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Page 8

by Bonnie Burrows

  Gallantly, Donar stood up and offered Brianne his hand. She took it and stood with him.

  “Back to it,” he told her. “But later tonight, after all this is over…I want to continue where we left off.”

  Brianne kept her hand in his. She could not deny that she liked his touch and that she had liked his kiss—very, very much. “All right,” she said.

  And together, Brianne and Donar went back downstairs.


  After dinner, there was dancing, and the mood at the reception lightened considerably—for the most part. While Brianne chatted amiably with other guests, Conran and Donar stood nearby, watching in the midst of a discourse of their own.

  “Where were the two of you before?” Conran asked.

  “Upstairs,” Donar bluntly answered.

  “Where upstairs?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It matters if you were doing what I think you were doing,” Conran frowned.

  “I never had the chance to do what you think I was doing,” Donar frowned back.

  “But you would have, wouldn’t you? With the reception going on down here.”

  “And what, you think I believe you wouldn’t?” Donar asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I would have restrained myself long enough to get back to a party where we are the hosts and she is the guest of honor,” Conran argued.

  “Ah-ha! But you would have! Or you would have wanted to, wouldn’t you?”

  Conran looked back and forth from his brother to the guest of honor and said with a scowl, “We understood we weren’t going to.”

  “How long were we going to keep that understanding, Conran?” Donar asked. “She’s going to be here for a long time. She’s under our roof. And she’s beautiful. If we were going to keep that understanding, she would have had to make other living arrangements during her stay. And even that wouldn’t have stopped us. Sooner or later, it was going to happen.”

  He paused for a lingering look at Brianne, who chatted and smiled with the other guests as if nothing at all had happened earlier in the evening. “I say it should be sooner. And I think she wants it as much as we do. She was no better at resisting than I was. It’s going to happen. It should happen. We should let it.”

  Conran said nothing. He let out a long breath, yielding to the inevitability of it all.

  Donar put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “As infuriating as Uncle Xorian is, there are a couple of things he was right about. We are dragons. And there is something that interests us more than hunting.”

  Conran had no argument for that. He just watched Brianne with the other guests, and his expression softened. At this moment, it was the softest thing about him.


  The reception ended late that night, as all parties must. Conran, Donar, and their guest of honor thanked all the other guests for coming. Burton and Sondra retired to their respective guest quarters. Before Brianne did likewise, the Quist twins took her aside and invited her up to the third level of the mansion to share with them their favorite after-party activity.

  When Brianne cast them a very suspicious and cautious look for their invitation, Donar reminded her, “If you’ll remember from the holographic tour of the mansion that we gave you when we accepted your project proposal, the third level—the roof—is where the swimming pool is. My brother and I enjoy a good swim after a party. Join us.”

  When the brothers issued this invitation, Donar had the same smoldering look in his eyes that he had when he held Brianne and kissed her at the fountain upstairs. Brianne saw an identical look—as if it could be anything else—in the eyes of his twin. And knowing full well that this was Lacerta, she knew what swimming here with Lacertan men meant.

  It meant that if she accepted their offer of an after-party activity, she would get to see the one thing she did not see when she saw them take off for their morning flight. Lacertans had abandoned even the last vestiges of taboos about the body to which humans still clung. They did not wear swimsuits. Well, there was only one thing a girl could say to such an invitation:

  “Let me go back to my quarters and slip out of this gown, and I’ll be right there.”

  She excused herself, heading up to her own accommodations, taking one last glance at the brothers and their lingering, smoldering look, and felt their eyes practically branding her as she turned and left.

  In her guest room, which was effectively a small apartment on the second floor of the mansion, Brianne carefully removed her gown, which she assumed was a generous gift from the twins, and hung it with care in the closet. She further stripped herself nude and retired to the bath.

  One of the first things she had found upon arriving here was that the Quists had made an extra-special accommodation for her, and for Burton and Sondra as well. Lacertans as a rule seldom showered; they only bathed. But in the wall by the sunken stone tub in the floor of Brianne’s bath, there was a wide notch from which water could be made to pour down, forming a waterfall-like personal shower. Brianne turned on her “shower-fall” and stepped into the flow of warm water, feeling it figuratively wash away all the unpleasant memories of the evening and leave only the better memories—like what happened at the fountain. That, Brianne thought, was her favorite part of the opulent reception: the simplest part, the most intimate part. Shutting off the water, she wondered what the rest of tonight held in store for her. Or, more to the point, she guessed what it likely held. And she wondered how far she would really let it go.

  Reentering the bedroom, Brianne plucked her softest, most slippery, most feminine robe from the closet. She went to the mirror with it and slipped it on, wondering, Why did I bring this thing? This is the kind of thing I’d take on a vacation, a holiday. Why did I pack this?

  Looking at herself standing there with the robe open and her cleavage and the triangular thatch of her pubic hair showing, she pictured again the Quist twins as they had been on the terrace when they took off for that morning flight, and thought, I know exactly why I packed this. And I shouldn’t have. I set out to have professional boundaries here, remember?

