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Captain's Orders (Every Curvy Inch Book 3)

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by Alexa Blue


  A Steamy Older Alpha and Younger BBW Romance

  Curvy Girls Club Book 3

  Alexa Blue

  Copyright © 2019 Alexa Blue

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, websites, and names are the product of the author’s imagination. Nothing in the text reference any real people, places, or entities. All similarities are purely coincidental.

  Book and Cover design by Alexa Blue

  First Edition: 2019














  Chapter One


  “Thanks,” I tell the delivery guy and tear open the perfume wrapping. I’ve been so excited to try out the new Chanel perfume and am pleasantly surprised to discover it smells fucking amazing. Considering I’ve refused to step into a perfume store in over four years now, it’s always a bit of a risk.

  “Okay, bitches. I’m done. We need to get going,” I tell everyone.

  Charlotte’s house looks like Hurricane Katrina made a last-minute pit stop over in Toronto.

  “What the hell?” Dante moans. “Emily, is this child possessed?” he asks, handing the five-month-old baby, Dax, back to his mommy and searching for a cloth to clean up the fresh baby puke on his shoulder.

  Michael, Sarah’s two-year-old boy, cries whenever he’s not in her arms. God only knows the hell that will break loose when she’s not here for an entire week. I place my hand in front of Sarah when she tries running for her son. “Sarah, no. Let Dante and Brody attend to the kids. We’re going to be gone for a week so they don’t have much time to practice.”

  Sarah glares at me as if I’m a cold-hearted bitch. Hell, this is why I won’t ever have kids—I can barely look after myself let alone handle a baby crying all fucking day.

  Emily pulls a face as she bounces Dax in her arms. She looks as if she’s giving birth a second time. “Victoria, I’m not sure I can go through with this.”

  “Nonsense,” I tell her. “There is no way I’m letting you back out now. Come on, Emily, it will be fun. We need this. Besides, I already paid for this trip.”

  She grunts and rolls her eyes at me, but I ignore it. Emily has been a pain to deal with since she fell pregnant.

  I get it. She’s the only single mother in our group of friends, but hell, that’s no excuse for her recent mean streak.

  “How long is this trip?” Brody asks, holding Brandon, his and Charlotte’s little one, in one arm. It looks like he’s asking more for his sanity than the idea of not seeing his wife for a week. The thought of not having any of the moms around seems a daunting one to the brothers.

  “Not long. A week, unless we decide to extend our trip, right, ladies?” I tease.

  “I miss you already,” Dante tells Sarah.

  I watch as the two lovebirds kiss and I mimic the sounds of me throwing up. I don’t get what literally every person, besides me and Emily, sees in this whole love thing. I lean into Sarah. “I think what he meant to say is that he will miss you playing housewife.”

  Dante shoots me an evil glare and I blow him a playful kiss.

  “Dear God, ladies, can we get a move on already?” Jonathan asks, flicking the plastic hair of his ultra-green wig, dressed like he’s ready for a Gay Pride parade. He clearly thinks a wig and tiny jeans are suitable for a ship cruise—and that’s why I love his crazy ass.

  “Piss off, Jonathan. Who the hell even invited this guy?” Charlotte snarls.

  “Bitch,” Jonathan mutters under his breath.

  They couldn’t even wait until we got onto this ship before the pointless bickering. “Ladies, including you, Jonathan, can we please cut the crap and go have some freaking fun?”

  “Hooooo!” Sarah cheers me on, but alone, she just sounds sad. I swear, I will throw each and every one of these bitches overboard if they ruin this vacation for me.

  We reach the port and approach the massive cruise ship. She stands there in all her glory and, finally, I see excitement creeping up on my friends’ faces. The words ‘Royal Voyage’ takes up one side of the ship, with a font fit for royalty. I am ready to be treated like a queen.

  Emily already has an itinerary for each day. She believes we need one to make the best of our week ahead. Fuck that. I’m on holiday, and no good holiday comes from following a ‘to-do list.’

  Oh, fuck. There he is. The sexy Marc Stephenson, world renowned designer, standing at the entrance in his glorious, muscular French frame. Hearing he would be on this ship got me even more excited for this trip.

  I get to take my girls on a vacation and I get to meet one of my heroes. Marc’s a good connection to have that will hopefully help boost my career into the stratosphere. The fact that he’s so fucking easy on the eyes doesn’t hurt either.

  I’ve known I want to become a fashion designer since I won the sixth-grade talent show with a stunning evening gown I designed and made, with the help of my grandmother. On my left wrist, I fix the wristwatch she gave me before passing away, which also works as my lucky charm, and walk towards Marc.

  Tapping Marc’s shoulder, I grab his attention. “Hi, I’m Victoria.”

  He turns to face me and his gray eyes bore into me. Lord, just one gaze from him has my knees turning to jelly.

