Omega Christmas
Page 5
The coldness of the air seeps into my bones, and images of the guys come to mind. Nile with his adorable smile, Ralph with his teasing, and Bruno with his deep soul-searching gaze. I miss them more than I would have ever thought. I’m trying to hold on to the hope that they’ll come and rescue me, but it seems to be dwindling day by day.
The door creaks open for the third time today. I sit up from the bed and wait for him to place the tray on the table. I’ve taken to calling him Bat, for Battleridge. He won’t tell me his name or speak, but I try every time he comes into the room. The most I get is a smile of sympathy or amusement.
“Hey Bat, what’s for dinner? Pot roast and potatoes? Beef Wellington? Oh I know, bacon cheeseburger!”
He chuckles under his breath and shakes his head. Looking around before he whispers, “Same thing as yesterday, ham and cheese. Sorry.”
“Ugh, can we ask management about getting something better. I could really use an apple or maybe some potato chips. I’d kill for some ice cream. I think I’m PMSing.” My actions are dramatic and overly exaggerated. Making him laugh has been a goal since that first day. I wish I would have had someone to try to make me feel anything other than sad and broken.
His gaze meets mine and I see the pity there, but also gratitude, he must like our interactions as much as I do.
“No ice cream, but I can see what I can do about some fruit or veggies. You must be starving all day.” His voice is almost silent. I only hear it because my wolf hearing picks up the vibrations in the air.
He’s right I am. As soon as he leaves, I’ll inhale the sandwich in three bites. Werewolves expend a lot of energy and need the calories to keep up, that’s why it’s so hard for me to maintain my strength. I’m almost certain this is done on purpose to keep me weak and agreeable. But they don’t know me, or my story. They don’t know I’ve survived on less than this. I just have to bide my time.
This time I’ll try something else, a different way to approach him. I lay my head on the table and expose my neck. I let my omega powers rise to the surface and I see the change in his wolf instantly. His desire to protect me is overwhelming. Even though my wolf is dormant, my Omega powers are a part of me, us. They can’t be wished away by drugs or whatever is blocking my bond. At least that book Bruno gave me was good for something.
“You’re an omega,” he mouths, taking one step closer to me. His wolf is at the surface, and I know if I make a move, he’ll be on me in a moment. Not to hurt me but to make sure no one harms me.
I give a slight nod of my head and wait for his next move. A war is raging inside of him, as he chooses what to do next. His hand reaches out to touch me, and a voice comes over the speaker.
“Subject 154, please step away from Subject 160 and go back to your station.” It cuts off with no explanation or ridicule, it just accepts that Bat is going to listen to them.
And he does. Pulling his hand back, he frowns and walks out of the room. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. We were so close. If they wouldn’t have been watching, I would have gotten his touch and my wolf could have shared his strength.
As much as I was angry with the guys, right now I’m grateful they gave me that damn book. It unlocked some the powers flowing inside of me, and I was only able to read a handful of pages before my anger took over. I should have stayed. Dealt with it like a proper adult. I miss them and their stupid faces.
I eat the sandwich in slow bites this time. Savoring it like it’s my last meal. The water washes it down, but I forgo the pills. I want to find my pain tonight. Wrap it around me so I can realize what an ass I am.
I’m woken by the door opening. Rolling over I stretch and expect it to be Bat with my next meal. It’s not. Two heavily armed soldiers are standing in the entrance to my room, with their guns trained on me. Behind them is a woman dressed in a lab coat. She’s short and stout like a little grandmother from a nursery rhyme. Her gray hair is pulled back into a severe bun, and her orthopedic shoes make no sound as she crosses the threshold.
A small noise has me sitting up, waiting for something to happen. She pulls the chair out from the table and looks directly at me. Her eyes stare into mine as if she’s trying to assert her dominance. I laugh.
“If you think a human is going to show dominance over a wolf, you’re sadly mistaken.” I turn my body to stare straight at hers and pour out some of those omega powers I have had all along. Her body bristles with the magic and she furrows her eyebrows.
“What are you doing?” she queries, making a note on the metal clipboard on her lap.
“I don’t know what you mean. You’re going to have to explain …” I make a gesture with my hand to indicate I’d like to know her name.
“You can call me Doctor M.”
“Ok, M. What can I do for you? I have been here, what, four days and no one has come in before, so what makes this day special?”
“I’d like to talk to you about the powers you showed to Subject 154 yesterday.”
“I didn’t do anything to him. I was simply trying to make conversation like I’ve been doing. It gets kind of boring being in a white room with nothing but a table for company.”
“Your discomfort is none of my concern. What is my concern is what you can do for us. And if that ends up being nothing, well then, we’ll be forced to terminate this portion of the experiment.”
A chill of fear comes over me, but then I realize, I’m not going down like some scared pup. I’m stronger than that. Being an omega doesn’t mean the weakest wolf anymore. It means being the missing link that the pack needs. I need to find other wolves to complete the circle with and then maybe we can get the fuck out of here.
“When you put it like that, how can I be of assistance?”
“You can start by telling me what you did to Subject 154.”
