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You are no angel

Page 1

by Emma Quinn

  Copyright 2020 by Emma Quinn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  WARNING: This eBook contains mature themes and language intended for 18+ readers only.

  You are no angel

  Emma Quinn


  You are no angel

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Extract from the book: Trust me, my love

  You are no angel

  Emma Quinn



  In highschool

  “ H

  ey, Mila.” I slung my arm over her shoulder and yanked her close to my side. “Do you know what day it is today? My sweet sixteenth. Since every other girl in our class has given me a birthday kiss, you should too. You must have seen all the pictures on my Instagram today. I’m trying to fill up my feed with fun and romance.”

  I puckered up even though I knew which way this was going to go already. Mila wasn’t like the other girls in our high school. She didn’t know how to have a good time and she certainly wasn’t impressed with guys like me. I might have had all the cheerleaders hanging off my every word, wanting a lot from me, but not her.

  No, she was the studious type, the sort who always had her head in a book and her future on her mind. She didn’t live in the here and now like me. She definitely wasn’t going to give me a kiss but I wanted to wind her up anyway. I couldn’t help myself, class clown that I was. I just enjoyed having fun and she was my target right now.

  “Get out of here, will you?” she snorted at me. “You already know that I won’t kiss you, Jake. You certainly don’t need a kiss from me anyway. Don’t you have the whole school hanging off your arm?”

  “Oh, fine.” I rolled my eyes in an overly dramatic fashion. “At least tell me that you’re going to come to my party tonight. It’s going to be a blast. You finally get to see the inside of my mansion. That must appeal…”

  “I won’t be going anywhere.” Her ice cool tone completely ignored my warm sing song one. “I have studying to do. You don’t need to invite the whole school to your party anyway. Your friends are enough…”

  “But I’m friends with everyone. And this is a big birthday. I want everyone around.”

  She glared at me, her eyes might as well have shot all the way through me. She really didn’t want to hear anything that I had to say right now which for some reason made me all the more determined to change her mind. I wasn’t sure why, but Mila had gone from being some girl that I wanted to tease about a birthday kiss, to the one person I needed at my party. Just to prove that I could get her at my house. Just to show everyone that the whole world liked me.

  I needed everyone at the school to like me. Probably because I found it hard to impress my parents. My father was a hard-faced businessman who expected far too much from me. My mother wasn’t exactly the maternal type either. They weren’t even here for my birthday, they were somewhere in Europe, working on some deal somewhere or partying on a yacht. I wanted everyone else with me so I wouldn’t be alone. Being by myself on my sixteenth birthday would be the saddest thing of all. I wouldn’t be able to stand that.

  “Hey, Jake!” All of a sudden, Brandon, Mila’s geeky friend was by her side. But where she was ice cold towards me, he was always warm… too warm. He made it annoyingly obvious that he wanted to be in my inner circle of friends, and while I wanted him to like me he just wasn’t the sort of person that I could be that close to. “Are you talking about your party? Thank you so much for the invite, I’m looking forward to it.”

  I smiled thinly at him. “I’m just trying to convince Mila here to come. She is saying that she has something more important to do which is a real shame because it is going to go off. It will be the party of a lifetime.”

  “I know.” Brandon rolled his eyes in an over the top dramatic fashion. “I have been telling her the same thing.”

  “Well, I think you might have more success than me because she’s ignoring me here…”

  Brandon nudged his friend in the side, silently begging her to agree so that he could look good in front of me, but she simply hissed some expletives at him. It was impressive actually, that she just didn’t give a shit. I stared at her with an admiration that I just wasn’t expecting. She should have been the one admiring me to be honest since I was the popular guy with all of the friends, but for a moment, I liked the cold-hearted way that she just did what she wanted. It must have been freeing in a way to just know what she wanted and to not worry about others…

  Although she was missing out on the most fun years of her life. It would never be like this again. After high school, there would be college and jobs, responsibility and misery. This was the only time that we could party and have no consequences. That we could do stupid shit and get away with it because we were young. I wasn’t about to throw that way. Perhaps it was easier for me because my family had money so there wasn’t really going to be anything for me to worry about aside from expectation, but I still didn’t see why she ruined this time.

  “I will see what I can do, Jake.” Brandon smiled from ear to ear. “I’m pretty sure that we will both be there.”

  But I wasn’t looking at him, I was staring at Mila, trying to see where her head was at. She certainly didn’t look like a woman excited for fun, but I suppose there wasn’t a lot else that I could do and leave it all to Brandon.

  “You don’t need to worry about bringing beer,” I assured them both as if that might sway things. “I have tons.”

  “Great, that’s great.” Mila might have scowled but Brandon seemed pleased. “Can’t wait.”

