Brief Candle in the Dark
Page 44
Diamond, John 225
Digital Biota 394
Dimbleby Lecture 160, 305
DNA 315–16, 322, 401, 402
‘Genetic Book of the Dead’ 358–63
hypothetical alternatives to 405
mutation 313, 317
replication 408
structure of 211
Y-chromosome 229–30
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 343
Dolan, Eamon 163, 166
dolphins 360–1
double-blind trials 225–6
double helix 178
dowsing 224–5
Druyan, Ann 268
Duke, Charlie 102
dumbing down science 227–8
Dummett, Sir Michael 32–3
Durant, John 314
Dyson, Freeman 295
Eastwood, Clint 246
echinoderms 386, 389
echoes 351, 352
economics 325–6
evolutionary economics 53–69
Edinburgh Science Festival (1992) 255–6
Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology (EGI) 63
Das egoistische Gen 142
El Greco 16, 18
Electronic Jellyfish 129–30
Elizabeth II, Queen 93–4
Elliott, Sir Roger 283
embryology 347, 348, 401, 402
arthromorph 391–3
biomorph 368–74, 377, 385–9
Encaenia Garden Party 157
Encarta 167
Enemies of Reason (TV documentary) 200, 224
epigenetic embryology 401–2
Erdman, Mark 132
ESS theory (evolutionarily stable strategy) 59–69, 95–6
ethologists 316
evolution of evolvability 375–85, 388, 389
evolutionarily stable strategy see ESS theory
evolutionists 215, 219, 312, 345
Ewald, Holly 338, 339
Ewald, Paul 337, 338, 339
Ewer, W. N. 251
EWI 98, 99–101
The Extended Phenotype 47, 78, 320, 321–7, 388, 404–5
action at a distance 328–31
aftermaths to 333–9
animal artefacts 76, 324–5
book title 91
Concorde Fallacy 347
‘Constraints on perfection’ 342, 344–5, 346
Necker Cube analogy 318, 413
paperback edition 147
publication 144
Splurgeweed and Bottlewrack 331
thesis of in The Selfish Gene 147
as work of philosophy 333–4
Extended Phenotypics Institute 338
eye-witness evidence 264–5
eyes 353, 355–6, 380, 399
Fabre, Jean-Henri 58
Faith Schools Menace 224
false memory syndrome 264–5
Falwell, Jerry 421
Fane, Richard 134, 136
Faraday, Michael 107–8, 111–12
Farmer, Doyne 376
Feldman, Marc 337
Festschrift 182–3
Feynman, Richard 234
Dawkinsia 132–3
rainbow fish 132
Fisher, Helen 77–8
Fisher, Ronald A. 46, 62, 316–17, 343
flare 367–8
‘flea’ books 174, 177
Florida 76–82
flukes 325, 326, 328, 331–2
Foot, Michael 241
Foot, Paul 241
Ford, E. B. 342–4, 380, 396, 413n
Fortey, Richard 7
‘Four Horsemen’ 263
Fox P2 gene 382–3
Frayn, Michael 5, 6–7, 283
Free Inquiry 268
Free Press 179
Freeman, John 233
Freeman, W. H. 141, 144, 147
French, Chris 224–5
frigatebirds 60
Fry, Stephen 150
Gadagkar, Ragavendra 44, 45, 47
Gainesville 76–82
Gaitskell, Hugh 241
Galápagos 127, 133–7, 250
‘Galápagos of the Orient’ (Ogasawara archipelago) 127–31, 133
Gaminara, Sally 172–3, 179, 181
Garwood, Nancy 45
Gates, Bill 275
Gatún, Lake 41, 43
Gau, John 198–9
genes 312–35
ancestral 390, 406, 407
cooperative gene 394–7
and diseases 292–3
duplication 390, 391
expression 402n
gene pool 319, 359, 380, 390, 391, 394–5, 396, 397, 406, 412
gene survival 53, 54–5
‘Genetic Book of the Dead’ 357–63, 394, 406–7
genetic code 211
genetic history 229–30
genome sequencing 292–3
gradient genes 392
and memes 406–7, 408, 411
mutation 317, 321, 347
