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Key West Gone into the Night

Page 19

by Elizabeth Hilleren

  “I’ll talk to him again,” Harris said. “I want to see if he remembered any more information on Vasquez’s girlfriend.”

  “Call before he goes anywhere,” Sharkey said in a grim voice.

  “You got it. I sure don’t want anyone else hurt.”

  “It will take a little time, logistically, to get us into place. I’ll check back with you when I get off duty. Let’s make the best of all the time we have. I want to be here when he talks to Vasquez.”

  * * *

  Harris took Amy’s car to take Javier back to pick up his belongings at his house.

  Harris watched Javier’s face as he drove him across town and out to Stock Island.

  “As soon as I let him know that I have the passport he will move quickly. Manuel Rodriguez is his right-hand-man. He will accompany me back to Chile. He is not a nice man. There are a lot of people who work for Vasquez but this one does the dirty work for him.”

  “Is the baby in any danger?”

  “No. I don’t think so. Manuel has been told to keep me in line, but the safety of the baby comes first. Vasquez would never hurt Mateo or allow anyone to hurt him. He will be treated as an honored member of his family. Mateo is what gives him Consuelo, his real love. Everything else can be sacrificed to that end.”

  “Okay,” Harris said. “If he doesn’t use the airlines, then how might he proceed?”

  “Probably by car into Mexico. Remember he thinks that I’m on his side.”

  “Yeah, that could put you in real danger. After all, when they get the passport, who needs you?”

  Javier faced him. “They do, to enter another country with my baby. Well, that depends on if he believes me. I could be dead at any point in the trip.”

  “Whoever takes him into Chile needs a Chilean passport for themselves. Then no questions would be asked. Especially if they have your death certificate. Just sayin’,” Harris said.

  “If I die in the process then that’s meant to be. I was a willing participant. Right?”

  “To a point,” Harris said. “We’ll do our very best to see that you come out of this alive and well. Vasquez is another issue.”

  Harris pulled into the garage of Javier’s house and they loaded his bags into the car.

  “What’s your take now on Susan?” Harris asked as they got back into the car.

  “I hate the fact that I went along with Vasquez’s plan. She had passports which means she had more than thought about leaving America. I’m confused and frustrated that she resisted the option of leaving with me to Chile. But I didn’t know. She hid so much. I should have not been so quick to take the easy way out. Mateo deserves to have his real parents. Even though I was not there for them he doesn’t deserve this outcome.”

  “What was done is done. Now we have to try to make the best of what’s left. Two children’s lives, my grandson and your son. They need to be brought back into what family is left.”

  “If I die…will you take care of the children?” Javier asked, his young face as solemn as Harris had ever seen it.

  “I will make sure they grow up with good parents, if I have to raise them myself. You have my word on that. I let Susan down. It won’t happen again.”

  Javier looked at Harris. “Susan was right about you. She never gave up on you. And I can tell you Stephanie did everything in her power to make her hate you. She pretended but I heard her heart speak when she talked about her dad.”

  * * *

  Sharkey told dispatch to go dark on him. “I don’t want any radio conversation or alerts to go public. I’ll call you when we have a go situation with detailed information. Alert Jenny Springfield, McCabe and Cruz Rosario to be ready to go on alert.”

  Sharkey then went over to Harris’s and was invited to dinner. “You have to get a good dinner and Harris said he didn’t know how late this might run.”

  “I called Camie and told her not to wait up. Thanks for the invite.”

  Amy smiled. “You are most welcome.”

  Amy had cooked blackened fish and fried potatoes on the grill. “Come and get it while it’s hot.”

  They sat down at the dining room table and Harris prayed.

  “We pray for the safety of all involved in the safe return of these children and for the safety of all persons involved in what might be a dangerous mission. Javier may be in great danger. Just keep him safe. Amen.”

  After dinner they adjourned to the living room and Sharkey set up a map of the city on one easel and a large blank pad on the other.