  I stepped backwards, already bored with this conversation. My passion to ensure that Mila was at my party later on had vanished as quickly as it came on which was ridiculous. But that was me. My passions and focused swayed all the time which was probably why I didn’t do well with my studies. I didn’t have the brain power for that.

  “Hey, Jakey.” The head cheerleader, Kelly, grabbed my at the waist. “I want another birthday kiss.”

  “But you are already on my Instagram. I need some new faces. You know how it works…”

  But Kelly wasn’t having any of that. She swung me around and crashed her lips to mine, claiming me for her own. Not that I belonged to her, I never belonged to anyone. That was just another thing that I couldn’t do for a long period of time. There were too many girls around for me to focus on just the one.

  “You are going to have the time of your life tonight,” she growled seductively at me as she trailed her finger down
my body. “I will make sure of that. You only turn sixteen once so we need to celebrate it well…”

  “But the party… everyone is going to be at my house… how will we sneak away?”

  “Are you kidding?” She yanked me rougher to her. “You live in a freaking mansion. There are rooms all over the shop. Me and you will definitely find some space to be alone. You don’t need to worry about that.”

  “Mhmm…” I grabbed her cheek in my hand and stared in to her eyes, my brain rolling over what this could mean for me. “And what about your best friend? What’s her name? Marie, is it? Maria? Mindy? Would she join us?”

  “Join us?” Kelly snatched away from me and shoved me back. “Am I not enough for you? And I hate Marie now, we feel out weeks ago. I think the person that you’re thinking of is Jessica. Hot red head, although not as hot as me.”

  “It’s a special birthday.” I offered her a one shouldered shrug. “A threesome sounds like a good way to celebrate that. Me and you have already hooked up, haven’t we? So, this would be different…”

  Kelly glowered at me, not quite as deeply as Mila did, but I could feel her rage. Still, despite the fact that she wasn’t totally convinced that this was the best idea for her, she nodded. The fact that Kelly nodded and agreed with me was insane. It started to make me think that because it was my birthday, anything was possible.

  “I will see what I can sort out,” Kelly continued. “But I don’t know if she is as wild as me.”

  “Everyone is going to be wild tonight,” I assured her as a new sense of hope and fun surged through me. “This isn’t just going to be my sweet sixteenth birthday, this is going to be the wildest night ever. We are all going to get crazy. I am already planning ways in which this is going to be a night to remember.”

  Kelly blew me a kiss and she walked away from me, looking at me with seduction in her eyes. I turned once she was gone to find my main circle of friends coming towards me, already with excitement surrounding them. They were going to fucking love my plan, they loved wildness just as much as I did, I couldn’t wait to share it with them.

  “Hey, guys, tonight is going to be the night of dares,” I yelled down the hallway. “I have just decided we are going to make this a party to remember so bring your cell phones with you because Instagram will be lit.”

  Predictably they cheered, already on board even though they had no idea what the hell I was talking about. I couldn’t wait for school to end so that the night could begin. This was going to be everything…



  “ W

  hat the fuck was that about, Brandon?” I sneered as soon as Jake walked away from us. “Why do you always act like such a fucking idiot when Jake is around? The guy is an idiot. What is wrong with you?”

  “I like him.” Brandon shrugged and smirked. “He’s such a cool guy. The coolest guy in the school. Everyone likes him. I don’t get what your issue is with him to be honest. He’s likeable. He’s fun.”

  “Brandon, he is an idiot,” I replied scathingly. “All of the ‘popular’ guys are and you know that. This is the highlight of their life so they fully take advantage of that by being a total fool. They don’t care about their education and because of that, they don’t have a future. Sure, some of them like Jake have wealthy families so that doesn’t matter, but they won’t make anything of themselves.” I glanced around, hating a lot of the high school that surrounded me. “That isn’t going to be me. High school isn’t going to be the best time of my life. What comes next will last much longer and that’s when I will shine. That’s what I am working towards and you too…”

  At least that was what I always thought, but the glazed-over look in Brandon’s eyes suggested that he wasn’t even listening to me. He was equally as smart as me and when he put his mind to it, he was as dedicated as well. But he had his faults, and his main one was his need for popularity. He admired the guys who seemed to have it all on the surface, and he wanted to be in with them. It had been the same way ever since we met in first grade.

  “Brandon, what is going on with you?” I demanded as I shook his arm. “Why are you acting like you intend to go to that stupid booze fueled party with those guys? You can’t be serious, you were just saying that, right?”

  “Oh, I’m going,” he insisted. “Everyone is. You must have heard the whole school talking about it.”