“I didn’t do anything. I just submitted to him and his wolf recognized it.” There was no way I was telling her about my omega powers.
“Interesting,” she mutters, writing down something on the pad. I lean over a bit to see what she’s writing, but she pulls it out of my line of vision.
“I’d like to know where I am and why I’m here,” I say, as nice as possible. Maybe I can kill this bitch with kindness.
“You’re in a facility that does testing on supernatural creatures. You’re here because we want you to be. It seems like you’re quite an important abomination. We’re hoping this will lead to better subjects to test.”
My mind hurries to catch what she’s saying. The guys. She wants the guys. There’s no way I’m letting that happen.
“Not sure what you mean by that. I’m not special at all. If I was, wouldn’t I waltz out of here?”
She giggles, like a little granny. “You can’t leave. No one leaves without permission. Subject 154 has been here for two years. You’ll be here for as long as I require.”
“What is it that you’re going to do to me? You know, so that I can prepare to become the model patient,” I say, trying to gauge how unstable she really is. My wolf is still not back. I can’t take on all three of them, although I could probably break M’s neck. I wonder if all my omega powers will work on her, but should I even try? Being caught using them is much more dangerous.
“You are quite the character. I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”
Her look gives me a frightening chill all over. I control showing her how scared I am. My wolf paces with her teeth bared. She’s ready to eat this woman whole if only we could shift.
“There is something you can tell me. When you came in we did some blood work. Not that there was much blood left, but I’m curious why your type of blood doesn’t have the same characteristic as Subject 154.”
Why would my blood be different from Bat? It’s not like we aren’t both wolves unless it’s because I’m an Omega. I can’t let M on this little secret, so I go with denial.
Shrugging my shoulders, I say “You’re the doctor. I’ve no fucking idea why they wouldn’t be similar
“A mouth on her,” a voice says from behind the two large bodyguards that escorted the good doctor into the room.
As soon as he comes into view, recognition and then anger come over me. “You fucking piece of shit.” I’m off the bed and over to him in an instant. My fist connects with his face before the two goons can subdue me. I crumple into them having expended too much energy. “I’m going to fucking kill you — you blood-sucking douche-bag.”
He laughs, loud and strong while taking out a handkerchief from his lapel and wiping the blood coming out of his nose. “We’ll see about that,” he replies, walking out of the room followed by the doctor and the two guards.
I’m woken up again, by the opening of the cell door. I’ve come to think of this place as a prison, so cell seems appropriate. Since yesterday, the resolve I have holed up in my center has strengthened. Now that I know this was a setup and that asshole is behind my kidnapping, I’m going to make sure he pays.
There is still no sign of a rescue. No secret messages or thoughts through the bond. I’m starting to get concerned that this will be it for me. The first time I find true happiness it’s snatched away. I have to think of a plan.
I realize I haven’t gotten groggy. I rise from the bed and meet the confrontation head-on. I feel better, more myself. Last night I didn’t take the pain pills again. They’re probably what made me so out of it. Why I couldn’t walk properly or stand up on my own. I shouldn’t have trusted Bat so much, but I guess he was the bait. Get me comfortable, and I’ll be agreeable. He’s a submissive wolf who I begin feeling sorry for. I can identify with his feelings. We are similar and naturally, I’d be drawn to that.
The two guards from yesterday enter the room with tasers in hand and guns on their hips. I raise my arms in surrender. I won’t make a move against these men. Besides feeling defeated, I’m not strong enough to take both of them on yet.
“Woah, easy boys. I’ll come peacefully. No need to come at me with all that aggression.” I keep the snark in my voice. There is no reason why they need to know I’m scared or hopeless.
“We’ve seen what your kind can do, we aren’t taking a chance,” Guard One says. His jaw is squared, hair shaved close to his head, and too much time at the gym. He looks abnormally muscular like he’s been given something.
Guard Two comes over and beckons me forward. I comply and move a few steps towards the door. Once I’m outside I hope I can find a way out of this place.
The hallway is quiet, not a sound except the whirling of the air conditioner. Even my enhanced hearing can’t pick up anything. I shiver with the cold. The air pebbling my skin and making me shiver.
Guard Two leads us down yet another silent hall, and then we turn to the left. A singular door stands in this corridor, and it’s marked with a large caduceus and the Roman numeral one. I glance to the right and see more doors with the same symbol going down this hall. It must be where all the offices for the doctors are located. After all, a caduceus is the symbol for medicine. This isn’t the way I’ll be sneaking out. No exit sign or someone smoking outside the front doors. I’ll have to find another way.
Guard One knocks on the door and the good doctor answers. “Clara, so nice to see you, please have a seat.”
“I wish I could say likewise, but I’m not here of my own volition. I’d rather be stuck in a tar pit.”
“So, an abomination that has no manners. That’s strike two in my book.”
