Book Read Free


Page 7

by Lisa Helen Gray

  I lick my lips, my stomach grumbling. “Well, next time you’re here, bring me over a plate.”

  She rushes at me again, squeezing me into a tight hug. “You’re a good man.”

  I glance up with her still in my arms. Max is laughing uproariously on the sofa, Dad is giving me a knowing smirk, and Mum, for some reason, has tears in her eyes.

  “I really didn’t do much.”

  “That’s not what my daughter told me. She said you were a hero for saving her daughter, for getting rid of the witches, and for delivering her son.”

  Stepping back, I rub at the back of my neck. “Well, um, you’re welcome?”

  “You’ve probably all had a long day but please, pop by again. Amelia would love to thank you for the work you’ve done.”

  “It’s our pleasure,” Mum answers her, grabbing her bag from the floor. “Jasmine has fallen asleep on the floor. She, um, she got overexcited about football and tired herself out.”

  Nita’s nose scrunches up. “Did she have a screaming fit to get it turned off? My Gareth puts in on and she screams down the house until you turn it off.”

  Everyone, including me, is stunned. I give her an impish smile. “Um, not quite. She kind of got into it. At one point, she was running around the living room with her jacket covering her face, screaming ‘goal’.”

  Nita opens her mouth, closes it, then opens it again before shaking her head. “Well, that’s never happened before.”

  “We’ll let you get her to bed,” Mum tells her on a chuckle.

  “You raised a good boy,” she tells my mum, causing her to beam.

  “I did,” she agrees.

  “It was touch and go,” Dad jokes, causing Max to laugh harder.


  “You’re his dad?” Nita asks, surprised. “I thought the man on the sofa was.”

  I groan, covering my face. Any hope that Max didn’t hear goes out the window when he jumps up from the sofa, laughing his head off. “Nope. I’m too good looking to be this one’s dad. Although, he does get all his best personality traits from me.”

  “I’m sorry. When Amelia asked last night if I had any recipes for cakes that were safe for people with diabetes, she also mentioned your dad didn’t get out much either. When that woman was yelling at him for eating the muffins, I assumed it was because of his diabetes.”

  “What cake?” Dad asks, giving me a side glance.


  “She offered to make one to say thank you but then Maddox said you had diabetes,” Nita helpfully explains.

  “Did he now?” Dad mutters, glaring at me. “My son is mistaken.”

  “Let’s go,” I demand, quickly turning to Nita. “Congratulations on becoming a grandma again.”

  I push Max out the door, ignoring his bickering as my dad apologises for our abrupt departure.

  We hit the end of the path and come to a stop. I growl at the blaring music coming from my neighbours, and the sound of loud voices echoing through the open windows and doors.

  I turn as a hand slaps down hard on my shoulder. Dad grins. “Son, you’re fucked.”


  He’s not going to mention the cake?

  “She’s going to make you love her until it hurts, and I’m going to enjoy every single minute of you falling for her.”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  He walks off with Mum, his hand going to her arse, making me gag. “Call it payback for trying to keep the cake to yourself,” he calls out in twisted humour.


  He’s wrong. There is nothing between us. We’re practically strangers. My thoughts feel sour, and instead of waiting to say goodbye to everyone, I storm across the road, not stopping when they teasingly call my name.

  “Fuck all of you,” I yell, giving them my middle finger.

  I’m not going to fall for her.

  No way.



  Pulling up outside Lily’s, I put the truck into park. I scrub my face with both hands, the events of yesterday still going through my head.

  Someone out to get the Hayes’ business had the property they were working on, set on fire. Lily was in that house, and they were trapped. Knowing I could have lost her… I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. It’s still going unanswered as to why she was there in the first place.

  When I tried speaking to her the other day, a few days after the day I delivered Amelia’s baby, she couldn’t speak. She was too busy being sick. And from what was said yesterday, she wasn’t all that well then either.

  So why was she there? She should have been at home resting.

