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Obscured Lover (A Paranormal Romance Book): Blackness Falls

Page 8

by Shania Tyler

Theo stared at Isabella. “Mason is already married.”

  Isabella shrugged. “Then leave that woman or keep her, just not as a wife.” She looked at everyone plainly as though she didn’t see the big deal. “The Evaness would like it if one of the most powerful of us all married someone they know. Aluna comes from a good home.” She glanced Kelly’s way and said, “No one knows this… goddess. Her gift of healing is redundant since Jinn already holds that power.” Isabella waved in the air as though the thought of Kelly was insignificant. “It would be better for Mason to marry Aluna and join the Evaness once and for all.”

  “Over my dead body,” Kelly said, coming to her feet.

  “Agreed,” added Piper as she loudly placed her cup of water on the table and leaned back in her chair in challenge. Her look was directed at Isabella and promised her willingness to do anything and everything for her friend. He liked the fight he saw in her eyes and wanted her loyalty for himself. She looked every bit the lady in her black dress. Her legs were crossed, and Theo’s eyes fell to the slit that cut up her creamy thigh.

  Theo brought her fingers to his lips and kissed her hand.

  She looked over at him and smiled, her nose slightly wrinkling and calling attention to her spread of spots over her cheeks. Her lips were red again and he swore that if he ever saw another woman wear that shade of lip color, he would only think of her.

  Mason stood as well and wrapped an arm around his wife. “Kelly is my wife and will remain so until the last breath leaves my body.”

  Isabella turned to him and said, “You wouldn’t even trade her for all the hundreds of thousands of slaves currently in captivity?”

  Theo saw Kelly frown and her conviction waiver.

  Mason’s conviction remained firm. “Not even for them. I will give my life, fight until the last of them is freed, but my wife will always have my loyalty.” And then his eyes met Kelly’s.

  Kelly smiled up at her husband, and Theo realized he’d never been prouder to call Mason his friend than at that very moment. Months ago, he’d have done anything to free the slaves. He’d given Kelly up before, but he would not do it again.

  Isabella sighed and turned to Theo. “Well, then is seems our negotiations are done. We will remain until Berna is buried and promise you peace while we are here. I’m calling for a truce while we are on your lands?”

  “Done,” Theo said. He didn’t wish for any bloodshed around Piper.

  Dinner ended and everyone stood and began to leave.

  “I’ll meet you in your office,” Mason said.

  Theo nodded.

  Mason left, but not before looking at where Theo still held Piper’s hand and giving Theo a grin.

  Maurice asked, “You still need me?”

  Theo shook his head. “Just stay alert.” Then he turned to find Piper talking to Noel.

  Noel said, “I can show it to you now if you want.”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Then she turned to Theo.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said to her and placed another kiss on her hand.

  She bit her lip and he saw questions in her depths, but she nodded and Theo left the table, feeling lighter than when he’d come.

  * * *







  * * *

  * * *


  Piper braced herself as Meg, Kelly, and even Ethan got up from the dining table and headed her way.

  “I see interrogation in their eyes,” Noel said, close to her ear. “Meet me in the foyer in five minutes.”

  Piper’s heart skipped and she replied, “All right.”

  Kelly narrowed her eyes as she got closer. “What was that all about?”

  Piper didn’t meet anyone’s eyes as she said, “Nothing,”

  Meg asked in wonder, “Is Theo the vampire?”

  “Wait,” Ethan said with wide eyes. “She told you guys she was into Theo and not me?” He mock glared at Piper. “You know I gotta give the guy the talk before he can even talk to you.”

  Piper covered her face as heat spread up her neck. Her friends were so embarrassing. They’d always been like that. Every time Piper showed any interest in a guy, they all wanted to know if she was dating him. Piper didn’t date. She didn’t allow anyone close enough to hurt her. Only the three people in front of her had earned her trust and it had taken years.

