Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters (A Mountain Man's Baby Romance)

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Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters (A Mountain Man's Baby Romance) Page 42

by Lia Lee

  Nika laughed and stood on tiptoe to press a kiss to his lips. “What a pair we are.”

  “Ahh, there’s the welcome wagon.” He was looking at a point over her shoulder.

  Turning, she saw her sister dragging Ivan down the beach. Katrina was in a turquoise bikini. Her skin was bronzed, giving her already perfect body a brilliant sun kissed appearance. The straight blond hair hanging down her back had bleached a few shades lighter. In short, Katrina Sokolov looked like a spoiled woman living a life of leisure. She was toned, taut, smiling, and obviously in love.

  “I’m going to puke,” Nika grunted irritably.

  Maksim pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Now, now, play nice while I talk to my brother.”

  “Me?” She gave him a shove. “You’re the one with the lethal reputation.”

  One shove turned into two and then resulted in a bout of wrestling on the beach that had her trying to push him down into the sand. Right then she had forgotten everything but Maksim. There was no Katrina, no Petrov crime family, and no reason to leave town. It was just Nika and Maksim and the sound of their mingled laughter.

  “Oh. My. God!” Katrina squealed. “Look at the two of you!”

  The reason for her and Maksim’s visit to this private getaway came back in a rush. Nika watched her sister snuggle close to Ivan. The two of them were truly, disgustingly happy together. At least that was something. Right?

  “I told you it would work out, Ivan.” Katrina poked him in the shoulder.

  The elder Petrov didn’t look convinced. Probably because there was absolutely nothing in Maksim’s expression to suggest he was there to pay a social call.

  Nika sighed and took her sister’s hand. “Come on, let’s go have a look at your cabana of love.”

  Katrina started to stare over her shoulder at the guys, but Nika dragged her off. They took a path that curved inland. Gradually a palatial house appeared. They topped a rise and Nika realized that the building was situated on a narrow strip of land between two beaches. It would have spectacular ocean views on nearly every side.

  Her sister started to head down to the house, but Nika stopped her. She realized that she didn’t want to see the place. Not at all. There was no reason anymore to sit and stew over the luxury her sister was getting to experience. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t what Nika wanted.

  “Let’s stay out here,” Nika requested. “Please?”

  Katrina shrugged. “I suppose. Don’t you want to come pick a bedroom?”

  “Oh, we aren’t staying.” Nika dug her toes into the sand and sat down. At this point she didn’t care if she got sand in her shorts. She was moving to a new city tonight and the beach wasn’t going to be part of her life anymore for a long time.

  “What do you mean you aren’t staying?” Katrina’s eyebrows shot up. “Of course you are! You’ve been wanting a vacation like this forever.”

  “Yeah. I have.” Nika nodded. “And then I realized that all of this is just stuff. What I really want and what really makes me happy is Maksim.”

  Katrina nudged her. “So you love him.”

  “Yeah. I really do.”

  “That is so cool. Sisters marrying brothers.” Katrina’s voice grew wistful. “We should have a double wedding.”

  “Maybe.” Nika didn’t really know what to say. How could she tell her sister that there wasn’t going to be any double wedding because she and Maksim were defecting the Petrov ranks altogether? Talk about awkward moments.


  Ivan clapped Maksim on the back and urged him to take a seat. “It’s so good to have you here.”

  Maksim smiled, but it felt fake. Here they were sitting on the open-air patio with the brilliant blue Florida sky overhead and the waves crashing on the beach less than two hundred yards away. But Ivan was kidding himself if he truly believed that this was reality.

  “I’m done working for you, Ivan,” Maksim said quietly.

  Ivan’s smile disappeared. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m done strong-arming shopkeepers and business owners for protection money. I’m done dealing with shipping deals gone bad and Feds breathing down my neck. I’m not going to be your enforcer anymore.” Maksim kept his expression neutral and his voice steady. He had said and done some crazy things over the years, but it had never been so important to hang onto his composure.

