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The Black Maid: The Rancher's Toy (BWWM Older Man/Younger Woman First Time Cowboy Erotica)

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by Naima Rivers






  The young black girl allowed the moist towel to fall on the floor and she took the steps between herself and the bed with little strides, bouncing onto the bed and plopping down on her back on the red sheets. Her head was spinning and the pit of her stomach was in knots, the strong alcohol and lusty thoughts sending the girl into a tizzy. With a grin on her lips, she allowed her hands to stroke over her big breasts, kneading them slightly, before wandering over her stomach and landing between her legs. She closed her eyes, her cheeks lighting up in a blush as her delicate fingers touched her wet slit and inner thighs, exploring her lust.

  Maya’s wet hair was sprawled around her on the sheets as her fingertips began playing with herself, rubbing her clit as it swelled with each touch. A small moan escaped her lips as she let her other hand slip lower, teasing her entrance and almost pushing in. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the older man, the white rancher, who was so far out of her reach that they may as well have been in different states. The virgin girl wanted so badly for him to touch her, to want her, to take her. Maya moaned again, pressing her head back as two fingers entered her.

  Suddenly, she heard a low chuckle, which immediately shook her from her revelry. The girl froze, opening her eyes to the sight of Robert McAvoy watching her from the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. His shirt stuck to his chest, hints of a hard day’s labor visible all over him. Maya stared at him wordlessly, her big amber eyes filled with panic. The man tipped his hat back and walked across the hardwood floor, unbuckling his belt as he neared the bed.

  “So, Maya, I see you want a birthday gift, huh? We can arrange that. You’ve been a good girl, you’ve earned some special treatment,” he murmured, his drawl caressing her ears. Maya pulled her hands away from her wetness slowly, still at a loss for words.

  Copyright © 2014 Naima Rivers

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Black Maid: The Rancher’s Toy

  BWWM Older Man/Younger Woman First Time Erotica

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be used, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This book may not be reproduced in any for without the express written permission of Naima Rivers. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover image © DepositPhotos, user kiuikson










  It was a surprisingly mild day according to the standards of the average Texas summer. Some clouds hung lazily from the sky, blocking the heat of the sun by just enough to make it tolerable. It had been like that for a while now and some pastures had even started to green up, which was pretty much unheard of in the dead of summer. There weren’t a lot of complaints though and the cattle grazed happily while the farmhands had to work a little harder to find a topic to complain about.

  The McAvoy ranch was a sprawling behemoth of buildings, paddocks and machinery, constantly in motion both day and night. Workers milled about and trucks came and went with supplies at least a few times a day. Robert McAvoy had spent half a lifetime on building his business, his ranch, and it had worked out well for him. Now in his late fifties, he was both a man of worth as well as a man of wealth and the combination was rare to come by in that day and age.

  He still walked the grounds each day, talking to the men who were so gainfully employed by him, and helping out wherever he could until more pressing matters dragged him back to the drudgery of his office. Robert McAvoy was the kind of man who enjoyed staying outside and getting his hands dirty and it saddened him that it had become less and less a viable option the more successful he got. Someone needed to keep the ranch running and if it wasn’t him, well, then it would be no one at all.

  His sons had gone off to college and were a few years out from being of any real, palpable use. Sure, they came home during breaks and brought laughter and good-natured heckling into the house, but that didn’t run a business. Truth be told, he doubted he’d get much use out of them any time soon. His wife had passed away a few years ago and though the memory was still painful, it was less of a sharp pain now and more of a dull ache.

  She had been with him through thick and thin and when he lost her as a consequence of a grueling illness, it was a relief as much as it devastated him at the same time. His last few years had been focused on taking care of her, watching her become weaker and weaker with each day without any way to help her. When she passed away, it was a small relief knowing that she was no longer in pain. Robert’s sons kept coaxing him to come out of his shell and start dating again, but he had thought it nigh impossible for several years. Now, recently, he had found himself noticing the opposite sex again. Sometimes his eyes would linger on a particularly fetching backside or glance after a busty blonde, but his tastes actually lay with black women.

  Ever since he was a boy, he had found colored girls to be alluring. Back then, he had spent a few errant nights with one or two, but it had never went any further as it was such a taboo topic in his teens and no one was allowed to know. At least that’s the story he told when he got a bit too drunk. After he got married, he really didn’t have eyes for any other woman, so now it was as if meeting a long lost acquaintance.

  When the seasonal workers came, there was always an influx of black girls joining to pick cotton from some of the fields he still owned from way back when or to help take care of the calves. He kept catching himself staring at them with more and more hunger, until he had finally decided to hire a girl to help around the house and to give him someone to really leer at.