  And yet… There was a part of her that wanted to be close to Theo, a part of her that whispered she could trust him, but she’d allowed herself to trust someone once and she’d been hurt.

  She was only grateful that the dining room was now empty.

  Kelly asked, “How did this happen?”

  “I don’t know,” Piper said. She bit her lip, unsure of where to start. “We sort of… like each other? But it doesn’t mean anything. I’m moving to Los Angeles. I’ve already got a job lined up. I don’t belong here.”

  “But you do.” Meg reached for her arm and gave it a gentle rub. She tilted her head and her red mass of hair swung that way. “You’re an elf.”

  Piper sighed. “Speaking of which, Noel is supposed to show me some picture of some queen who supposedly looks like me.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened. “How cool! I want to come.”

  “Me, too,” Meg said.

  “Can’t,” Ethan piped up. “I’ve got watch.” He then kissed Meg on the cheek and said, “I’ll see you later.”

  Meg smiled up at him and watched him leave.

  Piper led the way out to the foyer to find a few of the Evaness’ people were lingering around. Aluna was among them. She was speaking to Isabella, but when Piper, Kelly, and Meg entered the room, she glared. The chick was lucky Theo had agreed to the truce, because Piper was not afraid of her. She slowed her steps so that Kelly remained at her side.

  They found Noel in the foyer just like he’d said he’d be. He was by himself, leaning against the wall by the stairs and looked great in his dark suit, but not as great as Theo. He pushed off to approach them. “Right on time.”

  “Yup,” Piper said, coming to stop before him.

  “Come on.” He led the way up two flights of stairs and headed down a long hall. Piper had not been on this side of the third floor. The other side, she knew, held the informal dining room where she’d eaten that first night.

  “This is where the leaders of the Rebels stay,” he told her as they walked past a dozen doors.

  They turned another corner and Piper saw a pair of lone double doors down the opposite end. Something told her that if she walked through them, it would lead to Theo’s room.

  Noel stopped at a door a few feet down the other side, pulled out a key, and pushed the door open.

  The women followed him in, and Piper was impressed by the size. With all the doors, she’d expected something smaller, but instead, it was almost the size of the room she was sharing with Meg. The difference was that instead of two beds, a large four-poster bed took up the center of the room.

  Noel walked toward his sitting room and pointed toward a painting on the wall. “That’s Ann—”

  “Oh, my god, Piper!” Kelly shouted as she grabbed her arm.

  But Piper barely felt her friend, for deja vu had rendered her limbs numb and useless. She was staring at a painting of herself.

  She’d expected the woman to look older and simply have a strong resemblance to herself, instead, it looked like Piper had posed for the painting only yesterday.

  “Piper?” Meg asked, though Piper was not sure what the question was.

  Noel said, “An artist created Ann Lureen paintings for years.

  An artist painted Ann Lureen’s picture for years. Everyone from Ucrary has one.”

  “Who was she?” Kelly asked.

  Piper went toward the painting, still unable to believe her eyes. Even her freckles were almost in the same exact spot. The only difference was the black gown the woman wore. It looked li
ke something from a Jane Austen movie.

  “She was Queen of Ucrary before Asea became a republic under the rule of the vampires. She led the final battle against the vampire forces and died with her men. Everyone still holds her as a hero.”

  “But you’re a vampire,” Meg said. “Why do you have her picture?”

  Piper touched the painting, expecting something to happen, but nothing did. It was only a painting. A very creepy painting, but still just paint.

  “Ucrary has always been a very liberal city. The Evaness has been trying to get them under control for years, and though my citizens will play the part, most don’t respect the government. Vampires who were against the vampire enslavement fought alongside her. My father was one of them.”

  Piper turned to him. “Is this why you asked if I could use a sword?”

  He smiled and shook his head. “No, Ann Lureen’s weapon was not made of metal. Like anyone with Orry’s blood, she used her voice.”

  Piper stilled. “What do you mean?”