  She stood there, pondering those boundaries that she had set, and the fact that she was going to be here for months, even years, working on the recovery of the cralowog species. Years in this place. Years with Conran and Donar, looking the way they looked, being who and what they were.

  And then, her thoughts returned, inevitably, inexorably, to that kiss at the fountain. She was with only one Quist brother then. Now, she was going upstairs to where both of them would be waiting for her.

  Boundaries? What boundaries? The boundaries started falling the minute you held his hand, the minute you let him kiss you—and you liked it.

  Presently, with her hair tied behind her head and her robe closed and fastened with its sash, she stepped through the access portal to the rooftop into the transparent dome on the roof. This was an enclosed observation area, with a fire pit, a bar, a grill, and ultra-comfortable furniture—the perfect place for stargazing.

  Outside, over her head, the entire panorama of the Lacertan night sky and all of its millions of stars sparkled at her. Beyond the dome lay a long, wide pool of perfectly blue water, perfectly lit—and two things even more perfect standing in it.

  The Quist brothers saw that Brianne had entered the dome and waved, smiling, for her to come out and join them. She found the sliding door to let her out onto the roof and stepped through it into the perfectly climate-controlled air once again. The shoes she had put on had just enough heels to make a little clatter on the polished stone rooftop as she made her way to the pool, which was surrounded by a collection of the same luxurious chairs and divans as inside the dome.

  The brothers stood in the shallow part of the pool, which was just up to their waists, admiring her as she approached. Brianne felt the greater admiration: for under the water, she at last caught her first sight of two large, powerful sea serpents. She could not help but smile. If those beas
ts of maleness looked that wonderful with the natural distortion of looking through the surface of the rippling water of the pool, she could well imagine how impressive they would be when they came up into the air.

  “You’re overdressed,” said Donar.

  Without a word, Brianne unfastened her robe, revealing the brassiere membrane clinging to her bosom and the thong she wore down below. She kicked off her shoes, tossed her robe onto a chair, and presented herself to her hosts.

  Conran and Donar looked at each other, then back at her, just mildly disappointed. “That will not do,” said Conran. “You’re on Lacerta. You’re overdressed for a swim.”

  The brothers crossed their arms and waited. Brianne peeled the molded gel garment from her breasts and sent it the way of the robe, then slipped out of the thong and left it at her feet.

  “Now you’re ready,” said Conran, grinning appreciatively with his brother and beckoning her. “Come on in.”

  Brianne stepped to the edge of the pool and down into the warm, warm water.

  The Quist twins took a moment to admire the way the water traced the curvature of her bosom. “Nice. So very nice,” Conran said. Donar, standing by him, nodded in agreement.

  “I’m glad you approve,” said Brianne with a soft smile, discreetly looking under the water at the tangible—very tangible, thoroughly hard—signs of their approval.

  “Now…,” Donar began.

  “Now?” Brianne repeated, her anticipation as buoyant as her body in the water.

  “Now…,” Donar continued, “…we swim.”

  And without another word, Donar and Conran launched themselves backward and began to kick under the surface for the deeper water of the pool.

  Brianne lunged forward and down, submerging herself, and kicked and stroked her way after them.

  The pool was of such a size that the three of them could maneuver about under the water with more than enough room to spare. It was practically a pond on the roof. The brothers swam in circles, chasing each other around the perimeter—and around Brianne. Pivoting around with kicks and twists, Brianne realized they were actually circling her, keeping her surrounded, as if to trace the perimeter or circumference of their territory.

  For a moment, she called back the rantings of their uncle about predators and their hunting instincts. That made her frown, and she had no more use for frowning and bad feelings tonight. For the rest of this night, Brianne wanted only to feel good. Very good. So, she banished those thoughts from her mind and instead imagined, whimsically, that Conran and Donar were a pair of cralowogs—either safe and sound on their home planet which was not in ecological distress, or cralowogs of the future, bred by her project here on Lacerta, in some lake or river of this world. She saw them as free, contented members of Damara’s species, innocently and playfully swimming in circles, perhaps courting a cralowog female, vying for her attention and favor.

  It was a lovely thought—almost as lovely as the sight of the brothers’ actual selves, their muscles rippling with every move they made through the water, their most impressive limbs bobbing between their legs as they went. Brianne had no question but that they were the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen.

  Brianne’s lungs started ever so slightly to burn, and she kicked her way back up to break the surface and gulp the air. A second after she surfaced, the brothers arose on either side of her, each of them at a couple of arms’ length. The three of them paddled that way, Donar saying, “What did I tell you? This is the perfect after-party, isn’t it?”

  “It is,” Brianne agreed, with the very distinct impression that the night was still young, even with the party well ended.

  “Ready to go again?” asked Conran.

  “Ready,” she said.