  “You cannot mean that.” Ivan’s expression was pensive.

  Maksim watched his brother get up from his seat. Ivan paced over to the outdoor bar and pulled down two glasses and a bottle of Stolichnaya. Ivan might look as if he was perfectly calm, but Maksim could see he was anything but.

  Maksim took the glass that Ivan handed him. “I do mean it, brother.”

  “You are a Petrov.” Ivan threw back his glass, emptying the contents. “Petrovs stick together. You have a responsibility to the family!”

  “I am tired of that responsibility dragging me down each time I leave the house.” Maksim had never been more certain he was making the right choice. “After all these years my soul is stained.”

  “A tad dramatic, don’t you think?”

  The words set Maksim off more effectively than if someone had lit a fuse on a stick of dynamite. He shot to his feet. “Dramatic? You think I’m being dramatic?”

  “Maksim, calm down.”

  “The hell I will!” Maksim shouted. “You calm down. That’s your specialty, not mine. You’re the one who goes and sits in a café down the street to avoid having to face the gritty reality of what being an enforcer means. You get to be the benevolent leader while I’m the bad guy. I threaten and bully and destroy people and their lives. I’m the one tasked with listening to them beg for mercy that I don’t even have the power to offer. What kind of man does that make me Ivan? Do you even care?”

  Ivan’s face had paled several shades. Maksim didn’t care if he was shocking his brother. Maksim was done with the mafiya.

  “Maksim, please just take a few days and think this through.” Ivan reached out, but Maksim pulled away. “I’m your brother. Your place is with me.”

  “My place is with Nika. Because that is where I want to be.” Maksim shook his head. “Look at you, Ivan. Even when the chips were down in Hollywood you took Katrina and you ran here. You left everyone to clean up your mess. You are the kingpin who runs his empire from a tower so far away from the action that he doesn’t ever feel the heat. You call men like Buchanan and pull strings because you were groomed by our father to be better than the rest of us.”

  “That’s not true!” Ivan protested. “I wanted to be like you. You were the bad ass and I was the bookworm. You think our father didn’t rub that in my face?”

  Maksim had never really thought about Ivan’s relationship with their bastard of a father. The man had pitted the two boys against each other since their childhood. But now, after so many years Maksim was too tired to care.

  “I’m sorry,” Maksim said softly. “I cannot do this anymore. I’m tired of the blood and the guilt.”

  Ivan opened his mouth, but no words came out. Then Maksim saw Katrina and Nika approaching from the direction of the beach path. Both women had somber expressions on their face. Katrina went directly to Ivan and slipped her arms around his waist.

  Nika waited, obviously trying to gauge Maksim’s expression to see how his discussion had gone. He knew without asking that hers had been equally painful. The two of them were the same, siblings who had lived in the shadow of their elders for too long. It was time to break free.

  Finally Nika nudged her way beneath his arm. Maksim held her close, savoring the contact and the knowledge that what the two of them had was honest. There was no hidden agenda here and no expectations of things he could not live up to. Nika only wanted him as he was.

  “They’re leaving,” Katrina told Ivan softly. Then she glanced at her sister and Maksim saw tears in her eyes. “Why is Maksim taking my sister from me?”

  “He isn’t.” The tone of finality in Ivan
’s voice suggested he had accepted Maksim’s choice even if he did not agree with it. “The two of them want to make a life together.”

  “They can do that here, with us,” Katrina insisted. “When we go back to Hollywood they can live nearby. We’ll all be a family.”

  Nika sighed and Maksim realized that while she was fed up with her sister in many ways, they still had a strong bond. Then Nika glanced up at Maksim. “We want our own fresh start, Katrina. Maksim can’t get that in Hollywood. He will always be Maksim Petrov, the mafiya enforcer.”

  “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Katrina swiped at her tears. “I don’t want to lose my sister.”

  “You’re not losing me,” Nika assured her. “I’m just going away to grow up a little, the same way you did. You had your chance when Papa sent you to school. Now it’s my turn.”