  Noel shrugged. “I only heard Ann Lureen sing once, but when she did… people wept.”

  “Oh, my god!” Kelly screamed as she and Meg attacked her. “You are so related. You’re an elf. You’re from the House of Orry.”

  Meg shrieked. “Oh, Piper, I’m so happy for you.”

  Piper’s heart was racing as she stared at Noel, openly asking him if he were lying, begging him to confirm that this was a joke.

  “Do you sing?” Noel asked.

  “Piper has the best voice ever,” Meg told him.

  “Yup.” Kelly nodded, giving Piper another squeeze. “We used to always say ‘Piper’s got pipes.’”

  Noel grinned. “I’d love to hear it.”

  “No,” Piper quickly said. “I couldn’t.”

  Noel, completely ignoring her, went to grab a chair as though she were going to entertain him. He then proceeded to sit down and waited, holding her eyes in his.

  She lifted a brow. “I’m not singing—”

  “Sing for me, gorgeous,” Noel said.

  Piper opened her mouth, sure she was going to tell him off, but lyrics poured from her lips and her voice filled the room and she inwardly cringed at the exact song.

  Every night in my dreams

  I see you, I feel you

  That is how I know you, go on

  Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On. Piper enjoyed singing Celine’s songs. It was usual for her to pick a song from her selection during karaoke nights, but the fact that she was now singing a love song to Noel of all men drove her mad.

  Magic, she told herself.

  Noel’s gift had to do with commands or something. Either way, she still wondered why her mind had chosen this particular song. Perhaps, she’d been thinking of the movie soundtrack. Titanic. She could go for drowning Noel at that very moment.

  Meg and Kelly smiled brightly and went to stand by Noel to listen, and she wondered if they were aware that she didn’t want to sing.

  Kelly must have seen it in her expression because she narrowed her eyes and glared at Noel. “Stop it.”

  Noel looked dumbstruck as he stared at Piper. “I can’t,” he whispered.

  Kelly pushed him in the arm.

  That got his attention. He frowned and turned to Piper. “You can stop, beautiful.”

  “I am so going to kill you!” Piper shouted once the magic wore off. “You did it to me downstairs as well, didn’t you? That’s why my heart jumped when you told me to meet you in the foyer in five minutes.”

  Kelly hit Noel again.

  He sucked his teeth at her. “That hurts.”

  Meg went over to Piper and asked, “Are you all right?” In a mothering way, she pushed back Piper’s long hair as though checking for bruises. “Did he hurt you?”

  Only her pride. “I’m fine,” Piper bit out, but she realized she was more afraid of Noel than she actually was angry. The ability he possessed was frightening. What else could he make people do?

  Kelly placed her hands on her hips. “No more telling Piper what to do. Swear it.”

  Noel rolled his eyes as he rubbed his arm. “What if I only swear to make her sing and nothing else? You can’t deprive me of that voice.”

  Piper took a step back. “Hey, this voice is attracted to someone.”

  He gave her the smallest of smiles. “I know.”

  Kelly let out a breath of frustration. Then she walked over to Piper and said, “We can go to the library tomorrow and look for a book on this ancestor of yours. What do you think?”

  Piper started for the door, simply wanting to get away from Noel. “Fine, let’s go.”

  They made it to the hallway just as Theo was turning the corner. His back was to them as he headed for his room.

  Piper thought that if they remained quiet—

  “Theo!” Kelly called.

  Theo turned around, looked at Kelly… and then at Piper. He started toward her and as he got closer, his expression changed. While before she’d hadn’t known what was going on in his head, she definitely knew now. He was angry.

  He grabbed her arm and said, “What happened?”

  Piper shook her head. She didn’t want to cause trouble. ”N-nothing. I—”

  “It was Noel,” Kelly said. “He forced Piper to do something she didn’t wish to.”

  Piper’s eyes widened. “Wait,” she told Theo as he walked past her. “It wasn’t like that.”