  She was prepared to dive back under when she saw the brothers’ horns staring to emerge, their hair to disappear and their skin to turn to scales. They were morphing. This time, they were going to swim as dragons. Oh, this was going to be even more fun than Brianne expected. In a moment, their human bodies gave way to their full dragon selves, and they descended as full dragons back under the water. Grinning widely, Brianne submerged with them.

  Now, they swam as before, Conran and Donar swimming in circles around her, but now it was two mighty reptiles with wings folded tight against their backs who made loops with Brianne in the center. She wheeled about, watching them with total fascination, admiring the tuck of their forelimbs against their sides and their rear limbs against the bases of their tails, the gentle undulation of their necks and the powerful twists of their tails that propelled them along their way.

  They reminded her of the time she swam with the seaweed lizards of the planet Silonius II, aquatic reptiles the size of adult male humans. The brothers moved like the lizards, which had adapted so beautifully to a marine existence. The animals were like a combination of a Komodo dragon and a marine iguana, reptilian lords of the water. Like all large reptiles, they were capable of holding their breath while submerged for much longer than a human could, up to half an hour or more. Soon, Brianne began to feel her very human limitations and had to surface once again.

  Conran and Donar surfaced as well, morphing as they rose. They quickly resumed their human shapes, and Conran began to swim to the shallow end again, making for the steps leading back up onto the deck. Brianne followed, Donar keeping pace with her. In a moment, Conran stood at poolside, shimmering wet from head to foot, and Brianne, reaching the shallow end and the steps, saw for the first time his proud erection in plain view.

  The sight of him that way was almost heart-stopping. Climbing up from the water, she gave a little start and jolt at a sudden sensation behind her, the surprising but delicious feeling of strong male hands on her bottom. She turned halfway round to find Donar pressing himself close to her, stealing a feel of her slippery-wet buttocks.

  Smiling, she glanced down his body to find the twin of what hung so long and hard between his brother’s legs. It was like the scepter of some ancient god of the ocean, rendered in male flesh turned pink with blood flow. Her scientific side guessed it must be twenty-three centimeters or more in length and at least fifteen centimeters around. Those were the only clinical thoughts she had; she could not think rationally in the presence of this foreskin-bearing member that was identical to its brother’s. Her rational side was falling away, and she gladly let it go.

  Brianne stepped out of the pool, Donar keeping close to her, groping her bottom and kissing her shoulders as they walked over to where his brother awaited them. At once, she was in the arms of both of them. Donar’s arms encircled her waist, and his hands moved down lower, his one hand rustling in her pubic hair and the other finding the folds of her sex, which had quickly become as wet inside as outside.

  Conran cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezed her nipples, making her moan sweetly, while he kissed her mouth and sucked her lips and Donar kissed her shoulders and neck and cheek and licked at her ear. Brianne felt as if she would soon turn as liquid as the water from which they’d emerged.

  Donar’s erection pressed into the cleft of Brianne’s buttocks, and he started to give her a slow, wet dry-hump, making her moan more loudly into Conran’s kiss. “Have you ever had a dragon man fuck you?” Donar asked.

  Under the erotic onslaught of the two of them, it was all Brianne could do to exhale, “No…” They felt so awesomely wonderful.

  “Never?” Donar asked. “All the places you’ve been, you must have met some of us.”

  Breathlessly, she replied, “I have. But…no. Never.” This, while Conran leaned down and kissed her bosom.

  “They were fools not to take you to bed,” said Conran, licking at her nipple. “And you missed the best lay. We’re going to fix that. You’re getting dragon dick tonight.”

  Totally helpless now and loving it, Brianne sighed, “Yes…”

  The next minute or so for Brianne was a blur. The next thing she knew, they had her lying prone on one of the divans, which was wide
enough for the three of them. Naturally, it was; to be sure, she was not the only woman who had ever been up here. With her last rational thought, Brianne realized that many of the furnishings of the roof must lend themselves to sex for three. So much the better, then.

  While Conran lay at one side of her with his face at her bosom, licking one nipple and squeezing the other, Donar parted her legs and spread wide the opening of her woman-cave where a male dragon found his treasure. He descended face-first into her dripping-wet, pink threshold and claimed what he wanted.

  With that, the boundaries were gone. After all the heated talk earlier in the evening about dragons conquering what they wanted, Brianne became the territory conquered and taken by two stunning dragons. They took her expertly; she surrendered unconditionally, their hands, lips, and tongues making her quiver from her skin to her core. She could do nothing else.

  She wanted to do nothing else. She gave herself over to wanting them, having them, and letting them have her. Donar’s tongue slid up and down the curtains of flesh at her entrance and swirled over and around the pulpy bud that nestled in them. He sucked at the bud with lips and tongue, making tremors of pleasure that shook her inside. Conran’s tongue and fingers worked on her nipples, making them feel hard and hot, his rhythm giving a sensuous counterpoint to what his brother was doing to her down below.


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