  Maksim realized the truth of this and the thought eased his mind. Ivan had gotten the same opportunity for education away from the gritty everyday reality of the family business. Now it was Maksim’s turn to try something different.

  “Be safe,” Ivan told him.

  The whup whup of the helicopter rose over the sound of the waves. Maksim felt his stomach tighten, but this time it was with eager anticipation and not dread. This was the beginning of so much more and he was going to be sharing it with Nika.

  She glanced up at him and grinned, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I’m ready to go. What are we waiting for?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The heavy techno music beat pounded the walls of Club Mojo. Strobe lights flashed in colorful bursts that painted the crowd and the interior of the building. Dancers crowded onto the floor on all three levels of the club. At the bar, alcohol flowed. This hot bed of Boston nightlife had a heartbeat all its own.

  Nika threw her head back and spun until she was dizzy. With her hands waving in the air she stood on her toes and shook her booty to the beat. The tiny red dress she wore swirled around her thighs and her silver high heels flashed in the lights. She felt wild and deliriously happy all at once.

  “Having a good time, Mrs. Petrov?” Maksim asked, his voice nearly a shout.

  She flung her arms around his neck and ground herself against his body. “The best time, Mr. Petrov.”

  It had been six months since the two of them left Hollywood, Florida. They’d hitched a ride on the Petrov chopper to the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, and from there they had gotten on a plane to Boston. The city had swallowed them alive and Nika had never been happier. They’d taken what little money Maksim had squirreled away and sank it into a gym. Now their business was thriving and their relationship had already moved to the next level.

  Maksim leaned down and took Nika’s mouth in a hot kiss. He slid his tongue between her lips and rubbed it against hers. The sensation was exquisite. Nika stood on tiptoe and kissed him back, tangling her fingers in hair that was getting just a little on the shaggy side.

  He slid his hand down to her thigh. Picking up her leg, he pulled her knee up to his hip so that she could grind her sex against him. The erotic feeling made her long to go home and make love to the man she could now call her own. Except there was no way she was going to make it all the way back to their apartment. She needed Maksim now.

  His hand drifted toward her breast. He cupped the fullness and let his thumb slide over her nipple. She moaned a little, forgetting herself and not even caring. With each additional second she ceased to notice that a crowd of dancers surrounded them. The rhythm of the music matched the thundering of her heart. His lips traveled from her mouth down over her jaw to her neck. She shivered with delight. It felt so good. Here in front of these strangers, she was still Maksim’s woman.

  “I want you,” he murmured. “I need you now.”

  “What’s stopping you?” she teased. “Propriety? What happened to my bad boy?”

  The fire in his dark eyes scorched her resistance. He cupped her bottom in both hands and pulled her flush against his body. She could feel the throb of his erection between them. The soft fabric of his trousers did nothing to hide the hardness of his cock. And when they kissed she felt him push his hips against her in a demand she did not want to deny.

  Nika felt a thrill slide down her spine when Maksim took her hand and led her off the dance floor. She twirled a little, eager without even knowing why. Perhaps that was what made it exciting. No more predictable. No more orchids and roses. Just the two of them making their own choices and living life on their terms.

  Maksim ducked down a narrow walkway behind the bar. There was a door marked PRIVATE. Nika put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. There was no need to completely act like a teenager. Then Maksim withdrew a knife and jimmied the lock open. Winking, her ushered her through the door and let it close behind them.

  The narrow stairs led up and up and up. Finally they emerged on a catwalk far above the action on the dance floor. Nika gazed, mesmerized, down at the writhing people who now looked so tiny. The music was still loud, almost frenzied. The lights flashed and the heat of the entire room seemed to be gathering up here near the ceiling.

  “I’m going to have you, Nika,” Maksim told her. “Right here. Right now.”

  She threw him a coquettish smile over her shoulder. “Did you really think I’d object?”

  He grabbed her hands and placed them on the metal railing that spanned the narrow catwalk. “No. But I always like to give you a chance to voice your opinion.”