  Jaxon has a lot to answer for. If he doesn’t sort this Andrew Black business out, and soon, we will do it for him. If it wasn’t for the fact that we respect the need to deal with shit ourselves, we would have already stepped in.

  When Lily called, telling me to come over this morning, I dropped work, leaving Todd—my site manager—in charge. We normally have Sunday’s off, but with our schedule for the next few months, we want to get on top of everything.

  Sliding out, I slam the car door shut, staring up at the house. Maverick’s car is parked behind Lily’s, and unease pricks at my skin. I’m not the only one she called, so it must be bad.

  Slowly, I make my way up to her door, before gripping the handle and pushing it open. I paste on a fake smile. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Maverick steps out of the living room, closing the door behind him. “Upset her, and I’ll break your legs.”

  “Well, good morning to you too, cherry.”

  “This is no time to play games,” he warns me.

  I give him a closer look, seeing his eyes are glassy from tears. I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Is she okay? She said the doctors were happy and she was fine.”

  “She’s…” He stops, exhaling. “Just go listen to what she has to say.”

  Striding past him, I push the door open, stepping into the front room. One glance at Teagan and my gut clenches. She’s crying, but she’s also smiling.

  Lily, who also has tears in her eyes, looks up at me, quickly getting up and out of Jaxon’s arms. “You made it.”

  “I told you I’d be here,” I remind her. “What is it you want to discuss?”

  She reaches out for Jaxon and he takes her hand, getting up to stand next to her. “We were going to wait, but after last night and the close call, we thought it would be wise if our parents knew. It was hard for me to keep Mum and Dad out of the room last night.”

  I’m completely lost.

  I scan her body, seeing no visible signs of injury. She’s pale, though, and her hands are shaking. Is she sick?

  “I’m lost,” I tell her truthfully.

  Taking a deep breath, she straightens her shirt. “First, we need you to promise that what we tell you doesn’t leave this room. I wanted Mum and Dad to know, and we are going to tell Jaxon’s mum and Faith next, but I wanted you to know before the others.” Her eyebrows pull together. “Except Wyatt and Reid, but that was an accident. We didn’t tell them; they overheard. But no one other than you guys can know. Not yet. We want to wait.”

  Laughing at her nervousness, I joke, “If you’re going to tell me you and Jaxon are getting married, you’re too late. I was there, remember?”

  She giggles, sagging against Jaxon. “No silly. I’m pregnant.”

  I stagger backwards into the chair, my arse hitting the soft cushion. “What? How? When? Holy fuck!” I glance up at her in horror. Flashes of pain, and the sounds Amelia made during birth run through my mind. “Lily, I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”

  “Maddox!” Teagan snaps.

  Seeing Lily’s bottom lip tremble and Jaxon take a step forward, his expression livid, I hold up my hands. “No, no. I’m happy for you. Seriously. I meant what I said the other day, Lily. You’re going to be a fantastic mum, but—”

  “What do you mean, but?” Maverick snaps.
“I thought we were over this crap?”

  I hold up my hands, feeling my cheeks heat. “A lot happens down there,” I yell, pointing to her crotch, then shoving my hand down at my side. “It’s not going to be pretty when you give birth. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. It looks painful too. Really painful. To the point I think I’d rather have bamboo sticks shoved under my nails.”

  Teagan, shoulders dropping, lets out a giggle. “Maddox, birth may be painful, but the minute you hold your baby, it’s forgotten. It’s one of the best moments of your life.”

  I doubt that.

  A thought occurs to me; Amelia didn’t hold her baby right away. Was she still remembering the pain?

  “Maddox, women have been doing this for years,” Lily tells me, pulling away from Jaxon to stand in front of me.

  I reach for her hands. “Lil, you’re too small and delicate.” I pause, something Mum once said coming to mind. “If they give you another option to give birth, go for it.”

  “So, you aren’t mad? You aren’t going to…”

  Her gaze goes to Jaxon as she bites her bottom lip, and realisation dawns on me. She thought I’d kick off and beat the shit out of him again. As tempting as that is, I can’t deny how happy she is with him. I learned my lesson the first time. Not having her in my life… it killed me.