parasitic 327
‘Genetic Book of the Dead’ 357–63, 394, 406–7
The Genius of Charles Darwin 217–18, 224–5
Gershwin, George and Ira 437
Geryon 371, 372
Getty, Gordon 133
Getty, Sir Paul 133, 134–5
Getty, Victoria 133–5, 137
giant squid 126–31
Gibson, Suzanne 31
Gillis, Donna 77
giraffes 346, 379
Glen Rose 195
Glover, Jonathan 190, 285
God 245, 249, 250, 253, 416, 419, 420, 428
The God Delusion 162, 171–8, 264, 419–34
accusation of anti-Semitism in 249, 425–6
power of illusion 415–16
promotional tour 258–9
publication 104
satire in 423–4, 425
statistical improbability of apparent design 419–21
Goebbels, Joseph 218–19
Goldschmidt, Richard 380
Goldstein, David 281
Goldstein, Rebecca 268, 285
Gore, Bryson
RI Christmas Lectures 109, 111, 114–15, 116
RI Lectures in Japan 121, 122
Gould, Stephen Jay 7, 96, 153, 165, 167
The Blind Watchmaker 146
criticism of The Selfish Gene 312–15
‘Critique of the adaptationist programme’ 341–2, 344
on Darwin as a ‘gradualist’ 381
Seven Wonders of the World 207
‘two chairs effect’ 213, 244
‘Universal Darwinism’ 402–3
Grafen, Alan 21–2, 164, 228, 317n
Apple Macs 364
Concorde Fallacy 78, 81
Dawkins Festschrift 182
ESS theory 3, 61, 64, 67
Journal of Theoretical Biology 69–75
at New College, Oxford 62–3
RD’s 70th birthday 437
sabbatical in Florida 76–8
Trypoxylon politum studies 75–7
Graham, Billy 295
Gran Telescopio Canarias 102
Grand, Steve 388, 394
Grant, Peter 136
Grant, Rosemary 136
Gray, Muriel 260–1
Grayling, A. C. 31, 264, 265n, 285
Great Annual Punt Race 63
The Greatest Show on Earth 71–2, 179–80, 401
Green Beard Effect 317–18
Greene, Brian 7
Gregory, Richard 107, 286–8, 416
Charles Simonyi Lecture 282, 288, 413
Grey, Lord 63
Griffin, Ashleigh 282
Growing Up in the Universe (Royal Institution Christmas Lectures) 107–17, 121–3
Guardian 159, 245, 246, 257
gullibility 200
Habgood, John 255–6
haemoglobin 390, 391, 418
Haggard, Ted 218–19, 220
Haig, David 337
Haldane, J. B. S. 233, 235–7, 316–17
Hamilton, W. D. ‘Bill’ 70, 87, 189, 330
p; Housman poems 437
inclusive fitness 318, 319, 320
natural selection 316–17
relations with John Mayard Smith 235
Hancock, Tony 234
Hansell, Michael 122, 324, 325
Hardin, Garret 190
Hardy, Sir Alister 179, 413
Hardy, G. H. 46
HarperCollins 181
Harries, Richard 183, 256
Harris, Sam 174, 175–6, 263
Hart-Davis, Adam 408
Harvey, Paul 342
Hastings, Ronnie 195
Havey, Paul 22
Hawking, Stephen 6, 7, 103
Heath, Edward 241
heckling 421–2
Heisenberg, Werner 7, 283
Hemingway, Ernest 24
Herbert Spencer Lecture 209
Herbst Theater, San Francisco 161
Herre, Allen 47–8
Higginbottom, Edward 170
Hill, Paul 220
Hillis, Danny 153, 207
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan 263, 268
Hitchens, Christopher 174, 175, 176–7, 263–70
Hitler, Adolf 215, 221
Hofstadter, Douglas 284–5
Hollow Mask Illusion 414, 415
Holloway, Richard 260–1
Holloway, Stanley 344
Holmes, Eddie 281
Holwerda, Gus 259
Holwerda, Luke 259
homeotic mutations 378–9, 380
Hood, John 282
Horizon (TV series) 187
The Blind Watchmaker 194–8, 417
Nice Guys Finish First 147, 188–94
hosts 327–8
Houghton Mifflin 161, 163, 167, 172