  “As soon as we get a location and directions from Vasquez, we will have a team move into the location, keeping their cover until given the signal. We’re dealing with Ricardo Vasquez, Consuela, the keeper of the children, and a security man named Manuel Rodriguez.”

  “How soon do we tell Vasquez that I have the passport?” asked Javier.

  Sharkey looked at Harris. “My gut says the longer we prolong, the more time for mistakes.”

  “Tell Vasquez that you need an hour to pack. You had to go to Susan’s house to get the passport. That will give us time to set up the locations that need to be covered.”

  “Who will have the getaway car?” asked Alex.

  “I will. I rented one that’s big enough to comfortably carry luggage and the baby safely,” Javier said.

  “Okay. We put a tracker on it.”

  Javier sat on the edge of his seat leaning forward. His face was serious as he watched Sharkey set up the map.

  “Try to buy an hour, Javier,” said Sharkey.

  “I’ll tell him I just got back from Susan’s house where I found the passport.”

  “Sounds good. Tell him you’re packed up and ready when he’s ready.”

  “Let’s wait an hour. That way the sun will be down. I’ll contact my people and they’ll have time to get in place. They’re good at not being seen.”

  Amy appeared with fresh coffee.

  “Thanks, that was a wonderful dinner,” Javier said, taking a cookie from the plate.

  “Thank you, Javier. I will be praying for your safety.”

  Javier smiled at her. “That makes me feel better.”

  “Good.” She turned and headed for the kitchen.

  Sharkey was on a conference call with his people. “We’ll have several sharp shooters close by when the location is known.”

  * * *

  “It’s time,” said Sharkey.

  Javier took out his cell phone and dialed Vasquez’s number.

  “Javier, I take it you have found the passport.”

  “I went to Susan’s house and found it among her papers. I just got back. I need an hour to pull my things together.”

  “We need to move now.”

  “Okay, half an hour.”

  “No longer. You shouldn’t have any problems. You are to leave your car at Consuela’s and go with Manuel.”

  “My car is packed.”

  “Put your things in his car.”

  “All right.”

  “I’ll text you the address on Whitehead Street. It’s surrounded by a tall hedge. She is on the first floor. She will be waiting for you.”

  Javier waited for the text then turned the phone to Sharkey who marked the map and called his officers. “Get into position. This could be dangerous.”

  McCabe and Jenny were positioned nearest the location and were ready. He had police cruisers covering the main exits off the island on North Roosevelt Boulevard, Flagler Avenue and South Roosevelt Boulevard, all leading to U.S.1.

  * * *

  Harris told Javier to put on a new pair of jeans. “There’s a tracer in the small change pocket in your jeans. We can follow you this way. There’s a wire in the waist band, so Sharkey can hear what’s going on.”

  “What if they find it?”

  “They won’t. Unless they take your pants.”

  Javier laughed. “I’ll hope that doesn’t happen.”

  “We have good professionals following you. Don’t worry, anything goes wro
ng, we’ll have you covered. We have the tech people close by.”

  * * *

  Consuela got a call from Vasquez to get the baby ready for a trip. She went to the bedroom where Mateo was sleeping. She already had his things packed up.

  “I’m going to miss you, my little one.” Mateo’s eyes were open, and he smiled back at the sight of her. She picked him up and held him close.

  “I don’t want to let you go. I don’t know why you must go with Manuel. You need me to take care of you.”

  She took the baby into the living room and called Vasquez.

  “Ricardo, why can’t I go with Manuel and Mateo?

  “My love, it is better this away. Please, I will pick you up tomorrow and we will go together and meet up with Manuel at the airport. Then we go home to our new house at the new vineyard.”

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  * * *

  Billy and Tyler arrived at a place down by the water behind an old shed.

  “The guy that owns this said I could use it anytime I needed to. He’s really nice and only comes here once a year to go fishing in July. It’s not much but it’s clean and it’s not far from the public restrooms.”