  I reach for her, gently pulling her into my arms and kissing the top of her head. “Will you still be my best friend?”

  Her eyebrows pull together. “Of course.”

  “Will you still cook for me when dick face isn’t here?”

  Smiling, she rolls her eyes. “Yes.”

  “Will you still let me come over, even though the kid will love me more than they love Jaxon?”

  Laughing, she wipes away her tears. “Yes.”

  Jaxon grunts but I ignore him, my smile spreading. “Then I’m overjoyed for you. Worried? Yes. But I’m happy for you. You’ll be the perfect mum. I’ve seen you with Sunday. I’ve seen you with the brats next door. No one is as loving as you, except for me.”

  She slaps my arm gently. “You don’t even pick up Sunday unless she’s freshly washed and changed.”

  I snort, waving her remark off. “I have good clothes. She has a thing for wiping slobber and snot all over them. I’m still her favourite uncle.” I exhale, continuing to answer her previous concern. “But that just proves what a good mum you’ll be. You don’t care when Sunday slaps one on your lips, even though she’s covered in shit and snot.”

  Giggling, Lily takes a step back. “Thank you. It means a lot that you’re okay with this.”

  “Not that you had a say anyway,” Jaxon adds, his expression hard.

  As much as his comment pisses me off, he’s also right. “We’ve only ever wanted what’s best for you. For you to be happy. There’s no denying you’re happy.”

  “Thank you,” she breathes out, her glassy eyes sparkling with tears. “We aren’t ready to tell the rest of the family yet. We want to wait until I’m further along.”

  “I won’t say anything, I promise.”

  Teagan begins to blubber into her tissue. She looks up, tears streaming down her face. “My baby girl is having a baby.”

  “Mum,” Lily giggles, stepping into her arms. “Faith could be next too. They might be able to grow up together like we all did.”

  Maverick falls against the doorframe. When he sees us all staring, he slowly straightens, looking pale. “Let’s not jinx anything. Our family is already large enough.”

  My phone rings from my pocket, pulling me away from the conversation. I pull it out, seeing Madison’s name flashing on the screen. “Hello?”

  “Um, Madz, you might want to go home.”

  Hearing the apprehension in her voice has me tensing. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “I went to yours to see if you were doing okay. I know you said you were fine after the fire, but I’m your twin; I’m allowed to care,” she rambles.

  I cut her off before she can continue. “It’s four stiches, Maddy. I’ll live. Just tell me what’s going on.” A kid blindsided me when I ran around the corner to help out the others. Apparently, they were there to smoke them out of the house and then beat them to a pulp. We were lucky we turned up when we did because Reid had been stabbed. Well, it was more like a scratch, but he was being a baby about it.

  “Well, next door egged your house. I didn’t stop because of, you know, what happened the last time.”

  I release a string of curses and all eyes come to me. I force a smile, turning my back to them. “It’s because I turned their electric off again last night.”

  “I thought you said that wasn’t working?”

  “It’s not, but at least Amelia didn’t have to listen to it her first night home.”

  “Aww, you really care about her.”

  “No, I fucking don’t,” I rush out, feeling my face heat. “Why you all keep going on about it is baffling me. I don’t even know her.”

  “You delivered her baby.”

  “And? The guy at McDonalds delivers me food but that doesn’t mean he’s in love with me.”

  “I’m just saying. She’s different. You were different when you were around her. You didn’t even give her one of your sleazy chat-up lines.”

  “That’s because if you hadn’t noticed, she was pregnant and has a kid.”

  Laughing, she says, “She isn’t anymore, and you’re practically BFF’s with Jasmine.”

  I smile thinking about our game night, but then frown, not wanting to go there. “I’ll be home soon. I’ll figure something else out to get them out of that house, even if I have to knock the entire thing down.”

  “I get it. I’ll drop it for now. But don’t push her away before you even give it a chance,” she tells me, and I groan.