  Robert had hired Maya, a young black girl freshly out of high school. She had spent countless months trying to find a job, but not a lot of people were looking to employ a colored girl without a degree or any relevant experiences. Robert had plucked her out of the last gang of seasonal workers and offered that she join full-time, cleaning the main house and cooking for him. She agreed happily and had promised to be the best housekeeper he had ever seen.

  Maya hadn’t disappointed. She was a hardy worker and a dedicated little cook. Her grandmother had taught her when she was barely tall enough to see over the counter and some of the tricks she had learned were good enough to melt the resolve of even the steeliest of men after having a bite of her apple pie or her roasted chicken. In fact, Maya sometimes thought that Robert McAvoy enjoyed her food more than he liked having her around, but every now and then she caught him staring at her ass, telling her that perhaps it was a bit of both.

  Her 20th birthday was quickly coming up. The girl didn’t have many friends and her family lived far away from the ranch, so really her only friends were some of the farmhands and a good book now and then. Maya had never been in love, unless romance novels counted, and she was still untouched by the hands of a man. Sure, she had stolen a few ki
sses under schoolyard bleachers, but that was all it had ever amounted to. Her mind had been spoiled by love stories and daring romances, speaking of the lengths that passionate men and women would go to in order to find the one they really loved. As much as it was complete hogwash, Maya couldn’t help but believe in it just enough to rebuff any advances from the farmhands.

  Over time, though, she had come to like being around the aging rancher. He had a kind soul and she had learned of his past and the sad passing of his wife from one of his sons when he had been home for the holidays. It made her heart bleed and she had decided to be as helpful as she possibly could. He treated her fairly and always had a good word to say and she wasn’t too coy to admit that she enjoyed the way he sometimes looked at her, with a hint of passion glimmering behind his gaze.

  Maya had started fantasizing about what it would feel like to be taken by the cowboy, who was so much older than she was. She knew it was wrong and she should banish any thoughts like that from her little head, but she couldn’t help it. Despite his age, Robert McAvoy was an active, fit man, who rode horseback every day and took part in keeping his ranch up to his highest standards. The jeans he wore fit him comfortably, hinting at the taut muscles underneath and his shirts showed off his wide back and strong arms, built by years of working hard and smart.

  The inexperienced black girl couldn’t really help herself and sometimes, when reading the books she loved so much, she imagined herself in place of the heroine and Robert McAvoy as the daring man fighting to win her hand and her heart. It wasn’t a rare occurrence that the reading session would culminate with her slipping a hand under the covers and exploring her wet folds, rubbing her swollen slit and moaning into the pillow until she was swept off by her orgasm. She kept thinking of the rancher tearing off her simple clothing and taking her on his wide office desk for the first time, plunging into her expecting heat with his large cock.

  With each night, the fantasies kept getting more vivid and hot, her desire for the man, or at least the version of a man she had created for herself, growing exponentially. It got so bad that she had trouble keeping her breath from getting faster and her heart from beating out of her chest every time she talked to him over breakfast or when he stopped by to chat during the day. Of course, it went without saying that she got completely soaking wet every time he was around and the mere sight of him made her slit moisten with expectation.

  One of her more prominent fears was that he would catch her writhing in ecstasy one evening, when she went to bed earlier than he did, maybe by walking in when he had a question to ask or something equally as ludicrous. In her mind, it could end in one of two ways. He could drag the covers from her and make passionate love to her or he could fire her and send her far from his ranch for being so misguided as to think that a man like him could ever be interested in a girl like her. All in all, it left the girl in a rather pained state of being, wistfully sighing after a man who had no business wanting her.

  Little did Maya know, Robert McAvoy had indeed set his sights on her.


  Early one morning, Maya was cooking a breakfast of eggs, bacon and pancakes while whistling a jaunty tune. She was still in a good mood from her little ‘reading session’ last night and her dreams had been filled with images of Robert McAvoy contorting her body into various positions and taking her as if his appetite could never be filled. It was enough to make a girl glow a bit, even if it was just all in her head.

  The coffee was steaming in a mug and she was just stacking the food on a plate when Robert strode into the open kitchen area, sitting down behind the counter and taking a sip of his coffee. He shot the girl a conspiratory wink, his gray eyes twinkling with mirth. The girl had trouble focusing on the task at hand. Robert McAvoy had chosen to show up for breakfast dressed in only his jeans and the sight of his shirtless torso made the girl squirm uncomfortably. She could feel her panties sticking to her heat and she almost dropped the hot frying pan when she was shoveling the eggs on a big plate. Finally, she managed to arrange the food and hand it over to the man, but she was still looking for her voice.

