, we love being around young people.”

  I say, “The boys love being around you. They think you’re quite special.”

  Maggie grabs my hand and squeezes with her bony fingers. “You are sweet. You really must come over again.” She stands and takes my measuring cup. “Sugar, you say?”

  “Yes, please, and I’d love to visit again. Maybe next time you stop by I’ll be there.”

  I glance at Colleen, and she avoids my gaze. I think she might even blush a little, and I hold back my laugh. I want to assure her that Adrian would still flirt in front of me. Maggie hands me my sugar, and I thank them before I let myself out.

  When I get back to my side of the house, Aaron is home and sitting at the table with his laptop. He’s in a tight T-shirt to show off his full sleeves of tattoos. I say, “Hey, I just visited your girlfriends next door.”

  “Cute, aren’t they?”

  “They are.” Sugar rushes as I dump it into my bowl, and my whisk scrapes as I begin to mix. “Thanks for fixing the door. I feel so stupid for breaking it the way I did.”

  Aaron says, “No worries. We all get it, you know.” He’s scrolling through something on his screen as he talks.

  I nod. “I’m beginning to understand that.”

  “Whoa. Check it.” Aaron’s computer scrapes against the table as he turns it toward me, and I see a YouTube video of us at our last show, back when I was still human. “Look at how many hits we’ve gotten, and what’s uber sweet is the most-liked comment advertises our gig tomorrow night.”

  “Wow.” This is great news, but my heart rate increases as I begin to worry. What if I freak out on stage and start to shift? I’d been avoiding the reality of tomorrow night, but now I need a plan, because turning into a bear in front of a huge crowd would so not be good. The bones in my bottom thud when I drop into the chair across from Aaron.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I shake my head. “What if I shift?”

  He nods at me slowly, and I notice his spiked hair must be full of gel, because it doesn’t move. “We need a plan.” He waves at my bowl. “Don’t stop making the cookies, girl. We’ll think of something.”

  I stand up and roll my eyes at him. Aaron’s not the type to worry about anything except maybe where his next meal is coming from, and I should have known he wouldn’t be much help. I communicate with Adrian. “Hey, got a minute?”

  “What’s up?”

  Bright light from the fridge illuminates me as I grab two eggs. “We need to figure out what to do tomorrow night in case I start to shift on stage.”

  “But you won’t. What could possibly frustrate you or make you mad?”

  I sigh. Why don’t these guys take me seriously? “I don’t know, Adrian. But I’m not going to stop worrying until we have a strategy, so think on it.”

  “Will do, babe. Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I listen to the music coming from the living room while I finish mixing the batter. As I spoon out the dough, I decide I need to ask Aleck for help. He’s not going to like it, but I think he needs to be my pinch hitter. The cookie sheet clatters as I place it in the oven, and I take a deep breath as I walk toward him.

  He’s using my keyboard, and a pencil is stuck behind his ear as he plays. I sit across from him and wait until Aleck is ready to talk. He looks up immediately.

  I wring my hands as I say, “I have a huge favor to ask you.”

  “You’re worried about shifting on stage.”

  “Yeah.” I frown. “How did you know?”

  Aleck shrugs. “Because I would be if I were you.”

  “So what do you think we should do?”

  “Well, I can be backstage right near you and drag you off if you start to shift.” He says it in a stoic manner as if the answer is obvious.

  “You’d do that for me?”

  Now it’s Aleck’s turn to frown as he says, “Yes.”

  “And you realize you’d probably have to play for me too, right?”

  He nods, and I lean over to kiss his cheek. The girls are going to go wild over Aleck’s brainiac appearance and quiet ways. He’s going to get unwanted attention, and I hope he’s okay with the sacrifice he’s making for me. “Thank you. I know the idea of being on stage is something you hate, and I promise I’m not going to shift if I can help it.”

  He stares at me, and I back away as I bite my tongue to keep from asking him to tell me what he’s thinking. As I turn around to leave, Aleck says, “I don’t mind, Ginny. You’d do it for me.”

  I keep walking as a big grin covers my face. He’s so getting more cookies than Aaron.


  This morning, the band rehearsed for our performance tonight. Everything went smoothly, and after catching up with my sister, Nessa and I left feeling confident tonight will go well. Gideon’s Pub is the kind of hole-in-the-wall place that is not popular for its decor. While it appears that very little effort has gone into decorating with the mismatched furniture and paint-chipped walls, the owner loves music, and the sound system is where he spent his money. We’re in the back room as we wait to be announced. Aaron is drumming his sticks on the edge of a chair as I pace.