  Anyone would think I’d known this chick years. I haven’t. I don’t even know what her last name is, if she’s a good cook, if she likes footy, what she tastes like.

  “Is that all?”

  “No. I also called to tell you I spoke to a friend in the shop today. He said if you want a quicker way to get them evicted, have a petition signed from all the neighbours.”

  I muse over it, wondering if I have the time to do it. I do. A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips. “I may even be able to get them to sign it.”

  She laughs. “Definitely. I need to go, but I’ll pop round in the week.”

  I growl when she ends the call without a goodbye, then turn to the room. Maverick and Teagan are smirking, Lily looks worried, and Jaxon seems bored. “What?”

  “Is that about Amelia?”

  “If you must know, it was about my neighbours. Maddy caught them egging my house.”

  “She didn’t try to stop them, did she?” Maverick asks, taking a step closer.

  “No,” I sigh out. “She learnt her lesson the last time, when she got stuck trying to climb from my window to theirs.”

  “I could have sworn you mentioned Amelia,” Teagan muses, her lips twitching.

  “The lady who gave birth?” Lily asks, her eyes sparking.

  “I’m going,” I yell, moving towards the door. “Congratulations on the pregnancy. I’ll be by tomorrow for lunch.”

  “Bye,” she yells back.

  *** *** ***

  I didn’t want to give them the pleasure of seeing me seething over the state of my windows and doors, which is why I didn’t go straight home after Lily gave me the news. However, I made the wrong decision, because now they’re all out the front, and I can’t hide my rage over the mess they have made. Not only is there egg all over the front door, but the partial glass in my door is cracked.

  I walk around to the side of the house, grateful my jet wash is still connected to the outdoor tap. I drag it around the front before spraying the windows and door. It washes away most of the mess, but not all of it.

  “Ew, can you smell egg, guys?” Kayne asks, loud enough for the other neighbours to hear. He pretends to gag, causing his f
riends snicker.

  I feign a pitying stare his way, meeting his gaze. “I had a friend once with the same issue. Toothpaste and a shower worked like a charm in the end.”

  His expression grows turbulent. “Are you saying I smell of fucking egg?”

  I hold my hands up. “Hey, you don’t need to be ashamed. We all have issues. Yours just stinks.”

  “You fucking prick,” he roars, jumping off his front doorstep.

  I don’t move. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest, tucking my hands under my armpits. “Do you really want me to embarrass you with all your friends watching?”

  He pauses just shy of the property line, where the fence once was before he knocked it down. “I’ll kick your arse.”

  I laugh, throwing my head back. “Kid, come at me, I dare you. I’ll even let you have the first shot. After your friends watch me beat the living crap out of you, they’ll leave, too ashamed to be near you. Maybe then I won’t have to listen to your fucking music all night, so do it. C’mon.”

  Shakily, he takes a step back, trying to straighten his spine and be tough. “Nah, you ‘ent worth it.”

  Grinning, I lean forward. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Next time, I’ll fuck you up,” he tells me, and it’s my turn to step back.

  “Dude, even if I was into guys, you wouldn’t be my type,” I call back, loud enough for his mates to hear me.

  “What the fuck you on about?” he yells, paling. “You’re a sick fuck.”

  “So the ladies tell me,” I taunt, leaving him to stew as I put the jet wash away in my garage.

  When I reach the drive again, the car across the street pulls my attention away from the bickering going on beside me.

  Amelia helps Jasmine out of the car before going to the other side. A part of me wants to go inside and ignore the fact that I’ve seen her, but my body makes the decision for me, and in seconds, I’m striding across the road.

  Jasmine sees me first. “Maddox! Maddox! Come meet my baby brother.”

  I smile at the little girl, catching her in my arms and swinging her up. “Hey Jaz.”

  She giggles at her nickname. “Princess Jaz.”

  “Princess Jaz,” I confirm, grinning. Her mum, who has frozen near the car door, turns red. “Hey, how are you doing?”


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