  “Such a smart man,” she said with a laugh. Even in the midst of erotic love play he could be just a tad silly. Perhaps that was one of the things she loved most.

  Then he began kissing her bare shoulders, using his tongue to trace the edge of her dress as it plunged toward the small of her back. She arched her spine and whimpered with sensual need. His lips felt so good she could hardly stop herself begging for more.

  “Tell me what you want, Nika.” He placed one hand on her throat, pulling her head back so he could whisper in her ear. “Tell me.”

  “Fuck me, Maksim,” she said breathlessly. “Take me now.”


  Her words set him on fire. There they were in a public place, about to have sex in a restricted area. He didn’t care. This was his woman and his time. And when he unzipped his pants and freed his cock the only thought in his head was that he needed to be inside her.

  Maksim gazed at the beauty of his wife and marveled that this woman had agreed so readily to belong to him. Her curves were accentuated to perfection by the sexy red dress. Even now her back was arched, her rounded ass on display beneath her short skirt. Even her legs were spread wide enough to accommodate him.

  He placed his palms on the backs of her thighs and kneaded the taut flesh. She moaned and quested back against him. Then he tugged her dress up over her backside and admired the sight of the black thong peeking out from between the globes of her ass.

  Using his fingers, he spread her cleft wide open and admired the beauty. Even over the heavy scents of alcohol and sweat inside the club below he caught the aroma of his woman. It was a scent he would never forget. Then he delved into her pussy and felt the creaminess of her juices coat his fingers.

  She quivered when he stroked her. Maksim was balanced on the edge. His cock was so hard it felt as though the skin might split open. Once he breached her tight channel he was going to come hard. He wanted more for his Nika. He wanted her to come now.

  Finding her clit with the pad of his thumb, he sank two fingers into her opening and gently pinched her pussy walls. She gasped. Her knuckles turned white against the railing. Hips quivering, she was already shuddering with the beginnings of an orgasm when he lowered his mouth to her back and blew on the sensitive skin.


  Her voice nearly pushed him past reason. Then her body snapped and she came hard on his fingers. Trembling and shaking, she pumped her hips as her muscles were thrown into climax.

  “I need you,” she begged. “Fuck me now.”

How could any man deny such a request? Tweaking her thong to one side with his hand, Maksim fit the head of his throbbing erection to her pussy and penetrated her warm body in a slow, steady thrust.

  He groaned with pleasure as he was joined with the woman who was his match. Excitement made him lightheaded. The dangerous possibility of being caught, the sight of her slightly bent over and accepting his cock, and even the sounds of her ragged breathing made him crazy with lust. Grabbing her hips in his hands, Maksim fucked her exactly as she begged him to.

  Thrust after thrust had him sinking balls deep inside her body. His sac tightened as it lightly slapped her ass over and over again. The friction of sliding in and out of her tight hole was deeply satisfying. He wanted it to last forever. Yet he could feel the orgasm beginning in his spine.

  The sensation travelled down his legs and into his fingers and toes. He grew lightheaded as the blood raced through his veins. Then the tingling sensation of ejaculation began at the base of his cock. He strained against Nika until he felt the tip of his cock kiss the sweet spot deep inside her body.

  “Maksim! I’m coming!”

  Her declaration pushed him over the edge. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her as tightly as he dared while he poured his seed into her body. He jerked with the spasms of release as he gave her everything he had and more. This was his woman and every time he marked her as his own he felt a renewed sense of wonder.

  When he was finally spent, he rested his face between her shoulder blades. She was slumped against the railing, her body limp with pleasure. Maksim gently withdrew his softening cock. She gave a little shudder as an aftershock made her muscles contract. Maksim smiled. He adored the little electrical impulses that kept her body going long after his was spent.

  “Have I told you today that you’re amazing?” he asked her in Russian.

  She turned and nuzzled his chest. “You know it’s cruel to make me practice my Russian right after you’ve turned my mind to mush,” she returned in English.

  He continued in Russian. “It’s the best time to learn.”


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