  Adrian talks in my head. “You’re going to be fine. Just dazzle them with your fast fing
ers, babe.”

  I glance over at Aleck, and he nods. I hope that means he’s ready. The plan is that he’ll be backstage right near me, and like a guide dog that can tell when an epileptic is about to have a seizure, he’ll be focused on sensing my mood and ready to move. I hope I’ll be able to get out of my own way so all he has to do is step in for me.

  My sister Nessa is warming up her vocal cords as her broody mate, Andre, sits with Aleck so neither of them have to talk. Nessa and Andre met last fall when I convinced her to stand in for the singer that left us in the lurch. She resisted, but now, not only is she the mate of our bass player, she’s discovered singing is her thing. Nessa even changed her major, and I’ve never seen her happier.

  I walk over to Adrian for physical support. He hugs me tight. “I know tonight will be fine. You haven’t accidentally shifted since before we left.”

  “I haven’t had a reason to.” I gaze up at him and notice a twinkle in Adrian’s eye goes with the erection he’s pressing into my stomach. A wave of desire washes over me. Adrian’s breath hitches before he says, “We have another ten minutes...”

  I nod and grab his hand to yank him out to the van we use to transport equipment. “We’ll be right back.”

  Nessa shakes her head at me, but I know she understands. This is her first spring as a werebear, and she’s feeling the intense pull of mating fever too. She and Andre got into the van tonight with the distinct odor of coupling.

  I’m breathless by the time we get to the van, and it’s from a mix of sexual desire and the fact that Adrian practically ran. The back doors slam with a metallic thud, and our mouths meet, and we begin to strip each other’s clothes off. I straddle Adrian’s lap as he reaches between my legs and groans. “So ready.”

  I grab his cock and guide him into me. “It’s the reflexes.”

  Adrian’s teeth shimmer in the streetlight as he grins. “I like.” He moans as I ride him and pants out, “A lot.”

  My need for Adrian never seems sated, and my orgasm approaches like a tidal wave. The whole van is rocking with our movement, and I’m sure anyone walking by can hear our cries as we both explode with our release. I sink down over my mate with a smile, because if any of Adrian’s groupies were hanging around, they know he’s mine. Hell, anyone within a mile radius knows Ginny made him come.

  I sigh against his damp chest as he combs through my hair with his fingers. “Feel better?” he asks.

  “Much.” I lean up to gaze down at him. “Now let’s go make music.”

  As I begin to climb off him to get dressed, he grabs me and pulls me back down. “Babe, we just did.” He kisses me with the kind of passion that’s more than sex. It’s infused with the fierce bond of our love, and I’m dizzy by the time he lets go. I’m in a giddy daze as we make our way back to the pub.

  I have enough time for a quick bathroom trip to clean up before we’re called to the stage. Sex with Adrian was a good idea, because I set myself behind my keyboards in a relaxed state. When Aaron counts us down for our first song, I’m more than ready. We have two new songs to play tonight, but I’m completely comfortable I’ve got them down.

  It’s a good thing I’m not a jealous person, because Adrian works the females in the crowd like a famous rocker. It’s not uncommon for him to yank a girl up to the stage to dance with him. It’s all part of the show and has never bothered me, until tonight. The bass of our music throbs in my veins almost painfully when a pretty blonde gets pulled up on the stage, and my stomach clenches as I watch her gyrate in front of my mate. I take a deep breath and tamp down my urge. While I think I can hold on, I speak to Adrian for help anyway. “My bear doesn’t like her.”

  Adrian dances her over to Andre. This is not Andre’s thing at all, but he makes the best of it as Nessa comes to his rescue by turning it into a three-way dance session. The girl is eating up the attention, and Adrian comes over near me as he sings. I smile at him as the spotlight illuminates us. “I’m in control, thanks.”

  A grin covers Adrian’s face as he bows down with a flourish of his arm to indicate I’m about to solo. I focus on my keys and let my fast fingers fly. I’m a showoff, and it doesn’t take much for me to get lost in my performance. The cheering of the crowd roars in my ears as I play, and when I slow it down to an end, I glance at Adrian. Hair is stuck to his face and neck with sweat, and it glistens in the light. His sculpted body is highlighted by his T-shirt that’s damp with moisture, and the adoration in his eyes is all I need for acknowledgment. All is right in the world, because my mate is helplessly in love with me.