  I snorted with derision. Of course I had but I wasn’t about to admit that right now. “You know that I don’t listen to gossip. I have much better stuff to focus on and you are supposed to be the same way. That party tonight is going to be trouble. It’s the sort of thing that will get broken up by the cops. Do you really want that on your resume?”

  “Mila,” Brandon sighed as if he was weary with me. “My college resume is going to be amazing. So is yours. We are always top of the class, we get the best grades, we’re chosen for every school-based competition, and that’s not to mention our after school curricular activities… we have always done everything right. We have more than earned the right to blow off some steam and that’s what we are going to do tonight. Both of us.” I shot him a skeptical look. “This will be the night that changes everything, Mila. It will be that life changing party which we talk about forever.”

  “Maybe for you.” I pushed him away. “But I am not going. It sounds too dumb for me.”

  I had to admit that I didn’t like the idea of Brandon going without me, but I had dug my heels in now and there wasn’t any turning back. I couldn’t turn back, no way. I would look a fool if I did. But if Brandon went alone and he was left in the presence of all those idiot guys trying to make him do stupid stuff there was no telling what would happen. And that wasn’t even to mention all the drunken beautiful girls who might try it on…

  I sighed sadly as I clung tightly on to the crush that I had for Brandon, the feelings that I decided to lock away years ago because I didn’t want to risk our friendship. No one knew about my desire for him which seemed to grow bigger every single day, that wouldn’t grow smaller no matter how much I wanted it to, and that was the way that I intended to keep it. I didn’t have time for a boyfriend anyway, not with my study schedule, so it was for the best.

  “Do you think that the cheerleaders will be there?” Brandon shattered my illusion that he might feel the same way as me, just like he always did. His choice in girls sat in the popular end of things too. He always wanted more. “I have had a crush on Marie for ages and tonight might be the night that I actually get a kiss.”

  “She’s with Devon,” I interjected coldly. “That’s why she fell out with Kelly.”

  “How the fuck do you know that?” he cried out in shock. “For someone who doesn’t listen to gossip.”

  Shit. “Well, I can’t help overhearing some things.” I shrugged in what I hoped would be a blasé manner. “And I heard that Kelly wanted him but Marie stole him, which is why they fell out. So, if you were thinking about going to the party just for her benefit then I wouldn’t bother. It isn’t going to happen.”

  Brandon’s evil glare made me feel a little bad for my coldness then, but I couldn’t help myself. Brandon was too good for the cheer leaders. If he wasn’t going to be with me, which I really hoped that he would be because that would be better for everyone, then he needed to at least be with someone worthy of him.

  “It doesn’t have to be Marie…” he finally replied. “It could be Jessica. She is hot as well…”

  “If you’re just going to sit here and talk about girls then I don’t want to be here,” I growled, barely able to contain myself any longer. “I have things to do, Brandon. Unlike the idiots who are going to the party tonight, I have important things to care about. So, thanks for the conversation, but I am done here…”

  Before I could stalk off, Brandon grabbed on to my hand and kept me in place, with puppy dog eyes which melted my hard exterior just a little bit. “Come on, Mila, don’t be like that. Don’t walk away from me. Think about the fun that w
e could have. Me and you… we could have the best time. I want you to come with me… as a date.”

  Date? What the hell was he talking about? Did he mean ‘date’? Like, as in he wanted me to be the girl with him tonight? Was he willing to push aside the cheerleaders of the world to actually be with someone like me? That would have been all of my dreams come true. Even if I didn’t want to admit it, even if I tried to convince myself that I didn’t have time for romance or anything like that, for Brandon, I would make time. And to be honest, we hadn't ever been at a party or a relaxed place like that together. Our friendship had always been based around studying so maybe this was a chance for us to finally explore what the other side of life could be like together.

  My heart raced like a jack hammer, I couldn’t calm it down whatever I did, and as I met Brandon’s eyes I was pretty sure that he could see how breathless and dizzy he had left me. This suggestion of a date alone was enough to have me acting like a crazy person, so how would I handle the actual date?

  “Er… erm…” God, for someone intelligent, I wasn’t exactly making a lot of sense now. Why couldn’t I form words? I could say what I wanted to when I was taking Jake down, but Brandon was on another level.

  “So, can I take that as a yes?” His eyes were so hopeful that it hurt. “Because we will have the best time.”

  “S… sure.” Shit, what the hell was I talking about? “We can go… on a date…”

  I whispered the last word, but Brandon didn’t seem to notice. He erupted in to cheers, immediately becoming like an excitable puppy, and I couldn’t help but get stuck on the notion that might have been because of me. Sure, I wasn’t as tall as the cheer leader girls and I definitely had more curls. I also preferred to be a brunette than platinum blonde, but there were traits about me that he could find pretty… I hoped anyway.


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