“Good thing I could care less about your feelings. We aren’t going to be friends or making small talk, discussing the weather or how much a gallon of milk costs. That fucking vampire kidnapped me and put me in this place. Now you’re calling me an abomination for whatever reason and you want me to be nice? Why not the vampires? They’re as much supernatural as the rest of us. Are they not abominations? You know what, fuck you. I’ve dealt with people worse than you. Your name-calling and attitude don’t affect me, so let’s get this over — whatever this is.”
I plop in the chair in front of her desk and cross my legs. My posture is relaxed and annoyed, but I’m on alert. The two guards remain by the door but don’t do anything. I could swear I see a ghost of a smile on Guard One.
“Let me get right to it then. Give you a sneak peek of what’s to come. You’re a test subject. We take blood and other fluids from supernatural creatures and manufacture life-saving treatments for cancer patients. We’re curing a disease that has plagued the world for too long.”
This time I hear Guard One cough to cover his laugh. I glance at him from the corner of my eye and he looks pissed, angry even — interesting.
“Well, isn’t that noble of you. If you’re doing what you are saying you’re doing, why not just ask the packs for help? Most of us grew up around humans, I’m sure there would be some willing to help out.”
“Why ask for permission when you can just take. You don’t deserve to have this much power. You need to suffer for what mother nature has done, creating a wolf and human hybrid. Did your father fuck a wolf? Is that how you were born?” My blood begins to boil as the insult sinks into my mind. I hate my parents for what they did, but we aren’t unnatural. We are a different species, not something that should be degraded. I want nothing more than to shut her up.
Gritting my teeth, I look toward Guard One. His eyes glow the yellow of a wolf for a split second and then flash back to normal. How did I not smell him?
Raising my eyebrows in question, he nods his head in agreement. I give him a sly smile and jump before she can notice I’m out of my chair.
One leap and I’m on top of her squeezing her neck. I lean forward and the chair crashes down giving me more leverage. There is a fight going on behind me, but I can’t be worried about that.
“I’m going to choke you until the blood can’t get to your brain and then I’m going to snap your neck. It’s the worst way to blackout, but know I’m doing it for a good cause because I’m helping other werewolves from abominations like you.”
A crack vibrates around the room, as I stand and kick the corpse under me. Turning around, I see Guard One with his hands folded across his chest and a smile on his face.
“Let’s go little wolf. Grab her keycard and do what I say. If we see anyone, you’ll keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking. Understood?” My mind is reeling at what I just did. I killed someone. It’s not like she didn’t deserve it, but it was still a life. And this wolf? A simple nod and I’m doing his bidding. My out of character behavior is scaring me. I need to know who this guy is.
“Who are you? Why are you helping me?” He’s a huge guy around 6’3”, muscles bigger than I’ve ever seen, and eyes the color of spent money. It’s captivating to look at him. If I didn’t have mates already, he’d definitely be on my radar.
“Sergeant Dean Wesson, Delta Force, SN Division.” His voice is almost a growl. There is pride laced in it though, and I get a sense this is what he was born for. Saving people from dire situations.
“You’re with the government? What does the SN stand for? How does the government know about us? I thought we were a secret from humans.”
“You talk way too much Little Wolf and if we both don’t get out of here soon; we’re going to die.”
He makes the words sound so James Bond. A bit of excitement and relief run through me. Moving toward the door he motions for me to stand behind him and place my hand on his shoulder. He cracks the door open and the cool air hits my skin.
He turns around, pulls out his gun and mouths “ready”.
Nodding my head, I follow him out into the unknown. I just put my life into the hands of a total stranger. I hope we make it out of here alive.
The bonds snapped back into place a while ago. As soon as we started to move about the building, I felt them a little more. Dean is sure that there is some type of spell over the building t
o prevent mates from sensing each other. Just another level of security.
We’re almost out of the building when a group of guards finds us. Two males, as big as Dean. Their looks say they are suspicious, but they give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Where are you taking Subject 160?”
“The doctor wants her to go up to the observation deck. It seems like she’s not cooperating well enough. Wants her to see what happens when you don’t comply.”
One of the guards laughs in my face, while the other is still suspicious.
“Why doesn’t she have shackles on if she’s being uncooperative? You should know better than this Striker.”
“Yes, sir. She’s easy to subdue. She’s a tiny thing.”
“Regardless soldier, she’s an abomination and she could trick you. They are more powerful than they let you believe.”
With that last sentence, he takes out his cuffs and tries to snap them around my wrists. I back up to prevent it, and he follows. Dean is on him in a moment, knocking him unconscious with the butt of his gun. The next guard goes down with a punch to the face.
“Well, now what?” I ask. “Someone is bound to see that. There are cameras in here, I presume?” I look up trying to locate them, but they must be well hidden.
“Yeah, we need to hurry up. I think a distraction is in order. Have you ever made a bonfire before?” He gives me a playful smirk.
“This isn’t the time to roast marshmallows and sing Kumbaya.” Frustrated that he’s making light of this situation. We need to get out, not stop and make a fire.
“You’re funny, Little Wolf. I mean, have you ever set a building on fire?” His chuckle sounds out of place in a situation like this.
“Can’t say that I have.” A smile crossing my lips. When he puts it that way, I’m keen to the idea.