  “Everythin’ alright, darlin’?” the cowboy queried, raising an eyebrow at her and taking a big bite out of a piece of bacon. His age barely showed on his body, his wide chest ripped and covered with chest hair. He had a slim waist and hips, but wide shoulders and strong arms, marked with tan lines from working under the blazing sun one too many times. Maya had never seen him shirtless before and she was quick to file it away under future reference material.

  “Yes, Mister McAvoy,” she finally stammered, fumbling about in the kitchen with a blush on her cheeks. She was tall and curvy with an ample bosom and a nice ass fit to grab with both hands. Maya’s deep green eyes tried to keep from glancing at the man too much as she went about her business, the rancher keeping a curious, slightly amused eye on her. She couldn’t really hide her interest and her slight discomfort of his barely-clothed state and her inexperienced shone through, the man picking up on it quickly.

  “Hope I’m not makin’ you uncomfortable, Maya,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “The food is excellent as usual, by the way.”

  “Thank you, Mister McAvoy, And no, I’m fine, just a bit out of my head today, is all,” she said, smiling apologetically. It seemed like a good of an excuse as any and she really didn’t imagine that it would be okay to tell the wealthy older man that the sight of his muscled body made her want to climb on his lap and beg him to fuck her until she went unconscious from being used and abused thoroughly.

  “Must be the birthday, then. Happy birthday, by the way! Take the night off, relax a little. You’ve earned it!” Robert said, scraping the last bits and pieces off of his plate. Maya stopped in her tracks, stunned. She had completely managed to forget that it was her birthday, the day she was 20 years old. It was a completely unimpressive age, a year from the promised 21, but every birthday was presumably important. It just stunned her that her boss remembered it and she hadn’t.

  I must be really distracted by Mister McAvoy, she thought to herself, forcing a smile.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said, taking the plate from his outstretched hand.

  “I’ll be out late tonight, so you should feel free to try out the bubble bath or whatever else you like. Treat yourself to a drink from the bar, too. You’ve done such a great job around the house I think you should really take the evenin’ to take a load off, you know? I’ll be mending fences today, if you could pack a lunch for me and some of the boys then that’d be swell.” With that, he jumped off the stool and strode back towards the bedroom to pick up his hat and shirt. The girl barely managed to yell an affirmative “Okay, I will!” after the man before he disappeared.

  She sunk against the counter, her eyes wide and her breathing heavy. The sudden kindness hit her unexpectedly, but not quite as heavily as the sight of him shirtless. It took considerable willpower to keep from running into her room and pleasuring herself right at that moment. Maya took a few deeper breaths and then returned to her work, pushing the image of the delicious, forbidden older man out of her mind.

  There was plenty to do around the main building before she could take a break and enjoy her birthday, as Mister McAvoy had told her to.


  The rest of the day had gone past pleasantly enough. Maya had busies herself with washing the floors and shining some of the silver the late Missis McAvoy had left behind and before she could blink, the sun was hanging lower and the day was coming to a sullen end. She had gotten a few phone calls from relatives and distant friends with lukewarm congratulations, which she had thankfully accepted. It felt nice to be remembered, even if it was just once a year.

  The vision of Robert lingered with her throughout the day and she had been dying to get a moment to enjoy the memory to its full potential. Weighing her options for the evening, she had decided to take the rancher up on his offer and draw a bath for herself in the big master bath, which was connected
to Robert’s bedroom. Maya had added some scented bath salts and dipped her hand into the warm water, grinning as it felt just right. She let her clothes drop on the marble floor and her young body sunk into the welcoming water with a happy moan releasing from her lips.

  Maya closed her eyes and enjoyed the water, feeling how the dust and grime from a day of honest work peeled off of her. Robert was not usually back for several more hours if he made a day of mending the broken cattle yards and fences, so Maya was comfortable with the knowledge that she had at least some time to herself. The bath was delicious and the big white and crème bathroom was gorgeous. Missis McAvoy had had excellent taste when decorating the house, something Maya had noticed countless times, and it was nice to really appreciate it as it was meant to be appreciated for once.

  She took a sip from her whiskey tumbler, coughing a little as the strong-tasting liquor filled her mouth. Maya had never been much of a drinker, but she couldn’t say no to such a kind proposition and had allowed herself a glass of some of the better stuff. It burned at first, but each following sip tasted better and went down easier until the girl could feel her head start to buzz a little from the alcohol. A small smile was perched on her lips and she relaxed, feeling her mind begin to swim.


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