  He wasn’t listening.

  Theo’s vision was blinded by anger as he burst through Noel’s room. He watched Noel’s eyes grow with surprise and then unease.

  Noel’s hands came up. “I didn’t touch her.”

  “I’ll kill you,” Theo said, pulling out his sword. The sound of its withdrawal filled the room. “You dare to go near my pava?”

  “Pava?” Noel asked. He looked toward the door before turning back to Theo. “I didn’t know.”

  “Arm yourself,” Theo said. He would not leave until Noel’s blood rested on his blade. He didn’t care that Noel was a trained assassin or a former leader of the Mum. Neither did it matter that Noel was the one who’d trained him and had taught Theo everything he knew. He would receive retribution for this great wrong.

  “Theo,” Piper called from behind him. “It wasn’t like that. He just asked me to sing.”

  “Sing?” Theo asked, turning to look at her. Then he shook his head. “No, Noel doesn’t ask for anything. He simply takes. He’s not allowed to play with your free will.” He turned to Noel. “Or anyone’s free will without direct permission. Isn’t that correct?”

  Noel stood slowly with his arms still raised. “That is so, but Piper—”

  “No excuse!”

  “Look!” Noel pointed toward the wall behind him. “I had to know.”

  Theo narrowed his eyes at his friend… former friend. “Know what?”

  “Just look!” Noel shouted and again thrust his finger toward the wall.

  Keeping his blade pointed, he circled Noel and took a glance at the painting on the wall. And then he took another. And then he was moving toward it, the fight leaving him as weariness settled over him.

  “When was this done?”

  “Three hundred years ago,” came Noel’s reply.

  He turned to him. “Impossible.”

  “It’s Ann Lureen.”

  Theo knew who the woman had been, though he’d never looked at her portrait until now. The woman looked like his Piper.

  Noel continued, “I wanted to know if she could sing. That was all.”

  Theo narrowed his eyes, but didn’t take them off the painting. He pointed his blade at Noel. “Never again, are we clear?”

  “I understand.”

  He hoped he did, because Theo wasn’t sure he’d allow Noel to pull his sword before he tried to stab him the next time. He would simply do it and hope for the best.

  He walked closer to the painting, but then felt the image’s likeness behind him. “You look too much like her to no
t be related.”

  She said nothing, but came to stand next to him and looked at the painting once more. While she looked up, he watched her and wondered what her presence truly meant. He’d thought it odd when he’d discovered her to be his pava, but to now discover that she could be of royal blood didn’t sit easily with him. Like the prophetess whispered, nothing was by chance.

  They needed answers.

  * * *







  * * *

  * * *


  Meg followed the group as they walked back down the hall. Theo was leading them all to a woman named Vivi, hoping that she would know what was happening. Meg was grateful for the shadows of the long halls. It hid her face from anyone who wished to know what she was thinking.

  “I can’t believe you’re his pava,” Kelly whispered to Piper for what seemed like the hundredth time. “And you called that nothing?”

  Ahead of them, Theo and Noel were in a conversation of their own, completely ignoring the women.

  Piper whispered back, “It is nothing, because nothing will come of it.”

  Meg put a smile on her face to mask her own disappointment. The way Kelly described the connection between a pava and her pavo, Meg knew that she and Ethan were not like that. Kelly had said their bodies yearned for one another and they could feel each other’s moods in a way that made them one. Meg and Ethan didn’t have the kind of connection, and she’d been content with that. Pavas rarely found their pavos anyway, so the likelihood of either her or Ethan finding their ‘intended’ was almost nonexistent.

  But now Meg knew yet another couple who were fated, who would have a connection with someone who would aid in the fulfillment of their destinies. And while she knew she would be grateful to even have Ethan, Meg was from the line of Melina, and the children of Melina were always very spiritual. It made her question her relationship with Ethan and if she was doing the right thing by being with him.


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