  Tyler was looking very tired. “Look, you take the cot. I’ll sleep outside the door. You’ll be safe. If you want water, it’s right here. Have a cookie before you go to sleep.”

  Tyler was sitting on a sack of seeds in the shed. He was watching Billy.

  “Do you think we’ll find my mom?” he said, as he took a cookie out of his pack.

  “Tomorrow I’ll find someone who can help you. I know someone who will know how to find her. Rest up now.”

  “Okay, I’m pretty sleepy.”

  “Here’s a Key West T-shirt to wear while you get some sleep. I’ll wash up your stuff and it will be dry by morning. Don’t want to look like a vagabond.”

  “Night.” Tyler closed his eyes and was quickly fast asleep.

  Billy sat down outside the door to the shed and looked up at the sky…sure wish Jenny was still here…she’d know what to do…

  Billy took Tyler’s clothes and washed then in the utility tub and put them through an old wringer and hung them on the close line.

  He then put a rolled-up blanket under his head and leaned back against the door to the shed. He put his cell phone just under his leg in case he needed it quickly.

  * * *

  Javier pulled up in front of the house. He got out and looked both ways but couldn’t see anyone. He headed for the gate and walked through. A man was sitting on the front porch.

  “Javier,” the man said, “are you ready for our trip?”


  “Good. Let’s go in and get Mateo.”

  He rang the bell and Consuela answered the door.

  ‘Manuel,” then her eyes fell on Javier.

  “Who is this?”

  “He is Ricardo’s nephew.”

  “Why is he here? Why can’t I go with you? Why him?” she demanded.

  “He is good with babies and I have to drive.”


  “Get the baby. We need to go,” Manuel said, looking around for the baby’s bags.

  Consuela returned to Javier. She looked closely with concern written all over her face.

  Manuel returned. “Give the baby to him…he’s a nurse.”

  “Oh,” she stepped close to Javier and passed the baby to him.

  Javier took the child and cradled him in his arms as he looked down into the smiling face of his son. “Oh,” he cooed. “You are a beautiful little man. And so happy. You have your mother’s smile and my eyes…”

  “What?” Consuela said, her eyes blazing. “What did you say?”

  “He was just making noise to make the baby feel safe.”

  The baby reached up and touched Javier’s face.

  “Give him back to me,” Consuela commanded. “Now.”

  “Just stop, Consuela. He’s no one to be concerned about.”

  Consuela took out her phone and dialed Ricardo.

  “Ricardo, who is this man with Manuel?”

  “I’ll be right over. Let me speak to Manuel.”

  She handed the phone to Manuel who stepped away with the phone.

  “He’s not needed. Wait, then kill him before you leave the house. Tell Javier to give the baby back to Consuela.”

  Manuel nodded to himself, handed the phone back to Consuela and said, “Vasquez says to give the baby back to Consuela. He’s on his way over. Do it.”

  Outside, Sharkey told the medics to move in behind the house.

  “Okay, everybody, Vasquez is on his way over here. Keep the street open but move in as close as you can. We have a situation here that could explode any minute. McCabe and Springfield, we need to try to apprehend Vasquez quietly. There’s a child or children in the house.”

  Sharkey could hear Manuel telling Javier to give the baby back to Consuela. Javier reluctantly gave the baby back to her.

  “Now,” Manuel said, “you sit there,” pointing the gun at a chair. Javier held up his hands and backed into the chair and sat down.

  “Vasquez is on his way over. He’s truly angry. For two cents I’d just shoot you and get it over before he gets here.”

  Javier’s eyes were closed, and he sat motionless.

  Consuela sat in the bedroom with Mateo in her arms singing softly in Spanish.

  Javier’s eyes opened. “He’s mine you know. If you leave without me, the real father of that baby, you will be charged with kidnapping along with Vasquez.”

  “I should shoot you now and be done with it, you traitor.”