  He takes a few moments to run his eyes down my body. “Hello, Victoria,” he says in a thick French accent. “When you emailed me, I had no idea you’d be this beautiful.” He caresses my chin with his hand and I cannot deny the heat spreading throughout my body.

  I pull his hand away from me. He’s cute, but I’m not looking to shack up with him. “I just thought I’d formally introduce myself to you. I’ll see you on the ship then?”

  “Of course. Do you use iMessage?” he asks.

  “I do.”

  “Give me your number. I’ll message you and perhaps we’ll go out for a drink sometime?”

  “Of course. And I could show you some of my designs as well.” I give Marc my number when I feel Jonathan pushing me out of the way. “Oh, my God. Marc Stephenson in the flesh?” Jonathan extends his hand forward. “The name’s Jonathan, but you can call me whatever you like.”

  Awkwardly, Marc greets Jonathan, but politely declines to take down his number.

  “I’ll see you around, Victoria,” he says, giving me a warm smile before turning back to the group of friends he came with.

  “God, Jonathan, can you not control yourself for even just a minute?”

  “The man bats for my team,” he says, drool forming on the edges of his mouth. “There’s no way a man could look that good and not be gay!”

  I roll my eyes at him and wave at my friends, signaling for their attention to make our way onto the ship.

  “Look, babe, I know you said you want us to do, like everything, together on this cruise,” Jonathan says.

  I pull my brows into a frown. “Did I, because I feel like that was something you said?”

  “I’d rather not get caught up in semantics. Any
way, have you seen the guys boarding this ship? I’m willing to bet my tiny toosh that half of them are gay. So, Johno’s on the hunt. Bye, Felicia.” Jonathan waves at me and adds an extra swing in his step as he walks off. He’s such a slut.

  “You’re ready?” Charlotte asks, pulling on my arm.

  “Huh?” I refocus my attention. “Yes, yes of course. Let’s go.” I sneak Marc a playful wink before boarding the ship with my girls.

  Standing at the entrance of the ship is a beautiful blond woman with a perfect little figure. “Welcome to the Royal Voyage,” she greets us with a warm smile.

  I’ll admit, she is kind of cute. If I don’t end up finding a man worthy of my time, I may just end up with the sexy hostess I’m locking hands with. I’m not lesbian, nor have I been with a woman, but I’m a firm believer in not knocking anything until I’ve tried it, at least once.

  I live by two rules.

  Try everything, at least once—life’s far too short. The second rule, never touch another woman’s, or man’s, property.

  We greet by shaking hands and she introduces us to the captain. “Ladies, get a move on,” I shout at Sarah, who’s trailing behind, more interested in staring into the ocean than boarding the ship. I lift my head and my eyes grow large. I lose the grip on my suitcase handle and it slips from my hands as our eyes connect. For a few moments, it feels as if time itself has come to a complete standstill as I look back at the man introduced as this cruise ship’s captain.



  Master—that’s the title my crew often use when referring to me. The shipmaster.

  I hate the title.

  I may be the master of this ship, but my crew are not my slaves. If anything, once we step onboard we are all slaves—slaves whose only job is to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers.

  As the captain, it’s my job to ensure everything runs smoothly. Cruising for days on end can be draining on even the strongest of my staff members. It’s up to me to inspire my crew, to be social and friendly, all whilst maintaining the hierarchy.

  This cruise is set to go from Toronto to Haiti, where we will stay in a hotel overnight, before returning back home. As with every cruise, I make it my mission to personally welcome each and every passenger on board. With close to four thousand people boarding the Royal Voyage, this can take up quite a bit of time. I prefer greeting each and every person, rather than making a blanket announcement through an intercom. But this trip might be a little different. Especially now that I’ve seen who has just stepped onto my ship.

  My throat catches at the sight of her. It feels like the first time we met. Except this will not be the first time. No, I know the sexy lady standing in front of me all too well.

  Victoria shakes my hand, struggling to hold eye contact, but I know she felt it—that wave of electricity that surged through us as our hands connected. It’s the same surge of energy I felt when we first touched four years ago.

  “Marty, I need you to take over from me. I need to personally assist one of the passengers,” I tell my right-hand man. Without further question, Marty stands in my place and begins greeting the passengers, allowing me to run after Victoria.

  “Victoria, wait up,” I call out. She keeps walking ahead, picking up the pace at the sound of my voice, but it’s one of her friends that stops her and draws her attention towards me.

  “Oh, my God. Isn’t that—” Before Vicky’s friend can complete that sentence, I notice her elbowing her, probably as a gesture to shut up.

  I run up to them. “I would like to personally give you ladies a tour of the ship and to escort you to your cabin.”

  Victoria steps in front of her group of friends. She drops her luggage, her hands placed firmly on her hips, her shoulders firm and upright.

  “Oh, really, Tyler?” Victoria barks. “For what? You’re the ship’s captain. That hardly qualifies you as a tour guide.”