  When it’s time for Andre and Nessa to sing their duet they wrote together, Adrian falls back to let them have center stage. My part in the song is simple, and I spend time glancing around at my band. Aaron is in his head as his arms move with his steady beat, and my sister and her mate singing their hearts out to each other radiates the love they share. It’s the kind of song girls play over and over as they dream about a guy, and I think about how I’m a part of something that touches so many. My heart surges with the joy I feel at this realization. When my sister and her mate hold the final note of the song, it’s as if it reaches inside me and flips a switch. Maybe music is what I’m destined for. The crowd’s cheers break my moment, and I shake my head at myself for being so cocky.

  Our final song is one of the new ones. It would usually be a risky move to do this since people like the familiar and you want to end on a high with your fans. But Aleck is a musical genius, and because the chorus is repetitive and simple, people are singing along quickly. The upbeat tempo makes them move, and Aleck’s magic touch has done it again. We end on such a high, girls are screaming as guys yell for an encore. Adrian plays the crowd and calls out, “I think you want more!”

  The room vibrates with cheers.

  Adrian walks around the stage in his rock star strut as if he has to check with us on what we’ll play. But we all know it’s the very first song of Aleck’s we ever played, and the one that continues to have the most YouTube hits. We launch into a tune I can play in my sleep and have fun with it. I turn back to search for Aleck, and when I find him smiling, I break from playing to yank him on stage with us. I say, “This is your moment too. Come play with me.”

  I communicate with Adrian. “Give Aleck a shout out.”

  When the song ends, my mate jogs over to Aleck and me and gives him praise. Poor Aleck reddens from embarrassment when a girl yells, “Aleck, I love you!”

  Adrian yells back, “He’s shy, girls. Go easy on him.”

  I bump against Aleck. “Sorry, bud, but you’re hot. They can’t help themselves.”

  Aleck offers me a tiny smile, and I grin, because even if he doesn’t crave it, he likes the recognition, and I’m glad I made it happen.

  We played past last call, and the lights flip on moments after we finish. Tired and wet with sweat, we begin the process of breaking down to pack up the van. We’re all high from a successful performance, and as I head toward the back door, a girl calls out for Adrian. I’m shocked at my immediate reaction as jealousy burns in me. I turn to discover an attractive brunette grabbing his arm and leading him away. Damn my fast reflexes, because my bear snaps with jealousy and practically explodes out of my body as the sound of my clothing ripping is almost like a shot. Something slams into me and flattens me onto the pavement right outside the door. Sharp pain radiates through my spine. Shit! I shift back to human in an instant as a heavy weight lifts off me.

  Aaron hovers over my body and shakes his head. “Dude.” He whips off his shirt, and the damp cotton lands on my chest. I crinkle my nose at his scent, but I don’t have much choice, so I sit up and pull it over my head quickly to scramble into the van.

  Aaron leans in and drops the remains of my clothes next to me as he grins. “Way to avoid a breakdown, Ginny.”

  “Did anyone see?”

  “Naw, I tackled you, and you shifted before I could get off you. They just think I wanted a little one-on-one with the lead sin
ger’s girl.”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes at my savior, and say, “Thanks.”

  “No worries.” The metal door rings with his slap before he walks away. I climb over the seat to get to my bag of extra clothes. I’m pissed that I tore through my last pair of jeans and tug on yoga pants. They stick to my sweaty skin, and I prickle with the threat of another shift as I get angry with myself for losing control. I inhale deeply. I have no idea where my jealousy came from. I force myself to think about it later, because I really need to tamp down my bear right now. The urge to run through the woods is strong, and I promise myself I’ll let my bear out when we get home. I curl up on the backseat and hug my knees as I send Adrian a telepathic message. “Where are you?”

  “Talking to a talent scout. Big stuff. Almost done.”

  Talent scout? Excitement takes the place of the adrenaline in my veins. Is someone important interested in Adrian? The passenger door across from me opens, and Nessa slides in. “Hey, I heard what happened.”

  “Yeah. But Aaron says nobody saw.”

  “I’m pretty sure they didn’t.” She quickly scans me with her eyes. “Wow. I’m so sorry, Ginny. This has to suck.”

  I nod, but I don’t want to talk about it, so I say, “Tonight went well, though, don’t you think?”

  She grins, and we relive highlights of the night as the guys finish loading the van. When it’s time to go, Adrian hops in the back, and Nessa moves over to let him sit between us. He notices my clothes and says, “Shit. You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He pulls me into a hug as Aaron turns from the driver’s seat to glare at him. “Where the fuck were you?”

  “Talking to a talent scout.” He grins. “I need to make sure they’re legit, but we might be looking at a recording deal.”


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