  “No, I was the damn fool to go along with a deal that I should have had the will power to refuse and the gumption to stand up to and be a man. Now I don’t care if you shoot me, because Vasquez’s plan is at an end. The two of you will be pulverized in the American justice system. Everything that matters to me, except my son, is gone. He has family here and they will take good care of him.”

  Jenny took a crowbar and when the woman left the room was able to open the bedroom window. She waited to see if the woman returned. Then she slid the window open, crawled in, and closed it again.

  Jenny kept to the back of the room in the shadows and watched as the woman put the baby in the crib. She walked back to the door then stopped. Looking out into the living room she seemed to be listening to what was being said.

  * * *

  As Vasquez approached Consuela’s house, he was upset that things were not going smoothly. It made him worry. Worrying made him pay attention to the surroundings. He saw a police cruiser with a light bar on top quietly tucked back into a driveway, trying to stay out of sight. As he approached the house he slowed down and saw suspicious movement on the street.

  Cruz saw a car slow down in front of the house and then accelerate suddenly. He called Sharkey and was told to take him alive. “I’ll have dispatch alert the others. Don’t lose him.”

  “Roger that. He pulled out and followed the car onto Roosevelt Boulevard. The car accelerated over the speed limit. Cruz turned on his overhead lights and pursued him through two red lights. He radioed in the license plate and asked for assistance from any car in the vicinity. Vasquez’s car took a sharp right, off of Roosevelt and onto Kennedy Drive, then a left onto Flagler Ave.

  “He’s heading for U.S. One.”

  “Roger that. We’re setting the roadblock now,” an officer said.

  Cruz told the officer, “They want him alive. That’s an order from Sharkey.”

  As the car turned onto South Roosevelt it accelerated again then went into a skid, stopping just short of the blockade.

  Vasquez pulled open the car door and left at a run. A group of officers ran in pursuit of him.

  “Stop,” one yelled. He kept running onto the beach. When he hit the soft sand, he slowed down with the exertion, but tried to run on.

  He turned to look back just as an officer was gaining on him. He suddenly stopped, grab
bed his chest, and fell face forward into the sand. He was quickly covered by uniformed officers.

  “Get the ambulance in here now.”

  Cruz ran to Vasquez’s side. He felt for a pulse. “He’s still alive but his pulse is erratic. We need a medic now. Sharkey want’s him alive. He’s having trouble breathing. The fall may have knocked the wind out of him.”

  Officer Pete Long stood above Vasquez. “He okay?”

  Dylan Striker ran to the man along with Mike Logan.

  “Let’s get an IV hooked up. Let’s move now. The pulse is gone.” He started artificial respiration.

  “Move now,” Dylan said. “I’m losing him.”

  Cruz called Sharkey. “Suspect is down, taken to hospital, but he suffered an apparent heart attack running on the beach. We may lose him.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.”

  * * *

  Back at the house Sharkey asked, “Okay, I’m going in. Jenny, what’s happening in the bedroom?”

  “The woman is moving towards the door. The baby’s in the crib on the other side of the room.”

  “Any sign of the seven-year-old?”

  “No. She appears to be alone in the room I’m in.”

  “Roger that. Stay low until it’s clear.”

  Sharkey checked in with the other officers.

  “Back entry covered.”

  “Stand by,” Sharkey said. He walked up to the door and knocked, then stood to the side of the door. The door was ajar, and Sharkey opened it all the way with his foot.

  “Freeze,” Sharkey commanded.

  Manuel was in motion and continued to turn just in time to see Consuela standing in the doorway without the baby. She stepped forward. Seeing movement, Manuel swung around towards the movement. He pointed the gun at the doorway just as Javier lunged out of his chair to protect Consuela. The bullet caught Javier in the side.

  Manuel stopped, dropped the gun, and raised his hands in surrender.

  Consuela turned back into the room and picked up the baby. “This is my baby.” She sat down in the chair and began rocking the baby and crying.


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