Housman, A. E. 437
Howard, Michael 256
Howard University, Washington 261
howler monkeys 47
Hoyle, Sir Fred 378
Hubble, Edwin 102
Hughes, David 327, 333, 337
Hume, David 203, 268, 333
Humphrey, Nicholas 148
Hutchison, Susan 133
Huxley, Julian 90, 210, 373, 412–13
Huxley, T. H. 398, 430
Hyman, Ray 225, 226
IBM Europe 193–4
‘iceberging’ 24
illusions 413–16
immune system 339
inclusive fitness 318, 319, 320
India 223
Ingersoll, Robert 175, 268
Inside Nature’s Giants 346
Intelligence Squared 265–6
International Cosmos Prize 124–6
International Ethnological Conference 91–3, 94
inverse square law 18–20
Ireland 169
Irwin, Patsy 173
Isaac, Glyn 195–6
Islam 249
Israelian, Garik 101, 103
ITV 226
Jablonka, Eva 334–5
Jacob, François 265
Jacoby, Susan 268
Jamaica 230–1
Japan 121–31
Jehovah’s Witnesses 418
Jerusalem 221
Jews 249, 251
Joad, C. E. M. 210
Jodrell Bank 203
John, Augustus 234
John Gau Productions Ltd 198–9
Jones, Nicholas 157
Jones, Peter 188
Jones, Steve 7
Jones, Terry 162
Jones, Tony 251
Journal of Theoretical Biology 69–75
Judaism 249
Jung, C. G. 234
Jurassic Park 229, 299–300
Kaehler, Ted 389, 391, 392–3
Kahneman, Daniel 7, 82
‘Kaleidoscopic embryos’ 385–8
Kauffman, Stuart 376, 384
Kavanagh, A. J. 90
Kay, Alan 204, 288, 389
Keats, John 158, 307, 329, 437
Keck Observatory 102
Kennedy, Robert 241
Kenya 297–8
Kenyatta, Jomo 234
Kettlewell, Bernard 343
Kettlewell, Peter 169
kinesiology 225, 226
Kingsolver, Barbara 5, 300
kinship 317–18
Kirby, Paula 157
Klemperer, Otto 234
kleptoparastism 60–1
The Knowledge 207
Kohn, Marek 320, 343
Krauss, Lawrence 7, 258–60, 261, 262, 432
Krebs, Sir Hans 86, 87
Krebs, Sir John 63, 182, 328–9, 339–41
Kroto, Sir Harry 249–50, 302–3, 304
Charles Simonyi Lecture 282, 302, 303
Kuban, Glen 195
Kubodera, Tsunemi 128–9, 130–1
Kubrick, Stanley 47
Kummer, Hans 142
Kurti, Nicolas 155
La Palma 102, 103
Laland, Kevin 334–5
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 398–9, 402, 403, 404
Lane Fox, Robin 33–4
Langton, Christopher 375, 376, 394
language, evolution of 256n, 381–4, 405
Large Hadron Collider 102
laryngeal nerve 345–6
lateral inhibition 356
Le Gros Clark, W. E. 90
leaf-cutter ants 47–50
Leakey, Richard 153, 282, 296–8
Charles Simonyi Lectures 282–4, 288, 292, 293, 296, 298, 301–8
Richard Dimbleby Lecture (1996) 160, 305
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (Growing Up in the Universe) 107–17, 121–3, 353, 415
Lee, Hermoine 285
Lee, Sheila 180
Leigh, Egbert 46
lemurs 151
Leonov, Alexei 102, 103
Lessells, Kate 11–12
‘Leviathan of Parsonstown’ telescope 102
Levy, David 301
Lewis, C. S. 178
Lewis Thomas Prize (Rockefeller University) 304
Lewontin, Richard C. 96, 341–3, 344, 345
Liberty University, Virginia 421–2
Life (TV programme) 187–8
Lilongwe, Nyasaland 3
Lincoln, Abraham 430
linguists 289–92
literary agents 147–9, 151, 161, 162, 171
literary culture, and science 4–5
Lodge, David 85
Loftus, Elizabeth 264–5
Longman 141, 144, 146, 363
Loose Ends 99
Lorenz, Konrad 91
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 375–7, 384–5, 388
Lotka, A. J. 90
Lourdes 217
Lovell, Jim 102, 103
Lovelock, James 207