  God, she’s as feisty as ever. I recall when we’d have our disagreements, we’d make up and the sex that followed was nothing short of fucking magical. I cannot help but hope that would be the case in this instance as well. But that was three years ago. I don’t expect her to forgive me for choosing my career over her, but I refuse to let her step off this ship without at least hearing me out.

  “Fair enough, Victoria.”

  Her friends give us curious looks, wondering how the hell we know each other by name. Except for the one friend. If I’m not mistaken, her name is Sarah.

  I walk forward and grab hold of her luggage. I take the bags from the other girls and pile it onto Victoria’s. “Okay, Vicky. We can skip the tour.” I take a step forward. “But I refuse to allow you ladies to carry these heavy bags. I’ll carry your luggage to your cabin. Follow me.”

  I lead the girls to their cabin when I hear them chuckling playfully behind me. They all giggle, except for Victoria. No, she’s staring straight at me. I can feel the glare of her eyes piercing through the back of my head.

  I hold the cabin door open for them and give them a brief rundown of the room and a few tricks and tips of the ship before heading out.

  “If you ladies need anything, here’s my personal extension. Just shout, okay?”

  “Bye, Tyler.” Sarah waves and the room erupts with giggles as soon as the cabin door shuts behind me.

  I press my ear against the door and hear one of the ladies saying, “Fuck me, Vic, who is that?”

  “Stay away, Charlotte. He’s a total ball-bag,” Victoria grunts.

  A part of me is delighted that she’s telling her friends to stay away from me. I’m not interested in any of her friends; Victoria is the only person on my mind.

  I walk back to the greet the new passengers. “Thanks, Marty, I’ll take it from here.”

  “No problem, sir. Anything else I can help with?”

  I consider Marty’s offer for a few moments. “Now that you mention it, I need you to do everything in your power to make my life easier. Something tells me I’m going to need as much free time for this cruise as possible.”

  Chapter Two


  Dear Diary

  What the actual fuck?

  Where do I even start!

  Okay, the good news?

  Me and my girlfriends have arrived and the ship is fucking beautiful. The food is good, the drinks are great, and we’re treated like royalty. What could possibly go wrong?

  The bad news…

  I’m stuck out in the middle of the freaking ocean with the only man I’ve ever loved. Tyler is the freaking captain of this ship.

  I struggled to get to sleep last night, and no, it was not a full moon. I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get Tyler out of my freaking mind. It took three mojitos to finally get some shut eye.

  The man is still so fucking sexy, which makes it even scarier for me to be near him. Apart from the fine lines that appear when he smiles, he still looks like he’s twenty-eight. He cuts his hair short now and is clean-shaven. It could be my hormones playing tricks on me, but I think he’s even beefier than when I last saw him.

  All that is fine, but I need to avoid looking into those ocean green eyes if I have any hopes of making it out of this cruise with my sanity intact.

  During these trying times, I will be taking up prayer for the following week.


  I shut my diary and head back to my cabin. I’ve spent the better half of this morning sitting out on the docks, hoping the view of the ocean would help clear my head. God, I don’t need this drama. I’m not sure if this is God trying to punish me for my sins, but trapping me on a boat with the only man I’ve ever loved is just evil.

  I met Tyler back in my final year of high school. From the moment I laid eyes on him, the man took my breath away. From the deep bass in his voice to the green eyes that glistened when he looked at me, I was done for. What I loved most about him is that he knew absolutely nothing about me, apart from what he could see in the flesh. He didn’t k
now that I came from a rich family, he didn’t have time to believe all the ridiculous rumors that surrounded me growing up. Tyler was my fresh start.

  Despite him being eight years older than me, I fell in love with him. I loved how he was so dominant, how he was never afraid to go for what he wanted. I loved how much he fucking loved me, a love that rocked me down to my core. I still recall the moment I gave up my virginity to Tyler, and not a few years earlier with half the football team, as the rumor goes. He was so gentle, so scared that he would hurt me, it took him three hours to stretch me out before entering me. Make no mistake, he was only gentle on me that first time, after that, the man was not afraid to claim my pussy and have me begging for more.

  When Tyler chose his career over me, it killed me. To be fair, I chased him away, but I hoped he would run back to me, tell me that he’d stay, that we’d figure everything out.

  He wanted me to up and leave my life behind, to cruise around the world with him. But I couldn’t, not when I have dreams of my own.

  Okay, Victoria, get your shit together. I’m here to let my hair down, to hang with my girls, and to have crazy sex with complete strangers. I won’t let any man ruin that for me.

  I walk back to the cabin and all the girls go silent, as if they were just talking about me.

  “Get ready, bitches. We’re going out for cocktails and then later, we are hitting the club,” I tell them, sipping on the strawberry milkshake I needed to help cure my hangover.

  “Oh, thank God,” Sarah sighs. “We were all worried you’d want to sulk in the room after seeing Tyler.”

  “I wasn’t,” Emily remarks.


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