Lowndes, A. G. 89
Lubbock, John 98
Lycett-Green, Candida 135, 137
Lycett-Green, Rupert 135, 137
MacArthur, Robert 45
McDonald, Stuart 116
McDowell, Malcolm 217
McEnroe, John 212
McEwan, Ian 5, 182
McFarland, David 23, 56, 70
McFarland, Jill 70
McGlynn, Hilary 147
Mackay, Ann 98
McKean, Dave 181
Macmillan, Harold 241
macro-mutations 380, 381, 382, 391
The Magic of Reality (app) 181
The Magic of Reality (book) 180–1
magicians 200–3
Maher, Bill 268
Manchester television conference (2006) 227–9, 233
Manning, Aubrey 260
Mansfield, Michael 200
Mariana Trench 127
Marks & Spencer 193
marlins 360–1
Mars Corporation 193
Marvell, Andrew 437
Masako, Crown Princess of Japan 124–5
Massey, Graham 234
Mathematical Museum of All Animals 372
May, Brian 101–2
May, Robert 166, 244
Maynard Smith, John 21
on Barro Colorado Island 41, 43–4, 46–7
, 48, 50
evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) 59–69, 95–6
‘natural selection has bungled again’ 80
1979 Royal Society conference 339–40, 344
Oxford Union debate 243–4
RD interviews 234–7, 320
retirement 170
The Selfish Gene (TV documentary) 188
Seven Wonders of the World 207
Maynard Smith, Sheila 43–4, 234, 237
Mayr, Ernst 398, 402
Medawar, Charles 90
Medawar, Jean 88, 89–90
Medawar, Sir Peter 15, 88–91, 157, 304, 373
Boehringer conference 85–6, 87
on D’Arcy Thompson 90–1
1860 exam questions 348–9
satirical ridicule 421
Melbu 97–8
Melman, Richard 109, 111, 116, 121
memes 285, 404–8
Mendel, Gregor 212, 403
Menon, Latha 167, 179, 182
Michael, Prince, of Kent 133
Michael Faraday Prize (Royal Society) 27–8
Microsoft 204, 275
Miller, Jonathan 172
Milton, Molly 223–4
Minsky, Marvin 153
miracles 217
Mirrlees, Sir James 63
mirror genes 385
mitochondria 332
MMR vaccine 228
Mola mola 136
monkeys 47
Monod, Jacques 54, 86, 87
Montefiore, Hugh 246–7
Moore, Charles 31
Moore, Henry 234
Moore’s Law 103, 205, 315
moral Zeitgeist 430–1
Morris, Desmond 85, 159, 162, 182, 328, 363
Morris, Ramona 159
Mosley, Oswald 241
Mount Improbable 115, 218, 353, 378, 417–18 see also Climbing Mount Improbable
Mount Wilson telescope 102
Murray, Douglas 248
Museum of All Biomorphs 374
Museum of All Possible Animals 363, 367, 374, 377
Museum of All Possible Shells 369–70
Musk, Elon 401
Muslims 249
mutationism 403
mutual tutorials 256–63
Myers, P. Z. 215
Myhrvold, Nathan 6, 274
myths 180
Nakayama Prize for Human Sciences 123–4
Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan 124–5
NASA 102, 300, 301
Natural History (magazine) 315
natural selection 48, 323–8, 335–9, 377, 417, 419
and cooperative genes 396
and criticism of The Selfish Gene 312–20
cumulative 378
evolutionary economics of 53–69
memes 405–6
pressures of 343
Necker Cube 318, 337, 413
‘Universal Darwinism’ 397–8, 399, 403–4
Nature 78, 79, 349
Necker Cube 318, 337, 413
nerves 345–6, 353–5
Nesse, Randolph 337
Neuberger, Julia 30, 264
neuropathy 199–200
New, Lisa 131
New Atheism 174–5
New College, Oxford 12–37, 62–3, 170
admission of undergraduates 13–21
final exams 22–7
history of (New College, Oxford, 1379–1979) 145–6
RD at 12–37, 273–4
Sub-Wardens 29–37
New Guinea 131–2, 407